Stardate 49052 -> 49404

Vesta Class StarshipThe USS Austia was detected on sensors. It was one of the new Vesta class ships. We were hailed by K'Tiri who was commanding the Austia. It was using quantum slipstream technology and was capable of travelling at 310LY/H.

We learned that a year had passed since we entered the black hole and it was 2374. The Luna's ship chronometer was out of sync and I needed to reset it to match what the Austia reported.

Stardate 49405

We arrived at starbase 364. The Mp'Wii docked. Wilson and the command staff were called to an emergency meeting with Admiral Hanson. We were told the Klingons had perfected their augment technology and were winning the war. They had also invaded Romulan space. We were told we would be given shore leave before volunteering on an important mission. The Luna was to be decommissioned and Wilson was offered command of the USS Vesta and promoted to the rank of Admiral. Phara convinced them to repair the Luna and give her the captaincy so I was given 4 weeks to get the Luna repaired and refitted while everyone else got their shore leave.

Class 2 NebulaThe Chandrasekhar left to go to a class 2 nebula in the Shackleton expanse so Phara could give birth. The child wanted the Chandrasekhar to go to the centre of a proto star in the nebula and Phara ordered the ship there ignoring warnings the ship could not survive. They experienced a warp core breach then Phara and Kar'Tak found themselves on a road heading into the distance. Kar'Tak consulted his tricorder which said they were in Sto-Vo-Cor. Fek'lhr appeared to Kar'Tak and accused him of having a dishonourable life before laughing and turning into Q. The daughter appeared next to him and Phara was no longer pregnant. She appeared to be about 12. Q wanted Phara to marry him and Phara agreed but they then started arguing when Q said he expected her to stay in the continuum to bring up their child. Q agreed she could continue to serve in starfleet then join the continuum when she retired. At that point Phara and Kar'Tak reappeared on the bridge of the Chandrasekhar just before they entered the star.

Wilson returned to Earth on his shore leave and met with his brother Chris. Mercury wanted to duplicate himself on the Vesta and was given permission to do so.

Stardate 49412

I was called to Admiral Hanson's office with the other senior staff. A'kul and some other Klingons from the Mp'Wii were also there. We were told we were volunteering for a top priority mission. After Khan Noonien Singh had been abducted from the 20th century by the Klingons he had been taken to Qo'noS where he had been perfecting Klingon augments and ships. The mission was to retrieve Khan and free his followers being held on the penal colony Rura Penthe then return them to the 20th century. We would be surgically altered to look like Klingons for the mission and take the identities of Klingons who were to be nominated for order of batleth, and attend a ceremony in the Hall of Warriors in Gawron's palace on Qo'noS. It was believed Khan was being held there. Khan needed to be returned to the 20th century to avoid irreparable changes to the timeline. We would be taken to Qo'noS on the Mp'Wii after Kar'Tak performed the alteration surgery.

Our identities would be:
Myself - T'Vis, son of Barot
Wilson - Ha'Ta, son on Kahmar.
Phara - Huss, daughter of A'Trom
Stadi - Jodmos, son of Kobor
Kar'Tak - Pahash, son of Konjah

Stardate 49413

After the surgery we were told to report to the Mp'Wii where A'kul started our training to be Klingons. He beat up Kar'Tak during the training. At lunch I met up with Marka and Hur'krel. Kar'Tak was served cold dead food and got annoyed, hitting the chef then storming out. There was singing to Klingon opera then Wilson and A'kul had a drinking competition. Wilson got drunk but beat A'kul. I arranged to meet Marka in the evening after an afternoon of Bat'Leth training.

Stardate 49420

It took a week to reach Qo'noS. On the way we were hailed by a K'Vort class bird of prey, the IKAS Hektar. They offered to escort us to Qo'noS when told we were on our way to get the order of batleth. I spent the time helping the Mp'Wii engineers improve the efficiency of their engines and cloaking device.

Qo'nos ShipsFinally we approached Qo'noS. The fortress was covered by a forcefield and had transport inhibitors, so I modified some pattern enhancers to look like pain sticks to give us the option of an emergency beam out, and Kar'Tak fitted us with subdermal trackers to allow the Mp'Wii to keep track of us.

