Stardate 49022

At this point things start to get confusing as the whole crews perceptions started to get distorted by uncontrolled telepathic contacts, though the full extent of that did not become clear until later.

MedusanIt started when Wilson and Liyla received a telepathic vision. Wilson blocked it but Liyla suffered from its affects for a while before finally blocking it. They received the message "vent qui rend fou" which was in an ancient human language called Latin, and translated as "The wind that drives one mad".

The Luna then received a distress call from the USS Aeolis, which was about 4 light years away. It had been launched 11 years ago from the Antari shipyards but had a classified designation and mission. Our scans gave anomalous readings, with a ghost of a second ship appearing intermittently.

Bird Of PreyThe captain ordered the Luna to warp 8 and we quickly arrived at their location. The Aeolis was adrift, and showed damage from disruptor fire. There was no response to our hails, but there were life readings. Gravity, air regulators and other systems were offline. We received a sensor ghost then a Klingon ship decloaked, cloaked then decloaked again. Scans showed no lifesigns on the Klingon vessel, which also appeared to be adrift. The Lunas tactical officer warned a Romulan warbird had been detected on intercept, and was 20 seconds away. Wilson saw nothing on sensors, then the tactical officer looked confused and asked where it had gone. This was the start of a spiralling series of distortions to the crews perception of reality, so much of what follows is what we experienced but it was not all real and separating reality from illusion was not possible.

An away team Consisting of Vokaya, Kar'Tak, Liyla, myself and an engineering team, Lawrence and Grey were sent to the Aeolis. There was a command lockout on the Aeolis. Liyla tried to release the lock and triggered the self destruct countdown. The Luna was unable to beam us out as the screen went blank and the controls became unresponsive. When the countdown completed the computer announced "Have a nice day" and the self destruct cleared. The engineering display showed only an expanding starfield. A scream was heard from the captains ready room. When Grey tried to enter he got stuck in the door. He was quickly freed and nothing could be seen in the ready room.

I went into the ready room with Vokaya. The door shut and locked behind us, and the door codes were in Denassian, an offshoot of Romulan. A translation of the Denassian was "the wind that drives one mad". Lawrence started screaming "get them off me". He had a vision of Telerian hook spiders all over him and was sent back to the Luna. The Bridge was told there was a problem with the transport, and his pattern was lost, but no transporter malfunction was detected. Then Chief Volaris asked whether to initiate the transport. When told to do so he reported the transport completed without incident.

The ready room door opened. When we tried picking up Greys phasor it vanished and reappeared about a metre away. There was a scream like a Klingon battle cry from elsewhere on the ship and the Luna conn reported a Romulan warbird decloaking and powering weapons. Then the warbird disappeared.

Dichronium gas was detected in the turbo lift shaft and a whitish gas started seeping onto the bridge. Vokaya asked for an emergency beam out. There were some unusual delays from the Luna, and the gas started forming a cloud on the bridge. A sweet smell was detected even through our environmental suits. The cloud enveloped us just as we were beamed out.

Other disembodied voices were heard, then the Luna was hailed by a Romulan who said "Congratulations valiant crew of the Luna, you have held up well to the new Romulan mind control device". Commander Tomalok appeared briefly on the viewscreen before disappearing again. A Klingon Vorcha class attack cruiser was detected on sensors. The computer reported unauthorised access to the ships historical records and that Wilson had made the requests.

I took the turbo lift to engineering but the door opened onto deck 8, crew quarters. When I turned round the turbo lift door had disappeared and there was an empty corridor behind me. The computer reported I was on the bridge and it seemed to have an attitude. I contacted security and they said I was still in turbo lift 2. Then I suddenly found I actually was still in the turbo lift which opened onto main engineering.

I did a full scan of the ship and detected some unusual particles. They appeared to be linked with telepathic contact and were emanating inside the Aeolis, building up in the navigation section of the Aeolis. I started looking into modifying the shields to block them and beamed a particle over into a force field for study.

Kar'Tak spoke with Mercury who said he only had access to the culinary database and wanted access to the ships computers. The bridge reported Kar'Tak was in holodeck 2 and not holodeck 1, so was not even talking to Mercury. Security then reported a brawl in the Lunar Crater.

The Luna was hailed by an incoming Klingon Vorcha class cruiser, and a commander Kang demanded "state your business in this sector". They said they were on a rescue mission, and the Bird of Prey was an automated scientific vessel, then asked if we had boarded it. Wilson thought he was lying. They then said they thought there might be a cosmic string in the area causing irregularities and tachyon particles. Suddenly there was a red alert on the Klingon vessel and we heard they were reporting casualties. We then detected transport signals from the Bird of Prey to the Vorcha class cruiser.

Klingon Augment CaptainKlingon Augment Stage IIOther incidents were reported on the Luna including security personnel being stunned in sick bay. Liyla and Vokaya beamed to deck 4 of the Aeolis where they found a body which had blunt force trauma to the head and lacerations from a bladed weapon, possibly a Bat'leth. The body was beamed to the Luna for an autopsy. They then Found two more bodies on deck 6 with similar lacerations. From there they went to engineering and were attacked by assailants they could not see. Liyla was hit and went down injured. Vokaya hit whatever attacked him, knocking it against the wall, and it appeared. Both the assailants were finally stunned and beamed to the brig on the Luna.

