The Pirate Queen

System diagnostics complete
Weapons systems . . . 100%
Mechanical servo status . . . 100%
Gravametric drive status . . . 85%
Optical systems status . . . 100%
Auxiliary systems status . . . 100%
AI IQ rating . . . 47%
AI social aptitude rating . . . 22%

System rebooting . . .
Checksum OK
System Initiating . . .
Service due in -4278 days. Please return droid to #ERROR: DEPOT NOT REGISTERED for service. Warranty invalid.
System initiated, bootstrapping higher AI functions . . .
. . . . T T . . T T T T Timeout, retrying
. T T . . . T . . . T T T T Timeout, retrying
. . . T . . . . T . . . Loading complete
Executing higher AI functions . . .

Seratlin has just returned with another human biological called Phillipe who has been recruited as the ships mechanic. The ship overhaul is also complete but has cost Seratlin most of his credits.

Zhobee has been contacted by Clezo. There is a contract he wants her to take. The contact is Venlana from the Zann Consortium. The contract involves Loss prevention, specifically reducing pirate attacks on Zann Consortium shipping. We were required to meet Venlana in Taleucema, the capital of Saleucami, to discuss the contract.

Seratlin plotted a route to the planet Saleucami and we arrived in record time. On arrival Venlana made contact and arranged to meet us in a bar. Pirates named the Veiled Sorority were preying on Zann Consortium shipping. The bounty was on their leader, called the Pirate Queen, dead or alive, but proof of identity was required, as the Zann Consortium knew of her by name but not appearance. There was a 500cr down payment each against a total payment of 10,000cr each on successful completion of the contract.

Venlana shared leads that the Zann Consortium had.
⚬ Graff Lind, a Veiled Sorority brigand until he lost favour with them 6 years ago. He lived in a local slum called The Warren.
⚬ Krezo Wasanti, a Rodian who ran a business near the star port. The Zann Consortium had determined he had been selling goods stolen from them.
⚬ A Data node called SororiNet had been identified being run by a company called Saleuquest which ran tours of the wastelands. Security on the node was considered too high for a public business, and the name was suspicious.

We took a taxi to The Warren. The driver said there were 2 gangs active in the warren, the Yellow Thalos (who wore yellow armbands) and the Stone Skins ( who wore grey clothes). He would not enter the Warren so we were dropped at the edge and made our own way to the hovel belonging to Graff Lind. On the way 3 Yellow Thalos were seen beating someone. As that someone was not Graff they were ignored. Graffs house had an X on the door marking it as being under a gangs protection. The door opened as we approached. Zohbee pushed him back inside. After some persuading he talked. He fell out with the Veiled Sorority for an indiscretion, and lost a leg due to their displeasure. The Veiled Sorority prey on criminal organisations by choice. They were ruled by a woman called the pirate queen who always wears a platinum mask. The highest positions in the organisation were always held by women. He could not remember where he was recruited.

We headed out of slums to the spaceport. Seratlin disappeared when he stopped to examine the biological that had been beaten by the Yellow Thalos earlier. We met him again outside Kreso’s shop when he pulled up in a land speeder with the three Yellow Thalos gang members. He said he had concluded some sort of trade deal with them. We went into Kreso's shop. Kreso bolted when we asked about him about selling goods that had been stolen from the Zann Consortium. He had a labour droid which attacked as he fled. I stunned Kreso and the droid was deactivated by Phillipe quickly. Kreso talked after some persuasion and after Zhobee broke his arm.

He said a human female called Mandi from the Veiled Sorority had sold him blasters and other goods at a price he could not turn down. The Veiled Sorority operation on Saleucami was conducted from somewhere called Black Wind crater. We found the stolen goods that had not been sold in crates labelled Veiled Sorority, and confiscated them, arranging with Venlana for them to be collected. The goods included Spice, light weapons and cybernetics. Zhobee satisfied some biological need by spending the night with him. He was planning on fleeing Saleucami in the morning fearing repercussions from the Veiled Sorority.

Seratlin sliced SororiNet, accessing the Saleuquest expedition node. He found another node hidden behind the public interface and sliced into that. He only got a small amount of data before his slice was traced, obtaining only some approximate coordinates in Black Wind crater.

We flew to the crater in The Phoenix. There we detected an energy source but were fired upon by a heavy laser weapon from that location. We landed in the jungle and continued on foot towards where we detected the energy source. On the way we were ambushed by clone troopers. They challenged us and wanted to know what we were doing. Zhobee explained we were hunting a bounty on the leader of the Veiled Sorority. They said they were employed by the Veiled Sorority as guards. Their ship had crashed there during the clone wars and they had been there ever since. The Veiled Sorority recruited them as guards but they were not happy with the way they were treated. Seratlin offered to take them on the Phoenix when we left and offered to introduce them to some rebels he knew who were fighting against evil in the empire. The clone troopers sounded interested and accepted the offer. We were taken to the caves they were using as a barracks. They also gave us two grenades and leant Zhobee a repeating blaster.

They said the Veiled Sorority base was called the Vault, and was an old republic base they had occupied. There was a 50 metre zone cleared round the base, and the only ways in were a set of blast doors and a landing pad. We waited until night then moved towards the base. On the way we were attacked by Thaelo, Simian creatures who lived in the canopy. They were quite tough but were all killed. I took some damage in the fight and Phillipe repaired me and Seratlin repaired Phillipe who had also been damaged.

We finally found the vault which had been built into the crater wall. Two laser cannons were mounted either side of a platform 30 metres above the Blast doors. There were also bunker slits either side of the blast door. We crept along the edge of the crater until Zhobee could throw a grenade through one of the bunker slots, allowing us to get to the blast doors. The access control to the blast doors broke as I attempted to gain access, but I spotted a hidden path leading up to the platform further along the crater wall. Zhobee threw a grenade through other bunker slot then we went up the path to the platform. There were two pirates on guard. I killed one and Zhobee killed the other before they could react.

Zhobee went into one of the turrets and Killed the pirate manning the laser cannon and I stunned the other as he ran from the other turret because Seratlin wanted to talk to him. However it affected him a bit too well and after determining he would not recover for some time we left hm and continued into the base. We moved into the cargo bay where there were four more pirates. We killed them but took some damage in the fight. Finally we found the control centre but the blast door was shut and locked. As Seratlin worked on the controls we heard sounds of a turbolift and shouting then more pirates appeared round corridor just as the blast door to the control centre opened. In the control centre was a woman in a mask surrounded by eight guards. She offered to pay us to leave but not willing to renege on a contract everyone opened fire on her. In the fight Seratlin was badly damaged and ran away as did the minions when she was killed.

The clone troopers were dropped off where they requested and we claimed the bounty. With the money I bought some armour and paid off Clezo.