Hall Of WarriorsWe took a shuttle down to the surface. We were given a course to the first city by traffic control and landed in the old quarter. From there we entered the Hall of Warriors. It was full of Klingons getting drunk and challenging each other to pointless competitions. A Klingon wanted me to arm wrestle. I lost, but he then wanted to throw knives which I won as he was so drunk. In the morning general Martok appeared and asked some questions. Then Gowron entered with the Brotherhood of the Sword. There was lots of bragging. Kar'Tak got carted off to their medical centre as he was nearly caught scanning for Khan and had to feign illness.

Stadi read Gowron's mind and determined Khan was being held in a dungeon beneath the Hall. We slipped away and went down to the dungeon where we found two Klingon guards. Wilson tried to perform a nerve pinch on one but the Klingon was suspicious and fired his disruptor when Wilson approached, hitting him. The other Klingon also fired and hit Kar'Tak. I shot and stunned one, and Phara stunned the other but reinforcements appeared at the top of the stairs.

Wilson fired at the cell lock but a ricochet also hit Khan, injuring him. One of the Klingons coming down the stairs attacked me with his Bat'Leth as Kar'Tak treated Khan. Stadi managed to set up the transport enhancers and Wilson ordered the Mp'Wii to perform an emergency beam out. The two stunned Klingons were beamed out with us and A'Kul ordered they be killed as traitors. Khan announced he did not want to be returned to the past and ordered us to rescue his followers from Rura Penthe. I can see he is going to become a problem real soon.

Stardate 49423

It took three days to reach Rura Penthe. Khan suggested we pretend to be guards transferring him to Rura Penthe so I hacked into their systems and added some records to that affect while we were on the way there. His followers were lead by his son Joachim so we should attempt to contact him when we got inside. On arrival Vokaya beamed down to the surface outside the magnetic shielding to start tunnelling his way into the prison as a backup escape plan.

The prison commandant was called Koth. Kar'Tak thought he was probably assigned to the prison as a punishment for something. Wilson contacted him and got a report. Khans followers were being restrained due to the danger they posed but they had more than doubled production.

Prison EntranceWe beamed down with Khan and were met by Koth who lead us inside. Khan's followers were on the lowest level. They were visited as part of an inspection and secretly given a weapon. Kar'Tak and Phara then distracted the guards while I disrupted the prisons power systems. I succeeded but triggered an unauthorised entry alarm. That resulted in a firefight with the two Klingon guards present. Phara was knocked unconscious and Kar'Tak badly damaged one of the consoles requiring me to perform some emergency repairs, but the two guards were stunned.

Prison InteriorWilson and Stadi went to the armoury to try to obtain weapons. They succeeded in getting the guards to leave on the pretence of trying to restore power but found the access codes had been changed. Their attempt to hack in failed and had to use disruptors to burn through the door. Khan appeared having freed himself, and there were sounds of fighting from below.

I started trying to disable the shield as more Klingons arrived. Wilson was hit by disruptor fire and Kar'Tak had to perform emergency medical aid. I finally managed to disable the magnetic shield and the Mp'Wii started beaming everyone up. The power came back up during the process but I quickly disabled it again. When everyone was transported to the Mp'Wii the cloak was engaged and we left at high warp.

Khan wanted Phara to marry him and she agreed, resigning from starfleet. He did not want to return to his own time and wanted a planet for his followers to live on. In return he would give starfleet information on the weaknesses if the Klingon augment ships. Starfleet agreed to his terms and we returned to starbase 364.

Stardate 49433

Wilson received a communication from admiral Hanson in which he was ordered to enter a new prefix code, then ordered to disable all sensors and viewscreens as the Vesta would be remote controlled. Shortly after the Vesta went to warp 5 on an unknown heading then accelerated to warp 9.75. The quantum slipstream drive was then engaged for about half a minute before the Vesta came to a stop and control of our systems were returned. We were inside the Shackleton expanse and the Vesta was hailed. The image on the viewscreen was Moriarti, a hologram who had previously caused problems on the USS Enterprise.