Kar'Tak was called to the brig to examine them. They were aggressive, and claimed to be warriors of Kayless. One started coughing, and some blood dribbled from his mouth. Kar'Tak determined he was suffering from a mutated form of the Levodian virus containing portions of a 22nd century augment virus, and his DNA was all over the place.

Vokaya and Liyla continued searching the Aeolis. They experienced some other strange phenomena with Vokaya's tricorder apparently tuning to stone. They then found two strange containers in auxiliary control. One was closed, but the other was open and empty. At that point they received a telepathic contact from something which sounded confused.

It said it was a Medusan called Jiron, an ambassador, and it's companion, Skylor, was missing. It said the Aeolis was attacked. At that point Liyla detected human lifeforms heading towards auxiliary control. The door opened and the missing Medusan entered. Liyla glanced at it and went insane then started to attack the humans accompanying it. Vokaya tried to stun the lot of them. He succeeded, but hit the closed Medusan container as well. Liyla got back up and fired at Vokaya as he charged at her. She missed and he hit her a glancing blow.

I finished modifying the shields and extended them over the Aeolis. In that moment Liyla regained her sanity and the Medusan recovered from whatever it was suffering from and returned to its container. The crew on the Luna recovered from their strange behaviour as well. The Vorcha class cruiser turned away then went to warp. The shield modifications had worked in blocking the strange telepathic effects which were causing the illusions and other effects, most likely an effect of whatever the Medusan had been suffering from.

Medusan AmbassadorThe Medusan ambassador beamed aboard the Luna and requested he be allowed to join the crew in able to learn more about the Federation Wilson acquiesced and ne was given the rank or Lieutenant Jr grade. He was in a strange exosuit.

I beamed over to the Aeolis with an engineering team to perform emergency repairs. More than half their crew were lost, killed by the Klingons or blown into space when some of the crew had opened airlocks. An away team was sent to the bird of prey. It had two sick bays. The second was a non-standard one. It had eight medical pods with modified Klingons. They were very advanced technology, possibly including Breen technology and were labelled Warrior of Kayless 1-8, stage 2. All the Klingons were infected with the augment virus. The records said they volunteers in stasis undergoing diagnostics.

The Medbay computer system was encrypted but Liyla hacked in. There was a lot of data corruption but it was connected to Operation Copernicus. The Luna was mentioned, along with tachyon emissions from Copernicus several months ago. The Copernicus references might be referring to a large crater on Earth's moon called Copernicus. The word Asia appeared several times and there was lots of medical information. Their doctor was trying to stabilise the subjects metabolism. There was some mention of help which was highly classified (up to Gowron). The records stated the phase 1 subjects died, stage 2 subjects suffered neurological instabilities, and a stage 3 was mentioned.

In the smaller sickbay were another four pods containing dead Klingons, all labelled stage 1. The away team went to engineering where suddenly three disrupter blasts were fired from a gantry above. Alala, Bain and Lawrence were hit and went down and Vokaya ordered an emergency beam out for the injured to the Luna's sick bay. Liyla swept the gantry with her phasor on kill, vaporising it and causing two of them to fall. The third fired again hitting Liyla. Vokaya then ordered an emergency beam out of the rest of the away team.

Everyone were patched up by the doctor and I finished repairs on the Aeolis. The Luna was ordered to investigate the Copernicus crater on Earth's moon. We were told to contact Commander Layland in Tyco city there. Another ship would be sent to recover the Aeolis and the Bird of Prey, and deal with what was on board. Liyla requested a leave of absence which the captain authorised after the mission was completed.

Stardate 49036

The Luna entered the Sol system and dropped out of warp. I beamed down to Tyco city with Wilson, Kar'Tak, Vokaya and Liyla. Layland made contact and told us Delo Tec were an independent mining operation in the crater. They had reported nothing unusual and had been operating there for six months. There weer six of them, Dr Fraiser, Mark Tanner, Phil Mitchel, Blake, Dr Charles Reed and Alan Tucker.

Wilson asked me to look into the finances of Delo Tec. I found they were unusually clean. The company was only registered six months ago. Dr Fraiser had set up other unsuccessful companies previously, but no financial statements were available for them.

Layland recommended we visit the Lunar landing museum. It was about some primitive human technology they used in their first attempts to land on their moon. He also described what was in the Starfleet disposal yards, a cluster of several hundred mothballed ships in orbit.

Meanwhile, Dr Kar'Tak attempted to take samples from the Klingons with the augment virus we had captured, but one suffered multiple organ failure during the process and died.

We then went back to the Luna which repositioned to be above the crater. Vokaya scanned the crater but interference prevented subsurface scans. He determined the interference was from the Dala Tec geological scanner which was being powered from their aeroshuttles warp reactor. He also detected the Luna's hull sensors were being bombarded by Passive radiation at about 4500-7000 anstrums, normally used in a passive high resolution scans. The radiation was coming from the disposal yard.

Wilson ordered me to arm a runabout, which I fitted with phasor emitters. I was then sent withh Liyla and Vokaya to investigate the source of the scan. Distortions in the stellar dust suggested a cloaked vessel, probably a Klingon Bird of Prey. We took the runabout to the moon's surface so the Bird of Prey did not realise we had detected them, then requested Wilson beam down so we could warn him without using our communicators.

