Stardate 48915

Vokaya returned and was reassigned back to Chief Scientific officer. Ensign Laudra Grirrehl, a female joined trill also joined the crew. We had continued the survey of the Shackleton expanse when a wave of tetrion particles from nowhere hit the Luna. Ship wide system failures. Jaro and Kar'Tak were stuck on the holodeck with the safety systems offline.

Phazenna worked to shut the system down while Vokaya determined the tetrions had originated from the Abyssa system 12 light years away. It was a G type star with 11 planets, but only Abyssa 7 was in the habitable zone. It had a crystalline surface with amethyst coloured oceans.

We found a corrupted data packet had appeared in the Luna's systems at same time as the tetrion burst and had been part of the tetrion wave. Phazenna worked on reconstructing it and determined it was a form of SOS.

Scans detected the only structure on the surface of Abyssa 7 was an installation on a small island. There was a large quantity of deuteriun and about 1500 life forms inside the structure which appeared to be a refinery. Two fighter craft on an intercept course were also detected on the far side of the planets moon as well as several freighters on the far side of the planet.

The fighters attacked but were ineffective, Jaro disabled them and the pilots were beamed to the brig. They were Bolian and Yridian. Interference was affecting our scans of the refinery. The Luna was then hailed from the planet. It was voice only which sounded like a disguised Ferengi voice. They apologised for their over zealousness rear guard and meant us no harm. The voice said they would welcome a delegation to their facility. Finally we got a visual of someone calling themselves Mishran Vol.

An away team consisting of Jaro, Kar'Tak, Vokaya, Zevin, Captain Wilson, two security officers and two prisoners beamed down where they found the refinery was being run by a female Ferengi called Lishka. Half a dozen of their workers had gone missing, lost in a submersible while exploring the sea floor.

Myself, Zevin, and Arkangel, one of Mihaly's fighter pilots were assigned to pilot shuttles to search the planet for the missing workers. After six hours six humanoid lifeforms were picked up at the bottom of a 30,000 metre deep trench. There was also strong electromagnetic interference from a cluster of crystalline structures at the same location. The lifesigns were fading.

I beamed down to the refinery to check their submersibles which had been offered for a rescue attempt. They seemed suitable though small, so myself and Vokaya were assigned to take one while Kar'Tak and Zevin would take the other, and Laudra would pilot a stripped down shuttlecraft to bring the missing workers back.

During the rescue attempt the shuttle got into trouble. I went out of the submersible to assist and the tether broke. After some difficulties I got back to submersible, then moved to grapple the shuttle. Suddenly there was a disturbance in the water round us. There was a great tortional stress on hull and the submersible sprang a leak so I surfaced quickly. I had however managed to secure the shuttle and I worked t repair it.

The other submersible continued in the rescue attempt. Kar'Tak had to administer neuro peptide blockers to resist some form of psychic episode they were subjected to as they descended. At the bottom they found a growth of glowing crystal and the missing workers were in crystal cocoons. Liquid inside cocoons was permeating their bodies at the cellular and sub atomic level, keeping them alive. The glowing crystals were emitting an energy pattern similar to a human brain. Zevin started cutting the cocoons away, then loaded the cocoons onto the submersible and returned to the refinery.

A storm was brewing. The clouds raced across the sky and there were breakers on the sea, but we felt no wind. We then saw a freighter lift off and ascend towards space, while Vol and others were heading towards their interceptors.

Captain Wilson spoke to Lishka. She was worried, and said the storm was artificial, created by a creature in the ocean. A Nadion particle wave was used to disrupt the creature in the ocean, and we returned to the Luna. In the Luna's sick bay Jaro was sweating and clutching at the air with his hands. Kar'Tak gave him neuro peptide blockers as he suspected psychic influence. Residual tetrion particles were detected in sick bay but were rapidly decaying.

Kar'Tak asked me to put together a sonic emitter running at a specific frequency he determined could be used to cut through the cocoons safely. Forces from the refinery started attacking the ocean and Captain Wilson ordered the Luna to fire on them to get them to stop.

A Klingon was first to be revived from a cocoon. He said 'stop pain'. The Captain then received a telepathic contact saying it was very painful and that the entity was the entire ocean. The Captain then forced Lishka to shut down the refinery and the entity dumped Deutronium and Latinum into a waste reservoir in gratitude. Lishka then agreed to work with the entity, an obvious outcome as it would do much of the work for her.

