Probability One

The rebel scientists have been working on a prototype starship called Probability 1. Contact with the scientists had been lost after a distress signal was sent saying there was problems with the drive. The rebels wanted us to go to the last known location of the ship to recover it and bring the scientists back. They offered 50,000cr credits for the ship and each scientist returned alive. There were four crew on the Probability one. 3 humans, Captain Zac, lead scientist Mirax and scientist Maximilian, and the engineer Shaus who was a Wookie.

We were played the last transmission from the ship which was badly distorted but mentioned displacement flux. We jumped to the ships last known coordinates where we found Probability one adrift but the Phoenix's computer also registered a cosmic string phenomenon in the area emitting intense gravitation and radiation. The port side of probability one appeared to have sustained damage from an internal explosion.

I docked with Probability one and we entered the ship. In the centre of the command deck was a bright white spinning energy portal and the air was being sucked into it. Philippe scanned it and determined it was a displacement field of an unknown energy type. Philippe hacked into a computer in the captains quarters. The last ships log entry said they were about to test the internal flux engine at 100%.

We found a second energy portal in the science laboratory. In the cargo hold was a deactivated protocol droid floating in the zero gravity. Philippe determined its memory had been scrambled, causing it to shut down. I went outside to inspect the damage to the areas exposed to vacuum and saw another two of the energy portals in the damaged areas.

Philippe repaired the damage to the gravity generators and then we played back the security videos. The command deck showed the captain and an explosion was heard before the video turned to wavy lines which matched the profile of the cosmic string. The portal on the command deck was where the captain was on the video. When we tried we found that the sub light drives of both ships was inoperable.

Philippe said he sensed light through the portal on the command deck. Philippe restored the droid and added a booster to its comm unit before sending it through the portal with a rope attached. In a flash of light the droid, rope and Philippe, who was holding the rope, disappeared. The signal from the droid was out of range. After 30 seconds Seratlin jumped through after them, so I followed. The other side of the portal was a forest and there was a portal visible where we had stepped through. Seratlin sensed intelligent life nearby.

I took images of the sky in case the stars would help locating where we were later. It was night and there was a rainstorm. A small settlement could be seen nearby, visible in flashes of lightning. Seratlin called on his comm unit and had a reply whom someone who said he was a servant of the master in the castle. If we wanted to visit the castle we should go to the village and tell the alderman we wished to visit the castle. As we were discussing this, a primitive projectile weapon bounced off me and six figures on quadrupedal animals charged out of the forest towards us. Philippe killed one and I killed another. The others then turned and fled. The bodies were wearing primitive clothes and carrying primitive weapons. One of them was carrying a patch from a ships uniform with the label Mirax. It also had a smashed data pad.

As we moved towards the village we came across a human leading another of the quadrupeds which was dragging a two wheeled vehicle. The human said we should not go to the castle as it was evil but admitted one of the crew of Probability one had gone there. In the village I went with Seratlin into the local cantina which the human has said was called an inn. There was music which stopped when we entered.

Seratlin sang a song in exchange for a drink, then a figure entered who was identified as the alderman. He said welcome to the village of Bran and asked us to step outside where the coachman would be waiting. Outside was a 4 wheeled vehicle being pulled by two of the quadrupeds. Sitting outside on the front was a human wearing a hooded cloak.

I got on top and the others got inside the vehicle which then started bumping along the road up the mountain, pulled by the quadrupeds. The vehicle stopped at the castle gate. We made our way to the castle where there was a figure standing in the doorway. The figure said its name was Renfield and invited us to enter. Renfield said our friend was with the master. He asked if we were from somewhere called Moldovia.

The lights flickered and another figure was suddenly standing in the corner of the room. He said his name was Count Dracula. He was giving off no heat which was unusual for a biological. He cast no shadow in the candlelight either. Mirax was shown in. He said he wanted to stay but was acting strangely. Dracula was interested when he learned we were from another planet and wanted to travel with us. Seratlin then started acting strangely before announcing the count had affected his mind. When Seratlin moved to give Mirax a stimulant the count moved with blinding speed and grabbed Seratlins arm.

