The Imperial Inquisitor

Magda gave us Voss's schedule and warned us he had a sophisticated security system we would need to bypass. She also said she could distract the guards for a few minutes. Voss never left his ship but had a meeting with the governor of Tattooine in the morning. The security system was installed by a company called Tech Noir on Tattooine. We visited their offices and learned their platinum security provided Biorhythm, retina scan and digital input protection, and that all the data was held on their secure server.

While there we caught the attention of a blue skinned biological called Sylus. Seratlin spoke with him at a cantina and found he used to work for Voss but they had departed acrimoniously. He would get the access Voss's security system details but wanted 50% of anything taken. Seratlin negotiated him down to 45%.

A few hours later we received a message from Sylus saying he was done. We met him outside Moss Eisley where we were given a data chip with the information. We then returned to Voss's ship and arranged with Magda for her to provide the distraction while Voss was in a meeting. She arranged for an announcement about a coolant leak on the hanger deck and called for all security personnel. Voss came out of his personal rooms and told one of the security guards to stay then left in a hurry with the others.

I shot the guard and threw him out an airlock while Seratlin scanned the Sith holocron and created a hologram of it, then presented the data chip to unlock the cabinet so he could swap the holocron for the hologram. We then returned to the Phoenix. I contacted Voss to say we were going to do some trading and he told us to be back in 12 hours. We went down to Tattooine where Seratlin spent an hour with the female imperial official he had previously performed biological functions with. She arranged for someone to deactivate the tracking device Voss had put on the Phoenix while they were busy. Seratlin then scanned and found another tracking device which he disconnected and threw out of an airlock while we were heading to the rendezvous with Ventris.

We jumped to the coordinates in deep space she had given where we met her ship. We were told to dock and she came aboard. She insisted that she enter the coordinates to where her master was and that I had to deactivate. I went into a low power mode but did not shut down completely and she did not notice. This force stuff is not all powerful apparently.

After several hours Seratlin was manacled and lead off carrying me to meet her master. He was left in a room and his blindfold was removed to find himself with Maul and the game hunter Garnak. He was told to reactivate me so I returned myself to full power. He wanted the holocron and we handed it over. He was happy with the holocron and wanted us to go with Garnak and Ventris to the sixth planet of the Hoth system and take the holocron with us. We were to locate a Sith temple on Hoth and retrieve data for Maul. The holocron would be needed to access the data and bypass any security. Maul gave us a 30,000cr chip to pay off Sylus. Ventris said she would pay off Sylus for us but when she returned she said he was not there and gave us back the credit chip. It was clear to me that she was lying, but it left us 30,000cr better off so I was not going to complain.

While we were waiting, Admiral Piett contacted Seratlin saying Lord Vader believed he had a lead on the rebel force user and was sending an imperial inquisitor to help. Seratlin told him the inquisitor could meet us on Hoth.

We jumped to Hoth where Seratlins astronavigation skills brought us out in the middle of an asteroid field and I had to pilot us out. As we approached Hoth, three huge ion blasts came from the planet towards the three ships. I narrowly avoided the first blast but the ships systems were badly affected. Seratlin started an emergency reboot but it was not quick enough and the Phoenix was hit, knocking out all our systems. Seratlin worked frantically to bring the systems back on line and wired me into the ship to provide some power. I was able to regain just enough control bring the Phoenix down to land safely.

Seratlin plugged me into Garnak's ship to recharge me but miswired the connection causing a system surge so Garnak had to rewire me properly. After recharging we headed towards something Ventris detected with the holocron. Hoth was an ice planet and the biologicals needed to wear protective clothing. We found a fallen imperial walker half buried in the snow. A scan showed lifeforms inside the walker. Seratlin wanted to investigate so I engaged stealth and went to look. Inside the walker was covered with ice and there were eight large white hairy indigenous creatures so we ignored them and moved on.

Suddenly we were attacked by blaster fire. Ventris used the force to capture one while we quickly killed the rest. He was a space pirate. They were using the ion cannons to disable passing ships and had taken over the abandoned rebel base. Ventris read his mind and determined there were another 50 pirates at the base, that there was a back entrance to the base and another from the Ion cannon control. Ventris said the holocron was showing the Sith temple was at the same location as the base.