Stardate 48929

We continued surveying the Shackleton expanse. Dr Kar'Tak has taken up a new hobby. In his own words:

Chief medical officers personal log: after our successful exploration mission in the Shackleton expanse I decided to try some recreational cooking. I went with an earth dish referred to a bacon cheeseburger. I was surprised how well I went this time and how tasty it was, I might do some more experimentation with recreational cooking in the future maybe this is a new hobby in addition to my collection of all things weaponry. I hope I can improve my cooking to make it a regular enjoyment. End of log. Dr. Kar'tak signing off.

We had been surveying for two weeks when the Luna picked up a distress call from nearby planet called Rikyu. The planetary governor requested assistance so Captain Wilson ordered the Luna to warp 9.975. Rikyu was a small type K star and was suffering highly localised seismic disturbances. High resolution scans showed a gigantic snake like creature more than 60 metres long attacking buildings in the outskirts of a city. There were no life form readings in the city, but several hundred saurian creatures were ineffectually fighting the creatures with phasors and photon grenades.

The Luna fired at the creature with a phasor bank. The creature followed it like a cat follows a laser dot and we were able to distract the creature until the phasers overheated and cut out but the creature was distracted from the city and wandered off.

An away team was invited down to their capital city which they called New Zaraneth and a delegation was sent to meet us. We were told the creatures started attacking their cities a few weeks ago before returning to the mountains where they could not be tracked. The creatures appeared to be attracted to refined metals and the Saurans believed they were not native and thought they had been brought to Rikyu to attack them. Their military commander (General Zotobiya) wanted the Luna to help destroy the creatures. They warned the creatures carried parasites which dropped off which looked insectoid but possibly a primitive form of the Saurans, and were very aggressive.

Captain Wilson then received message from the Vorta Taris requesting assistance. They were 1.3 light years away, so Jaro, Kar'Tak and myself were called back to Luna. Captain Wilson then ordered the Luna to rush to the rescue at warp 9.95 again. That will be another double shift I will need to take to service them afterwards.

We found two Jem'Hadar battleships fighting each other. The Luna identified Taris's ship then attacked the other. The shots had little effect and their fighters turned on the Luna, firing phased polaron beams that cut through our shields, damaging the phasor arrays. Contacted Taris advised us to adjust the shields to a rotating pattern in the higher bands. The Luna destroyed one of the fighters and other one turned back to the Jem'Hadar battleship which then jumped to warp.

Taris requested medical and engineering assistance so I was ordered to beam over as part of an away team. Her ship was badly damaged and I estimated it would take 20 hours to fix.

Kar'Tak was asked to look at a founder. A creature which the Vorta and Jem'hadar worshipped as gods, and which Kar'Tak had been previously asked to assist. It was covered in sweat and convulsing, and had become ill after our last encounter. It had then split in two, and the second darker founder (which became known as a beta founder) had ran amok before beaming off the ship. We were told it was on the ship that had been attacking them, and wanted to purify the founders by cleansing something called 'the great link'. We were told the founders home world was a liquid ocean, where founders merged together in harmony, a process that was called the great link. The new beta founders behaviour was erratic and violent. If it found and infected the great link it was likely to be disastrous, and the problem appeared to be spreading as there were reports of other dominion ships attacking dominion ships.

Captain Wilson reported the situation to starfleet who promoted Wilson to fleet admiral and was told he would be given the USS Defiant for a mission if we had to go through the wormhole.

I made repairs to their ship which took 10 hours. Kar'Tak studied the founder and determined it needed to be recombined with the beta founder to cure it. I was asked to remain in board with Phazenna to monitor their warp drive . The dominion ship was able to reach warp 9 and I took opportunity to study their systems and managed to download tactical information on their systems while improving the warp drive efficiency.

Stardate 48931

It took two days for the Dominion ship to reach DS9. Captain Wilson decided to take the Luna up to warp 9.95 to get there earlier. An unnecessary strain of the warp engines in my opinion.

At DS9, Kar'Tak discovered Commander Sisko was actually one of the beta founders when it took Wilson and Kar'Tak hostage on board the USS Defiant. It wanted the federation to not interfere while the great link was cleansed. Kar'Tak stunned it then Odo was summoned and he put it in DS9's brig.

