Engineers log Stardate 48783

It took a month to complete repairs to the Luna. The events after were somewhat strange.

I awoke on the floor of a ship which was on Red alert. It had suffered major damage, the AHCS was offline and voice command was inoperative. The creature Mercury appeared to know what had happened. It said the ship we were on was the Luna and it had been transported ship into a mirror universe which had triggered amnesia in the crew.

A Klingon k'vort class bird of prey was detected by the sensors which was about 1 hour away and headed towards us. I went to deck 4 to try to fix the computer. The damage had been caused by a massive Influx of Tetrion particles. While I was working the Luna was hailed by a H'Krul, Captain of the Mp'Wi. He said he was part of the Klingon Cardasian alliance and demanded we surrender our ship.

The computer needed to be restarted so I went to deck 9 to do so. Finally I succeeded and it reported the Adaptive holographic system was now operational. I then headed to main engineering to fix the warp drive which was also inoperable.

Slowly the ships systems came online enough to raise shields and bring weapons online. We were able to surprise the Klingons who thought the Luna was still defenceless, firing on and destroying the bird of prey.

Orb Of The ProphetsTherok detected Tetrion emissions from a container. The Captain issued an unlock command. Inside was a glowing object. Touching the object restored the crews memories.

Our mission came from the Bajoran Vedik assembly. Quantum particles from a mirror universe had been expanding and projecting a mirror universe into our own. It was suspected that it was being caused by something similar to an orb of prophesy. We had been given and orb to transfer into the mirror universe in an attempt to cancel out the effect.

I had a vision as my memories returned. I was on Ferenganaar talking to Grand Nagus Zeak.

We detected a ship on sensors called the ISS Luna heading towards us. We were hailed by her captain who was called Tom and looked identical to our captain except for a facial tick. The ship had mirror copies of all our Luna's crew and they wanted to talk with us. They said the Regent was visiting Terok Nor and it would be a huge loss to the alliance if he was eliminated. We were also told the Orb of the Par Wraiths was aboard Terok Nor. The mirror universe Quig had been assimilated by the Borg but subsequently rescued from the collective, though he was not in the best of states.

They wanted to be given a shuttle, a runabout, antimatter, quantum torpedoes and other stuff. I was ordered to go to their ship to help with repairs as their Quig was not so capable any more. Therok was sent to take a look at their Quig.

My engineering crew helped with repairs while Therok examined the mirror Quig and set about removing Borg implants. Vokaya was asked by the mirror Vokaya to rescue her eggs from Terak Noir. When the repairs were finished I returned to the USS Luna where they had formulated a plan to use an adaptive camouflage system on the USS Luna to transform it into looking like the ISS Mp'Wi.

We approached Terok Nor disguised as the Mp'Wi. A Gul DuKat of the Klingon Cardassian alliance hailed us. We told him we had suffered damage and comms were patchy. I made a couple of holo emitters which could be used as individual disguises for those who went to Terok Nor. While doing so the crew experienced a vision of Q saying "Help me".

Therok, Ruby and Vokaya beamed onto Terok Nor where Vokaya started to burn his way through the hull.

Meanwile the ISS Luna which was hiding in an asteroid field, sent an emergency message that they were being attacked by a Cardassian Cruiser. The USS Luna turned and engaged, breaching the cruisers shields in a single hit from the phasors, them destroyed the ship with a spread of quantum torpedoes.

The away team first disabled the power on Terok Nor then assaulted the ore processing facility where the eggs were stored. Ruby used a native ability of his race to emit radiation at the mirror universe Odo, turning him to ooze, then he stunned the Cardassian guards. The slave workers fled and the eggs were located. The USS Luna returned and most of the eggs were beamed onboard. While this was in progress the ISS Luna attacked the station.

The away team beamed to outside Terok Nor Ops to get the orb. As they materialised they had a Vision of fire creature saying come no further. Ignoring the vision they rushed in and Vokaya grabbed orb. Immediately Vokaya dropped the orb as his exoskeleton lit like it was on fire. Vokaya then turned to attack the rest of the away party and Ruby quickly stunned him. Some form of energy then left Vokaya's body and started forming in the air.

