We were contacted by Senator Aario Mendregar, a speaker of the imperial senate on Coruscant. He wanted to commission us for some work. We were too meet him at the senate building on Coruscant for more details. We jumped to Coruscant and were given priority clearance to land. When we landed we were met by a red robed biological escorted by stormtroopers. He introduced himself as Senator Mendregar. He said four other senators had been assassinated two days ago and he wanted us to find the perpetrators. He was willing to pay 20,000cr for each, dead or alive and he would pay 30,000cr for the ringleader if captured alive.

The victims were:
⚬ Senator Cly Clem who was shot in his chambers.
⚬ Senator Ignasi Drecsor who was killed when his private air speeder crashed on the way to the senate building.
⚬ Severa Ufalen who was killed while attending a private sabac game in the Devious Jawa on level 999. Everyone at the table were beaten to death and the senators limbs had been torn off.
⚬ Yuanda Forestrider was killed at a Companions club called the Medusa Lodge. Someone saw a red light from under the door when it happened.

Nothing was captured on security camera at any of the locations. The camera inside Clems quarters malfunctioned for a few moments at the time of the attack. All senators were members of the TAAC (Technological Advancements Association Committee). Three other members of the committee were still live. We were given two stormtroopers to accompany us during our investigations.

We first went to the Medusa Lodge. The companion who had been with Forestrtider was called Celeste and was still alive. She was a blue skinned biological. When the attack occurred she was in the room with the senator where he had wanted her to dance for him. She explained that when she danced she released pheromones. She started dancing then remembered nothing more before waking up. She said she had dreamed of someone who had weird yellow eyes. Seratlin examined her and determined she was under the influence of the force. He tried to fix her but she screamed and said all she could remember was pain.

He gave her more drugs and suddenly her memory cleared. Was dancing when a flash of grey light came from the corner of the room. A woman appeared from nowhere. She had angular features and feline yellow eyes, and wore a black robe. She had two red laser swords which cut through the senator. She then told Celeste to forget everything and go to sleep before disappearing with another flash of grey light and a scream.

Philippe bought Celestes services and afterwards we went to the Devious Jawa. The room where Ufalen died had a smashed sabac table and there were impact marks and blood where bodies had been thrown against the wall. There were signs of a only brief struggle and the perpetrator was clearly very strong. Theree was large bare footed humanoid footprints only in the centre of the room. Five professional gamblers were killed with the senator. Had called ahead and spoke to chief of security, Agru, before arriving who had told the manager droid Ufalen was coming. Philippe scanned the room and detected a nuclear vibration. When Agru was questioned he ran and was stunned and detained. Philippe examined the manager droid and found evidence of tampering and residual ionisation.

We then went to the crash site. Philippe scanned and found another stronger atomic vibration and we found a spent large calibre slug cartridge in the wreckage. Finally we went to Clems apartment. Philippe could not detect any atomic vibrations but there was the mark of a blaster carbine on the wall and what Philippe identified a small droid part on the floor. The security footage from the camera showed the senator in his room, then a grey smudge in the corner of view as it turned to static. After 30 seconds the static cleared and Clem was dead on the floor. Philippe thought the interference could have been caused by nuclear vibrations. Philippe did further scanning and thought he could triangulate the source with time.

Philippe then performed more tests on the manager droid from the Devious Jawa and was able to retrieve a visual recording which showed a bounty hunter we recognised as Dengar take the droid outside and fire an ionisastion blaster at it. Philippe triangulated the source of the nuclear vibration to level 1313.

We requested another two stormtroopers then took the Phoenix down to level 1313 but hit another ship on the way leaving a dent in the side of the Phoenix. Philippe continued to scan and traced the nuclear vibration to a drinking establishment called the unknown bar. We landed at the nearest pad and left the stormtroopers guarding outside while we entered.

It was dark inside and there was three shadowy figures in the back of the room. Dengar, a black wookee and a Trandoshan male. Zhobee threw a grenade at them and the rest of us opened fire. Dengar and the Trandoshan died instantly but the wookee was relatively unharmed. The wookee did something on his arm and vanished in a flash of grey light. Philippe scanned and detected the atomic vibration back at the landing pad where we had left the Phoenix. We left one of the stormtroopers to secure the bodies and rushed back just in time to see a wookee designed ship taking off. We set off in pursuit and I opened fire at the wookees ship. He fired a missile back badly damaging the Phoenix but I fired another volley of shots, destroying the wookees ship.

We dropped off the Phoenix for repairs then returned to the bar to examine the bodies. They both had strange devices strapped to their wrists. One was badly damaged but Philippe was able to repair the other. The nuclear vibrations were from a void below the bar with no access but we were able to use the devices to translocate into the underground chamber. It was full of equipment and there was a biological at a console. I stunned him as he reached for a button. He had a data pad and ID naming him as Dr Nell Atgar and he was wearing imperial robes but without any insignia.

A red light started flashing on the console and a buzzer sounded indicating an incoming com link. Seratlin answered and spoke to a female who wanted coordinates for a Howen Go Brawe. He gave her the coordinates of the chamber and two timers appeared on the screen. At zero a droid and a biological materialised. We opened fire and a firefight ensued. They were heavily armed but we were able to destroy the droid before the biological dematerialised.

The female then said over the comm link that we would regret that, and another counter appeared on the screen. We translocated back to the bar with Atgar and Seratlin left some grenades behind for the female to materialise into. Seratlin then used one of the devices to communicate back to the chamber and a male voice answered. Seratlin kept him talking while Philippe prepared something explosive to send back to the chamber. The male offered to pay us off and told us to meet on level 1313 at Terminal 42 where there was a concealed docking port.

Philippes explosive device was sent and we heard the explosion below. Philippe then tracked two nuclear vibrations to a landing pad about a click away. We followed. I materialised with Philippe next to a ship but there was no sign of Seratlin. A female and a male were near the ship looking badly burned. I opened fire but the female deflected the shot with a light sabre. They attacked and I was badly damaged by the female with the light sabre. Seratlin finally materialised and joined the fight.

The male was killed but the female deflected everything I fired at her with her light sabres. I was disabled as was Philippe, and the female escaped in her ship though Seratlin was able to warn Senator Mendregar to send imperial forces in pursuit. Myself and Philippe were repaired and Senator Mendregar paid us 100,000cr for the bounties. He offered 50,000cr for the female should we find her in the future. The imperial inquisition and lord Vader would try to track her and they were offering a retainer of 10,000cr. We accepted except Zhobee who decided she did not want to be tied to the empire and would go her own way.