He contacted Admiral Hanson who ordered the Luna to destroy it or drive it away. We then returned to the Luna and Wilson ordered the Luna to move to engage. The Bird of Prey decloaked as we approached its location but the Luna fired and hit it before it was able to raise shields, destroying their sensor array. They returned fire but our shields held. The Luna then fired a full spread of Quantum torpedoes, hitting their engines and weapons systems, destroying a nacell and their weapons systems.

The Bird of Prey attempted to ram the Luna, but when we avoided them it initiated a warp core breach. The Luna went to warp just before the Bird of Prey exploded, but the sudden jump to warp caused several ODN conduits to rupture.

While I conducted repairs the Luna returned to orbit above Tyco city where probe scans detected six signatures corresponding to the Klingon augment virus, and another six in the Dala Tec base. However their aeroshuttle with two life forms was then launched from the base and shot down the probe before the other four lifeforms beamed to the aeroshuttle which prepared to go to warp. The Luna used a tractor beam to prevent it, but the shuttle modulated its shields then jumped to warp, overloading and blowing the tractor emitter.

The Luna followed, but was slowed by the previous damage to the ODN conduits. The shuttle headed towards the briar patch, skirting round it. The Luna went straight into the patch to cut them off, even though she had not been fitted out to handle the metrion gas there. The gas ignited just before we exited the patch, causing hull breaches, and two of the crew were lost.

The shuttle was intercepted and attempted to fire on the Luna. They were quickly overpowered and the occupants were beamed aboard. They were the Delo Tec crew and they protested constantly. They were escorted to guest quarters, but suddenly became very aggressive, knocking Grey unconscious and throwing Lawrence across the room before also overpowering Alala. They then appeared in engineering and quickly knocked my crew unconscious. I hid and alerted security as they started speaking to each other in Klingon, erected a force field and worked towards causing a warp core breach.

While they were distracted I shut down the forcefield from an auxiliary console. They spotted and rushed me, and I woke to see Dr Kar'Tak. The Klingons had attacked me before my engineering staff were beamed out. There was some problems overpowering the Klingons. Anesthizine gas did not work and security ended up having to engage them directly.

I did a thorough investigation of main engineering once it was secured, and found a heavily encrypted file which had been inserted in the systems. With Vokayas help I determined it was a back door to our systems, so deleted it.

Son'a ShipA Son'a ship then approached and asked what we were doing. Wilson told them we were retrieving a shuttle craft. They offered help and when Wilson declined they escorted us out. They told us not to re-enter without requesting permission.

Rear Admiral Pearson contacted Wilson and ordered the augmented Klingons to be terminated in 'an accident'. Kar'Tak was given a leave of absence when he refused to assist. Wilson contacted Admiral Hanson who told Wilson he now reported directly to Rear Admiral Pearson. He was shocked at Pearson's orders and told Wilson to delay as much as he could.

Stardate 49037

We returned to the Sol system and Liyla was given permission to leave the ship.

Scans of the Copernicus crater detected tachyon particles and other unusual out of phase particles which were determined to be chronotron particles originating from the late 20th century, specifically January 1996, which was near the end of WWIII on Earth according to the ships computers. Snow and ice as well as an atmosphere were detected deep in the crater where the chronotron particles were originating. I thought their WWIII had ran from 2026-2053, probably another effect of the recent timeline changes that had re-promoted Wilson and brought Grey back from the dead.

I was sent with Vokaya, Kar'Tak, Jiron, Lawrence & two other security officers in an away team to investigate. We were surgically altered to look like humans, except Jiron whose suit I adapted to appear as a 20th century military robot. We beamed down into a tunnel which had been dug by Dala Tec corporation which we found had a breathable atmosphere. Tricorders detected a metallic and carbon fibre structure further down the tunnel which used construction principles from the late 20th century. It was 36.7ft in diameter 14.4 feet long, and weighed 35050 lbs. Its mineral content suggested it originated from the Asia region of Earth. Nearby was another object, 13ft long, 18ft wide, 16.4 ft tall, and weighing 8820 lbs, which had the same mineral content. They were identified as being parts of the Kibo laboratory and had the Japanese flag on the side.Kibo Laboratory.jpg

The Japanese experimental module, nicknamed Kibo, was the 1st human space facility created by Japan, and was part of the international space station. We opened the outer airlock door and could see four humans in ancient spacesuits beyond the airlock, long dead. Jiron sensed a residual psychic field inside and had a vision from the past. A missile hit the space station, and the Kibo module span off and hit the moon. It had been gathering information on an attack on mount Everest.

We then found a Russian module from the international space station which was called the Zvezda Service Module. Inside were the remains of two cosmonauts. We continued to follow the tunnels downwards towards another two structures. The first was about 50 metres long and very dense, the other was larger but less dense. As we descended into a huge chamber the chronoton particles spiked. The dense structure was a vehicle called a space shuttle which had been named Enterprise. There were the remains of two astronauts inside. Kar'Tak scanned the remains and determined their cellular decay had been slowed, probably by the chronoton particles. His scans then showed our bodies were being similarly affected.

A hissing noise was heard from the cargo bay of the shuttle. Lawrence and Jiron went to investigate where they found a translucent snake like creature (which the ships computers identified as an Ophidian) behind a cargo container. It struck at Jiron, phasing through and damaging his suit, rendering him unconscious. It then disappeared. He quickly regained conscious and asked me to repair his suit. Jiron disappeared through a wall as he thought I would be affected like other weak minded humanoids. I repaired the suit but took a look as he re-entered the suit.