Both orbs were quickly beamed into a cargo bay together and a force field activated. Red and green blue light flashed out and the sensors in the cargo bay failed. The Cessna shook then there was a deathly silence, before a bright light and then a man in star fleet uniform appeared on the bridge. The individual was recognised as Q who said "Captain, my thanks, I was trapped in the orb but now I am free".

The mirror Vokaya's eggs were returned to the ISS Luna and Captain Wilson asked to be sent back to our own universe. Q clicked his fingers, we experienced a huge burst of speed and then we were back in our universe.

Engineers log Stardate 48786

The crew were sent on shore leave at the recommendation of Therok to Argilius II, a new member of the Federation. Armstrong met with a dancer called Karla and went for a walk with her. An Argalian male looked upset at this so I sent Grey to follow Armstrong to make sure nothing untoward happened.

The rest of us were Invited to house of Jaris, the prefect of Argalius II. His wife Sybo was empathic and read Therok, offering to close off the pain in his mind from the loss of friends. She could not read me, though Ferengi are generally immune to mind reading.

There was no response from them later in the evening when I checked though their comms badges were picked up nearby. A rapidly dissipating EM field was detected which may have affected comms. K'Tiri and Vokaya went to investigate and found three figures in an alleyway. Karla was on the floor in pool of blood and Armstrong was leaning on wall moaning and holding a bloody curved knife, Grey curled up on the floor.

Therok performed an autopsy on the body and found an area of the brain associated with fear had been stimulated recently. Grey woke but remembered nothing of the murder. He remembered following Armstrong and thought there had been someone else but could remember nothing more.

Vokayas tricorder had been affected by EM fields and had stopped working. On investigation it was damaged by a very high EM field of an intensity not found outside quasars. I started to modify the Luna's deflector dish to detect the origin with Vokaya. Therok performed psychic tricorder scans on Grey and Armstrong but the psychic tricorder exploded while Therok performed the scans. When Therok left the room with the broken tricorder there was a commotion. When he rushed back in he found Armstrong was attacking the nurse. Armstrong seemed possessed and threw Grey to the ground and threw the Captain back out the door when he entered. K'Tiri tried to calm Armstrong who screamed "Kesla", "Beratis", "Redjac." then collapsed. Grey was curled up in a foetal position on the floor.

Sybo performed a psychic ritual on Armstrong and detected a presence which felt cold and hated women in particular. It went by the names "Kesla", "Beratis"and "Redjac.". The lights went out as a high EM field was detected from the prefects house where Sybo had been performing the ritual. When the lights returned, Armstrong was unconscious and Sybo had been strangled. Therok requested an emergency transport to sick bay so he could save her.

White Chapel NightAt the same time Vokaya and myself were beamed from the bridge, and Captain Wilson, Ruby and Therok materialised with us shortly after. There was a strong smell of horse manure and baked bread. We were on a street, and everything was in black and white including ourselves. A news boy shouted 'read all about it, ripper claims another victim'. There was a poster nearby.

Wanted Poster

We heard a woman's scream and Captain Wilson headed off towards where the scream had originated. Mercury appeared with us in the form of Sherlock Holmes. We followed the Captain who saw a figure running from a body. Ruby pursued while the rest of us examined the body. It was a woman whose throat had been slit and her chest opened. Her organs were arranged neatly nearby.

Is we were clearly not experiencing reality I started looking for a holodeck control and found a trash can which was flickering. Through the flicker I could see the holodeck wall. Suddenly something I felt something try to possess me though it failed. Vokaya then burned through the bulkhead giving us a way out of the holodeck. Therok suddenly developed a blank expression and shot at Ruby, who then grappled him to the ground. The mysterious entity then entered K'Tiri and demanded to be beamed onto a shuttle.

Sybo and the Captain started to engage the creature in a psychic attack. K'Tiri suddenly regained control of her body and suggested the entity be trapped and kept somewhere where there was naturally fear for it to feed from. Mercury said it had the power to capture it and wished to study it and Jaris said he forgave the entity which was only fulfilling its nature, so the Captain ordered a holo container to be built to hold the entity and subject it to the fear it desired.