When the Dominion ship reached DS9 I transferred back to the Luna where unknown particles were detected emanating from cargo bay 1. Phazenna was told that Captain Wilson had assigned a security detail to cargo bay 1. She tried to scan, and got an 'authorisation by Admiral Wilson only'. When the Captain was asked what was there that might affect ship systems I was told to erect a force field around the cargo bay. I went down to scan and calibrate the force field. Clearly there was something in the cargo bay the Captain did not want the crew to know about.

Stardate 48932

Bajoran Science VesselCaptain Sisko asked Captain Wilson to investigate the disappearance of a Bajoran science vessel and if possible recover the crew. The Vedic assembly also asked us to investigate an illness so the Captain and Kar'tak beamed down to Bajor to talk to a medical team there. The illness on Bajor was being caused by theta radiation. Scans showed theta radiation in the atmosphere which was increasing, probably as a result of the planet being bombarded from space.

Phazenna scanned and picked up the ion trail of the missing ship. She also detected theta radiation, which is an antimatter residue. The Luna followed the trail at full impulse until suddenly an anomaly appeared in front of the Luna. It was similar to a wormhole and lead to the Delta quadrant. The Ion trail lead directly into it.Spatial Vortex

Malon Export VesselThe Luna launched a probe into the vortex and it detected a ship on the far side. It was trying to lock a tractor beam onto a Borg power source in a nearby gas giant. The ship was venting theta radiation waste into their side of the cortex. The Luna then lost contact with the probe. Probably it was destroyed by the ship.

Captain Wilson ordered the Luna into the vortex. The substantial gravimetric sheer inside required manual piloting so Phazenna took the Luna through. On the far side the Ion trail from the Bajoran ship headed towards the ship we had detected. Scans detected Bajoran liveforms inside the ship which was as long as a galaxy class starship, but wider and more bulky. The ship was hailed. They were Malons, and admitted to having the missing Bajorans on board, and said they had rescued them. Captain Wilson, Vokaya, Kar'Tak and a medical team went to their ship to discuss the situation. I gave the captain technical details about how theta radiation could be recycled for him to pass on to the Malons. I then started programming quantum torpedoes with the aim of using them to collapse the vortex after we travelled back.

The Luna's sensors picked up a Borg vessel on intercept. It was travelling through a transwarp corridor at warp 9.9999 and would arrive in about 5 minutes. It was slightly smaller than the Luna, some sort of probe ship. Drone appeared. A Borg beamed into engineering and headed towards a console. I tried stunning it with no effect and it injected console with tendrils. Other engineers then fired on kill but even that did not seem to bother it. Finally security arrived and killed it. The Malon vessel fired on the Borg ship, causing a breach in its hull. They also had to deal with Borg beaming aboard. The Luna fired, causing more damage which destroyed it.

I then worked on strengthening the shields on a shuttle to allow us to retrieve the Borg probe inside the gas giant. There were some unusual events on the Malon ship. A guard in theshuttle bay disappeared, and a scream was heard in the distance receding. The Malon were scared of a mythical creature called a Vahar, and they thought one was in the waste reclamation area of the ship.

Phazenna took the shuttle to retrieve the Borg probe. Sensors picked up a multi phasic SOS signal emanating from it. She locked a tractor beam and towed it out. As she did so, emissions from the trans warp exit point suggested a class 13 ship was entering the conduit at the far end, most probably a Borg cube. Quantum torpedoes were fired to try to collapse the conduit. They were successful in collapsing the conduit temporarily and forcing the cube back out of the far end of the conduit.

On the Malon ship, they were losing contact with their engineers and a security team, and there was a growing risk of a containment breach risk.

The Borg probe was secured in shuttle bay 2, but a hatch opened and a Borg drone emerged. Jaro led a security team to counter the threat. Twelve drones were defeated but two security personnel were seriously injured. Kat'Tak and his staff managed to save them. I was called to the shuttle bay to examine the probe but half way there was told to report to the Malon ship instead. Zevin, four security officers and my engineering team were all ordered to take a shuttle to the Malon ship.

As we left, the adaptive camouflage system was activated to disguise Luna as an asteroid after more activity was detected in the trans warp corridor.

