Engineers log Stardate 48828

We were tasked with an exploratory mission to the Promethean star system. It was to be a first contact mission and scans showed a desert world with sentient lifeforms concentrated in one location. As we approached, something tripped the defence detectors briefly and we saw a fleeting glimpse of a Klingon battle cruiser. Before we could try to pinpoint its position it attacked, disabling the Luna's phasors. I had to run to get them back online, but a phasor coolant leak damaged the food replicators and ruined the raw food protein stocks. Scanners picked up a sensor ghost which was possibly the cloaked ship. The Luna fired at the ghost signal, hitting it. The ship must have been good as the Luna then received a hail from the Klingon ship saying we had nearly been defeated, before the Klingon Captain triggered their ships self destruct.

Captain Wilson, Myself, Armstrong, Grey, Kar'Tak, Phazenna, two other engineering and two other medical staff beamed down to the surface of Promethium IV to make first contact and secure new food supplies. The inhabitants had webbed fingers and their eyes looked like mercury. They had gills on the side of their necks and clearly their race did not evolve on a desert planet. Their technology was pre warp but there were legends of the species on other planets.

We materialised in a sandy clearing near a 4ft high Obelisk made of glass. Each side had been defaced with a pictogram of a 6 pointed star and five dashes, *-----. Scans had detected two sources of food, most near the main cluster of lifeforms, but another further south near a smaller number of lifeforms. As we headed towards the smaller food source a grotesque humanoid in red armour stepped out and said something that made little sense. She then said she was being pursued and gave us a tablet. She said she could discern our intentions from what we did with it, and then ran away quickly. Tricorder scans showed her to be one of the inhabitants. Her armour was made of silica and the tablet was made of clay with the same pictogram that was on obelisk.

As we continued, a two metre long scuttling creature appeared. It had a scoop of fine organic mesh on its back. The creature was non predatory. It emitted a golden sphere the size of an apple then scuttled away. The spere was made of common silicates and minerals, a by product of the creature filtering nutrients from the air. I took it for further study.

Nearer the food source we came to another of the Prometheans in a blue dress who ran away when she saw us. As she rad she was chanting 'Please talk not, the afflicter forbids'. Finally we came to a compound with a blue gate nearby. There were 30 Prometheans in blue circling the plaza before the gate chanting 'Va Va Paten Va'. Another figure in red armour was sitting and watching. The Prometheans who saw us looked concerned but did not flee.

We went inside. There was an object in centre of room which they called the seed. Scans showed it to be very old and used to be bigger but had atrophied. It was not mechanical or carbon based and appeared to be like a broken crafted machine. I offered to try to repair the machine in return for food but one of the Prometheans called Daia said 'The afflicter forbids giving food. The afflicter insists it is stockpiled'. We were told all trading was handled by the traders who wore yellow. The individuals in Red did not allow me to approach to try to fix the device saying it was against the rules of the enclave and we needed to leave now.

Daia addressed the Captain as 'The one the prophecies talk about', then produced a blue gem. The Captain was told that when we need a chanter, to use the gem to re-enter the enclave. Phazenna scanned the gem which was made of glass with a depression on 1 side. We then left to find the traders. The entire courtyard outside was ringed by the red Prometheans and one individual dressed in grey. He addressed the captain by name, saying he saw we were investigating their culture and we could call him the fool. He said they don't have many visitors and want to keep an eye on what we were doing. He then gave us directions to the traders area of the compound. Captain Wilson told him we sought food and he said we could find what we needed at the desert edge to the south.

We found the traders compound and were greeted by someone called Wheelaman outside. He said 'welcome to our compound'. Wilson offered him a snow globe Vokaya gave him and was given a yellow gem in return which would give us access to their compound. We were challenged by a red guard when we entered but were let in when shown the yellow gem.

The Prometheans seemed to be able to learn our language as they talked, probably using a native psychic ability. I helped Kar'Tak adjust his tricorder to detect such powers and it revealed they had telepathic and telekinetic abilities if they focused. It would be very difficult to block such abilities for the members of the away team who did not possess a Ferengi brain structure.

