Stardate 49516

I was contacted by Admiral Hanson and asked to return to starfleet. He said the Grand Nagus had given permission and the new ship would be interesting. I negotiated that I would return as a Ferengi technical ambassador to help deal with the problem that Khan had become.

Stardate 49518

I returned to Starbase 364 and Wilsons new ship, the USS Harrington. I reported to Admiral Hanson's office. There I met an android called Ryla who was an operative of section 31 being assigned to the Harrington. I am surprised the federation even allows thaty organisation to continue to exist after what Slone got up to. The Harrington was assigned a mission to recover the Vesta and ordered to Ceti Alpha 5. Vokaya was promoted to 1st officer.

Stardate 49520

Ceti Alpha VCeti Alpha 5 was a planet incompatible with humanoid life. Scans detected a small vessel on the surface near a structure, identified as an Orion Mk IV corvette. There were Orion lifeform readings inside the ship and structure, with hundreds of smaller unknown lifeforms also in the structure. The ship was hailed. An Orion called Raynor responded and asked how he could be of service. He said he was an agronomist. Wilson asked if they had seen the Vesta, and Raynor asked for some supplies in exchange for the information he had. Raynor came aboard with two companions to negotiate, and Wilson agreed to trade 10 decalitres of deuterium and a type 10 phase emitter for information on the Vesta.Orion Corvette

There were 2 female Orions with Raynor who were spreading pheromones which started affecting Wilson and Lawrence. Vokaya instructed Kar'Tak to dispense an anosmia agent through the vents to counter it. Wilson finally agreed on trading just the Deuterium for the location of an outpost (Verix III) he had given to Khan who wanted supplies they had there.

Admiral Hanson contacted Wilson and asked us to detour to Persephone V. The wife of Admiral Mark Jameson was saying his body was missing and we were instructed to investigate. Jameson died having taken a compound which caused him to de-age uncontrollably.

It took us a few minutes to get there at maximum warp. Wilson beamed down with Vokaya, Kar'Tak and Ryla. The grave was found to be empty and his coffin gone when his wife visited to change flowers. Scans showed the body was taken using a dominion transporter. The away party then had to attend a gathering with some of the wife's friends before they could return to the ship. Wilson was popular and had several offers to be introduced to daughters.

Scans determined the transport beam originated from an area of space about 5 light years away. Most likely it had been Taris's ship. We travelled to the location but detected nothing, though there was a cosmic string nearby that could have affected the sensors. Further scans detected a dominion warship on long range sensors. It had shields raised and was moving in our direction. It launched fighters then turned away as the fighters moved to attack. I set the shields to a fast harmonic rotation to counter their phased polaron beams.

The Harrington fired quantum torpedoes, vaporising the lead ship. The others fired back, hitting one of our nacells, but the shields held. A second fighter was hit with phasors and torpedoes, leaving it adrift without power. The last fighter put all its power into structural integrity and turned to try to ram the Harrington. It missed but the disabled fighter set their warp core to overload. Wilson ordered a tractor beam on the last fighter then went to warp.

When we had cleared the explosion we tractored the last fighter aboard and security went aboard to stun the Jem'Hadar. I disabled their self destruct and started studying the ship. A data pad was found with an unknown radiation which would require further study. The Dominion warship was tracked and was heading towards Bajoran space. Probably they intended to pass through the wormhole.

Dr Kar'Tak studied the Jem'Hadar and found an unknown radiation was re-writing their RNA.I studied the data pad with Vokaya and Alala. The radiation was unique and artificial. It could penetrate all shields and protective suits, and was modulated into a beam which could be used as a weapon. It was determined to be a radiologic isolithic RNA re-sequencer which would rewrite the RNA of susceptible species.

Admiral Hanson ordered us to get to DS9 as fast as possible so Wilson ordered me to take the warp core to 110% and take the Harrington to warp 9.993.

It took five hours to reach DS9. DS9 reported the Dominion warship had arrived and was heading to the wormhole. It passed through the wormhole before the Harrington could catch it, and a runabout was sent to follow and monitor where it went. Running the warp core at 110% had fused an injector so the Harrington could not follow. USS DefiantI advised Wilson it would take 12 hours to repair, so Wilson immediately requested all available assistance from DS9.