When we arrived there were no Malon in their shuttle bay except for a body. I detected a huge increase in thata radiation, and were had clearly been a containment failure. My scans showed the safety system had been deactivated deliberately and someone had opened a manual release valve.

I went to the aft release valve and sent others of my engineering team to the stern release valve. When I had sorted the aft release valve I went to Realign the braces and engine relief vents to fix them. Zevin's security team was attacked by a mutated Malon, whose name was Dremk according to his name tag. They killed it but Ensign Befoon Frev was also killed in the fight.

We returned to the Luna for decontamination just before three Borg cubes emerged from the transwarp conduit. Captain Wilson ejected the Borg probe and the Malon ship tractored it in. The Borg ignored the Luna and one cube activated a tractor beam on the Malon ship. The Malon ship fired on the Borg cube and another cube started cutting off the Malon ships weapons.

The Captain ordered a torpedo to be fired at one of the Borg cubes. Whatever it was, it was not a standard torpedo as it destroyed the Borg cube in a single hit. The other two Borg cubes quickly disengaged and re-entered the transwarp conduit.

The Malon's were warned not to continue dumping the Thata radiation into the vortex before the Luna passed back through the vortex. Back on Bajor it was reported that Thata radiation levels were falling and we had been successful.

Stardate 48933

I was ordered to report to the USS Defiant as the chief engineer for the mission through the wormhole. Zevin was to command the Defiant with Kar'Tak as medical officer. The Defiant was to support the Luna and Dominion warship for the mission. Odo was also asked to come on the Defiant.

We were given clearance to pass through the wormhole. During transit the Luna suffered major turbulence and had to turn back after a plasma discharge. The Defiant followed but the Dominion ship did not. DS9 was not there when we emerged from the wormhole, and there was a discrepancy between pulsar references and the ships chronometer. We calculated that we had returned 114 years in the past, 64 years before the Cardassian invasion, at the height of the second Bajoran republic. Chronoton particles were detected throughout the ships. The bridge was locked out of one of the sensor systems, and Vokaya started experiencing episodes of blackouts. Vokaya was told to report to sick bay. However, when Vokaya did not show at sick bay investigations revealed the sensor lockout had been activated by Vokaya himself and that he had altered the Luna's shields inside the wormhole which caused a verteron instability and plasma discharge. Vokayas com badge signature was no longer being detected and Kar'Tak was ordered back to the Luna. Security then found a tunnel melted down to the main computer core.

The Captain ordered a forcefield erected round the computer core, and when security reached the core, they found Vokaya trying to break through the forcefield. He was glowing red and security stunned him before he was secured in a forcefield in sick bay while Kar'Tak examined him. When he recovered from the stun, Vokaya did not remember anything of recent events.

I started working on how to modulate the shields to reverse the time shift effect and get us back to the present. The Captain tried to mind meld with Vokaya. The Captain collapsed as a flaming creature flew out of him, through the force field and through the door. Later it was seen to enter Jaro who collapsed. The creature matched descriptions of a Par wraith.

I beamed back to the Luna to start making adjustments to the shield, but when I arrived, Kar'Tak asked me to create a chronotron beam to trap the par wraith. I started working on Mihaly's Borg regeneration unit which I thought might be adjusted to generate a chronoton beam.

Jaro regained consciousness but his eyes were on fire. Security stunned him but he stood back up when security tried to apply restraints. He looked to be about to fight then allowed constraints to be applied. He was bought to main engineering where he said the Par wraith was called Dagan Lo (Ivu's assistant). Jaro spoke with a womans voice, wanting a shuttle craft to take 'them' to Bajor and for us return through the wormhole. I turned the chronotron beam on and a firey figure rose out of Jaro. It seemed to be in agony. It turned and looked at Jaro, screamed then disintegrated. Zevin ordered Jaro to be taken to sick bay for tests.

I started a level 1 diagnostics to check all the calculations were correct before returning through the wormhole. A plasma storm started forming around the aperture of the wormhole which took two days to subside. That gave the diagnostics time to complete and for the Luna to send probes to get more information about pre invasion Bajor. Jaro resigned his commission and beamed down to Bajor with a warning not to do anything to disrupt the timeline.

Stardate 48935

The Defiant and Luna returned through the wormhole to the present and docked at DS9 for a full inspection. Captain Wilson recovered from the failed mind meld during this time.