The traders seemed to be trading backwards and forwards pointlessly. We approached the traders and were told the afflicter did not allow the trading of food as it all had to be stored. We asked about the pointless trades and were told they traded in the hope of gaining something new. Kar'Tak traded a uniform pip for a small figure of a scuttler creature. While he was doing so, several Prometheans dressed in Green entered carrying a large bowl telekinetically. They took it into the traders inner compound, then rushed out.

I traded a broken tri-fold ionic distortion grid generator for a violet sphere, similar to the sphere I obtained from the creature. I also traded other bits of broken tat for a ribbed sphere and another small sphere. The wind started picking up outside, and everyone turned to look at the gate as people started rushing inside. A sandstorm was coming and the gate was closed. The Prometheans then started humming. They were using telekinesis to maintain the structural integrity of the compound. The storm passed after about half an hour then all the Prometheans not dressed in yellow were pushed back out.

We then went to the edge of the desert to the South. We found fruit but tricorder scans showed it was just sand sculptures. A we looked, lines started forming in the sand before large scuttlers broke the surface and headed towards us in a threatening manner. The captain ordered us to protect ourselves so I stunned one and the others turned and fled. I disturbed the sand while doing so and revealed a grey ornamental rod ending in a crown with a grey jewel. It was made of same glass as the gems. It was musical in nature and Phazenna was able to make it make complicated melodies by spinning it.

I fitted the blue and yellow gems to the crown as there were recesses where they could fit. The melodies it made then changed and increased in complexity. We went back to the compound and found a violet gate. There were no defenders on guard. Inside were several pods, large enough for several Prometheans to fit inside, and we could see the shadows of people inside. Captain Wilson entered a pod. The Prometheans inside were in a stupefied state with glassy eyes, though one called Gadrian was more aware and greeted the Captain. He welcomed us to the enclave and said they always meditated in the pods as it was their job as the prophesy said they would determine meaning and purpose one day. There was a beam of light in the centre of the pod and the golden sphere made the light sparkle. Gadrian started paying attention to it and asked what we would do with it. The captain then did a mind meld with him.

They started speaking together. 'Worlds turning in the void, searching, travelling towards a sphere', then the mind meld was broken. Gadrien asked for the sphere and put it in the shaft of sunlight. A beatific smile formed on his face and the others started coming out of their stupor. The Captain ordered me to give them the rest of the spheres and they did not even offer anything in payment. They perked up and Gadrian started talking about planets and recognised the solar system. He gave us a violet gem which I put in the crown on the end of the rod.

We then had enough information to determine the rest of the harmonics from the rod. All the Promethean's came to the sound and the other two gems were produced and fitted. The rod was then given to the fool who continued to spin it. The Promethean's started forming into groups of 6, one of each colour. The seed started to pulsate and transformed into a ship. It turns out they had crash landed and forgotten who they were. The fool was a captain, the red were security and the other colours were other crew functions on the ship. They were grateful that their memories had returned and provided us with the food we needed.

Stardate 48829

We were headed back to Starbase 364 when out of the blue Grey and Armstrong asked the Captain to marry them. The Luna received an encrypted message from Captain A'kul. He requested to rendezvous with the Luna so the captain ordered the adaptive camouflage be engaged to disguise the Luna as a Klingon ship. Grey and Armstrong invited us to the holodeck to partake in dance lessons in advance of their wedding.

The Mp'Wii decloaked and Captain A'Kul asked to beam aboard. He beamed over with a heavily pregnant Klingon female and three Klingon warriors. She was his wife Valkris and appeared to be very subservient. A'Kul has organising opposition to Gowron and had the support of several houses. He wanted the Captains support as well.

He stayed for Grey and Armstrong's wedding. During the celebrations the bridge reported picking up a phased tachyon burst from inside the ship. Vokaya pinpointed it to one of the family quarters on deck 4, the one assigned to Captain A'kul and his wife. Vokaya sent a security team to investigate as she did not answer. They found the room empty. I analysed the burst which had a uniformity and seemed to be artificial in nature, possibly some form of data transmission. Vokaya confirmed this and determined it was the coordinates of our current position.