Wilson then went aboard DS9 with the other senior staff while I stayed abord to supervise the repairs. General Mihaly was there and Admiral Hanson was there via holographic projection. The Harrington was ordered to pass through the wormhole and follow the Dominion ship with the USS Defiant commanded by Vokaya and the USS Appalachia commanded by Ryla.USS Appalacha

Stardate 49521

We were given clearance to leave through the wormhole. Some warp signatures were detected ahead of us in the wormhole and heading towards us. I convoy of seven ships of an unknown type [Karemma_cruiser.JPG] came into view but interference from the wormhole made scanning them difficult. They appeared to be warp capable transports. They were armed with phased polaron beams and photon torpedo's.

Karemma CruiserOur hail was answered by a Commandant Varda of the Karemma. They seemed peaceful and we continued to the Gamma quadrant. The runabout had followed the Dominion warship to the Agraphi system where two other dominion warships were already present. The runabout detected a Huge explosion above the southern hemisphere of a planet, and Proto matter was detected. Our sensors showed the planet changing from a swamp world to a more temperate climate. We moved closer and scanned the planet. There was clear signs of terraforming. Humanoid lifeforms were scattered on surface in mountainous and cavernous regions, and were undergoing genetic mutations.

The Dominion ships detected us and moved towards us. Wilson hailed them and Taris answered but did not recognise Wilson at first. She looked confused and then said she recognised him and warned us to leave, saying she was not in control. She beamed aboard when invited by Wilson. Another Vorta appeared on the viewscreen and said they would stand down. Their actions had been a mistake, and Taris was ill. They said they were terraforming the planet to help the inhabitants.

Taris collapsed on the transporter pad and was taken to sick bay. The Dominion ships offered data on their terraforming then returned to the planet. Mihaly had an argument with Ryla. Kar'Tak got Taris into a lucid state though tests showed she had been affected by Sung's DHA altering radiation. She confirmed Khan had taken control of the Dominion and they were compelled to follow his orders. They were investigating a base on a moon of Talanas VII. It had a tachyon detection grid able to detect cloaked ships, and fired a radiation beam at her ship. She remembered nothing after.

Wilson ordered all senior staff to his ready room. Taris had a seizure and Kar'Tak had to treat her and take her back to sick bay. Mihaly told of a mission to infiltrate a Klingon base by Reconfiguring torpedo tubes, putting a person inside and firing them to the planet's surface. He suggested we could use same approach to infiltrate base on Talanas VII's moon.

I removed the warheads from some torpedo shells and fitted them with life support and thrusters. Myself, Kar'Tak, Lawrence, Bain, Grey, and Ryla were ordered to use them to penetrate the moons defences. Grey, Kar'Tak and Lawrence missed the landing coordinates. Kar'Tak and Lawrence made it to the surface but Grey skimmed off the atmosphere and headed back into space and Mihaly had to go to his rescue. Crimson 1 was hit by a dominion attack fighter during the rescue and had to flee.

There was a blizzard outside at the landing coordinates, and poor visibility. I had to wait for Kar'Tak and Lawrence to walk to the rendezvous and Kar'Tak was suffering from frostbite when he arrived. We walked to the outpost which was next to a lake. The hanger door was blocked by a force field and large pipes were connecting the underside of the outpost with the bottom of the lake to supply fresh water. Ryla and Lawrence swam through a pipe while I disabled the force field. In the hanger bay was a dominion shuttle craft. As we entered we were surrounded by six Jem'Hadar warriors who took us to Soong. He looked young and was with a second Soong. Clearly he had been making clones of himself. Kar'Tak was taken to their infirmary where he met another Soong who wanted Kar'Tak to join him. Kar'Tak managed to use a hypodermic and gave him a sedative.

Ryla and Lawrence crept out of the basement and upstairs to the emitter control room where there were two Jem'Hadar warriors. Lawrence stunned one while Ryla wrestled with the other. Ryla was disabled before Lawrence stunned the other Jem'Hadar. The fight distracted the two Jem'Hadar guarding myself and Bain, allowing Bain to knock one unconscious. I quickly grabbed his weapon and shot the other. The Jem'Hadar weapon was lethal and vaporised the one I shot. The Soong's were then stunned.

I then fused the emitter array by shunting excess power from the geothermal power supply into it before helping Kar'Tak download the computer core with all of Soong's research data. While I was working the two Jem'Hadar working on the shuttle noticed us and fired at Lawrence, hitting him, before Lawrence and Bain stunned them.