Seratlin and Philippe drew light sabres and we attacked. Dracula was hit several times then Philippe decapitated him. The head and body turned to mist which blew out the door. Philippe then killed Renfield. Mirax seemed to recover and told us he was sucked through the portal into the forest and was captured by men on quadrupeds and taken to the castle. Philippe set fire to the castle before we left. The quadruped pulled vehicle was not at the gate but there were some of the quadrupeds with flat seats on their backs in a building by the gate.

As Seratlin, Philippe and Mirax tried to get onto the quadrupeds, a huge hairy bipedal creature appeared in the castle doorway, growled then charged at us. When killed it turned to mist which rushed back into the castle. Seratlin, Philippe and Mirax then got onto the quadrupeds and we rushed back to the portal where we passed through onto Probability one.

Mirax started working on a way to close the portals while we entered the second portal. Beyond was a desert with a town in the distance. A vehicle passed nearby with US ARMY written on the side. Seratlin spoke to someone called colonel Nathan Phillips of the Us army who wanted to know who we were and why we were talking on a classified frequency. I have never heard of the planet Us, it must be somewhere in the unknown regions. He said he would send someone to collect us and to meet him at "Al's Diver" in the town. He seemed surprised we knew "the alien".

We found the diner and watched from a distance. A primitive vehicle pulled up and three uniformed humans got out and entered the diner. Philippe and Seratlin followed them in while I kept watch outside. They spoke with Colonel Phillips who was willing to release the Wookie if a crashed UFO was repaired for him. I saw them leave the diner and they were driven off in another primitive vehicle full of uniformed humans. I engaged stealth mode and followed.

The vehicle drove into the desert and entered a large building with the number 51 on the outside. Inside it appeared to be a primitive hanger bay where the Phoenix was parked. It looked very battered. Seratlin and Philippe were taken to a medical room where the Wookie was being treated. She appeared to have been shot with a projectile weapon. Seratlin treated her with a transfusion and stimpacks.

The Phoenix had no power so the cargo ramp would not open so Philippe started trying to connect one of the primitive generators that were in the hanger bay. Once the Phoenix was powered, Seratlin lowered the ramp and I slipped in. After a brief discussion, Philippe and Seratlin came on board with the Wookie to check it was safe before the Colonel who also wanted to see inside. As soon as they were on board, Philippe closed the ramp in the face of the Colonel. Philippe checked the Phoenix over. The fusion drive was offline and the coaxium was inert. Philippe got the fusion drive back online and we used the Phoenix to scan the area round the planet. There was a large rift in space about 20,000 clicks away.

Philippe opened fire on, and destroyed the hanger doors, then I took the Phoenix out and up through the atmosphere to the rift. We passed through and found ourselves near Probability one. Mirax said he had being trying to repair Probability One, and there had been an overload causing the new rift where the Phoenix had been docked.

We docked on the other side of Probability one and went through another of the portals. We found ourselves on a hillside overlooking a valley with a city in the distance. There was sounds of shouting and flashes of light across the city. Several flying vehicles were in the sky firing into the city and there were large wooden letters spelling "HOLLYWOOD" on the hillside above us. A large armoured vehicle in the city was firing back at the flying vehicles.

Philippe got no response on the comm unit so I scouted ahead, coming across three humanoid shaped combat droids with glowing red eyes. I approached and asked if they had seen any of the missing biologicals. They responded saying all humans were to be eliminated by order of Skynet and I was to accompany them to Skynet for interrogation. I stealthed but they appeared to have very good sensors, targeting me, and so I opened fire. They were well armoured and two shots did not disable one, so I retreated and circled round to meet the others.

They had met up with some humans and were heading to the city when they were ambushed by another four of the combat droids. Between us we were able to destroy them, but more of the combat droids and a flying vehicle started moving towards us. We fled with the humans to an underground complex in the city. I remained stealthed as the humans appeared to treat all droids as enemies.