Vokaya heard a scream from sick bay. There he found one of the nurses motionless on the floor and another being held at gunpoint by Valkris. She demanded to see the captain in person. Vokaya sent for the captain who sent Vokaya away when he arrived. Valkris stated she was a wife of a traitor and that she served Gowron. She demanded to know the Luna's shield frequencies. The captain refused, and tackled her before she could kill the nurse, knocking her unconscious.

The Luna was suddenly rocked by an explosion as the Luna was hit by something. Two Klingon vessels had decloaked and fired on the Luna and the Mp'Wii. Grey was pinned under a support pillar which had collapsed. Mihaly and Armstrong lifted it off him but he was badly injured and needed immediate medical treatment.

Vokaya ordered the Luna to return fire on the Klingon Vor'cha class attack cruiser attacking us. Vokaya ordered the Luna to return fire on the Klingon Vor'cha class attack cruiser attacking us. Simultaneously a K't'inga class battlecruiser was attacking the Mp'Wii.

Suddenly the USS Cairo dropped out of warp and joined the fight. It hit the Klingon Vor'cha several times but with little effect, unsurprising really considering the age of the Cairo and how out of date it's weapons systems are. The Luna was hit again, collapsing our shields, damaging the communications systems and causing another breach in the hull. Klingon boarding parties then started beaming aboard.

Mihaly succeeded in hacking into a Klingon fighter from the Vor'cha and sending in back before triggering the self destruct. The explosion damaged the Vor'cha and overloaded its shields. It was left dead in the water and the Klingon captain started a self destruct sequence. Mihaly then attacked, destroying the Vor'cha 's control systems and disabling their self destruct systems.

The K't'inga battlecruiser had disabled the Mp'Wii and turned on the Cairo which returned fire with a concentrated phaser burst, completely destroying the battlecruiser. Quite impressive from such an old vessel. Armstrong then lead a security detail which delt with most of the Klingon boarding parties on board the Luna. Vokaya delt with one which had beamed onto the bridge, though the main bridge console was dammaged in the process. After the battle we learned Grey had died of his injuries. Six of the crew were lost in total and Armstrong requested a transfer off the ship.

The Cairo had on board Lt Aleth who was to take the post of Security officer on the Luna, and Ambassador Green Island / Lilong / Shining of the Qofuari, a race from a fairly unknown system in Shacklton expanse. 1st contact had been made by the Cairo. Their species had mids like Quantum supercomputers and though they did not have physical warp technology, they had theorised how they would work. The Luna and the Cairo were to take him to Starbase 364 for diplomatic talks.

A memorial service was held for the dead though I was too busy with trying to keep the Luna in one piece to attend. A'Kul decreed that Valkris would be put to death as a traitor after their child is born. The crew of the Vor'cha had committed suicide rather than being captured. Foolish of them really as A'Kul was pleased to have the opportunity to take the ship without further resistance. After repairs it would make a great addition to his resistance force.

Stardate 48885

It took two weeks to get to Starbase 364 and another six weeks to repair the damage to the Luna. The senior crew were summoned to Admiral Hansons office. Commadore Wilson was relieved of command and Captain Jellico who had been Captain of the Cairo would take command of the Luna. Wilson was to remain on the Luna without any official position and the Luna was ordered to return to Starfleet headquarters and a Lt. Rhodes was transferred to the Luna as the ships councillor.

The senior staff were called to a meeting with Captain Jellico where we were introduced to the new councillor, Lt Rhodes. Captain Jellico told us to bring all concerns to the new councillor, but only when we were off duty. A strange request that sounded like he did not want to be bothered with any problems on the ship. He said the Luna lacked discipline and he was going to bring it back. The change of command ceremony where Commodore Wilson would formally hand over command would be on the on bridge at 13:00 hours. Everyone on board seemed unhappy with the change of command. A third of my engineering staff were reassigned to security.