Stardate 48937

The senior staff were ordered to report to DS9 for a briefing with Admiral Hanson in Ops. Aleth was also there. Hanson said he was a civilian who was being assigned to the Luna as a specialist. We were given a secondary objective to conduct an experiment which required deployment of a subspace relay booster to attempt direct contact with the Alpha quadrant from the Gamma quadrant.

Zevin, Vokaya, Odo and myself were assigned to the Defiant. Both ships entered the wormhole. Inside we picked up a sensor reading matching the Dominion warship. It was stationary in the wormhole, no lifeforms were detected and we picked up no power readings. Sensors showed it to be in some form of stasis, surrounded in a static discharge around the hull. We used a tractor beam to tow it out of wormhole. When we emerged, the Dominion ship returned to normal. The lack of life signs or detectable power had been due to the stasis effect. Talis hailed. They had only missed us for a few seconds. She thanked us for helping them and gave us coordinates to the Omarion nebula.

Captain Wilson ordered the Defiant to continue to the nebula. The Luna would follow after deploying the subspace relay. The Defiant received a distress call after a few hours, and Zevin ordered us to divert. Sensors detected a ship with a single reptilian life form, no weapons, trailing plasma, and life support failing. Vokaya determined the damage was probably intentional. The Defiant docked with the ship and I was sent to fix it with Odo. I fixed it in about 10 minutes by reprogramming its systems to remove the 'failures'.

We were contacted by the Luna. They had a problem and needed to rendezvous with the Defiant.

Sensors detected two ships on approach, about 50 light years away. We were contacted by one of the ships. They were the Dray, and they were looking for the Tosk (The ship we had just repaired). They wanted us to hand him over. Apparently the Tosk were bred with the sole purpose of being hunted by the Dray. I offered to modify his ships warp signature, changing it to a Klingon signature. The Tosk then left.

The Luna then caught us up. There had been an incident, Benadict had sustained plasma burns due to a UPS conduit bursting.

Phazenna beamed on board the Defiant, wanting to speak to the senior crew on board. She talked of being warned by Benadict that the captain and doctor were working for an organisation called section 31 who intended to overthrow the Federation by provoking a war with the Dominion then enacting emergency powers. Their leader Slone wanted to become a dictator of an empire. She had evidence on a data pad. Section 31 had a clandestine shipyard in the Omarion nebula where they planned to build ships armed with transphasic weapons. One of my engineers, Ensign Nuyen was also implicated. Benadict had been ordered to investigate by Admiral Hanson. Zevin arrested Nuyen who said "You can't stop it, it's too late".

I was ordered to return to the Luna. Some malfunction had activated many copies of the EMH. I beamed over and shut down all holodeck functions to get rid of them.

Zevin, Vokaya and Phazenna confronted the Captain. Captain Wilson summoned Chief of Security Lawrence and ordered Zevin and Vokaya to be detained. There was a firefight, more security arrived and arrested Zevin and Vokaya, though they were later released. Wilson claimed to have not known what Slone intended and did not condone it.

We then had a coolant leak in engineering. I ran there only to find Lasel already there. He drew a phasor on me, but I was fast enough to stun him. Lasel was trying to transfer all controls to engineering to take over the Luna. I returned the systems to normal and had him thrown into the brig.

I then temporarily promoted Ensign Avery Garcia as my 2nd and returned to the Defiant.

Section 31 Drone ShipWe received a hail from Mihaly. He was on his way in Crimson One and had just passed through the wormhole. The Luna slowed to allow him to catch up. The Luna picked up 10 signatures with high levels of tetrion particles causing subspace fluctuations. Taris sent me details of the Dominion anti proton beam scanner and long range tachyon scanner they used to detect cloaked vessels. I made the changes to the Defiant and advised Captain Zevin they were available. When the signatures were close Vokaya activated the detector which revealed Section 31 drone ships.

They attacked, launching drones. Crimson 1 launched from the Luna. The drones could drain shields and slice through ships hulls. They were targeted first before we took on the ships that launched them. The Luna took a lot of damage before they were destroyed.

Stardate 48939

We arrived at the Omarion nebula and approached the Founders home world. In orbit were a Dominion battleship, a Cardassian Keldon class ship and a Romulan Valdore class warbird.Dominion WarshipKeldon ClassValdore Class Warbird They appeared to be blockading the planet and Taris advised us that they were working with the Beta founders. The Dominion warship was commanded by Weyoun, and Taris said he could not be trusted.

