Stormtrooper X

We received notification of a bounty being offered for Stormtrooper X. It was being offered by Narbuj Desilijec Preor the Hutt. We got further details. Stormtrooper X used an N-1 starfighter, a type of which we had not heard of. Seratlin suggested someone in a Shadowport might know more and suggested we visited one which was in orbit of Queyta. The station was cloaked but decloaked when Seratlin broadcast that we were traders.

Stormtrooper X Bounty

We docked. Seratlin spoke to the administrator and learned the N-1 fighter design dated to the clone wars and was used by the Naboo. Further conversation and Seratlin agreeing to some obligation to perform a shipjacking in the future, the administrator admitted some of Stormtrooper Xs associates were due later that day to negotiate buying more fighters. He sold us a tracking beacon which Philippe would try fitting to one of their ships.

Many hours later the pirates finally arrived. One stayed with their fighters while the others went with the administrator to negotiate. Seratlin and Zhobee started fighting as a distraction while Philippe crept over to their fighters to fit the tracking beacon. The pirate watched the fight then went off with Zhobee to spend some private time together. He seemed to like women who had fights. The pirate told her about stormtrooper X and suggested she could join them. She was given some coordinates where to meet them after stealing the Phoenix.

The tracker showed them jumping to the Steniplis system in the outer rim. The coordinates given to Zhobee were in the same system. When we arrived there were 6 fighters and a corvette. Seratlin hailed them and received a reply from stormtrooper X. They were expecting the Phoenix and they wanted us to help raid another pirate called Bandin Domar whose base was in an asteroid in the Formos asteroid field.

We jumped to the coordinates X gave in the Formos belt and emerged near a large asteroid riddled by massive space slugs. A sentry drone in orbit transmitted a warning to the asteroid as we approached, and 12 star fighters with a modified light freighter emerged from a hanger.

Three fighters and the freighter moved to engage the Phoenix as the others headed to Stormtrooper Xs fleet. We were hit hard but destroyed them. Stormtrooper X lost three fighters but was also victorious. We landed in the hanger on the asteroid. There were 10 pirates in the hanger bay who surrendered after we had permanently broken 8 of them.

We all received an equal share of the loot and Stormtrooper X invited us to join his crew. We were given coordinates to his base on Prexiar in the Steniplis system. After we landed the pirates consumed alcohol with Seratlin to celebrate while Philippe repaired some of the damage on the Phoenix. Late that night I entered Xs quarters with Philippe and shot X while he slept. The shot badly wounded him but he reacted with lightning speed, snatching his rifle and shooting me. Philippe fired and finished breaking X.

The pirates heard the shots and started shouting. Philippe put on Xs helmet and started ordering them about. We succeeded in getting to their corvette before Xs body was found and were able to take off in it. Meanwhile when the alarm was raised Seratlin took off in the Phoenix. Seratlin jumped but Philippe failed to program the corvette navicomputer before the remaining pirates caught up with us in their remaining fighters. The corvette took damage and we destroyed one of the fighters before we succeeded in jumping to hyperspace.

We met Seratlin at Nal Hutta and contacted Narbuj Desilijec Preor the Hutt who paid us. We also sold him the corvette for 30000cr. On board the corvette was a shipment of Coaxiam hyperfuel which we also sold to Narbuj Desilijec Preor the Hutt for another 6000cr.