The Bonta Eve Classic Pod Race

We returned to Tattooine and when we entered orbit Jabba contacted us with a business deal, asking to meet at the great pit of Carkoon. Margo from the crimson dawn also contacted us. She worked for Driden Vos and said he wanted us to meet with him. We landed at the spaceport where we met Zhobee. The imperials had paid her the bounty for Quilla and had not cared about the stormtroopers we had killed.

We went to the pit to meet Jabba where he was on his sail barge. Seratlin got into an argument with another bounty hunter who was also there to visit Jabba to claim a bounty of someone frozen in carbonite while we were waiting to board. There was a queue of people waiting to be pushed off the barge into the Sarlak. In the queue were several criminals Seratlin knew from Saleucami. Seratlin talked to the guards but fortunately did not try too hard to get them reprieved.

Jabba wanted us to take part in the Bonta Eve Classic Pod Race which ran every few years on Tattooine. We were offered half of winnings (50,000cr) and a 10,000cr entry bonus. As well as winning we were to sabotage the racer of Jabbas rival Driden Vos. We agreed, and I forwent the bonus to clear my obligation with Jabba. We then went to meet Vos. He made a similar offer which we declined but we stayed for his party. His drivers for the race were called Timtoe, Bols, Arc, Wan and the race favourite Subolba. Seratlin talked with their mechanic who was disgruntled and open to offers but would want 25000cr. Seratlin talked him down to 17000cr.

On the day of the races I waited at Mushroom Mesa to take a shot at Subolba. The racers flashed past so fast that I only got one shot. Zhobee was in the lead for most of the race but crashed out at Canyon Dune Turn, allowing Subolba to win. Jabba was extremely upset and berated us for losing. At the post race party, Seratlin was approached by Driden Vos's engineer wanting his money. Seratlin refused then spoke to Driden Vos, then told us Vos knew about the sabotage and wanted the engineer caught. His story seemed to have a few holes and clearly the conversation with Vos was not quite what he was reporting.

We decided it would be best if the mechanic disappeared. Talking to some contacts we learned he had taken a job as an engineer on a ship destined for Listehol on the Hydian way trade route. Philippe programmed the nav computer and we set off in pursuit. The freighter was in orbit with a supply craft docked. Seratlin contacted the freighter and told them they had a dangerous criminal on board. Philippe faked a warrant and it was transmitted over. They seemed to accept it but wanted half the bounty. It was pointed out that we were docking and they could cooperate or not, so they reluctantly agreed to stun him and hand him over. We docked and after he was handed over we quickly departed. We left orbit then Zhobee deactivated the engineer and dumped the body from the airlock. He had a data pad which we also destroyed.