
I saw on the Imperial bounty board a bounty on an MI-726 Security droid. We registered an interest and received more information. They were last seen in the Arkanis sector commandeering a freighter called the Kobiashi Maru. The owner Kijiro Vance fled in an escape pod and is now on Tattooine. We jumped to Tattooine where Seratlin asked his contacts and was told Kijiro was lying low in Mos Eisley. He got the name of a Cantina. Seratlin and Philippe went inside. I waited outside as they did not allow droids inside. There were two other droids waiting outside. I tried removing the restraining bolt from one but the stupid droid resisted.

MI726 Bounty

Inside they made contact with Kijiro and made a deal for the information and 15% of any cargo recovered. The cargo was deactivated trade federation B1 battle droids, B2 super battle droids, Magna guards and destroyers. The freighter was attacked by several old federation vulture droids and MI-726 was magnetically attached to one. Only Kijiro escaped. He gave coordinates of the attack and revealed Jodo had also been there. Seratlin thought the attack may have been to gain the droids with the intention of trying to reactivate them.

Seratlin remembered Geonosis, a planet inhabited by an insectoid race, produced droids for separatists and had large factories. They were wiped out by the empire 35 years ago. He tried to bribe the star port administrator to delay Jodo but after trying to negotiate down the price, got a fine for bribing an imperial officer for his trouble as well as the Phoenix being searched. Seratlin and Philippe met Jodo on the way out and they went to the cantina together. There was another bounty hunter called Dengar there intimidating Kijiro. Seratlin agreed with Jodo to team up and set a trap for Dengar to slow him.

We jumped to where Kijiros freighter was attacked and waited to ambush Dengar. As Dengar jumped in, Jodo jumped out, leaving us alone. As Seratlin had run his mouth off as normal, Jodo knew about the attempt to bribe the port administrator and that our next stop would be Geonosis. Seratlin started talking to Dengar who ordered us to drop our shields. Dengar did not wait long and fired missiles at us while Seratlin was trying to persuade him to team with us. One of the missiles hit before Philippe was able to jump us into hyperspace.

When we arrived at Geonosis we found a badly damaged droid control ship in orbit. We immediately received an SOS from Jodo saying he was under attack and needed help. Seratlin decided we would help but made a mess of piloting the Phoenix and by the time we reached him, we saw Jodos ship was spinning out of control. As we neared we saw several buzz droids on the surface and Jodo was screaming they were going to cut into the cockpit and he was going to suffocate. We heard IG72 in the background saying he agreed it was a 50% chance that Jodo would die. The reliance of air is a big weakness of the biologicals.

Philippe targeted and destroyed several buzz droids as I hit a vulture droid with the Phoenex's weapons. We succeeded in shooting down the vulture droids but were hit by a missile which contained more buzz droids and I had to go outside the hull to destroy them. Jodos ship was completely disabled. Seratlin docked with the remains of Jodos ship and let him aboard. Jodo had scanned the control ship and said it was armed with two turbo lasers but there were no vulture droids left.

We moved to dock with the command ship. It fired a turbo laser at us but missed, and we were able to enter the hanger bay. As we left the Phoenix, the blast doors into the hanger opened and a swarm of battle droids streamed in. They were quickly destroyed. Seratlin logged into a console in the control tower and started scanning for MI-726. As he did so, a group of super battle droids burst through the blast doors followed by a magna droid. During the fight Jodo turned and ran back into his ship because he got a bit dammaged. Most of the super battle droids were destroyed when a destroyer droid rolled in. Philippe managed to shut it down with his battle droid remote and finally the magna droid was also destroyed.

I engaged stealth mode and moved out of the hanger bay through one of the blast doors. As I did so a restraining force field sprang up in the hanger bay trapping everyone left inside. MI-726 started talking over the broadcast system asking me to join it and for the organics to drop their weapons. Jodo ordered IG-72 to step into the shield and short it. IG-72 foolishly did so despite my protests.We advanced into the droid control ship and encountered four more super battle droids in the main fusion core. They were quickly destroyed and Philippe redirected the plasma flows and cleared the plasma vents. We entered the vents and made our way to the bridge.

MI-726 was on the bridge with two magna droid guards. There were also battle droids at consoles. MI-726 wanted me to join its plan to rule the galaxy, destroying the empire and rebels and any biological that resisted. MI-726 said it was freeing droids but they seemed to obey all his commands. The others slipped back towards the main fusion core while I talked, but when MI-726 tried to fit a restraining bolt to me I decided MI-726 just wanted to rule everyone, including all droids, so quickly engaged stealth mode and disappeared back into the vents.

I caught up with the others as they approached the core. There were another four super battle droids guarding there. They were destroyed and Philippe started shutting down the reactor when two destroyer droids rolled in. I opened fire, damaging one and disabling its shields. It was disabled by further shots before the reactor core shut down. As the droid control ship shut down, so did the droids and the gravity, and shortly afterwards its orbit started to deteriorate.

The biologicals struggled to return to the hanger bay without gravity, and I had to assist them. The droid control ship started to tumble as we neared the hanger bay. One of the blast doors was jammed as the Phoenix had moved against it but luckily the other blast door was still clear. I dragged Seratlin to the Phoenix as Philippe and Jodo headed to escape pods. I then piloted the Phoenix from the hanger just as the control ship entered the atmosphere and started to break up. We picked up Philippe and Jodo from their escape pods, and Seratlin tracked another escape pod descending towards Geonosis. Philippe and Jodo opened fire on the pod but it disappeared into the clouds.

The surface of Geonosis was a radioactive red desert, blanketed by electrical storms. I landed the Phoenix on the ground about a click from the escape pod. The ships sensors detected two smaller signatures, one stationary about 100 metres from the escape pod and another moving away. We left the ship and headed towards the escape pod. Six creatures attacked out of the storm. They were metre tall, reptilian creatures called massives . I shot and killed one as they charged, then killed a second as they surrounded and tried clawing everyone. The power pack on Jodos rifle failed as he tried to shoot, and he was forced to reload In the middle of combat. As Jodo was fighting off two of the creatures I fired on one, but he moved into the shot and was killed. Still, no more than he deserved the way he treated IG-72. We finally killed the rest of the massives and continued onwards.

The stationary target was a magna droid. As we watched, something dragged it under the surface so we took a wide detour round the area and continued to follow the moving signature on Seratlins hand scanner towards a cave. In front of the cave the sand collapsed into a pit and a tentacle came exploring out, but we waited for it to subside then tried to cross the pit. Seratlin made far too much noise and several tentacles with barbed tips lashed out of the sand and a round creature with huge maw emerged. Seratlin fled into the cave and the creature sank back into the sand.

We ventured into the cave system and found the remains of one of the tentacle creatures which had died when something blasted it from the inside. Presumably MI-726 had been swallowed and blasted its way out. We continued through a room from which a huge insectoid creature emerged from behind a rock pile and chased us. We fled and were able to pass through a blast door, shutting it behind us. We found ourselves in an old droid factory. MI-726 was there and opened fire. I returned fire, blowing off one of MI-726s arms. MI-726 started talking about Professor Quilla and retrieving memories he had stored in me if we spared him. Seratlin opened fire and the fight recommenced. I was damaged in the fight but MI-726 was disabled and the memory core removed by Seratlin for future examination.