Chief Medical Officers log Dr. Kar’tak Stardate: 49046

After a trip through another Galaxy refer to our Chief engineer’s log. We found a Being named Balor that caused severe disruption to ships operation through psychic abilities. Our ships counselor did save a crewmember from spacing himself, thanks to balor’s influence on said crewmember.

After that encounter we have tried to fix our deuterium reserve problem. Going down to a Y-class planet we met copies of my pet targ Tribble (from, my Childhood), Lt. Armstrong (not a current crewmember) and Cmdr. Vokaya (after his consent was given I painted his manipulator arm blue to differentiate him from the original), the identifying feature is that they have two Elements that shouldn’t be around in any of those lifeforms if they are being scanned.

After that we got also psychically interfered with via an organic Cosmosoan lifeform that was trying to consume us, they tricked us by scanning our thoughts and sending out other Parts of it that posed as family members,  old emotional interests and so on. They attempted to get us into the main lifeform that posed as a wormhole back to the Alpha quadrant. a bit of research and experimentation later I found out that administering a dopamine blocker to the crew via the environmental systems solved the Illusion they caused. Apparently they caused a state of euphoria amongst the crew; once the euphoric state was blocked they turned into their real form, an organic blob with one Eye and tentacles.

Continuing with the dyson sphere incident Crewmembers started coming in with symptoms of insomnia, fatigue, nausea amongst others into sickbay. I figured that many shared symptoms came from a lack of melatonin in their system, the culprit were extradimensional assailants that came out of a subspace dimension. Same assailants used us as guinea pigs for their experiments, the Commodore got implanted with a microscopic device in his Cerebellum that Quigg and I managed to alter, to function as a tracking beacon. After a bit of rather difficult neuro surgery they fell for our trap the commodore and we laid out for them. The Plan we came up with was to get him abducted so that we excactly knew the dimension they take people to and also close the rift that came from there in the cargo bay. He really went all out to save the crewmembers that got abducted with him into subspace. After I tended to his injuries he sustained during the encounter I plan on getting that transmitter out of his head since it still is a foreign device that could potentially give him radiation poisoning.

I wonder sometimes what other crews in the fleet call us for our wild adventures and our unusual solutions to problems. We lost quite a few crewmembers during this far away trip, unfortunately these casualties were unavoidable which griefs me. I sometimes wish I could save everyone but that is statistically impossible. I can just do my best and at least try to save as many people as possible. Depending on how our trip back to Starfleet HQ goes I intend on getting some relaxing Exercise on the holodeck and maybe visit some interesting places on earth or maybe visit some seminars in the Academy.

Dr. Kar’tak Chief medical officer Signing off