We headed to the Ion canon which was mounted on top of a cliff. I flew up while Garnak fired a grappling hook so the others could climb up a rope. Seratlin used his jetpack. There was a blast door into the canon structure itself. As we approached, several huge creatures (wompers we learned they were called) burst from mounds of snow and attacked. Everyone, including Ventris was damaged in their initial attack. Seratlin took off with his jet pack but one of the creatures just started throwing huge blocks of ice at him. Philippe had his leg broken off and Garnak was blinded in the fight but myself and Ventris cut through them. Ventris used her force powers to repair Philippe's leg and Garnak's eyes.

Philippe sliced the door and we forced it open. On the inside was blood splatters and several corpses. There was roaring and sounds of blaster fire from the only tunnel out of the ion cannon structure. Philippe disabled the cannon controls then we entered the tunnel and made our way towards the base. Ventris distracted a group of three of the wompers eating dead humans at the end of the tunnel while everyone stealthed past.

We entered the base and found a large ice tunnel where Ventris said the holocron indicated we should go. I explored while stealthed and found the tunnel to descend for several hundred metres at an angle. It levelled off and there were many side tunnels. It ended with a precipice with a dull red glow beyond. The others came sliding down after me.

The precipice looked over a vast cavern. The light came from a pyramid in the centre of the cavern and a narrow path lead downwards. At the base of the pyramid was six stationary cyborgs with glowing red eyes. As we approached, Seratlin received an encrypted transmission from someone called the fifth brother. Seratlin gave him our coordinates but Ventris became suspicious and Seratlin admitted about the inquisitor and convinced her he intended to lead the inquisitor into a trap. She ordered us to go back to the ion cannon and shoot him down before he landed while she retrieved the data.

We made it back to the ion cannon and saw three tie fighters descending on the sensors. Philippe repaired the damage he had inflicted to the controls. They wanted me to operate the cannon but I still intended to collect the bounty on Ventris so deliberately missed knowing we would need the inquisitor to take her. Ventris called Seratlin on his comm link and Seratlin broke his communicator as he did not want to speak to her. She communicated with me and I told her we had missed. Garnak was then told to give Seratlin his comm unit.

I waited until they had finished talking then shot Garnak, killing him instantly knowing Garnak would try to protect Ventris. I then explained to Seratlin and Philippe that we never renege on a contract. Seratlin gave the inquisitor the coordianates of her ship and was told they would intercept Ventris in space. We were told to help. I waited with the ion canon while Seratlin and Philippe went to the Phoenix. Then when Ventris toolk off I shot and disabled her ship with the ion cannon, allowing the inquisitor to board and capture her. I then took Garnak's ship and rendezvoused with the others. The inquisitor said Lord Vader was pleased and wanted to offer us a new contract.

We jumped to coordinates we were given and met a super star destroyer. We were ordered to dock and were lead to the private quarters of Lord Vader. Vader said he had another bounty for us, someone called Luke Skywalker who was part of the rebel alliance. He was wanted alive though his friends could be eliminated. The contract was 80,000cr on delivery. Apparently he was a pilot who had helped destroy something called a death star. We were given a lead that the rebels had an abandoned base on Dantouie.

After we left we received two encrypted incoming communications. Voss wanted to know 'how we did it' and said to be back in 12 hours. Maul wanted to know what had happened to Ventris and Garnak was he had heard nothing after Ventris reported the mission was a success. He wanted so see us and gave us coordinates. Seratlin passed the coordinates on to the inquisitor. We were then told to help the inquisitor take Maul by disabling his ship so he could not escape.

Seratlin negotiated selling Garnaks ship then we went to meet Maul. Maul was sitting on a throne. He questioned us about Ventris but we just said we had not seen her since we left Hoth. After being escorted back to the Phoenix we went down to the engineering section where Seratlin started distracting some of the engineers with card games. They seemed board and easily distracted giving Philippe time to access the console for the power relay and set it to cut power when the ship tried to enter hyperspace.

Back at the Phoenix, Seratlin contacted the inquisitor who said he wanted us to disable as many fighters as possible. We snuck into where some of the fighters were being refuelled and ensured they would not be ready to launch. As we got back to the Phoenix, Maul contacted Seratlin and asked why he was still on board, then demonstrated his displeasure by damaging Seratlin. We left Mauls ship quickly and gave the inquisitor the go ahead. He said we needed to stay and help defend against the remaining fighters.

Philippe flew the Phoenix to intercept three of the fighters which turned out to be very dangerous and we only destroyed one before the Phoenix was crippled. Philippe performed some emergency repairs as I hurriedly flew the Phoenix into the star destroyers hanger bay. The inquisitor reported Maul had been captured and allowed us to repair the Phoenix before 'getting on with the bounty on Skywalker'.