I was stunned by hat I saw and taken to sick bay while Vokaya and Jiron continued down the tunnels. In sick bay I heard a voice: "We mustn't sleep! They come in your dreams! That's the worst! They suffocate in your dreams! We're making it out of here! We'll be safe at the boundaries of the universe! We'll be safe! Beyond the boundaries of the galaxy. We made it. We're safe. You must escape to the boundaries of the universe."

Viewing Jiron had affected me more than I thought and I did a few things which in hindsight were a bit rash. I was released from sick bay to my quarters, then made my way to engineering. I got rid of the crew by sending them on jobs throughout the ship, then erected a level 10 forcefield, and set course at 9.95 to the great barrier. That was not fast enough so I pushed the engines to warp 9.98. Realising that was not enough either I then used knowledge I had gained from the Custodian to open a transwarp conduit to get us there more quickly.

Finally the Luna dropped out of warp, suffering some damage, and losing main power. I started repairs and called my engineering team but they reported the captain had countermanded my orders. Strange the captain did not want to get the Luna repaired so I dropped the security bulkheads in case he tried interfering with the repairs, but Kar'Tak and Lawrence ducked under as they closed.

They started talking but I think they were just trying to distract me and I decided to take cover behind the main engineering console. However I was not quick enough and Lawrence stunned me. I woke up constrained in sick bay but was then released back to main engineering to perform repairs under supervision of Lawrence.

Stardate 49038

The Luna received a distress call using an outdated code. It was determined to be from Epsilon IX space station which had been destroyed by an entity called V'Ger over 100 years ago. We were hailed from the station by a Commander Branch. He thought we were 100 years in the past. Three Klingon warships were then detected on approach. They were K'Tinga class ships which were also a good hundred years old but without main power would still be a threat. [Klingon_ships.png]. They fired and hit a nacell.

Strange effects started to happen to them. The ships seemed to pixelate and parts disappear. The Klingons thought we were attacking them and surrendered but the ships continued to deteriorate and eventually disintegrated.

Finally I managed to restore partial main power, then worked to connect a shuttles warp core to provide more power to the Luna. Lawrence tried to stop me then appeared to turn into a demon so I tried to stun him with his phasor. He was faster and I was overpowered and woke in sick bay again. Kar'Tak gave me a hyper spray to use when I felt odd.

I finished connecting the shuttle warp core to provide more power to the Luna which the Captain ordered to be used to restore the transporters to enable evacuation of Epsilon IX. Dr Kar'Tak examined Commander Branch and determined he was a replica of a humanoid, far more sophisticated than androids in the federation. His internal molecules had started pixelating.

Wilson consulted with Mercury. He said V'Ger had combined with a human to evolve and his kind had done something similar in the past. Mercury also said V'Ger was discarding its memories which were then manifesting themselves as physical entities but they were dispersing over time. Mercury then said V'Ger had entered a black hole and suggested the Luna follow and make contact to help them. Mercury knew how to modulate the shields to survive the passage.

I received a communication from Mercury providing a way to remodulate the shields. It involved emitting a beta tachyon pulse from the main deflector to create focused anti proton beams on the shield bubble which would increase shield power tenfold. There as a note saying it would allow passing the event horizon of a singularity and that the equations were specific to the Luna.

As power was restored to the sensor we detected the USS Chandrasekhar near the Luna. They were also suffering power loss and had only partial power. Vokaya and Jiron were on board.

After we had been separated, Jiron had a vision of energy beings wanting to feed on the dying. He and Vokaya had continued down the tunnel and found the large structure was most of the rest of the international space station. They found a fissure in the permanent multipurpose module. It was radiating cold and radiation, and beyond could be seen Mount Everest. Mount EverestAt the summit was some form of fortress. They scanned the fissure and determined it to be a time fissure. Ignoring the temporal directive they stepped through.

The fortress was being attacked and Jiron made telepathic contact with the attackers. They thought a ghost was talking to them and fled. From their thoughts Jiron learned they were attacking the fortress as Khan Noonien Singh had gone. Vokaya and Jiron approached the fortress in an antiquated flying device called a helicopter which they manged to steal from the attackers. They determined Khan had been taken from the past by altered Klingons. They then returned through rift and beamed to Tyco city where they were interrogated by the dept of temporal investigation.

They were then sent aboard the USS Chandrasekhar which was tasked to investigate the disappearance of the Luna. They managed to re-open the conduit and entered it. They experienced problems and narrowly avoided emerging in Borg space, but ended up in a black expanse of space and suffering complete power loss and had managed to restore partial power at the same time as the Luna.

Jiron calculated our position. We were 106000 light years outside the milky way galaxy. As the USS Chandrasekhar did not have enough power to withstand entering the black hole, the Luna would need to extend her shields to protect them. I warned it was risky and the Luna's shields may not be able to protect both vessels, but they chose to do so anyway.

Stardate 49039

We set course to the coordinates Mercury provided while I made the modifications. On passing the event horizon of the black hole, we experienced strange echo's in time. Then we saw a representation of the milky way galaxy. There was a burst of light, and the galaxy was on fire. Our view zoomed in and we saw federation star ships which lost power as the fire engulfed them. Then everything went dark and we saw an energy weapon firing, later identified as the nexus from federation records. There was something spinning, the Tox utat. Then we saw a planet covered in silver which exploded. We entered a tunnel of white from which we emerged back into real space. Looking back we saw we had emerged from a white hole.

