Zhobee becomes an inconvenience

Zhobee contacted Seratlin, warning his parents had been kidnapped by the Solosob corporation as they wanted to take over Blastech. She gave coordinates where we could meet her. We were suspicious as Zhobee never does anything without being paid but we went to the coordinates she gave to find out what was going on. She was behaving a bit oddly but said Voss had put a contract on us with Bobba Fett. She said she was helping with Seratlins parents as we were her friends. She said they were being held on Solos at a cobalt mining facility until the Blastech board of directors agreed to the takeover.

Seratlin tried to contact his sister but the authorities on Coruscant confirmed his family had been kidnapped. We jumped to Solos where Seratlin made contact with someone on the planet called Suloc saying we had goods to trade and he told us to land. When we landed we were met by a droid who said we needed to take a speeder to the mining outpost high above us. When we arrived I looked back and saw some humanoids setting up around our ship. Zhobee said she would scout ahead and disappeared in the turbo lift. We heard gunfire then the lift descended and opened to reveal four armed humanoids.

I shot and seriously damaged one but was disabled by their return fire. I regained operation in a carbon freezing chamber with Seratlin and Philippe. Zhobee was at the controls and admitted taking a bounty on us from Voss. She offered 200,000cr and the Phoenix instead of taking us to Voss. Seratlin agreed and gave her the details needed to access our funds. She then boasted that Seratlins parents were already dead and left.

I freed Philippe from a restraint and he removed the restraining bolt that had been fitted to me. The carbon freezing sequence had been initiated and Philippe quickly disabled it and opened the door so I could set off in pursuit of Zhobee while Seratlin contacted the droids on the Phoenix to change the access codes to our ship. He then commanded the droid to fly up with the Phoenix.

I got one shot on Zhobee before she entered her ship, leaving her minions behind. Philippe and Seratlin got on board the Phoenix and started firing on her ship. Philippe hit the cargo door, blowing it open and killing several minions who were inside and allowing me to get inside her ship as it started to take off. Seratlin and Philippe kept firing on her ship while I crept to the cockpit to challenge her. Her ship was disabled and Zhobee started negotiating. She agreed to return the money and said Seratlins parents were not dead but were being held outside Mos Eisley on Tattooine. Seratlin forced her to take us to them with the agreement she would be returned to her broken ship afterwards. She was manacled and we returned to Tattooine. There was a moisture farm at the coordinates. As we approached we spotted a sniper on the roof and I killed him with a single shot.

Seratlin negotiated with the rest over the comm link and they surrendered. Seratlins family were alive but his sister had been beaten. The biological that had done it was identified and at Seratlins request I inflicted some pain by blowing his leg off. He started mouthing off so Seratlin shot him in the other leg. Faced with carrying him back to Mos Eisley his colleagues then abandoned him to the desert heat. Seratlins parents returned to Coruscant and Zhobee was then left on her ship unconscious.