We then destroyed the computer core and carried the three Soong's outside to meet the Defiant. Three Jem'Hadar appeared out of the snow and Lawrence quickly stunned one, but was hit by another and vaporised. Bain shot the Jem'Hadar that fired as the away party were beamed up to the Defiant. When we returned to the Harrington, Wilson arranged a service for Lawrence.

The senior staff were called to the conference room with the Soong's. They were uncooperative and when Wilson sent two to their quarters the 3rd pressed his neck then collapsed. Kar'Tak diagnosed some sort of implanted suicide device and had him beamed to sick bay for emergency treatment. Data decoded from the computer core gave the position of a Dominion shipyard in the Taurus system two days away. Wilson ordered the fleet to set course for the Taurus system.

Stardate 49523

As we approached the Taurus system, three large and fifteen smaller vessels were detected on an intercept course. Wilson ordered the Defiant to cloak and continue while the other two ships would retreat. However the Defiant was detected and engaged by Jem'Hadar attack ships. It was hit and suffered breaches on multiple decks, and Wilson ordered the rest of the fleet to return to provide assistance. The Defiant destroyed two of the fighters but took damage to the main computer and Vokaya gave orders to warp back towards the rest of the fleet. When they reached the Harrington I extended our shields to help protect the Defiant.

As the attack ships approached, the Harrington fired quantum torpedoes, destroying one, and phasors which destroyed another. The Appalachia also fired but did little damage. Meanwhile Mihaly's fighters engaged one of the Dominion warships, attempting to target a weakness in their shields. When a 4th Dominion warship was detected approaching Wilson ordered a retreat and set course towards a nearby class 2 nebula.

The ships all started experiencing problems with the matter/antimatter reaction and had to slow. Sensors detected a subspace distortion centred on the nebula and weapons fire in the nebula. The dominion ships appeared similarly affected. I determined the affect was being caused by anti protons and adjusted the Harringtons shield harmonics to compensate. I transmitted the data to the other ships but they were unable to make the necessary adjustments, and the Defiant's warp core failed completely and dropped out of warp.

100010Two vessels were detected in the nebula, cone shaped and 4km long. They were firing on each other. I beamed over to the Defiant and recalibrated their shields then flushed and re-primed the antimatter chamber allowing the Defiant to return to warp. Sensors finally got visuals of the ships in the nebula [100010.jpg] [100001.JPG]. They looked similar to planet killers previously encountered by a Captain Kirk, famous in the history of Star Fleet. When hailed the ships identified themselves as 100010 and 100001. The Dominion ships hailed us saying they had detected the threat and would attack.100001

The vessels made other transmissions to us:

seeking creator
seeking creator
go home
our creator is mercury"

Wilson said he knew Mercury and would help them contact him. Five Dominion attack fighters attempted to attack the ships and were destroyed. The vessels agreed to come with us to communicate with Mercury.

Stardate 49526

It took three days to reach the beacon to communicate through the wormhole. I finished making repairs to Ryla and fitted an isolinear memory at her request. During the process I found a large amount of encrypted data in her isolinear matrix which she was unaware of. She wanted it to be able to run her "shatterpoint" data. She claimed she could see changes in the timestream which lead to a malfunction causing her to gain a memory of day from every conceivable universe. Wilson contacted the Luna and asked them to come through the wormhole with Mercury.

We took the Defiant back to DS9 for repairs. The Defiant detected Chronoton particles and we experienced a bright white light while in the wormhole. Vokaya reorted that he had found himself on the bridge of the Harrington with the viewscreens showed spiralling energy patterns. Lawrence, Hanson, Hur'Krel, and others were also on the bridge said they were the prophets. They saud that those not of Bajor may not possess that which is, and Vokaya was shown images of an orb and the Dominion shipyard. He was told he needed to return the orb to Bajor and that Vokaya was their emissary. He was warned that if the living machines were returned to the alpha quadrant there would be fire, and to beware the false prophets. His vision then faded.

A convoy of ships were encountered heading towards the alpha quadrant. They were the same type of ships as previously encountered, and said they were transporting medical supplies to the Kalandra system. Scans suggested they were transporting dormant warp cores and traces of an unusual compound containing a synthetic enzyme uridium bycantazine.

Stardate 49528

It took two days to repair the Defiant. Vokaya met a Vedik Fara on DS9 who wanted to come with us to help recover an orb. Vokaya ordered the Defiant to the Kalandra system when repairs were complete but Wilson overruled and ordered him to return through the wormhole. We passed another convoy of ships on route to alpha quadrant during the transition.