Philippe and Seratlin were taken to a human called John Connor who was leading the humans. He said he had received chatter about a strangely clothed human which had been captured and taken to skynet. They were about to assault skynet to capture a time machine. Philippe explained that they had a droid companion and after their initial distrust they were willing to pay me in gold to help with their attack. Philippe managed to hack into the skynet systems and gained the ability to control individual combat droids.

I came online suddenly and found I was in a biological body strapped to a bed. Seratlin and Philippe were in adjacent beds. I had no recollection of what happened as moments earlier I was in the meeting with John Connor. A human male dressed in a white uniform entered the room leading four other female humans. He walked up to Philippe and addressed him as Philip Eapes. Philippe was told he was a car mechanic who lived in LA and was currently in Phoenix Memorial Psychiatric Hospital. The male told the females that Phillipe believed he was a star ship captain which was obviously crazy as Philippe was never the captain of the Phoenix.

Seratlin was addressed as Sir Ratcliffe by the male who identified himself as Dr Moss. The male addressed me as Rob Ottle and said I was a soldier in somewhere called Afghanistan and now believed I was something called a robot. Obviously he was delusional as R0-B0-T is my designation and that I am a droid. Another female who was called nurse came in and forced Philippe, Seratlin and them myself to take pills. We were then taken to a common room to meet other patients and watch something called a television. The room we had been in had ward 101 written on the door.

The television was a box with a screen on the front. Other humans were sitting watching the box including John Connor. Seratlin spoke to Connor who seemed to know who he really was. Connor claimed the medical staff were models of terminators - what he called the skynet droids. There two other humans in the room, a scarred human with breathing problems who Connor claimed was Lord Vader and Zac, the Probability one crewman we were searching for. Connor said we needed to get to the third floor to find answers in Dr Moss's office.

We were then taken for lunch where Seratlin caused a distraction while Philippe tried accessing a computer. In the computer Philippe read about a decoy being in place, a virtual reality environment and a need to keep it running until information about interdimensional transformation was gained. Moss (referred to as Dryden Voss) had a control device on his person. Another clear inconsistency as I shot Voss in the head at Jabbas palace.

After the lunch we were taken to another room and quizzed about dimensional travel and where the Phoenix was. Seratlin had his head put in water every time we gave answers they did not like. During this, for a brief moment Moss's arm flickered and appeared to be shiny with a control pad. One of the orderly's left and Philippe asked me to causae a distraction so I threw a chair at one of the remaining orderly's. Philippe and Seratlin jumped on Moss, and Philippe managed to press a button on a control pad on Moss's arm labelled end VR.

We found ourselves in an empty room. Seratlin, Philippe and Zac were bound to beds and I was magnetised to another table. There was no sign of Connor. One of the skynet droids was in the doorway, and turned and attacked when it realised we had escaped the VR. Seratlin summoned his lightsabre and freed himself and Philippe. Philippe removed the head of the droid with a single blow. I was freed but Zac was not as Philippe was suspicious about him. There were two more skynet droids in the corridor and I destroyed one with a single shot. It was far too easy and as Seratlin moved to kill Zac we heard a voice saying "Shut it down, initiate phase 2"

We found ourselves back in the hospital beds and I was a biological again. Dr Moss appeared again and we were taken back to the common room. Suddenly I found myself wired to a machine. Philippe and Seratlin had used their force abilities to break out of the VR environment. They had destroyed a skynet droid who had been running the VR and shut it down. Zac was also there strapped to a gurney. Zac answered some of Seratlins questions correctly so he was freed. I was also released from the machine.

Out of the window we could see the 'HOLLYWOOD' sign in the distance and a patrol of six skynet droids were leaving another building nearby so we hid until they started moving off. Philippe started an abandoned vehicle nearby and they immediately turned towards us and opened fire. The vehicle had a heavy plasma weapon which I used to return fire while Seratlin drove the vehicle away. As we got back to the portal, Seratlin received a call on his comm unit from Connor asking where we were. I ignored it and went back through the portal and Philippe followed. Shortly afterwards Seratlin followed with Zac.