Dr Kar'Tak was advised that Vice admiral James Layton, Chief of Starfleet Operations, gave orders that medical inspections were no longer required on staff transfers, but on further digging he discovered the order was only for the Luna. Captain Jellico came to engineering. And ordered the phaser power rerouted through the warp core and auxiliary power systems to increase output. He demanded for it to be done in two days. Lt Aleth temporarily reassigned my engineering crew back to help get it done in time.

Captain Jellico seemed to have a problem with non humans and ordered Lt Aleth to take over as 2nd in command from Vokaya. Captain Jellico then announced he planned on replacing myself and Dr Kar'Tak as well as all the other non human bridge crew. Vokaya was demoted to Lt. Cmdr. And Ensign Lassel was made chief engineer. Vokaya was assigned back to chief science officer, then confined to quarters when he accused the captain of being speciesist. I got demoted and assigned to deck 16 waste management and Kar'Tak was replaced by the EMH. Jellico was acting like he was deliberately sabotaging the Luna.

Commadore Wilson spoke to Admiral Hanson who stated he would reverse the demotions and reassignments. When the Commadore confronted Captain Jellico he refused to make the changes and said he was operating under orders of Vice Admiral Layton.

Stardate 48886

I woke up with a headache, and most of the crew also seemed to have headaches. My uniform also seemed to be slightly too big.

Vokaya held a secret conference to discuss the Captains actions. He wanted to trigger a competency hearing. Lt Aleth hacked into a communication between the Captain and starfleet. The Captain was concerned at what was happening but was told to continue following his orders.

There was a confrontation on the bridge where the captain expressed his specisist views again which I recorded surreptitiously. Lt Aleth ended up stunning the Captain so he could be taken to sickbay for a medical examination. During the following argument a burst of unknown radiation was picked up on sensors for a few milliseconds. Everyone felt a stabbing pain in their head and passed out.

I experienced going down a dark tunnel in a spiral getting faster but eventually woke up. When I did so things looked different, the bridge was twice as large as it should be.

My tricorder just recorded a bright flash before everyone went unconscious. Whatever was happening was causing biological matter to shrink and soon everyones clothes were far too large for them. The Luna's computer analysed the effect as being caused by an unknown radiation within the ship. Myself and Phazenna stopped shrinking briefly but the others on the bridge continued to shrink. The Commodore contacted Starfleet and declared an emergency. The nearest Starbase was two days away so it was unlikely help would arrive before we shrank to the point where biological functions would cease to operate properly.

The Luna's sensors then detected a vessel of unknown composition at extreme range which would intercept in under two hours. It utilized solotron propulsion systems and was crystalline in nature. I started shrinking again though Phazenna continued to avoid the effect. Phazenna found a record of Spyroid radiation in the Luna's data banks which caused DNA to twist together and shrink the space between atoms. I triangulated the scans and determined the radiation was emanating from inside Lt Aleths quarters so I set up a force field and tried to block the radiation.

The Luna received a hail from the unknown vessel. It was a binary signal and we got a visual of the vessel which looked like Vulcan glass sculptures. The vessel was emitting a series of lights. I managed to block the radiation and everyone's headaches immediately stopped. Vokaya used the transporter to reverse the effects of the radiation and restore his normal size, then started using the procedure to restore other crew including myself.

Commodore Wilson took command and reinstated all the positions and ranks to people that Jellico had removed. Aleth was sent to the brig for stunning Jellico without due cause. Jellico regained consciousness and apologised for what had happened, saying he had been under direct orders of the admiral but did not elaborate further. I was sent with an engineering team to work out what was happening in Aleth's quarters. Lt Prez left the ship in an attack craft without authorisation. Being a Klingon she wanted to join A'kul. The Commadore gave her permission to continue.

When we reached Aleths quarters we found nothing and the radiation there was rapidly decaying. I tracked the spyron radiation to the brig where it disappeared. Aleth was later found to have disappeared from the ship and had last been seen outside the brig with ensign Vigg who was also missing.

The alien vessel approached and the Commadore put the Luna on red alert. Phazenna started decoding the lights on the vessel. It was sending the message 'Friend stop danger slow'. Commodore Wilson then reduced the Luna to yellow alert. The vessel had some sort of energy refraction which would reflect phasor fire, and was armed with particle beams and solotron based weapons. It also had exceptionally powerful shields which were lowered.