Daystrom InstituteHe said "Welcome to the most secure facility in the Federation", and gave us coordinates to beam to. Scans showed only one small lifeform on board the facility, a tribble. Myself, Vokaya, Kar'Tak, and Khan (who brought Phara) were ordered to the transporter room for the away mission. While assembling we were suddenly all on the bridge. Q had discovered Phara was engaged to Khan. Phara told Q she only agreed to marry Khan as she was scared of him. Q acted jealous and disappeared.

Finally we beamed to the coordinates where an android was waiting for us. It appeared to be a primitive model and wanted to perform a security scan. It then wanted us to deposit all weapons and equipment in a receptacle. Khan objected but Phara told him to obey and he reluctantly did so.

Moriarty then appeared and asked us to follow him. We were asked to submit to a security scan, then Moriarty showed us a museum with a number of labelled plexiglass containers:
Arretan android
Attack tribble
Borg vinculum
D'Arsay archive
Exo III android duplicator
Genesis II Device
James T. Kirk's body
Kataan probe
Koinonian explosive device
Memory virus
Oscillation over thruster
Portal weapons
"Pup" probe
Probability device
Self-sealing stem bolt
Thalaron generator

The tribble was going frantic at the presence of Kar'Tak.

Moriarty said he was to transport the Genesis II device to the Vesta, and he gave me the operators manual. We were then shown the other artifacts. Moriarty said Kirk had not died and was being kept on the cusp of death in the hope he could be returned to life one day.

Starfleet wished us to locate a suitable dead planet in the Shackleton expanse and use the Genesis device to make a home for Khan and his followers. We were then to take measurements of the Genesis effect.

We beamed back to the Vesta where I read the manual on the Genesis device. It was self controlling and could be launched like a torpedo, would enter orbit of a planet then trigger the Genesis effect to reconfigure matter on the planet at a molecular level to make it suitable for life. Sensors detected a suitable class K planet at long range in what Vokaya designated the Janus Aleph system.

Stardate 49436

Dead PlanetIt took three days to reach the Janus Aleph system, and during the journey Khan and his followers started to show signs of accelerated aging. As we were about to drop out of warp the Vesta's warp core suddenly went inert and we dropped to impulse. Something outside the ship was preventing a stable warp core bubble from forming and the effect was originating from the planet we were heading towards. It was also slowly expanding. With the warp drive unavailable we used the quantum slipstream drive to reach the planet. Lambda WaveIn orbit an anomaly was detected above the northern hemisphere which was about 2000km in diameter and emitting Lambda waves. It was a theoretical phenomenon associated with ESP and telepathic abilities. On the far side of the planet was a ship, and further scans suggested an Omega particle may have been detonated on the planets surface under the anomaly.

The crew of the Vesta started experiencing strange telekinetic phenomena until Vokaya adjusted the Vesta's shields to block the Lambda waves.

The ship was the Romulan warbird IRW Tavaren. It was adrift and slowly losing altitude. Its main power was down and all the ships systems were on emergency power. There were lifeforms on board and sensors detected damage to the bridge from hand weapons.

I was ordered to assemble a team of engineers as part of an away team. Phara and Khan took runabouts to help tractor beam the Tarveren into a higher orbit. The tractor beams were briefly engaged, but the Tavaren diverted power to their disruptor emitters and locked onto Phara's shuttle, at which point Wilson ordered the tractor beams to be disengaged and for the shuttles to return to the Vesta. The Tarveren fired a short burst before losing lower completely, but missed.

Wilson then ordered the runabouts to reengage the tractor beams but Khan refused unless he was given an armed runabout. The Vesta then moved to protect the runabouts and Khan was persuaded to aid in pulling the Tarveren into a higher orbit.

Sensors then detected disturbance from a transwarp conduit about 3.2 light years away with something the size of a Borg sphere in the conduit, with the aperture predicted to open in our vicinity. Vokaya picked up a weak signal from the Taveren. It was a request for assistance saying the sender was Cmdr Maheven who was holed up in sick bay after the crew became irrational and violent.

The Borg sphere emerged and swept the Tarveren with a taleron beam. It then hailed the Vesta and demanded to know where the Omaga particle was. Wilson told the Borg that we did not have the particle and that it had been detonated on the planet. The Borg then told us to lower shields so it could beam aboard to talk. Khan demanded they come unarmed and the Borg said it would comply.

