Game Of The Name

We were on Ord Mantell when I spotted Jeramiah Brady who was worth 10,000cr. We followed and stunned him to collect the bounty. An imperial trooper arrived, called in our claim then took us with Brady. We were left waiting in a room where we had to wait for 5 hours before being taken to another room with a female biological and two stormtroopers. Her name was Cheli Arpra and she was head of genetic research and a cloning specialist. She said Brady was a failed cloning experiment who had what she called a clone stinger which could infect other biologicals to turn them into Brady clones with nano bots. The experiment was intended for infiltration of enemy lines but Brady became unstable, and escaped from facility on Coruscant. We were offered 10,000cr to capture the real Brady, and 5,000cr per Brady copy.

We interrogated the prisoner who was called Lambar Lur, a female biological who was picked up by Brady in a nightclub called Five Star three days ago and spent the night with him. She lived at Star Tower residences in apartment 25001. Seratlin used a memory scanner on DNA sample from entry wound on back of neck which revealed the nano bot infection was while they were performing biological coupling. Afterwards Brady accessed Lur's computer and made a withdrawal. Also on the screen was the words Plexi P? and Sarlacc.

We went to the Star Tower residences then I had to go back as Seratlin forgot to get her key. There was a weapon scanner at the entrance so Seratlin made a fuss until an official arrived, Piana Matura, who was manager of Star Towers. Philippe got security access to the building after she was threatened with obstructing imperial business. The apartment had balcony access so I hired a speeder to gain access from the outside while the others entered from the inside. Camera footage showed two Bradys inside so we were prepared when went in and stunned them. Both were Brady clones, having marks where the nano bots were injected.

We searched the apartment and Philippe accessed the computer terminal. 1 million credits had been withdrawn from Lur's account. He also found queries in the search history for Plexi Peak, a star ship trader and a bar called the Insatiable Sarnacc in the industrial sector, known in the underworld for recruiting mercenaries. We handed the clones to Arpra then went to the Insatiable Sarnacc. Outside we were attacked by street thugs, and we disabled them permanently. We then went inside. Seratlin got into an argument with a Wookiee which degenerated into an exchange of blaster stun shots before everyone calmed down and the Wookiee, who was called Kakksskk, offered to help us find jobs as mercenaries for a fee. He told us Brady had arrived earlier looking for mercs, and left having recruited 12. There was a smell of knock out dust in the room he had rented for the interviews.

We then went to Plexi Peak where we had to threaten the owner to get him to talk. Brady purchased 12 Z95 headhunter fighters and a YT2500 freighter which were delivered to the Jubilee wheel yesterday. The wheel was owned by a small time crime lord called Bunji. Seratlin bought some supplies to trade at the wheel and we headed there. As we approached we were contacted and told the wheel was closed for renovations. Seratlin tried to convince them he had good stuff to trade with them but they seemed unconvinced and six fighters from the wheel headed towards us. As they closed we opened fire, destroying three before they could fire on us. They got one shot before we destroyed the rest.

We docked and made our way towards the control room. Seratlin opened a blast door into one of the spokes of the wheel. In the corridor beyond were five figures wearing space suits, not that it would affect me if they decided to depressurise the wheel. One of them was manning a heavy repeating blaster. We killed the figure manning the heavy blaster but one of the others just took his place. One hit from it had nearly disabled Zhobee so I shot the heavy blasters power pack, causing it to explode. Both Seratlin and Philippe were disabled before all our opponents were destroyed and Zhobee needed to perform repairs on them.

Philippe noticed the depressurisation sequence for the hanger bay had been triggered and all the biologicals raced back to the Phoenix while I clamped onto a bulkhead. Biologicals can be so fragile sometimes. Only Zhobee reached the Phoenix before the area depressurised and she set off in the Phoenix to try to retrieve the other two before they were permanently disabled by the effects of a vacuum.

She was successful and the Phoenix entered another hanger bay where Philippe attempted to disable the controls before that hanger bay was also depressurised. He succeeded in gaining control of the whole system and depressurised the whole of the wheel except the bay they were in. When I reached them, Zhobee went in pursuit of the figures who were blown into space. She succeeded in capturing five who were in space suits. They all looked like Bradys.

Zhobee then re-docked with the wheel and we made our way to the control room. All the computers were locked down. Philippe sat at the console for a while and was able to access the computers where he discovered Brady had been looking for ways to speed up his cloning process. He was heading to the planet Kamino as the Kaminoans were experts in cloning and had agreed a contract with the administrator of Tipoca city for 1000 clones.

We cashed in the Brady clones giving a total of 25000cr then jumped to Kamino. The jump took two days. Kamino was a water world and did not allow people to carry weapons. We landed and Seratlin told them Brady could not afford to pay the balance for the clones he ordered. We were taken to Brady. There were seven Bradys in a room and when they realised the Kaminoans would not make the clones without full payment they ran for their ships and we went in pursuit.

We found ourselves pursuing a freighter escorted by six fighters. We assumed that Brady would be on the freighter so prioritised disabling it. A phenomenal shot from Phillipe destroyed the freighter’s hyperdrive, and knowing that they now could not escape us we turned our attention to destroying the six fighters. It was a relatively straightforward task, although their homing missiles did cause a bit of damage to The Phoenix.

Once the fighters were dealt with, Philippe spliced into the freighter’s systems and disabled everything apart from the life support. With the vessel now helpless we docked and prepared to storm it planning to stun Brady and any clones with him into submission. Unfortunately we either over-estimated our abilities or under-estimated Brady’s abilities - probably both. On opening the airlock door we expected to be greeted by a hail of gunfire, but the ferocity of the fire took us by completely surprise. Brady was there with four clones and very quickly they took down Seratlin, and badly injured Zhobee and Philippe.

Clearly a frontal assault was not a good plan, so Philippe, who still had complete control over the freighter’s systems, closed the airlock door and we undocked, which sucked all the Bradys out into space. We figured that as this had worked before it might work again. Some fine flying from Zhobee meant that we retrieved all five Bradys before they died in space. But there was still some fight in the original Brady who had some kind of stinger weapon in his mouth. A dart hit Philippe as he was trying to restrain Brady. Fortunately a timely blast of stun fire from Philippe and Seratlin managed to render Brady unconscious before he could do any more damage. As Brady passed out the four clones also collapsed, much to our relief.

With the Brady and his clones now secure we returned to Doctor Arpra to claim our reward.