When we returned, the Luna was with the Harrington. Wilson ordered a meeting of Senior staff in the Harrington's conference room. K'Tiri was now the captain of the Luna and also attended, as did Mercury was transferred to the holo projectors in the conference room. Mercury said the planet killers were a threat and should be destroyed, that they were a threat to the federation and his species would not want them back. Mercury said the only way they could be easily destroyed would be to board them and reprogram them from the inside to direct them to fly into a nearby sun.

I was instructed to take an engineering team with Ryla and Alala to one planet killer, and a separate team would be sent to the other at the same time. We were to gain access using info provided my Mercury and reprogram them, but subspace interference affected our shuttle as we got close and the shuttlecraft hit the planet killer. A nacell sheared off, causing a cascade failure of the warp core and we had to do an emergency beam out. We took another shuttle and were prepared for the interference the second time. We sent the subspace signal provided by Mercury and a section of the planet killer's hull opened. Scans of the inside showed the temperature to be below zero with no gravity and a corrosive fluorine atmosphere. An unknown energy signature was detected inside.

Alala brushed against some control and the hull started to close. We had to retransmit the subspace signal to make it reopen. Inside was a corridor leading to an access hatch. The interior was lit by an orange light. We followed the corridor and found a storeroom full of unknown electronics. We continued to another hatch which covered a shaft descending straight down into another corridor. We finally found our way to a huge room which was an engineering control centre. I identified the environmental controls and set the environment to be more hospitable. There was a screen with a hologram, and controls for the conversion furnace monitor, movement and weapons. I programmed the planet killer to head into the sun in 45 minutes. I grabbed some electronics from the store on the way out for future study.

Vedik Fara wanted to board the planet killer Wilson gave permission but I only allowed then once we had finished programming it and warned them they could only stay a few minutes. However they then refused to leave when told to do so. The planet killer then started emitting chronoton particles, and the maw then the whole killer turned deep red and started transmitting a subspace signal towards the wormhole. The other one continued as programmed. The signal to open the planet killer did not work so Vokaya started burning through its hull. Wilson ordered the Defiant to be evacuated in case it was needed to initiate a core breach inside the maw of the planet killer to stop it. Vokaya burned a hole through the hull then the Apalachia, Harrington and Luna fired at the hole. It did some damage but did not stop it, so the Defiant steered into the maw and triggered a warp core breach. The explosion appeared to destroy the planet killer and it started drifting away. The other planet killer was tracked on long range sensors into the sun.

Stardate 49529

Wilson ordered us to set course to the Taurus tar system. After a few hours the Harrington picked up an emergency signal from a Karemma vessel in an asteroid belt. A class 1 probe was launched to investigate. Comms was then lost with the Appalachia which started changing course then veered off and went to its maximum warp. Their shields were also raised. They were headed towards the El-antis system. The Harrington tried to follow but could not maintain the warp speed needed. The Luna continued in pursuit though was dropping behind slowly. An attempt was made to override the Appalachia using its prefix code but the code had been changed. A planet in the El-antis system was class D, but records showed it had been class M. The signal of Appalachia appeared to be returning, but it was determined to be a ruse.

We finally got communications with the Apalachia whose first officer reported Ryla had beamed to the planets surface, and had previously ordered the radio silence and other odd behaviour. Apparently she claimed to have had a premonition.

During all this, I was assigned to an away team with Vokaya, Kar'Tak and Lt Hudson from security to investigate the distress signal. The Karemma vessel had about 50 lifeforms including Karemma, Vorta, Jem'Hadar and others which were not categorised. We arrived at the vessel and donned EVA suits to go and investigate. Hudson went first and reported carbon scoring from weapons fire on the side of the vessel. He then entered an airlock and we followed. The Vorta and Jem'Hadar did not show the changes inflicted by Khan, though they did have injuries and the Jem'Hadar were suffering from withdrawal symptoms.

The Karemma in charge said his name was Calchoco and that they needed emergency aid. They had been opposing the Dominion who had changed recently and become very aggressive. He said they also needed Ketracel white for the Jem'Hadar. There was some in a cargo container but it was in a part of the ship that was in vacuum. I went with Hudson to try to find it. There were plasma fires and short circuits which I had to repair before I could get to the container to retrieve the Ketracel white. Wilson sent all the shuttlecraft from the Harrington to help evacuate the everyone. I repaired what I could while we waited. The Jem'Hadar recovered quickly after receiving the Ketracel white.