Wilson permitted the Borg to beam over. One borg materialised and said it was consort to the Borg queen. The borg also said it was previously designated 7 of 9, and D'Laith was now the Borg queen. Wilson took the Borg to a conference room. It said they needed Omega particles to oppose the Borg king who was attempting to usurp the Borg queen. The Borg king had the designation Lore and was a Borg enhanced android.

Another transwarp conduit was detected and another ship emerged. A Borg called Tosis told us to get lost and then targeted the Borg sphere. They fired a torpedo at the Spere and Wilson ordered the Vesta to fire on the new Borg ship. It returned fire on the Vesta dropping our shields by 50%. A second transwarp conduit was then detected with another two ships. The Borg sphere hit their forward weapons array, disabling it. Wilson told 7 of 9 we needed to retreat to starbase 364 as we could not oppose three ships. The Borg sphere then engaged a tractor beam on the Tarveren and entered a transwarp conduit while the Vesta engaged our quantum slipstream drive.

We arrived back at starbase 364 in under an hour. Shortly after we arrived Khan collapsed and Kar'Tak had to perform an emergency resuscitation. His body was aging rapidly due an effect caused by him being out of his normal time. Kar'Tak said he needed to contact a Dr Sung (descendant of the original Sung who had created Khan) for assistance.

Admiral Hanson and A'Kul beamed on board the Vesta. Hanson wanted to know our opinion on cooperating with the Borg. I advised that Law could not be trusted and 7 of 9 was acting more reasonably than other Borg had acted in the past.

Stardate 49457

We were assigned a mission to head to Gorn space and contact Dr Sung to get help for Khan. The duplicate Vokaya, Armstrong and targ were left on starbase 364. I started installing the miniature warp drive I had found at the same time as the duplicates in a runabout to evaluate it. As there were suspicions it was a lifeform like the duplicates, Kar'Tak helped and started talking to it to try to evaluate if it was sentient. It responded and extruded a hand. Kar'Tak informed the bridge and Wilson came down to see what was happening. He touched the hand which then enveloped his hand and started taking his form. Wilson reported it was trying to initiate a mind meld, then allowed it to connect. He experienced some form of psychotropic episode so Kar'Tak administered neuropeptide blockers to break the contact. That caused the whole warp core assembly to dissolve into a puddle on the floor, which ended the evaluation quite abruptly.

Pharas daughter 'Z' appeared in a flash of light. She said she had been studying our first contacts with lifeforms and said she had a suggestion. She said we were not ready for first contact with its species and could return it to its home planet. Wilson turned her down until the lifeform indicated it wanted to be returned home.

USS AntaresWe finally approached Gorn space. Sung was last seen entering Gorn space on the USS Antares 108 years ago. We received a message from the Gorn.

"Sensors have indicated your vessel's presence within one lightsecond of our border. Do not cross into Gorn space. You have been warned. Any attempt to cross the border will be regarded as a hostile incursion. Alter your course accordingly.
Make no attempt at long-range scans across the border. Any attempt to do so will be neutralized. Response is not required."

Gorn ShipThe Vesta replied but just got a repeat of their warning. A Gorn ship was detected heading towards the border. Attempts to hail it just resulted in further repeats of their warning. Further attempts mentioning Sung finally elicited a response and we received a transmission from the Gorn captain acknowledging they knew of Sung and allowing us to cross into their space if our weapons were offline. Wilson and Phara then beamed over to the Gorn ship.

The Gorn captain said Sung was assisting the Rusth against the Ssessekh (different Gorn factions we believe) but they did not know his location. He was considered an enemy who should be killed.

It was theorised that scanning for Theta band subspace emissions might detect Sung's ship as Sung had been known to use such radiation as part of his experiments. It was considered extremely toxic to life, and could effect subspace. Sung applied it to mutagenics to alter and activate DNA introns, and uncontrolled exposure could cause individuals to de-evolve. Wilson contacted the Vesta to ask the us to link with the Gorn vessel to perform the scan.

We performed the scan, and emissions were detected in a system classified as Matharin. There were five planets orbiting the star, and the emissions were from Matharin 2. We followed the Gorn ship at warp 7.2 which appeared to be their maximum speed.

