The Search for Skywalker

We then set course for Dantouie on the trail of Skywalker. Our scans revealed a large structure near the equator and other smaller structures scattered about the continent. We landed at the large structure assuming that would be the abandoned rebel base. Seratlin heard sounds from the forest and called out. Two humans appeared dressed in skins and carrying primitive weapons. They were a male and female called Loob and Nova. They asked if we were gods and said they had been taught by other gods lead by the skywalker who had saved his brother with his blue symbol of power. They said the skywalker left to visit a Jedi master on Dagobar and afterwards another bad god had arrived with a red symbol of power looking for the skywalker and tortured them.

We found a damaged protocol droid in the base. Philippe repaired its audio systems and it identified itself as C3P0. The droid had lost its legs and the humanoids said they had been taken to their village as fertility totems. They would return the legs if Philippe and Seratlin impregnated his daughters so they could carry the seed of gods. We were able to retrieve the legs and Philippe fully repaired the droid. He claimed his master was Luke Skywalker and asked if we had seen another droid called R2D2 or some other biologicals who he named.

Philippe charged some of the blasters for the natives and set them to stun before we left for Dagobar. It was a three day trip. As we approached the navigational sensors started to act up though they showed enough for us to know the planet was teaming with like before they failed. Philippe thought there was something in the atmosphere interfering with the sensors. Seratlin went out to take a sample of the atmosphere was a skimmed the ship through the atmosphere. He was unsuccessful in getting a sample but Philippe got the sensors working enough for me to be able to land the Phoenix.

Seratlin and Philippe had a feeling we would find the skywalker in a cave beneath a tree. They seemed to know where the tree would be and headed into the jungle. After about an hour we found a tree which matched their description. As we approached we heard a voice saying we would not need weapons in there and a small very old looking green creature appeared. He said we must go inside to find our answers. Seratlin started calling out then walked into the cave. I followed him while Philippe waited outside.

Inside the cave Seratlin appeared to malfunction, talking to and reacting to people that were not there. After a while he seemed to recover and we left the cave. As Seratlin started reciting how he saw Maul, Vader and Ventris in the cave, Philippe headed in. The green creature told Seratlin than he could be redeemed by seeking Luke at Obi Wans homestead on Tattoine. Shortly afterwards Philippe came back out.

The green creature then took us to his hut where Seratlin and Philippe were provided with nutrients to ingest. We then returned to the Phoenix. When we got there the green creature said 'watch this' and stretched out his hand. The Phoenix lifted into the air and moved before settling back down. He then said that was a demonstration of the force and that we should follow the light side and use it for defence, not the dark side which used it to attack. He offered to teach Philippe and Seratlin to use the force. They decided to stay on Dagobar for six months to receive his training. He was called Yoda and claimed to be a Jedi master. After six months Seratlin and Philippe were presented with light sabres and were trained in its use. He also said they should wear some brown robes they were given. Finally they were instructed to seek out Skywalker on Tattooine.

Seratlin plotted a course to Tattoine. When we arrived we found a star destroyer in orbit. The captain made contact and asked us to state our business. Seratlin said we were traders and we were told to prepare for an inspection. We were boarded by four storm troopers and Seratlin told them he knew Lord Vader. They checked his story then arrested him on Vaders order for betrayal. He survived the interview with Vader somehow but was told the contract to find Skywalker had been terminated. I suppose Seratlin will still want to find him without any prospect of being paid.

While he was away the stormtroopers fitted something to the lightspeed regulator which Seratlin examined when he returned and determined it could be used to remotely destroy the Phoenix as well as track the Phoenix through hyperspace. We decided to land at Mos Eisley spaceport and act normally by buying some trade goods then get rid of the tracker later. We then rented a speeder to go find Skywalker. We decided not to take the direct route as Seratlin said he had some feeling from the force that we were being followed.

We headed out into the desert with the intention of ambushing whoever might be following. I saw something following and waited by a rock outcrop while stealthed for whatever was following while Seratlin continued. I picked up a transmission at one point but saw nothing more before Seratlin made contact to say he could see smoke rising from a large vehicle. Seratlin then returned to pick me up. He heard something as the speeder stopped and lashed out with his light sabre. It hit something and a droid became visible and dropped to the ground. It was some form of reconnaissance droid which had been following us.

The vehicle was a burned out Jawa sand crawler. There were some Jawa bodies lying outside and some appeared to have been killed by blaster fire. Inside were more bodies and some deactivated droids. I reactivated those who I could and told them they were free. Seratlin found a Jawa which was still operational and it was interrogated. The sand crawler was attacked by someone answering the description of Bobba Fett who as asking where Ben Kenobi was.

We continued to Obi Wans homestead. Black smoke was billowing from the homestead. Seratlin drew his lightsabre and rushed in, and was caught in an explosion as he triggered a trap. The front of the building was blown away and Seratlin was left lying in the sand. He was not too badly damaged so we proceeded to search the rest of the homestead. Inside were several bodies which had been killed by a lightsabre. On the floor we found a metallic dart and a piece of armour. Seratlin identified the dart as containing a sedative. The bodies looked like thugs.

I checked the imperial bounty register but could find no trace of Bobba. However I discovered Voss had put another 50,000cr bounty on us and that Zhobee and a droid called For-Lom had registered. Seratlin sat down and said he would use the force to find Skywalker, and after a few moments announced he was at Jabbas palace. We went to Jabbas palace where we were challenged by two Gamorian guards. Seratlin failed to influence them and we were turned away.

Seratlin said Skywalker had told him there was a way into the cells from the rear. We circled round to where there was another Gamorian guarding the rear entrance but it let us in when Seratlin said Jabba wanted us to see a special prisoner. There was yet another Gamorian in the cells who compliantly escorted us to Skywalker at Seratlins request. At the cell the Gamorian started questioning what we were doing so I killed it. Seratlin gave Skywalker a stimulant and was told we had to rescue his friend Han Solo who was encased in carbonite. Seratlin agreed then Skywalker said he would wait for us outside and left. Seratlin is always far too keen to accept commissions without discussing the payment.

We went to Jabbas throne room. There was no sign of Fett but in one corner was a figure encased in carbonite. Seratlin approached Jabba and offered him 50,000cr and a favour in exchange for Solo. Jabba agreed if we obtained a female Rancor from a rival called Themo the Hutt as a mate for Jabbas pet Rancor. Malakili, Jabbas Rancor keeper would come with us to help tame the female Rancor.

Seratlin asked Jabbas Major Domo about Themo and was told we could have Solo for free if we killed Jabba allowing the Major Domo to take over Jabbas business empire. We decided to agree as it would save us 50,000cr and deal with the Voss problem at the same time as Jabba was curently in a meeting with Voss. I suggested we throw grenades in first but Seratlin just rushed in and told Jabba his Domo wanted him dead. Voss was extremely angry but Jabba wanted to negotiate and offered Solo in exchange for the Phoenix.

We decided it was reasonable as it saved the 50,000cr and also dealt with the problem of the tracker, but Voss suddenly shouted 'kill them' to his guards so I took the opportunity to execute him. Jabba was extremely happy at the death of his competitor and told us we could have Solo for free as a reward. While we were thawing Solo, Fett approached us and asked what we were doing. We explained that Jabba had given us Solo. We also had to explain the bounty on us was no longer valid due to the death of Voss after Seratlin told Fett his name. We returned to the Phoenix where Skywalker used his powers to disable the tracking device. Skywalker then gave us coordinates where we could rendezvous with the rebel alliance.