The Romulan ship cloaked and Captain Wilson ordered a retreat to give Kar'Tak time to fine tune a virus to cure the Founders. I was ordered to return to the Luna to help with repairs where I found a big hole in engineering.

Non random tachyon particles were detected about 10000km off the bow, approaching at 1/4 impulse. The cloaked vessel was hailed and turned out to be the Mp'Wii. Captain A'kul said he was here at the request of Admiral Hanson.

Aleth advised the Romulan ship was an experimental design. They would be interested in their own survival and might be open to being persuaded to change sides.

Kar'Tak asked me to modify probes to disperse his modified virus in the Founder home world atmosphere while Captain Wilson and Aleth went off on a diplomatic mission to try to persuade the Romulans to change sides. The Captain left Zevin in charge of the Luna and Vokaya in charge of the Defiant, and gave orders for the Luna to disperse the virus while the Defiant and Mp'Wii went to destroy the satellite the Luna had previously deployed. The Captain visited A'kul on the Mp'Wii and returned bleeding from a gash on his face. A'Kul had not been impressed with what he had been up to with section 31.

Stardate 48943

The Defiant Succeeded in capturing the relay without destroying it, and the two crew on board surrendered. It's warp reactor was shut down ind their logs were retrieved. The Mp'Wii then destroyed the relay to prevent it being used in the future.

The Luna made a run on Founder home world. Taris's ship attacked the Dominion warship while the Luna was attacked by the Cardassian ship. We fought it off and deployed the virus. Scans indicated it was successful.

Captain Wilson made a deal with the Romulans to destroy the Section 31 shipyard.

The Luna, the Deviant, the Mp'Wii, Taris, and Wilsons shuttle all rendezvoused. Taris had captured the Beta founder and Kar'Tak managed to reintegrate it with the original. Kar'Tak admitted infecting it originally and causing the split, but said he was convinced section 31 had duped everyone.

We then met with the Romulans and returned to the nebula to deal with the Section 31 station. Slone hailed the Luna and said he was giving Wilson one last chance. Wilson declined and drones were launched at us. I strengthened the shields to try to fend them off. Vokaya succeeded in jamming some of the drones and more were destroyed with phasors and torpedoes.

Taris's ship was breached in the attack but our other ships took only minor damage. The station fired as we approached. The Luna was hit, taking damage to the superstructure. The Defiant was hit by multiple phasor bursts and suffered two hull breaches while the Mp'Wii suffered hull and engine breaches. We fired back and hit the station causing considerable damage.

A ship was launched from the station, the USS Vengeance. Slone hailed and said it was our last chance to surrender. Wilson defied him and the Vengeance fired phasors, causing breaches to the Luna's Comms and engines, then quantum torpedoes causing another four structural breaches.

Wilson ordered the last trans phasic torpedo he had stored in cargo bay 1 to be fired at the Vengeance. The Vengeance was destroyed in a huge explosion and the station then surrendered. Its crew were beamed onto all the ships. Repairs commenced but the Luna suffered a warp core failure and I had to eject the core to save the ship. The Luna then docked with the station to perform further repairs. The Dominion ship announced there had been an 'accident' and all the captives they had on board had died. Quite a waste to not allow them to pay for their crimes. That would have been a lot of Latinum.

Starbase 364 contacted us via DS9. Admiral Hanson ordered Vokaya to put Wilson and Kar'tak under arrest and take command of the Luna.

Stardate 48957

It took two weeks to repair the Luna. I set up the station and docked section 31 ships warp cores to overload on a remote command, allowing us to destroy the station when we left. The Dominion ship would stay in the Gamma quadrant but Taris offered to return with us as character witnesses for Wilson and Kar'Tak. The Mp'Wii and Romulan ship also returned to Alpha quadrant.

Stardate 48962

It took two days to return to the wormhole then another three days to reach starbase 364 where a hearing was convened into the actions of Wilson and Kar'Tak.

Fleet admiral Taela Shanith acted as the defence council, Rear admiral Ross and Rear admiral Bennett were judges and Captain Jellico was the prosecutor. Wilson and Kar'Tak were charged with conspiracy, treason, and conduct unbecoming a starfleet officer.