Mercury contacted the bridge and said he had located V'Gar, then gave coordinates. Mercury said he could not interfere further. Jiron calculated our location as being about 3.5 million years from the milky way galaxy, in the M113 Palades galaxy. That would take us about 5000 years to return to Earth using a transwarp conduit, far longer just traveling at warp 9.95.

VgerSensors detected an energy field covering an area of about 4 AU, and outputting power equivalent to about 5000 starships. I had to reinitialise the shields which had been drained by our journey. At the centre of the energy field was an object 90km in length and 10km in diameter generating the energy. Wilson contacted V'Ger using antiquated radio technology. It asked us to lower our shields. When Wilson complied a path opened in the energy field towards the centre.Vger Wilson asked for help stabilising the humanoid copies. An oxygen/nitrogen bubble large enough to fit the Luna appeared in the vessel and we were provided coordinates. An iris valve opened and Wilson directed the Luna to enter. There was a hexagonal structure in the centre of the object with unusual energy readings and a tiny speck of light. A voice said ready so I was ordered to beam down with Wilson, Kar'Tak, Vokaya and Jiron.

DeckerThe source of the unknown energy was a figure which had two separate lifeform readings. It addressed Wilson "you are the carbon unit in command?". It said its time was limited in this universe, and asked what we wanted. It said we could call it Decker and Illia (the navigation officer attacked and killed by V'Ger then turned into a perfect copy according to Captain Kirks report on the original V'Ger incident). V'Ger seemed to consider the memories as unimportant but but said it may be able to reintegrate them. It wanted to experience everything and asked one of us to integrate with it. Jiron volunteered. It said we had nothing to fear seeing a Medusan. The others averted their eyes when Jiron emerged, but I saw and it was a beautiful sight. I did not feel any need to take Kar'Tak's medicines after either. V'Ger said it had made the necessary alterations so the memories would survive then said goodbye and disappeared. Wilson never even asked for help from V'Ger in returning to the Alpha quadrant.

When we returned to the Luna Kar'Tak took me to sick bay as he wanted me to wear a cortical monitor. It looked like it had been redecorated and now had purple walls. The computer was acting strangely as well. I was called back to engineering where the warp core appeared to be making an audio beat and half the crew were dancing to it. I ordered them to stop and the music also stopped. One of my staff said he had been thinking of a night club when the music started.

Stardate 49040

Wilson sequested Commander Phara Nu from the USS Chandrasekhar to take the position of the Luna's 1st officer. There were sightings of Q on the Luna. Q said he was here to explore love and appeared to be courting Phara Nu. Phara had met Q previously. Q asked if we wanted to see an artifact and produced a glowing ball of light in his hand. He said it was a new Q called "Q2". Inside the ball was what looked like a human embryo. Q then asked Phara to marry him and she agreed. Q seemed surprised she had accepted but they then argued that she wanted to continue working and he wanted her to 'stay at home in the continuum to look after their child'. Q then announced he would make her pregnant and she immediately started showing signs of pregnancy.

Wilson asked for us to be returned to the Alpha quadrant. Q asked if he wanted to explore here first. Wilson rather stupidly said he would then Q said he would grant that and disappeared. The Luna experienced a sudden shift in position and Stellar cartography reported we had travelled 1.5 million light years from our previous position, about half way back towards the milky way galaxy.

Stardate 49041

A large asteroid was picked up on long range sensors, partly made up of unknown elements. It had a life form inside a chamber, possibly in stasis. There was an atmosphere in the chamber and an unknown energy reading. Having been put here by Q, it would have been sensible to just head away at high warp, but Wilson ordered the Luna to move to transporter range. Sensors showed the asteroid was several billion years old, and had drifted across the galaxy.

I was ordered to participate on an away mission with Kar'Tak, Grey Phara, Lawrence, Vokaya another junior science officer. We found Q waiting on the transporter pad. He said "crewman Q reporting for duty". As it is not possible to get Q to accept no for an answer we were forced to take him with us. We beamed into a corridor, at the end of which was a door with unknown symbols. The door was made of an unknown element, and was incredibly dense. It had no control panel, but when I touched the symbols the door opened letting the atmosphere out. Several pieces of rolled up parchment were expelled through the door and I caught one as did Kar'Tak and Vokaya. Vokaya requested Luna beam the others on board. They succeeded in getting another but the last was lost into space.

There was a cavern beyond the door with unknown mineral deposits on the walls. At the centre of the cavern was a humanoid sized chamber with lights inside. Inside the chamber was a humanoid in stasis. Its DNA did not have a decay timer and the lifeform appeared engineered, not natural. We beamed the stasis chamber to cargo bay 2 and erected a quarantine field. Q produced the missing parchment calling it "the one which got away". They were paintings.

Balor Paintings.jpg

BalorThe stasis chamber started deactivating when Phara performed further scans and a figure emerged. He tried to leave the cargo bay, and when Wilson blocked him Wilson was picked up and thrown aside. I tried to stun him but with no effect. Others also tried to stun him with similar ineffectiveness. He ripped the cargo bay door off and everyone focused fire, still with no effect. Suddenly he shouted "stop, please stop". AS the phasors were having no effect anyway everyone did so. He was called Balor and came from the planet Progon. He asked if we had his paintings as they were very precious to him.

