The Kessel Run

Vigo green contacted the ship. Seratlin knew him as the leader of the black sun crime syndicate. He wanted to meet and gave coordinates in the Tion cluster. There we met a star yacht with two star fighter escorts. Vigo invited us to dock. When we did so we were taken to the dining room where we met Vigo Green.

The planet Kessel is the main source of Glitterstim spice mined by the empire. Vigo Clezo was due to make a run to Kessel to get a shipment of Glitterstim. The job was to intercept the freighter, kill the crew and scuttle the ship. We were to take the spice as payment. We were warned the freighter would have three tie fighter escorts, single pilot craft, very fast ships with no life support, no shields or hyperdrive.

From there we were to go to an imperial outpost on Coruscant, where we were to plant evidence on a memory stick which implecated Clezo in a plot to kill Prince Xyzor. We agreed to the job. Zhobee was especially keen to eliminate Clezo because of his hold over her. After agreeing to the job, Seratlin and Zhobee played a card game called Sabacc with Vigo Green and another biological. Seratlin broke even, but Zhobee lost 500cr.

Seratlin made some calculations then we jumped into Kessel run, emerging right behind the freighter. The tactic did not help as the fighters were alert and immediately attacked. We succeeded in destroying two of the tie fighters but The Phoenix was disabled. Rather than continuing to attack, the freighter docked, presumably assuming we would surrender. When they entered through the dock we were waiting in ambush. We surprised them, killing seven stormtroopers and the crew. We offloaded the cargo onto The Phoenix.

As The Phoenix was disabled, we navigated out of the Kessel run in the freighter while still docked with The Phoenix. That limited our manoeuvrability a lot and we were hit by an asteroid on the way damaging the freighter. Seratlin decided to take the ships to Nal Hutta for repairs where we met Recca the hut. We agreed to swap the freighter for repairs to The Phoenix. We also sold the cargo of Glitterstim along with the rifles and armour from the stormtroopers to him for 16,000cr. The repairs were expected to take a week.

Seratlin and Zhobee then played Sabacc with Recca. Zhobee broke even and Seratlin lost 3500cr. Zhobee then spent time with a slave satisfying some biological urges she had. Later Recca organised a fight between Zhobee and his champion Flutterplume. 5:1 odds were offered on Zhobee so I invested 2000cr. It was a long slugging match and at times it looked like one then the other of the fighters had the advantage, but Zhobee finally won, giving me a return of 10,000cr. Zhobee and Seratlin also won large bets. I used some of my winnings to get some of my systems repaired.

When The Phoenix was repaired we jumped to Coruscant. We did not have much of a plan, and when contacted as we approached Coruscant Zhobee said we were trading in cleaning materials. On landing, the Phoenix was inspected by a squad of stormtroopers. Feigning stupidity seemed to get us through.

We hired a land speeder to get around. The memory stick needed to be planted at the top of Data tower Beta 3 which was in the security sector. Zhobee had a set of stormtrooper armour we had obtained from the freighter and she dressed in it when we approached the controlled border of the military zone.

We passed the checkpoint by following a squad of storm troopers who were heading towards the tower. On arriving at the tower, the squad was assigned patrol duty. Zhobee just followed them in but I was stopped and questioned, so when the guard turned his back I just engaged stealth mode and followed Zhobee in. She had been assigned to patrol a floor with two other troopers. They split up and followed separate paths round the floor so Zhobee immediately made for the stairs when she was alone and I followed.

At the top of the tower were the offices. Zhobee waited at the top of the stairs while I entered under cover of a stealth field. I waited until the door to the ISB office opened and took the opportunity to enter. I was able to upload the data while the biological in the office was distracted talking to another biological. I then followed them out when they left. Zhobee returned to her patrol then took the 1st opportunity to sneak off and leave the tower by climbing out of a window.

We returned to the speeder where Zhobee took off the stormtrooper armour before we returned to The Phoenix. At the port they questioned why we were leaving so soon and Zhobee explained no one had been interested in buying her cleaning equipment. After leaving Coruscant we contacted Vigo Green and updated him on our progress.

Clezo Bounty

After a few days Vigo Green got in touch again with details of a bounty the Black Sun organisation had raised on Clezo. They were offering 20,000cr alive or 10,000cr dead. Clearly the evidence had been found and they had been told to eliminate Clezo. Green believed he was on Tattooine and suggested speaking to Jabba the Hutt there. On the way to Tattooine we saw a Firespray system patrol craft called The Reaver which was owned by a bounty hunter called Jodo Caste. Zhobee knew Jodo and invited him aboard for a chat. He brought with him an assassin droid called IG72.

Jodo tried to plant something in the room where the biologicals deposit excreted waste but changed his mind when he realised he was being watched. Zhobee and Jodo made an agreement to split the bounty. We then flew to Tattooine and landed at Mos Eisley where we rented a speeder. We then headed towards Jabbas palace avoiding a Jowa sand crawler on the way.

We were lead into Jabbas throne room where Jabbas Major Domo spoke to us as Jabba was in a low power mode biologicals have to regularly enter. By Jabba was a control panel which looked to me to be linked to a trap door in front of Jabba. The Major Domo addressed Jabba who became animate and started talking. Zhobee negotiated with him for the location of Clezo. It cost 5,000cr and an owed favour. He was in an old outpost called Sondar base in the Jundland wastes. He had some old trade federation droids as guards.

We made our way to Sondar base, avoiding another group of Jowa on the way. We could see four trade federation battle droids standing at the base of the cliff where the base was supposed to be. There was no obvious base but as we approached and attacked, another four battle droids emerged from the cliff face on flyers with a destroyer droid. Clearly the entrance was hidden by a hologram. We destroyed them but Seratlin was damaged and required repairs. I was also took some damage, which Philippe repaired.

We passed through the hologram, into a short passage that lead to a set of blast doors. Clezo spoke on the radio pleading for his life. We ignored him and went searching for another entrance to the base as there was no way of opening the blast doors from the outside. We finally found another narrow entrance into the base leading to another closed door, but heard the sound of a ship powering up from inside the base. W rushed back to the larger blast doors and Philippe tried to jam them shut. He failed and the blast doors opened. Clezo flew out in a YT2140 transport, our shots bouncing harmlessly off.

We searched but found nothing in the base to suggest where he might go, so returned to Mos Eisley. Zohbee and myself asked around and discovered his ship was recently modified to be able to attach to an asteroid. Seratlin said the nearest asteroid field was is in the Ryloth system so we flew there. An energy spike was detected in the field and after a long search we traced the signature to a large asteroid. Clezo's ship was hidden in a meteorite crater on the surface. We opened fire and after a shot exchange, destroyed Clezo's ship, then claimed the bounty.