Ryla and someone called Eisen Alexander Cochren were recovered from the surface of the planet. Ryla claimed that Eisen used to own her and had taken control of her to get her to come to his rescue. Wilson demoted Ryla for her actions, tasked her to look after Eisen for now and said he would consider her future later. D'Jorn was given captaincy of the Appalachia.

Eisen told us that the Vesta was last seen to set course for a Hur'q outpost and Khan was using Karemma transports to ship supplies through the wormhole. He said Khan had plans to attack a target and control the wormhole and had destroyed El-antis, Eisen's home world. Khan's long tern aim was to take over the Alpha quadrant. Khan was developing new star ships based on the Vesta and has been sending ships and equipment through the wormhole via Karemma Transports to the Kalandra system from where he intends to invade the Alpha Quadrant, possibly starting with DS9. He has obtained an Orb of the Prophets from the Ferengi and has committed mass genocide.

Records stated El-antis was an M class planet which had been populated by a mix of species from all quadrants of the galaxy but predominantly from the gamma quadrant. 20 % of the population was mixed species (Hybrid races) and it was not taboo for different species to get married and have children. Life expectancy of the people of El-antis was a lot longer than elsewhere, genetic engineering was common but cloning was not used to recreate life. There were four cities on the planet, Helio, Nikze, T'yer and Blwyn, and 959 million lived on the planet.

Stardate 49531

A warning was sent to the federation but we received no response so Wilson ordered the fleet through the wormhole. There was noise round the ships which got louder, then there was a flash of golden flash of light and we experienced a vision from the wormhole aliens. They said we were warned those not of Bajor had that of Bajor and were endangering Bajor. They then said those not of Bajor must be stopped and that of Bajor must be returned to Bajor.

The vision ended and we exited the wormhole where we detected phased polaron beams and the USS Cairo which was being pursued by Jem'Hadar attack vessels. The Cairo was being commanded by Jellico and their shields were failing. Strange as Jellico was a Jr Lieutenant in Cartography on the Luna not long ago. The Appalacha moved to cover the Cairo and intercept the attack vessel attempting to ram it. The attack vessel was destroyed, but another crashed into the Harrington, causing catastrophic structural damage. I had to eject the core to avoid an immediate breach, and Wilson ordered the crew to abandon ship. The Harrington exploded shortly after the evacuation was completed.

More attack vessels attempted to ram the Appalachia and Luna but were repulsed. The escape pods from the Harrington headed towards Bajor, though Wilson and the senior staff directed theirs to DS9. I had concerns as DS9 had not responded to any communications, and my concerns were founded as the escape pods were tractor beamed aboard DS9 where we found a Vorta called Wayun, and Jem'Hadar in charge. Kar'Tak and the injured were taken to the sick bay and everyone else were taken to the brig.

An Orion called Raynor, and Wayun came to the brig. Wayun threatened to infect me with a Ceti eel parasite if Wilson did not provide them with information. It was crawling on my cheek before Wilson said he would. Meanwhile Odo overpowered the Jem'Hadar in sick bay and Kar'Tak took his weapon. They then made their way to the brig where Kar'Tak vaporised the guard outside with the Jem'Hadar weapon as Odo burst in, attacking the Jem'Hadar holding me. That gave me the opportunity to turn off the force field to the cell, then dive for the weapons locker. Wilson rushed Wayun, performing a nerve pinch and disabling him, then taking a security device he was holding. Kar'Tak vaporised another Jem'Hadar while Raynor managed to shoot and kill himself with his own disruptor. Odo neutralised the last Jem'Hadar and I stunned the Ceti eel that was still crawling on the floor then ate it. It had an interesting taste. We then escaped in runabouts and rendezvoused with the Appalachia.

Wilson sent a report to Hanson and ordered the fleet back through the wormhole and I was asked to perform repairs on the Cairo. I found the warp core was running a little hot as some of the energy was being shunted to the central and aft cargo bays. Internal sensors and intruder systems were offline so I headed there to do some tricorder scans, but was called back to engineering to deal with an emergency. I had to cut off some fused interlocks so a trapped crew member could be pulled out before the radiation vent activated. I then repaired the micro fractures he had been trying to repair. They were not natural fractures and were probably caused by a multi phase tool recently. The damage was not really enough to warrant a red alert and I surmised they fabricated the excuse to call me back from my investigations so I asked Vokaya to perform scans of the Cairo's cargo bays.