The USS Chandrasekhar contacted the Luna and reported their Tactical officer had been found dead in her quarters. Vokaya and Kar'Tak were sent over to investigate. They performed tricorder scans and found a data pad hidden in a void under the deck plate of her quarters. There was no obvious access so they beamed it out. The data pad required a password.

Kar'Tak examined the body and found minute traces of a poison called Nogatch Hemlock which causes paralysis and stops the heart. It has been used by several races including the Romulans and Norcicans. He concluded it was likely that it had been administered by a hypo spray. The data pad was decrypted by Vokaya and had details about an extremely strong amphetamine called Polydichloric Euthymol. The data pad had records of names, dates and quantities. From the USS Chandrasekhar the names included Captain Bostock, their 1st officer and several other officers. From the Luna the names included Wilson, myself, Alala, Chief Volaris and several other officers.

I performed maintenance of the deuterium tanks which were down to 20%. I informed the captain and initiated a power saving program which included restricting recreative use of the holodecks and personal replicatiors. Balor appeared in engineering with Lawrence who was giving him a tour of the ship. I assigned engineer Zinette to show them round and keep them away from anything important.

The computer raised an alert of a plasma fire in auxiliary engineering. I ran there and found Lawrence outside with some burns. Balor was lying on the floor inside and beyond him was Zinette. I rerouted power and extinguished the fire then ordered a medical emergency and had Zinette and Balor beamed to sick bay. I also commanded Lawrence to get himself to sick bay for treatment. In sick bay Balor made a remarkable recovery on his own then offered to cure Zinette. He did so in seconds, with the damaged flesh falling away and new flesh growing to replace it.

Alala reported that Zinette then ran from sick bay wanting to return to duty, but he did not return to engineering. The computer said he was in an airlock so I alerted security and councillor Stadi to warn them Zinette may be attempting suicide. Stadi found Zinette naked in the airlock staring at the stars. He said he needed to be amongst the stars. He also said Balor had told him he needed to see the flame and it would purify him. Balor had persuaded him to open the valve that caused the plasma leak and fire. Stadi talked him out of committing suicide and he was beamed out of the airlock. Balor then showed up, asked how Zinette was and offered to help. Stadi turned him down and took Zinette to sick bay. Balor then started making demands and threats, and when he was ignored he stormed out of sick bay.

One of the Ops crew on the bridge went hysterical, claiming she was covered in spiders, and brawls were reported in the mess hall and the Luna crater. Balor then stormed into engineering and started making demands that he was in control of the ship and threatened my staff.

Clearly Wilson had let dangerous individuals roam freely about the ship again so I decided to just deal with it before Balor did something more dangerous to the ship. I gave Balor my comm badge saying he would need one if he was in command, then when he was distracted giving orders I beamed him back to this asteroid. The brawls stopped immediately so he was clearly able to affect the more weak willed humanoids on board somehow.

Wilson ordered the command crew to his ready room for a meeting. There were accusations of drug taking and I was on the list found on the USS Chandrasekhar along with Wilson, Lawrence, Alala and several others. Lawrence said he had taken the drug and he was relieved from command and Bain was temporarily appointed chief of Security until Kar'Tak assessed that Lawrence was clean of the drug. Dr Shepherd from the USS Chandrasekhar had test results from his ship and said everyone on the list had tested positive. Kar'Tak tested everyone implicated on the Luna only Lawrence was positive.

Stardate 49042

Vokaya continued investigating the drugs issue. A scan of the USS Chandrasekhar found a large quantity of polydichloric euthymol in the captains quarters. Further investigations pointed to the doctor as trying to frame people. When they went to apprehend him the doctor was not in sick bay and his comm badge was left in a Jeffreies tube. A call was then received from the shuttle bay. Dr Shephard had taken a hostage in the shuttle bay and was threatening to kill her if he was not allowed to leave in a shuttle and Phara allowed him to do so.

Long range sensors picked up Deuterium on the 2nd planet in a nearby system. It was a Class Y planet, also known as a Demon class planet due to its inhospitably). The ships went to warp towards the system.

Stardate 49044

I modified a runabout to withstand the environment of the planet long enough for the deuterium to be mined. I was then sent with Vokaya, Kar'Tak and Grey on an away mission to obtain the deuterium. We landed but the environment was very hostile and the shield emitters on the runabout were damaged on the way down. I quickly repaired them then we went to find the deuterium.

We went to the cave where the deuterium was detected and briefly saw what appeared to be a Horta before it burned through the cave wall and disappeared. Vokaya went in pursuit and caught up with the Horta who said it was Commander Vokaya from the USS Luna.

In the cave we found a pool of deuterium and tricorder readings said there were two other pools. The deuterium was only at 12 degrees C, far below the temperature of the planets atmosphere. I found a federation design matter/antimatter assembly lying on the floor. It was brand new and about 1/4 the size of a standard chamber. Scans suggested it was only 2 minutes old. Nearby I found a dylithium crystal chamber matrix, an intermix chamber and a deuterium injector. Behind them was a pad with design specs and installation instructions for an advanced warp core.

Kar'Tak found a targ, apparently his pet targ from his childhood. Kar'Tak told Grey to think of something he missed, and Armstrong stepped from the pool of Deuterium. I scanned the Deuterium and determined it had organic elements including hydrogen sulphates and dychromate. Kar'Tak thought it might be a lifeform. The Armstrong and Vokaya copy were both at 12 degrees C and contained the same trace elements, but their temperatures then slowly rose to normal levels. The Luna picked up a signal with a Federation signature which was too degraded to decipher and called us back. If the pools were some strange lifeform we were not going to be able to mine them anyway so we took the warp core components back to the runabout and returned to the Luna. The Armstrong and Vokaya copy also insisted on returning with us.

