Seratlin becomes Archibald

Seratlin received a call from his father (biological who triggered the manufacture of Seratlin) which he took in private. He then told us he wanted to go and meet his father on Coruscant. His father was CEO of Blastech and was offering to forgive Seratlin for taking the Phoenix in exchange for helping with a problem he had. He believed his father was genuine so we agreed to go with him for the possibility of gaining the Phoenix officially.

On Coruscant we met with someone called Haversham who was a servant for Seratlins father. Seratlin forced the speeder to stop when he realised it was not heading to his fathers home. Haversham said his father had moved to a smaller home. When Seratlin continued to question Haversham, he suddenly pressed a button and the canopy of the speeder was jettisoned. He flew away using a jet pack as we opened fire. Zhobee hit the jet pack, causing him to crash in flames.

I investigated the crash site while stealthed and found the body no longer looked like Haversham, instead looking reptilian. The others found the body of Haversham in the luggage compartment of the speeder. Havershams body was dumped in a rubbish compactor, but three stormtroopers who saw us were efficiently made inoperable by Zhobee.

We then went to the emperors museum, where Seratlin had arranged to meet his father ‘where his mother took him when he was six’. Seratlin spoke with his father and learned there had been attempts on his life. His father had split with his mother and remarried a woman called Aura. The attempts included an air speeder had been tampered with, and a surveillance droid which was shot down near his house.

We then went to visit Seratlins mother (person who manufactured Seratlin) who was living at his grandmothers house (biological who manufactured the biological who then manufactured Seratlin). These biological relations are difficult to follow. It seems very inefficient for individual biologicals to manufacture new biologicals and assign all these relative connections with each other. She did not know much but said the new wife was a rich socialite and much younger. His father was called Mithal. We then went to finally meet Seratlins father at his mansion. We were met at the door by a protocol droid C9-D4.

We were to be paid 700 credits per day. Mithal required an escort to a board meeting the following day then to a demonstration of a new blaster. He kept calling Seratlin Archibald, apparently Seratlins real designation. A blonde female biological with another smaller female entered the room (female biologicals are the ones who manufacture other biologicals, but male biologicals are required to start the process. I do not understand the purpose of male biologicals. Perhaps they serve as a regulator to prevent the females manufacturing new biologicals at an unsustainable rate). They were identified as Aura and Seratlins sister Sersi (Sister is another biological relation, referring to a female biological who is connected to another biological due to being manufactured by the same biological).

I Investigated the mansion while the biologicals refuels, but did not find much. While doing so I received a message from Professor Quella, my creator, giving coordinates on Tattooine in Mos Shuta and a request to come urgently. I will inform the biologicals I travel with that I require travelling to Tatooine once we have secured legal possession of the Phoenix.

Mithal received a message overnight. “You will pay for what your company and the empire did to Zolan and my people. Zam”. Mithal admitted running trials of experimental radiation weapons which badly effected the inhabitants on Zolan. Archibald traced the message back to a nightclub in the city sector called the Star Destroyer. As the nightclub would be shut, we took a speeder to the Blastech office to provide security for the board meeting. The meeting was moved from the boardroom for security to a room without external windows. During the meeting a speeder pulled up outside the boardroom window piloted by an assassin droid which fired a missile into the board room. Zhobee and myself moved into position and returned fire. We disabled the assassin droid but not before we were hit by a mini missile, taking much damage.

Zhobee jumped across into the speeder and flew it through one of the holes into the boardroom for further investigation. The droid had been under remote control from a location about a klick away. Philippe got a fix and we set off in the speeder. We almost got to the target speeder before we were spotted. The pilot was a Wookie. We set off in pursuit as the speeder flew off.

We exchanged fire until Zhobee was able to force the Wookie to land and we continued the chase on foot as the biologicals would say, finally succeeding in killing it. When it died the Wookie changed form into a female reptilian creature.

We recovered an encrypted credstick from the speeder and returned to the Blastech offices but it was swarming with troopers, so we returned to Mithals ranch where Zhobee retired to a Bacta tank for the rest of the day. Archibald unlocked the credstick, recovering 4000cr and identifying the owner as Zam, a Clawdite from Zolan. Mithal gave us a 500cr bonus and passed The Phoenix over to us, though we said he would require an occasional favour from Seratlin.

We then took the Phoenix to Tattooine to investigate the message I had recieved. There was a star destroyer in orbit round Tattooine and The Phoenix was boarded for a customs inspection. They found a disruptor pistol and rocket launcher that Philippe had hidden, and after Seratlin annoyed the inspector by talking we were fined 20,000cr.

The traffic controller granted us permission to land at Mos Shuta. He advised us that the blockade was because they were looking for a professor Quilla and gave us a description. There were imperial troopers everywhere looking for Professor Quilla. The coordinates I had received lead us to a cantina. Quilla was sitting at a table in disguise. He wanted help, and we decided to take him back to the ship to find out more. On the way we were intercepted by troopers who recognised Quilla.

We opened fire killing some of the troopers. Zhobee initially fired on the troopers, then decided to open fire on, and kill Quilla, shouting he was claiming the reward. The rest of us fled to The Phoenix, taking off and jumping as soon as we cleared the atmosphere, leaving Zhobee to her fate. Apparently her fate was not so bad, as soon afterwards we received 2500cr each into our accounts, apparently our share of the reward.