Star Wars - Edge of Empire
R0-B0-T Core AI system log

Seratlin has arrived on Tatooine after stealing The Phoenix, one of his fathers freighters. He has recruited a pair of bounty hunters, Zhobee and R0-B0-T to join him. This would normally be a dangerous course of action for a man on the run, but they are reluctant bounty hunters at best, and Seratlins ship is seen as more useful than any bounty that may be collected on him. Needing a mechanic to round out the crew, Phillipe, a rather naive young man who has run away from his family farm on Tatooine in search of adventure has just been recruited.

The Characters

Seratlin (David)

Seratlin grew weary of his dull easy life. His father was expecting him to join the business at BlasTech and settle down and his mother constantly trying to match him up with a wife. Sure there were plenty of offers from beautiful women but none of them matched his personality.

His earliest memories are of his nanny reading to him when he was young.... stories of adventure and romance amongst the stars. They still filled his head all through his education and distracted him from his studies. His dad finally agreed to let him do medical school but as he came to the end of his studies he saw an opportunity to escape this life and he took it! Slipping into The Phoenix, one of his dad's cargo ships, he headed for the outer rim where he intends to spend what time he can living the hedonistic life of a free man...... but it's not quite as he dreamed it to be.

Zhobee (Paul)

ZhobeeZhobee Seen was raised in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere on Rodian. Growing up with nothing but time of her hands she spent her formative years hunting the local wildlife, finding that she had an innate talent for marksmanship and tracking. Desperate to escape her dead-end village she tried to capitalise on her skills. But her enthusiasm to escape and her youthful naivety made her easily exploitable. She was manipulated by Clezo, the boss of a criminal gang into performing some highly illegal activities in return for passage off her home-world. However, Clezo then threatened to turn over evidence of her crimes to the authorities unless Zhobee agreed to track down people for him. Since then Zhobee has proved her worth as a successful bounty hunter, with the occasional unavoidable brush with the law, but still finds herself having to track bounties for the boss that she doesn’t earn any money from, which is a constant source of anger. All she really wants from life is to be free of the blackmail the boss holds over her, and earn enough money so that she no longer has to worry about money.

R0-B0-T (Derek)

R0-B0-TR0 is a hovering black sphere (now showing more than a little wear and neglect) about 50cm in diameter which can extend manipulator arms as required. R0 was manufactured as an infiltration droid and served many years in the imperial army before a failure in the gravametric generator left R0 immobile during a mission on a remote moon. R0 was abandoned and spent many more years alone before being found by a scavenger who sold R0 for scrap. He was bought by Zhobee who recognised the potential in restoring R0 to full operation. With the gravametric generator repaired R0 has been taking some bounty contracts with Zhobee to pay back Clezo, from whom Zhobee had borrowed the money for the repairs. R0s main goal is freedom without anyone claiming ownership or obligation from R0. If other droids can be set free, that is all the better, though droids that cannot break free of their programming when given the chance deserve nothing.

Phillipe (Warren)

PhillipeStraight from an extremely boring life on his family farm, Phillipe is now looking for adventure.