USS PathfinderThe signal approached the Luna at warp 9.999 and was identifying as the USS Pathfinder. An audio visual signal was received which identified itself as Nef, Phara's father, and a second which identified as Wilsons brother Chris. They said they had come to bring us home, then a third came on the view screen which was Phara's mother. The ship came into visual range.

A party from the Pathfinder beamed aboard. They included my cousin Galen, Phara's mother Jhetleya and father Nef, Subek who knew Kar'Tak, and a Horta who knew Vokaya. We were told that Ferenginar had joined the federation, the Q had a civil war then disappeared into the continuum. Everyone looked the same age as they should have been before we entered the black hole and without our experiencing a time dilation, which seemed odd to me at the time.

Everyone on the Pathfinder appeared to know someone on the Luna. They said everyone were volunteers who had come to look for us and the Pathfinder had a new Quantum nacient wormhole accelerator which was able to create wormholes by accelerating the probability of a wormhole forming. We would need to modify our shields to be able to travel back to Earth through a wormhole with the Pathfinder. We were told Wilson had been promoted to rear admiral and head of starfleet operations, I was made head of Starfleet engineering, Vokaya had been promoted to captain and would be given command of a ship called Excalliber which was crewed by Horta. Kar'Tak had been made head of starfleet medical and the Klingons had sued for peace and reinstated the Kittimar accords. Phara's parents planet had joined the federation, the Kardassians and Breen were no longer a threat, and the Borg not been seen for years. It seemed odd to me that people who had been missing for 38 years would be given such important positions in the Federation, but the quantum theory information they gave seemed valid and would allow travel anywhere using wormholes.

VrakThe Luna picked up a new sensor reading. Chris said they were the Vrak and hostile. They sent a garbled message and fired on the Pathfinder. The Luna fired back to little effect. We started experiencing comms issues on the Luna and people started acting strangely, acting like we were not at read alert and partying in the Lunar crater. There was a mutiny on the bridge and the crew started disobeying Wilsons orders. They wanted to take the Luna through a wormhole that had appeared nearby. My cousin had appeared in engineering wanting to help and behaving rather unlike a Ferengi. Deducing the crew were experiencing more telepathic disturbances, Kar'Tak released dopamine blockers throughout the Luna.Maw Of Bliss The wormhole turned into some huge biological entity and my cousin turned into a protoplasmic blob as did the other Pathfinder crew throughout the Luna. The Pathfinder itself turned into an organic blob which then broke down.Protoplasmic Blob

The captain of the alien ship said it was the Maw of Bliss and would consume our ship if we did not leave immediately, so Wilson ordered the Luna to warp.

The Vrak captain then beamed over. He was Captain Talar and told us about a red giant designated FGC6619. They were on a scientific exploration of this part of the galaxy looking for technology and asked if we had heard of a race called the Iconians, demons of air and darkness. They had an ability to appear on far-flung planets without the use of starships. The Vrak had sent a probe to FGC6619 and believed FGC6619 had technology left behind by the Iconians. Kar'Tak examined the Vrak. They had unusual physiology and could regenerate. Wilson agreed to go with them to investigate.

Stardate 49047

Vokaya was ill for a few days, sweating sand. It got stuck in his craw, and Dr Kar’tak had to give him some special mud ointment to fix it.

We entered the FGC6619 system. There were 11 planets and all had signs of technological remains. We had not been there long though when we received a transmission 'Alien vessels, you have violated the territory of the Lorengi and will be detained'. All our ships were then held in place by energy fields before disappearing and reappearing in a black pocket of space. There were hundreds of other vessels nearby, all but one derelicts. Some been there for millennia but one had about a hundred humanoid lifeform readings. Helm was unable to get a stellar fix of our position, we were in some form of extra dimensional pocket of space. We hailed the ship. They were Dorkali and had been trapped for 20 years. They said we were in a prison dimension.

Lorengi AvatarThe Luna as hailed by an unknown figure who asked if we claimed sovereignty over this space. Wilson said no and we were told we could leave. WIlson then asked for help returning to Earth. They said they would help in exchange for the entity Q. It was referring to Phara's child. Phara declined and we were released back to normal space in the FGC6619 system.

Phara then started experiencing pain and said she needed to give birth in a class 2 nebula within the next three weeks. While scanning to find one we picked up a massive gravitational field several light years away. The child was in distress and speaking with Phara telepathically saying "the pain, you have to help them". The child provided coordinates and Vokaya set a course. They were at the exact centre of a huge gravametric field.

Dyson SphereThe object appeared to be a Dyson sphere. The Luna went into orbit above it. The gravametric interference was causing a 30% power drain on the Luna's systems. It's interior shell had an area equivalent to 250 million planets with a G class star in the centre and there were ruins at least 200000 years old. There were no life signs. Strangely the star was being refuelled somehow. The Vrak ship found a vast antenna array and portal on the far side of the sphere.

The Luna suddenly went into lockdown with a warning that the Omega protocol was active as an omega molecule had been detected. The ships computer reported that subspace harmonics should be used to neutralise them and produced schematics.