Stardate 49458

Maltharin IIBoth ships entered orbit. Many lifeform readings were detected on the surface, similar to dinosaurs and small mammals. A shielded structure was detected in the jungle, made of duranium and titanium with power source. A scout class vessel of Gorn design was on a landing pad nearby. A second structure with residual radiation, possibly from a warp core was also detected. It appeared to be the remains of a federation starship, possibly the USS Antaries.

Myself, Lawrence with three other security personnel, Alala and Phara were assigned to an away team to investigate the ship. The Gorn captain and three other Gorn also beamed down to the ship. Its saucer section was reasonably intact but the nacells were ripped off and it appeared to have crashed.

I found an old style phaser 2 on the ground but the power pack was drained. Members of the team started experiencing headaches which got worse, and the away team was beamed back to the Vesta.

Stardate 49476

Things got quite strange at that point. Sung used Theta band subspace emissions to cause the crew of the Vesta to evolve and de-evolve, and while the Vesta was uncontrolled, a group of Pakleds boarded and started stealing things, doing a lot of damage in the process. Some of gamma shift had been cleaning the Bussard collectors which had protected them from the radiation, and they were able to regain control of the ship. A report was provided by one of them. Kar'Tak did go into quite a bit of detail about the theory of it all, but to be honest I did not pay much attention as I was contemplating now long it was going to repair the damage to the Vesta caused by the Pakled and the crew who lost control of themselves.

We returned to Starbase 364 and I was ordered to get Vesta repaired as fast as possible. The Grand Nagus had offered technology and weapons in return for access to our quantum slipstream technology so the Vesta was ordered to go to Ferengannar once Khan had been cured.

Stardate 49479

It took three days to repair the damage. Wilson gave Phara the position of 1st officer and rank of commander. That woman is fickle. She did not even want to be in Starfleet a few weeks ago. Wilson then ordered the Vesta to head back to Gorn space at warp 8 before engaging the quantum slipstream drive to return to the Matharin system in hours. Sung's base was completely destroyed. At its location was just a crater which had been caused by an orbital bombardment, though there was no sign of debris from the shuttle that had been there. There was also debris from at least 5 ships in orbit indicating a battle. A faint warp trail was detected leading to a system classified as BE-754251BE-754251-0023-0023 which contained a class 5 nebula. Vokaya designated the system Beta 75.

I diverted most of the reserve power to the shields before the Vesta entered the nebula, and salvos of torpedo's fired through the nebula were used to map it. We got over a thousand contacts, 2 metres long and 1 metre in diameter, made of carbon nanotubes with a monotanium core and reinforced by gravatron wave generators inside the devices. Each also had a graviton wave generator and were determined to be mines. Phara, Kar'Tak and Bain were ordered to take a runabout through to plot a safe course.

Big DipperOn the far side was some sort of station 30km long and comprised similarly to the mines, and was in orbit around a gas giant. It had deployed a ram scoop to harvest material from the gas giant, was at least 100 years old and had numerous life signs aboard. They were primarily Gorn but one was human. Inside was also the scout ship. Large lifeforms, twice the size of a runabout, were also detected inside the gas giant itself. AliensThe creatures appeared to be using lidar to navigate and one was carrying what appeared to be a metallic tool in a tendril.

The Vesta hailed the station and managed to speak directly to Sung. Sung finally agreed to talk further and allowed an away team to beam over. Wilson, Kar'Tak, Vokaya and myself with two security officers were assigned to the away team. We materialised in a control room. The walls were made of a highly reflective chrome and decorated. Sung was in a wheelchair, and there were also several Gorn. It was obvious that the original creators of the station were not Gorn and Vokaya thought there were similarities to ships built by the Hur'q, a race that enslaved Klingons a few centuries ago. Sung called the station the big dipper.

Sung wanted help with problems caused by the lifeforms in the gas giant which had damaged one of the stations scoops. He asked if I knew about Cyclotrons and nuclio thermic generators, and requested I looked into repairing the ram scoop. Analysis of the damage showed it had been damaged by some form of laser. The station was suddenly rocked by a blast, a combination fission/fusion explosion with a yield similar to a photon torpedo. The size and construction of the station was such that the blast caused no real damage.