The alien ship sent the words 'safe' and 'transport', then 'learn', 'learning', 'learnt'. It then started communicating in a more understandable manner, saying its name was 'Tin Derel Red' and that it was a Calmaran ship and that it came in peace. It said the crystal that was aboard was now gone and the threat was over. There was a request to beam aboard which Commodore Wilson granted.

Captain Jellico was examined by the doctor who found nothing medically unusual, but the Commadore retook command of the Luna as he deemed Jellico unfit to command due to his actions. The Captain and Vokaya then met the Calmaran Red who said the item we had was activated prematurely and had originally been gifted to the ambassador of the Qofuari. Red was given a tour of the Luna then left.

Commadore Wilson interviewed the councillor who said she was ordered to support Jellico's actions and not to discuss the orders before reaching Earth.

I was asked to investigate Aleth's disappearance with Jaro, Phazenna, Kar'Tak and Vokaya. A scan of Aleth's quarters picked up Romulan DNA, and traces of a 2nd person, an Andorian, had been there briefly They were matched to Vigg who had been brought on board in the last crew rotation at starbase 364. The DNA had been affected, opposite to the Spiron radiation effect, and the atoms expanded slightly. Phazenna and Vokaya theorised it was caused by some sort of transport which could operate over light years and through shields.

Jaro requested the main deflector dish to be recalibrated to scan for the Spiron radiation. It was detected as a trail heading further into the Shackleton expanse. Captain Wilson ordered the Luna to reverse course and follow the trail which was going towards 3 systems. We followed thew trail and after 11 hours it lead us to a system with a class F star. The trail ended in a class 1 nebula which affected shields and sensors. Travelling at warp in the nebula would be risky but sensor echoes suggested a possible ship inside. Sensors were recalibrated to get a better reading and picked up a Dominion warship.

We set course towards the warship and were hailed. by Taris. She did not admit to anything and suggested we were receiving sensor ghosts. She claimed to not know about the two missing crew but was clearly lying as a scan briefly picked up an Andorran and Romulan on board their ship before their shields went up. Wilson confronted Taris who said she had forgotten they had been rescued.

The warship then turned and headed out of nebula at full impulse. The Captain ordered Luna to follow recklessly at full impulse and some ODN conduits overloaded causing plasma in one of the nasels to ignite, damaging the Lunas impulse engines. Finally both ships exited the Nebula and the Dominion warship went to warp. The Luna followed deeper into the Shackleton expanse towards the Endurance divide. The Luna's computers complained about the speed the captain ordered.

We were rapidly approaching a Class 3 nebula so Jaro suggested using an Inverse Verteron bean to collapse their warp field. The effort used most of the Lunas power but it worked. We then received a hail from the Dominion warship, and Taris claimed to have been informed about having 2 refugees on board who wished to join the Dominion. (Clearly referring to Aleth and Vigg).

Transwarp ConduitThe Dominion ship appeared to be scanning for a wormhole or transwarp conduit about a light year away. The captain sent a probe and it disappeared into something and was torn apart.

Taris requested medical help for a crew member so Commadore Wilson, Vokaya, Kar'Tak and Jaro beamed over to their ship. Mihaly called me to Crimson 1 as the Borg repair device had activated and was trying to connect with the Crimson 1 comms system, and was trying to transmit and receive towards the wormhole, sending a brief Nadion pulse then receiving a response which was a series of coordinates of our current position. I quickly disconnected it from the power grid to stop the transfer.

On board the Dominion ship Kar'Tak was asked to provide assistance to a founder, the Vorta's god who had become sick while travelling through the nebula. It looked like a puddle of gold liquid. Kar'Tak Beamed back to Luna with it and five Jem'Hadar. He studied it and determined radiation had caused a mutation to its mutagenic matrix.