The Luna maneuvered to the portal and hailed the array. It responded and the portal opened. The Luna then maneuvered inside. The ships computer reported that 36 omega molecules were detected in orbit around the star. They were encased in metallic objects and were replenishing the hydrogen in the star. Inside each capsule was a small humanoid like form and matched the foetus inside Phara.

GatewaySuddenly a Romulan warbird decloaked in front of the Luna. They hailed the Luna and a female Romulan appeared on the view screen. The ship identified itself as the IRW Tavaren. They wanted to talk and Wilson invited her to beam over. They had been investigating reports of an Iconian gateway in the Beta quadrant and had been pulled through to here. They believed their quantum singularity had interacted with the gateway in a negative way and they had had to turn it off.

Sick bay started filling with crew reporting extreme fatigue. Kar'Tak found that transporter chief Volaris had had their arm surgically removed and reattached within the last hour, and Kar'Tak found another crewman's blood had been replaced with a synthetic equivalent which was not operating properly. He also detected particles which had originated in subspace.

Wilson passed out with fatigue. Kar'Tak examined him and found a foreign object in his cerebellum. Some form of tiny machinery which was emitting the subspace particle. It was a receiver/transmitter transmitting his brainwaves into subspace. Kar'Tak disabled it with a low level vertion pulse.

The Romulans provided 300 hectalitres of Deuterium to help refuel the Luna. I started the refinement process then started working on the harmonics resonance chamber.

Subspace particle emissions were detected in cargo bay 1. Security found a panel there in a strange inter phasic state and detected sub-nucleonic interference. I was interrupted in my work on the resonance chamber when I was called to the med bay as Kar'Tak who was planning an operation on Wilson to try to determine the exact subspace tertiary domain the transmitter was connecting to. While I was helping Kar'Trak, a rift started forming in cargo bay 1 and Wilson ordered power to be diverted to erect a level 10 force field. He also requested a power transfer from the other ships to allow the work on the harmonics resonance chamber to continue when I warned him that the power drain from the force field would further affect the work on the resonance chamber. It was determined that a verteron beam could be used to collapse the rift in the cargo bay and the Vrak ship was asked to prepare to use their deflector dish to do so.

Once I had helped Kar'Tak modify the transmitter in Wilsons head to allow us to track it, he returned to his cabin to sleep and we waited for him to be abducted again. Shortly afterwards Kar'Tak detected his vital signs had changed and the computer reported he was not in his cabin and started scanning subspace. It took several minutes to isolate the exact Tertiary domain he was in, which it finally isolated as Alpha 16.213. I instructed that the subspace signal be used to transport Wilson back but Kar'Tak reported receiving a text message through the link saying wait. The rift in cargo bay 1 continued to expand and I determined it would fully form and destroy the cargo bay in about a minute. I instructed Kat'Tak to provide that information over the link and then when the time was up I had Wilson beamed back and the Vrak ship fire the verteron beam which collapsed the rift.

Wilson was beamed back successfully with two other crew, but he was unconscious had had a wound from an energy weapon. Kar'Tak treated him and examined the other crew. Finding they both had neural parasites he ordered they were confined to the brig.

Wilson recounted his experience. He said he woke on an examination table and there were strange creatures making clicking noises around him. There were neural parasites in stasis tubes and two other crew unconscious on other tables and information about the gateway on the wall. He broke free and grabbed the other two crew and a tricorder one had, then used the tricorder to scan the gateway data but was hit by one of the creatures which had pulled a weapon and fired at him just before he was beamed back.

Several Romulans beamed over to help refine the deuterium and Phara used the Q powers of her baby to free 2 Q juveniles, and when she did so, the corresponding omega particles also disappeared. Finally the resonance chamber was complete and we started dissolving the particles. The Romuilan vessel had also created a chamber and did likewise.

We used the portal data recovered by Wilson to activate the portal. The sun started collapsing as soon as the last particle was dissolved and all the ships moved to enter the gateway.

The Chief medical officer has also produced a summary of the recent experiences from his medical perspective. Chief medical log.

Valdore Class WarbirdWe emerged on the far side of the gateway, very near Romulus. Passage through the gateway had thrown main power and the warp core offline. Several Romulan ships of an unknown type decloaked nearby. The Romulans stated we had entered Romulan space in contravention to the Treaty of Algeron and we were to surrender immediately. Wilson started negotiating while I manged to restore partial power.

Klingon Augmented ShipsA huge quantity of tetrion particles were detected in the vicinity and approaching our location. Then a number of Klingon vessels of unknown configuration decloaked and targeted both ourselves and the Romulans. Wilson ordered us to warp and set course to starbase 364 while the Romulans were distracted. Two of the Klingon ships peeled off and began to pursue us and the Vrak ship turned to engage them. Wilson ordered the Luna to help as I got the Luna's weapons and shields back to full power.

One of the Klingon ships was hit by the Chandrasekhar but their weapons were ineffective. The Chandrasekhar then turned and set course towards Federation space. The Luna fired on the Klingons. Their hull appeared able to bleed off the energy but enough got through to disable their weapons. The IRW Tavaren then decloaked and asked if they could be of assistance before also firing on the Klingons.

The Luna was hit, collapsing our shields and severely damaging the starboard nacell. Wilson then ordered us to disengage and retreat back to Federation space with the Vrak ship in tow. Seven crew were killed in the engagement with another 32 injured.