Vokaya had found someone had sabotaged the diagnostics system on the Luna and traced the sabotage to a console with male Andorian DNA which matched an Shrev Th'ochaavis Ensign from the Cairo crew. Vokaya scanned the Cairo. No trace of Khans mind altering radiation was found, but objects in the cargo bays were shielded from sensor sweeps by neutronium. There were about 100 individual neutronium storage units, 2x1x1 metres in size.

Wilson received a response from admiral Hanson who acknowledged the report and said the Cairo was MIA, last seen on patrol in Rondak system, with captain Leslie Wong in command. Kar'Tak then reported that he had tested the Cairo's doctor and some others of their crew and determined they were all clones.

One of the Cairo security appeared in engineering pointed a phaser at me, saying I had to see Jerico and if I resisted I would be stunned. I surreptitiously put my comm badge on open broadcast to the Luna to warn them. I then closed the turbo lift door on him and headed to the Cairo's battle bridge where I found another security guard. We exchanged fire but I was stunned.

The Cairo raised shields and brought weapons online. Vokaya used access codes to force the Cairo to drop shields again, but the Cairo fired on the Luna which had not yet raised shields, causing catastrophic damage and destroying one of the nacells. Wilson then managed to convince Jellico to stand down.

I regained consciousness in Jellico's ready room. He seemed confused and said he felt like he had been controlled. He wanted help and I suggested he needed to talk to Kar'Tak. I asked what was in his holds and he said he did not know, so I suggested we take a look. They contained containers made of neutronium, filled with a pink liquid which I scanned and sent to Kar'tak for analysis. He said it was Emiotic fluid which could be used for storing or growing clones.

Wilson then ordered Jerrico to report to the Luna and for me to accompany him. 44 of the Luna crew were missing or dead, mostly from the engineering section. The Luna was considered unsalvageable as there was no prospect of reaching a federation station with a dry dock, so the decision was made to strip the ship of anything useful then trigger the self destruct.

Stardate 49534

It took us three days to reach the Taurus system where scans detected 4 Dominion battleships and 20 attack fighters, 8 Karemma transport vessels and a Ferengi marauder docked. There was unusual magnetic instability from the star and plans were discussed about the possibility of destabilising the star and causing a coronal mass ejection to destroy the shipyard. I pointed out we needed to recover the orb first.

The marauder was identified as belonging to Damon Zarg, the Damon who had lost out to my father in the quantum slipstream contract. I installed a holo emitter into a shuttle, and taped into the main holodeck to be able to use it to project a hologram of the inside of a Ferengi shuttle, then changed the warp signature to match a Ferengi shuttle, so I could give the deception of actually being in a Ferengi shuttle. Kar'Tak altered my appearance. I then contacted Damon Zarg and said I was Damon Porg. He was offered quantum slipstream tech and trading rights in the Gamma quadrant. We counter offered the same plus information on neutronium metallurgy obtained from the Cairo. He agreed and we arranged coordinates to meet and sign the deal.

A Dominion ship was detected at extreme range. Two battleships and attack fighters from the shipyard went to intercept and weapons fire was detected. Wilson ordered our fleet to move to assist. The ship they were attacking was was Taris's. Vokaya started jamming their sensors, and when they fired they missed. The Appalachia fired back. Their shields absorbed the damage from the phasors, but our quantum torpedoes took down the shields of one of the dominion battleships, hitting their engines and sensors. The Cairo then fired, hitting their weapons and breaching the hull. Mihaly's fighters intercepted their attack fighters and disabled four.

The fleet then engaged the second Dominion warship. The Appalachia drained most of their shields with phasor fire then quantum torpedoes destroyed their engines and caused multiple hull breaches while Mihalys squadron destroyed the last attack fighter. Taris's ship's weapons were offline and they had several breaches in the hull, but it was still mobile. I beamed over with an engineering team and made repairs to their weapons systems and patched the holes in their hull. Taris then fired on and destroyed both the disabled Dominion battleships.

Taris said Khan had committed genocide on their gods. Most of the founders were dead and their home world destroyed. She said they must be avenged and wanted to destroy the shipyard. We shared the plan to cause the star to emit a coronal mass ejection. I studied their phased polaron beam emitters and worked out how to modify our shields to defend against its effects.