Borg Queen ShipPhazenna who had been left in charge on the bridge picked up a Spike in tri quantum waves indicating something was opening a trans warp conduit. Commadore Wilson beamed back quickly with rest of the away team as a diamond shaped ship emerged and sent out high intensity polaron beam to perform a high intensity scan of the area. The ship had characteristics of Borg technology, and Dominion warship immediately locked weapons on it and launched fighters.

The enemy vessel then sent a tight nadion beam back through the aperture from which it had emerged which stabilised the aperture, and a futher 12 ships emerged, each towing a large asteroid with a green tractor beam. Sensors detected something huge following. Commadore Wilson gave orders to fire. Mihaly's fighter squadron had launched and they also opened fire, collapsing the diamond shaped vessels shields. The Luna then fired quantum torpedo's, destroying the beam and collapsing the aperture. As it collapsed we saw a brief glimpse of a borg sphere inside.

The smaller ships detached the asteroids and started heading towards us. The Dominion warship and the Luna were hit by three green beams each which drained both ships shields. The Luna fired on the smaller ships with quantum torpedo's, destroying those attacking the Luna. Mihaly's fighters then destroyed the diamond vessel before the Luna destroyed the remaining small vessels.

During this, Dr Kar'Tak was attacked by the founder he was treating. We later found it was able to take his form as we found ourselves with two Kar'Taks both claiming to be the real one. One was still in sick bay and one which went to the bridge. Commadore Wilson and Jaro escorted the one on the bridge back to sickbay and discovered it to be the imposter when they were attacked in the turbo lift as it sprouted tentacles. It knocked Jaro out first, and the Captain was knocked out shortly after.

Transwarp coilSensors detected the Dominion warship beaming something abord from the Borg debris which Mihaly recognised as being a Borg transwarp coil.

In engineering I heard the sound of something dropping. I sent Lasel to investigate and heard him cry out. When I went to investigate I found him unconscious with a phaser on overload in the turbo lift. I disarmed it but a discharge knocked me unconscious. I woke up in sick bay with Jaro and Kar'Tak. Jaro's phasor suddenly morphed into some humanoid creature and attacked us and I was knocked unconscious again.

The EMH brought me back to consciousness. Kar'Tak said we had been attacked by a morphogenic creature the dominion called a founder which he had brought on board to treat for some illness. The creature he had let loose on the Luna was still causing chaos as we received a ship wide emergency call from Craig Lawrence 'it is in the shuttlebay' then silence. Mihaly intercepted a shuttlecraft leaving the Luna which fired on Crimson 1. The shuttle was disabled and boarded. The Founder was on board in a gelatinous state and could no longer shape change. Kar'Tak examined it and determined the radiation from the nebula was affecting it.

The Captain and Dr Kar'Tak beamed over to the Dominion ship. Shortly after it beamed the Founder back on board and put its shields up. There was then some activity and signs a wormhole was about to open. A large object was detected approaching and a Borg sphere emerged. Commadore Wilson made contact and told Vokaya to attack. The Luna and the Dominion warship both engaged the sphere. Scans revealed a weak spot in the adaptive subspace field the sphere was using and the Dominion warship fired, weakening the shields further.

The Sphere attempted to fire, but there was power fluctuations and the weapons failed. Vokaya then beamed a quantum torpedo through the weakened shields and detonated it. A chain explosion destroyed the sphere and opened a subspace tear. Commadore Wilson then ordered the Dominion warship to Jetson both its cores and the Luna did likewise in attempt to seal the tear.

The warp drives were pulled into the tear and sealed it, but Tetrion particles from the tear were blocking subspace communications, leaving both ships in a precarious position of having no warp capability or means to call for help.

MondorShortly afterwards a ship was detected towing an antiquated Federation shuttlecraft which turned out to have belonged to the USS Lexington which was lost in 2267. The ship was hailed. We received a response and learned it was a Pakled ship called the Mondor. The Pakled were keen to tell us they 'looked for things'. The claimed to have problems and asked for help. Sensors showed the shuttle had taken some damage from old style federation phaser banks, ~105 years ago, and had probably been fired upon by a constitution class ship.