Kar'Tak provided Sung some samples from Khan and his followers. Sung seemed confused and had forgotten he was supposed to investigate what was wrong. He made a passing comment about having experimented on the creatures in the gas giant.

I assembled an engineering team to affect repairs on the scoop. The damage was extensive and was going to take some time to repair. The Gorn ship we had delt with previously was detected on approach. The captain was not happy and accused the Vesta of abandoning them, and stated that several Gorn vessels had been lost as a result.

Kar'Tak worked with Sung and developed a cure for Kahn and his people which was administered. Phara took a runabout into the gas giant with Vokaya and Bain to investigate the creatures more closely. One of the creatures approached the runabout, flashing lights in an attempt to communicate. In one of its tendrils it was carrying a metal device containing a radioactive warhead. Vokaya used the runabouts universal translator to interpret the lights and got:

“The Old Gods are no longer worshipped here!”, “We are Free! We will fight you even if our souls are consumed!”
“The Old Gods came in metal craft. They used us to harvest our souls. They sent the Eater of Souls to devour us when we said we would no longer serve them. They left and the Eater of Souls left. Now the Eater of Souls returns along with tiny creatures in a metal craft. Do not deceive us!”

It referred to itself as: Third Shackle Breaker of the Descendants of the Brave.

A structure the size of a city was detected deeper in the gas giant but the runabout had to ascend before the pressure of the atmosphere crushed the it.

The Gorn ship announced they were going to take Sung and warned the Vesta should not interfere. Wilsons attempts at diplomacy just annoyed them more.

Wilson succeeded in convincing Sung that it was in his best interests to board the Vesta and return to the federation, and the Gorn finally agreed in the interests of peace they would not push for their own justice.

Stardate 49486

It took us a week to get to Ferenginar at warp 8. I beamed down with Captain Wilson, Kar'Tak, Vokaya and Phara to the chamber of commerce after paying a small fee for the Vesta to be moved to the front of the queue for clearance. We met the Grand Nagus Zek. My father Bost was there, and he was now a Daemon. There was also a Daemon Zarg.

The Nagus was offering Particle weapons, fighter craft, and shielding technology in return for quantum slipstream technology. I was to install a slipstream drive on my fathers ship, the Krayton, for testing.

Kar'Tak, Vokaya and Phara then went to explore the capital on their own and got attacked by some Norsicans. Kar'Tak was stabbed and poisoned in the fight, and he had to be beamed back to the Vesta for emergency surgery. I beamed to my fathers ship to start installing the slipstream drive while the Vesta went in pursuit of the Norsican ship they had determined was responsible for the attack.

orion bombWhile fitting the drive I detected a slight power drain in one of the EPS conduits. I scanned and detected verteron particles in the impulse reaction chamber, emanating from a device. I investigated and found a Tri-cobalt explosive device of Orion manufacture. When I investigated it further, the device started counting down and the Krayton crew were unable to beam it off so I had to disarm it quickly.

The first test run went well but there was some problems with load balancing and power transfer. While I was addressing the problems, Admiral Hanson contacted me. He said all contact with the Vesta had been lost and asked for the Krayton to go and investigate.

The Krayton followed residual particles left from the Vestas warp trail, and followed in haste using the quantum slipstream. When we exited the quantum slip stream we and detected several federation runabouts engaged in a fight with three Norsican raiders. The Krayton engaged the Norsicans, disabling two of the raiders and causing the third to flee.

The runabouts were contacted. They were all piloted by genetically enhanced humans and Khan was on board one. They were invited him to dock with the Krayton, and one of the Norsican raiders was tractor beamed and boarded. Khan's followers were treated for a fee, and he reported the Vesta had been taken by a Borg ship commanded by the Borg king Law. The command crew beamed over to the Borg ship unarmed and were captured, then the Vesta was taken into a transwarp conduit. Khan and his followers managed to escape the Vesta but were being engaged by the Norsicans when we arrived.

When scanning for the trans warp conduit it opened and the Krayton was pulled in. As we transversed the conduit I heard Pharas voice saying she was leaving to stay with her daughter in the continuum and this would be the last time I would see her. She also said the Vestas crew were being held by Law.