The charges were:
Stealing top secret data from the U.S.S. Voyager, specifically Transphasic Torpedo data
Purposely infecting an intelligent creature with the intent to kill the species
Withholding information from Starfleet command, crew and comrades
Placing crew members in jeopardy
Planning possible treason and insurrection

Mitigating factors were:
Averting a war with the Dominion
Alerting the Romulans to Section 31’s duplicity
Destroying Section 31’s shipyards thereby averting a war with the Federation

Commander Stadi helped defend the accused and wanted to add an extra mitigation. Jellico objected and wanted to see evidence first. The mitigation was that Kar'Tak and Wilson did stop Section 31.

I was cross examined. Jellico kept objecting to everyone else's questions. I testified that the accused had acted against section 31. Zevin testified next. He talked of medical issues Kar'Tak had treated him for. There were more objections from Jellico.

Kar'Tak then testified. Jellico had questions and kept asking leading questions. He wanted to know Kar'Tak's role in Section 31. Jellico asked questions about his actions with the founder. Kar'Tak said he just obeyed orders of a superior officer, referring to Slone. During the interrogation Kar'Tak recieved a message from Mihaly saying 'Slone was still alive'. Vokaya then picked up odd tachyon emissions from within the courtroom. A guard was seen with unknown device in his hand. When Vokaya shouted this out the guard raised his phaser rifle.

Mihaly burst in and stunned the guard. Another had raised his weapon then pulled out a device and started to beam out. Kar'Tak had a glow round him, some sort of Dominion transport beam. Wilson also had a glow. I tried to grab Wilson while Stadi tried to grab Kar'Tak as did Zevin. All of us materialised on an unknown ship. It was a new federation design. The ship was travelling at at warp 9.995. Stadi tried to sense other minds but was blocked by something.

I opened the door and found a forcefield. A man in black was outside. He was human and had a stylised 31 on his uniform. He said his name was Ensign Kyle and we were on the USS Promethius. He had served on the Cairo previously under Jellico.

We heard a voice which said 'Welcome to the Promethius. They were here to rescue us and not provoke us. Stasi was picked to fail and Jellico was a believer in the cause and a member of section 31'. We were placed in restraints and lead off. Kar'Tak started singing in an odd Klingon dialect, asking anyone who understood to signal.

I observed the ship was designed for speed above all else. Its Micro melds were far stronger than usual, as though ship could be broken into sections.

We arrived at the bridge. Slone was there and ordered our manacles to be removed. A Betazoid was sitting next to Slone. Stasi asked for the telepathy dampener to be turned off. Slone looked at the Betazoid who blinked and Stasi felt the block lift. Slone admitted to being a clone of the original and admitted to Section 31 influencing Gowron. Kar'Tak started arguing with Slone then lunged at him. Zevin and Wilson pulled him back.

Slone wanted us to join him. He got more upset the more it was pointed out he was a copy and copies were imperfect. He became angry, said he was now in charge and would rule his empire. Wilson jumped at him. One of the guards fired, hitting a console which exploded and showered Slone with shrapnel. Wilson then hit him with a Vulcan nerve pinch and rendered him unconscious. Wilson and Kar'Tak then spoke to the other crew on the bridge, convincing them to lower their weapons and hand over a set of manacles which Wilson used on Slone. There were some negotiations with Slone's second, Commander Orcini who had concerns with some of Slone's plans.

She agreed to drop us off back at Starbase 364. The Promethius then changed course to return back at Starbase 364. She said Slone was playing mind games and Jellico was not a member of section 31. Finally the Promethius dropped out of warp and beamed us back to the courtroom.

Kar'Tak examined Slone and determined he was dying. He suspected Slone had triggered some sort of suicide device and called for transport to the medical centre on the starbase. The rest of us were summoned to Admiral Hanson's office. All the trial officials were there. They demoted Wilson to the rank of Commander and Kar'Tak was demoted to Lieutenant. Hanson said Jellico would take command of the Luna. Zevin said he was ready to take command and I stated I would request a transfer if Jellico was put in command of the Luna. Kar'Tak also stated he would not serve under Jellico. After consideration Hanson agreed to give Zevin a six month probation as captain of the Luna.

Kar'Tak was to attend a ritual on the Mp'Wii. A fight to the death with their first officer over honour, but Admiral Hanson stated he would have words to try to stop it.