We then arranged to meet with Damon Zarg to finalise the deal. He brought a box which when opened, emitted a bright light. Vokaya reported he had a vision of the prophets. Having authenticated the merchandise the deal was done.

After Zarg had left we turned our attention on the shipyard itself. Vokaya went on the Cairo to work on triggering a coronal mass ejection while the Appalachia and Taris's ship moved towards the shipyard as a diversion. One of the enemy warships was quickly damaged and they turned to engage us, allowing the Cairo to move towards the sun. Three of Mihaly's fighters were destroyed while the Appalachia took minor shield damage in the initial exchange of fire.

The second warship was then disabled but the Appalachia was hit by fire from the shipyard and took damage to the engines, and the rest of Mihaly's squadron was destroyed, leaving him the only survivor. Several Jem'Hadar attack fighters were destroyed as well as some of the shipyards weapon banks before the Cairo succeeded in triggering a Coronal mass ejection and we retreated as the shipyard was destroyed.

Stardate 49539

We headed back to the wormhole to return the orb to the prophets. As we approached we did not get any signal from the subspace relay on the Gamma quadrant side of the wormhole but 14 ships were detected in the area. The power sources suggested Two were dominion battleships with 10 dominion attack vessels, Zargs ferengi ship and a federation starship matching the Vesta. The Ferengi marauder had suffered recent battle damage to its engines and was being held in a tractor beam by the Vesta.

Wilson established comms with the Vesta and when he was speaking to Khan, I beamed with Vokaya to the Vesta's battle bridge using the Dominion transporter on Taris's ship. It was empty so we locked the doors and I erected a force field round the battle bridge after Vokaya started using his acid secretions to tunnel down towards engineering. However in doing so I set off an alarm. The Vesta went to warp to engage our fleet but I was able to disrupt the Vesta's weapons by putting them in a level 1 diagnostics loop. I then managed to disrupt the Vestas shields before fleeing down the tunnel Vokaya had made as some of Khans crew collapsed the force field we had erected using hand phasors.

I made it to engineering where two of Khans crew were trying to restore their systems. I stunned one while Vokaya charged the other, knocking each other unconscious. At that point six security from the Appalachia beamed in just in time to stun another of Khans crew which had followed me.

While myself and Vokaya were busy on the Cairo, Khan attacked our fleet. Kar'Tak managed to use the deflector dish to emit a beam which countered the control effect on the Jem'Hadar. Taris hit one of Khans Dominion battleships, collapsing the shields and causing two breaches. She then fired a second salvo, completely destroying the ship. The other Dominion ship hit the Cairo, collapsing their shields. The Cairo fired on other Dominion ship, causing 2 breaches before Taris fired causing another 2 breaches. The Appalachia also fired on the Vesta, and with the shields disabled, did considerable damage.

With us in control of engineering Khan activated a genesis device on the bridge. I set the Vesta to a maximum warp away from the wormhole and beamed out. The ships of our fleet managed to beam off all the crew of the Vesta before it went to warp. Khan and his crew were taken into custody.

We returned through the wormhole and Vokaya disappeared with the orb. Then the Defiant appeared in a flash of light looking brand new and Vokaya appeared on the Defiant. Apparently the wormhole aliens had offered him the position of emissary, asking him to leave Star Fleet and work on Bajor but he declined. Kar'Tak then disappeared briefly before returning with a similar tale of being offered the position of emissary.

We continued through the wormhole then returned to starbase 364. Damon Zarg followed us back through the wormhole and made an offer for me to work with him. I said I would consider his offer and get back to him after I had spoken to my father about what he was going to offer. At Starbase 364 Admiral Hanson invited us to his office. Hur'krel was there. Admiral Hanson was very pleased and offered Wilson the position of head of star fleet operations. Vokaya was promoted to captain and would be given a brand new ship.

Kar'Tak was offered the position of deputy director of star fleet medical, and Hur'krel asked Kar'Tak to join him in the fight against Gawron. Kar'Tak chose to remain in star fleet as his aim was the advancement on medicine. I was offered a place on a new Odyssey class vessel under captain K'Tiri with a promotion in rank of captain of engineering. I decided that was an interesting offer and that I would accept.


Hur'krel beat Gawron and became chancellor. Kar'Tak joined him on Khronos. Wilson served on Earth for many years, and I went on missions to the outer rim. Vokaya had a successful career as captain.