The conduit terminated in the Zeta II reticula system, near a class M world with single moon. There was a large amount of EM radiation interfering with scans of the planet, but a possible structure was detected. There were two vessels in orbit, the Vesta and a large alien vessel holding the Vesta in a tractor beam. Scans showed both vessels had borg on board but the Vesta still had crew as well. The internal environmental conditions on Vesta had been modified to match borg preferences.

I beamed to the Vesta's bridge with Khan and his followers, but was hit by a borg and injected with borg nanites. Khan appeared unconcerned so I requested to be beamed back to the Krayton where I passed out. When I came round the Krayton's doctor had managed to prevent my being assimilated, but Khan had gained control of the Vesta and left at warp.

The Krayton's sensors detected an explosion on the surface. Scans of the area pinpointed several life forms which were identified as the Vesta senior crew and some borg. I made contact and was told the crew had been rescued by some liberated borg who were beamed aboard at Wilson's request. The borg vessel in orbit had powered down and there were minimal power readings from it. Wilson offered it to the liberated borg who accepted gratefully and beamed over to take control. They promised to keep in touch. My father presented Wilson with a bill for the assistance he had provided. I was then able to find out what had happened to the Vesta.

The Vesta caught the Norsican ship after it damaged its engines. The Norsicans involved in the attack were beamed to the Vesta and were put in the brig, but the Norsican ship transmitted a signal before leaving which triggered some suicide devices implanted in them and Dr Kar'Tak had to perform emergency operations to keep them alive. The Vesta then pursued the Norsican ship to a class N planet where they transmitted a signal which was relayed by a satellite to the far side of the planet. When the Vesta investigated they found a huge vessel in orbit.Rogue Borg Vessel It swept the Vesta with an extremely powerful polaron beam before firing a torpedo which narrowly missed the Vesta. Then borg drones started beaming onto the Vesta through the shields as the Vesta was hailed by an android that looked like Data, later identified as Law. Wilson beamed to the ship with Kar'Tak, Phara and Bain. There they met Law who was calling himself the borg king, and 7 of 9 who he claimed to be his queen.

Wilson refused to hand over the Vesta's command codes so Law ordered Valara to be assimilated. Kar'Tak however was able to treat her and block the process. Phara suddenly disappeared in a flash of light. She communicated later that her daughter Z had been charged that her half human heritage was polluting the Q continuum and was asked to attend the hearing and give testimony. It was proposed that her daughter be stripped of her powers and given over to Phara if Phara agreed, but instead Phara offered to join the continuum to guide her.

Law then turned to Vokaya in an attempt to gain the Vesta's command codes. When Vokaya refused to give over the command codes Lawrence was injected with borg nanites before being given to Kar'Tak to treat.

Law then took the senior staff to the planets surface where they were ambushed by other borg. There was a firefight and Kar'Tak was hit and wounded before Law's borg were defeated, though Law managed to escape. Crosis, The leader of the other borg said they had also been prisoners of Law but had escaped. They had been experimented on and severed from the collective. The senior staff were taken to a structure, inside which was a number of borg who were moaning and in great pain. Kar'Tak started evacuating them while Wilson and Vokaya explored further. They found Law in a shuttle in the basement. He claimed to have been working to destroy the borg from the inside. When Law then attempted to leave, Wilson shot at the shuttles engine. He hit a power coupling which exploded and started a fire. There was a whining and Wilson ran from the shuttle with Vokaya following him. The shuttle engine exploded destroying the structure. The Krayton had arrived just in time to detect the explosion.

The Krayton took everyone back to Starbase 364. Wilson was ordered to Admiral Hanson's office to explain the loss of the Vesta. Admiral Hanson was not happy but was mostly concerned with recovering the Vestas crew. Shortly after, a subspace message was received from Khan giving coordinates of a planet where he had left the Vesta's crew. I announced my decision to resign from starfleet to join my fathers crew. I felt that as the Vesta had been lost, and my father needed a decent engineer it would be a good time to return. A leaving party was organised and Phara showed up for the party, though she said it would be the last time she could leave the continuum.