PakledI was sent to the Mondor as part of an away team to try to help them and Mihaly left in the Crimson 1 to try to get out of the area of Tetrion particles and call for help. The Pakled ship had many problems and I fixed what I could. An old earth distress signal identified as being from the USS Lexington was then received from a nearby nebula and the captain persuaded the Pakleds to lend us their warp core to get us to the USS Lexington in exchange for further help. We headed to the nebula and sensors showed the Lexington on an intercept course at warp 1.

USS LexingtonMihaly detected a Klingon ship heading towards us. It was the Imperial Klingon cruiser Akmar which asked where the Luna and another ship that had stolen from them was. They said the Pakleds had stolen a warp core and cloaking device from them. Mihaly managed to talk them into leaving the Luna alone and just punishing the Pakleds.

The Luna received a hail from the Lexington. Captain Carol Moore on screen appeared on the view screen. She only looked to be about 45, the age she was when the Lexington disappeared. I was asked to beam over to the Lexington with an engineering team. Commadore Wilson, Dr Kar'Tak and Vokaya accompanied us. Their Captain, 1st officer, chief engineer, 2 security officers and the transport operator were in their transport room but the corridors of the Lexington were all empty. We were taken to their recreation room while captains talked in private. Dr Kar'Tak challenged me to a Game of 3d chess.

We were told the Lexington's navigation data had been wiped by the Science officer T'Pren, who had gone mad and disintegrated herself, and they had then entered a time dilation wormhole (Vokaya later determined this was a lie). Damage on the Lexington had been caused by an encounter with a Klingon battle cruiser.

I found a bar code and the letters "TPREN" on bottom of the 3d chess queen piece not on other pieces. Vokaya identified it as containing the location of personal logs in the computer core belonging to T'Pren.

flying jellyfishCaptain Moore then took us to the Lexington's sick bay to show us some amazing immortality technology. When we arrived there was an Andorran in the sick bay and a strange buzzing noise. As we entered, the lights went out. The buzzing was from creatures who tried to attack us. I fired my phaser as did Kar'Tak, but we both missed in the dark. There as chaos and one of the creatures attached itself to me.

Vokaya ate his way to the Lexington's auxiliary control. The creature that had attached itself to me stabbed me then dropped off. It caused me intense pain. The lights came back on as Vokaya took control and we fled sick bay. Outside there were two security guards training phasors on us. They were very resistant and took many hits to stun.

During this, the Luna picked up Neutrino emissions and sent out a tachyon pulse which caused an old Klingon D7 battle cruiser to appear. It was the Ka'Tok and moved to attack. The Luna fired on it doing considerable damage.

We beamed back to the Luna and I was suddenly not in pain. Dr Kar'Tak took me to sick bay for tests anyway and treated me with ultraviolet light which killed parasites that had been injected into me. He then used the main deflector dish to bathe the other ships in UV light.

We were hailed by the Lexington and then the Klingon ship. Kang, the Klingon captain wanted to know what had happened. They were confused but Kar'Tak talked to them and explained they had all been infected by parasites which had been controlling them. We then exited nebula and found three Klingon Birds of Prey surrounding the Dominion ship. The Birds of Prey were lead by Captain K'Tang who demanded the Pakleds, and the warp core and cloak they had stolen. Kang spoke to them and they backed down. The Klingons then beamed over to discuss matters but got into an argument with Dr Kar'Tak who challenged their captain to a duel over honour.

Kang invoked a Klingon custom to fight in the place of Kar'Tak then quickly defeated and killed K'Tang. He then took command of the Birds of Prey. However old age caught up with him quickly without the parasite and he quickly deteriorated then died. The Klingon second in command on the Birds of Prey then took command of the Klingon fleet and told the Captain to surrender as we were still at war. When he refused the Birds of Prey cloaked. The Dominion sided with the Luna and the Klingons backed down then left.

The D7 was experiencing problems with its warp core and I beamed over with a team to try to stabilise the situation. Once I had stabilised the ship I called over Dr Kar'Tak to treat all the Klingons who were by then unconscious and dieing. He had determined a way of reversing the aging effects by analysing some of the parasites. The Dominion were given the warp core from the Lexington and we finally headed back to Earth.