We left Zac on Probability one and passed through the last portal. We arrived on the bank of a large river near a badly damaged bridge. Nearby was a human with a black visor lying next to a large rifle. On his uniform was the insignia RO397A and he had been shot and deactivated by a slug thrower. The rifle looked to be a primitive laser weapon. A metallic sign with the words 'Guys hospital' floated past on the river. Suddenly three strangely shaped droids emerged from the river, shouted 'exterminate' and attacked. One was red with a claw like weapon and two were blue with a weapon looking like a sucker.


I hit and badly damaged one which Philippe then destroyed with his lightsabre. I then destroyed a second droid and the third turned and retreated into the river where Philippe hit and destroyed it with his disruptor pistol. We then saw a squad of twelve men dressed like the dead one marching towards us along the river bank. Seratlin approached them and was told 'You will come with us or you will be exterminated'. I opened fire, destroying three of them as Philippe charged into them with his light sabre. They were quickly destroyed except for one who had stunned himself. The strange droids were being controlled by green tentacled creatures which we found inside the remains.

On the far side of the river was a building with four towers and near to it was a small child beaconing. Seratlin used his jetpack to cross the river and I flew over carrying Philippe. The child said we should stay under cover or we would be attacked by daleks (the strange droids) and be 'robotised'. We followed the child who went underground by a sign reading 'New Kent Road Underground Station' down to a large tunnel with metallic tracks. The child said we needed to stay in the dark where the daleks did not like to go.

We followed the child down the tunnel to a door on which the child knocked. It opened and the child gestured for us to enter. In the room was a large group surrounding a human sitting in a chair on wheels. He said he was called Dorkman and was the leader of the resistance against the daleks. He said the missing Probability one crewman Maximilian had probably been picked up by robomen and taken to the dalek ship to be converted into another roboman. Dorkman was planning an attack on the dalek spaceship when it next landed, and wanted our help.

Dorkman had developed magnetic explosive devices which they would use to attack the daleks. The daleks had some plan and were drilling at somewhere called Bedfordshire. After capturing their ship he wanted to stop their plan and block the signal they used to control the robomen. Philippe made some devices which he designed to block the signal while Seratlin went to get the body of one of the robomen for examination. He found they were crudely created cyborgs which were controlled remotely.

One of Dorkmans scouts reported the dalek ship had been sighted near something called 'Queen Victorias Memorial'. We travelled down the tunnels to where this space ship was. The ship was saucer shaped and stood on three legs. As Dorkman and his gang attacked, I flew Philippe to the ships ramp while Seratlin landed in the middle of the daleks.

I fired on and crippled the red dalek in the group, then Seratlin destroyed it then destroyed one of the blue daleks while Philippe crept into the ship. The humans used Philippe's devices and four of the robomen turned and started attacking the daleks. We destroyed the rest of the blue daleks and the robomen collapsed. We then entered the ship where we found Philippe who had just destroyed a black and a red dalek.

We searched the ship and found Maximilian with a group of humans in the process of being converted into robomen. Seratlin removed the cybernetic implants and Philippe taught the humans the basics of piloting the ship. We then returned to Probability one where we discovered Mirax had been restrained after trying to bite the Wookie. Seratlin examined Mirax and found he was infected by an unusual virus which he then created an antidote for.

Zac had repaired the systems enough to be able to close the portals. We then returned with Probability one to the rebel fleet. They paid for the bounties then asked if I would donate to the rebel cause. I don't think they really understood what it means to be a bounty hunter.

We were then invited to a conference with the rebel leaders. Beval Lemeiski, the engineer and designer of the death star was also there. Had defected apparently. A super computer with new death star designs was being shipped on a freighter called Virago. The mission was to intercept and liberate the computer while the freighter moved through an area of space that interrupted hyperspace. I negotiated indefinite maintenance and some weapon systems upgrades as payment.

We jumped into the middle of an asteroid field but I piloted the Phoenix out. We then intercepted the freighter which was sending out a jamming signal. The ship was the size of a frigate but was heavily armed and armoured. New upgraded Tie fighters streamed out as we approached. We engaged and I destroyed three tie fighters while our accompanying X-wing fighters engaged another two groups of tie fighters. We then docked on the freighter while under fire though Philippe did hit the edge on the hanger bay on the way in.

Twelve stormtroopers rushed into the hanger bay as we landed so we opened the cargo ramp and opened fire. While we were destroying the stormtroopers, another six ran in. Before we had destroyed all of those, Ventris ran in wielding two red light sabres. Seratlin and Philippe attacked her while I continued destroying the stormtroopers. Ventris was a formidable opponent but I shot and killed her after Seratlin knocked both lightsabres from her hands. I fired on the last of the stormtroopers as they retreated. Seratlin deflected the shots shouting about not firing on retreating enemies, but collapsed unconscious under the strain. We then secured the freighter and the supercomputer and returned it to the rebels. Beval checked the data and found the empire was in the process of building a second death star.

The rebels wanted to destroy the death star before it was complete, but it was being shielded during construction from the nearby forest moon Endor. They wanted a team to go to Endor to disable the shield generator so the rebel fleet could jump in and destroy the death star, which was only possible by destroying its core reactor. They wanted us to go on an imperial shuttle to the planet to attack the shields power generator, then lead the team attacking the reactor of the death star. I agreed in exchange for them agreeing to allow all droids in the rebel fleet to be freed.

We jumped to Endor where we were challenged by a star destroyer which was dwarfed by the death star under construction. We used some stolen codes the rebels had provided us and were granted clearance to land on Endor. On the way down Philippe decided to try to make the engine flare so as to look like we were in difficulty. However he managed to disable the engine entirely, throwing the shuttle out of control and causing it to crash on the landing platform and killing half the rebel troopers on board.

Stormtroopers and other personnel came running from the tower. I checked there was no one left in the tower before we engaged and destroyed all the imperial personnel. There was an incoming communication to the control tower when we investigated inside. Philippe answered and advised an incoming shuttle to stay clear while the fire was contained, but was told Lord Vader was landing anyway.

We quickly descended from the landing platform into the jungle below where there was a group of imperial scouts on speeder bikes which we cut down before they could react. We took the bikes and fled an approaching imperial walker but one of the bikes ridden by two of the rebel troops was hit and destroyed. We made our way through the forest to the bunker housing the generator. As we approached the bunker, we came under fire by blaster fire and saw Boba Fett descending through the forest on a jet pack. Boba Fett fired a missile which Seratlin blocked with his light sabre though his wild swing also killed a rebel trooper on the back of his bike.

Fett concentrated fire on me, causing serious damage, obviously recognising me as being more dangerous than the others. I hit him in return but was forced to retreat into the bunker which Philippe had opened. Inside the bunker the surviving rebel troopers started setting the demolition charges while Seratlin engaged Fett with his jet pack, finally beheading Fett after a prolonged fight.

We fled on a nearby shuttle as the charges were detonated, causing a huge explosion and chain reaction which destroyed the dish transmitting the shield. When we left the atmosphere we quickly jumped back to the rebel fleet which then jumped to engage the death star. We took the Phoenix to lead the attack on the core reactor with a squadron of X and Y wing fighters. The death star, which was not yet supposed to be operational, fired and destroyed one of the rebel cruisers.

We destroyed several wings of tie fighters on the way in. We also came under fire from turbo laser towers but avoided their fire before entering the death star superstructure. We penetrated to the reactor and destroyed it though the hyperdrive was damaged on the way, then raced out ahead of the blast wave but were hit by a turbo laser blast on the way out which damaged the sub light drives. We limped to the nearest rebel cruiser and docked. We were given honours for our actions and I addressed the droids on the fleet. Half the rebel droids elected to stay with the rebels and half wanted to set up a colony for free droids with myself as their leader. The rebel alliance agreed to help set that up.

Seratlin returned to Dagobar where he found Yoda was dying. Yoda told Seratlin that it was his task to lead the forces of the light side but that Philippe was turning to the dark side and would oppose Seratlin in the future. Meanwhile Philippe returned to Dathomir where he met Maul and became a sith lord...