Stardate 48888

It took two days at warp 7 to reach the Sol system. When we arrived we found many ships in Earth orbit in what appeared to be defensive positions. We were ordered to beam down unarmed where we were met by Commander Toran, Vice admiral James Layton's chief of staff. We were put through many security scans, all conducted entirely by humans, and we were all interrogated before being taken to Vice admiral James Layton who told us we had been selected for a vitally important mission.

The USS Voyager which had recently returned from the Delta quadrant had been stolen by an Anti Human Alliance (AHA) who were demanding all humans return to the Sol system. The USS Cessna had been ordered to intercept but all comms were subsequently lost. Voyager had weapons technology obtained in the Delta quadrant, and our mission was to infiltrate the AHA, discover the location of Voyager and either recover, or if that was not possible, destroy her. Star fleet intelligence believed the AHA had connections with the terrorist organisation 'Vulcan Isolation Unit'. We were to be given identities and a Marquee fighter, and we had to undergo several days of intensive training.

Commadore Wilson was sent on a separate assignment, so Vokaya was temporarily promoted to captain during his absence. Kar'Tak was also given a promotion when he asked.

Mihaly found a hidden shielded compartment on the Marquee fighter we were given which was keyed to open on a harmonic resonance. Inside was a dark oblong device, connected to the main power grid. I examined it and determined it to be a tracking / monitoring device, presumably so Starfleet could keep track of us.

We were assigned the following identities for our mission:
Vokaya was to be Krell, a black marketeer
I was to be Urseg wjo was seeking revenge after being sole survivor of an attack by the Federation.
Kar''Tak was to be Tesho who was seeking revenge after being experimented on by the Federation.
Jaro was to be Vatag Uge, who had formed a militant splinter group of the Marqueee.
Mihaly was to be Theta K7, an ex Borg drone who had been experimented on by the Federation.
Phazenna was to be Atheria who had been orphaned during an attack for which she blamed the Federation.
Commadore Wilson was to be Tar, whose mother had been raped by a human.

Kar'Tak performed cosmetic surgery on everyone to disguise our appearance.

We were then put through combat training. It did not go well. I was put in command to achieve the objective of capturing a flag. I know how to boost a primary resonating polarizing grid, but not how to form a tactical plan to obtain a flag that is not even worth a grain of gold pressed latinum. Then Kar'Tak was hit by a real phaser and I got an 'Unauthorised access' error when I called for the arch. Mihaly was badly injured trying to protect the doctor before I could bypass the lockout and deactivate the holodeck. An investigation revealed the holodeck was reprogrammed to deactivate safeties using Commadore Wilson's codes.

The crew were interviewed about the incident then assigned to investigate. Commadore Wilson seemed to have problems remembering what he had been doing in the hour before the holodeck incident. Kar'Tak examined Wilson and found he had elevated neural peptides, and his neural pathways had been altered.

The computer seemed to experience lag while I was investigating the holodeck. While I investigated further, Commander Toran entered the holodeck, then produced a phaser which she pointed at myself and Phazeena. She engaged the holodeck then initiated an emergency transport away. I disabled the holodeck. Then traced the transport beam to a fixed point near Luna.

I was told later that Wilson had been escorted to the medical centre while suffering from headaches, but had attacked Mihaly on the way to the medical centre. He stopped and entered a confused state at the same time that Toran beamed away. Kar'Tak determined Toran and participated in a mind meld with Wilson and had use the connection to take control of his mind. It is times like this that make me glad to be a Ferengi and not a week willed humanoid that can be affected by Vulcan and Batazoid mind tricks.

Stardate 48895

Orion interceptorWe completed our training then travelled towards Vulcan where we were instructed to perform a shakedown of the ship then wait in the capital city and wait to be hailed. The Marquee fighter was not fast, and took us 5 days at warp 4.5 to reach the Vulcan system. Captain Wilson ordered the shakedown of ship in an asteroid field. During the shakedown I detected an unusual power drain from the ships systems. Shortly after three ghost images were detected on sensors. The power drain was caused by the secret transponder which had activated. The three ships approaching were Stiletto class fighters used by the Orion syndicate, and we also detected a mother ship waiting further away.

Vokaya fired a verteron pulse at an asteroid, vaporising it and crippling one of the fighters in the resulting blast wave. I destroyed another with a phaser blast and we picked up a tight beam transmission from the last ship. "Aborting mission". Mihaly used electronic countermeasures to shut down the reactor of the remaining fighter and the mothership turned and started moving away. Mihaly then performed more electronic countermeasures and shut down its reactor as well.

We were then hailed by a green skinned woman who surrendered. She said she was employed by a Vulcan female to ambush us when a beacon was activated. Captain Wilson let them go.

The Marquee fighter received a distress call from a Bajoran freighter. It was being pursued by two Cardassian corvettes which were firing on the freighter. Captain Wilson hailed the freighter and received a response from Ivu Risani who pleaded for help. Before the Captain could respond, Jaro asked for maximum power and accelerated the Marquee fighter to warp 6.6.

Jaro brought the Marquee fighter out of warp between the freighter and the Cardasians, then challenged the Cardassians to back down. There were discussions during which the Cardassians sent an encrypted message. It was decrypted and found to be a call for reinforcements. When the Cardassians received a reply, Phazenna neatly added an addendum saying the USS Cairo was on intercept. The corvettes then immediately left. Ivu said 'praise to the prophets he has come' when she saw Jaro and invited him to her ship. When the captain refused permission he tried to transport over anyway. Attempts were made to stop him, resulting in Kar'Tak knocking him unconscious. Ivu then beamed onto the Marquee fighter with her assistant Dagan Lo 'to take care of Jaro'. She was headed to the Bogar system but wanted to travel with us when the Captain refused to give permission for Jaro to go with her. The Captain did not discipline Jaro for his behaviour. Likely this will just result in further disobedience in the future.

I went over to the freighter to patch it up while we continued to Vulcan. Ivu enjoyed touching my ears. I enjoyed her doing so.

Stardate 48896

It took a day to travel to Vulcan. When we entered the system we received a hail from space traffic control. We were given permission to land at the capital ShiKhar on landing pad 15a. Our mission once there was to make contact with Dr Virel and his Daughter T'Opreata. After landing, we beamed to the Artisans quarters where Dr Virel lived. Captain Wilson received a communication from Virel who gave us coordinates to his house.

As we approached the house, we saw a female Vulcan with a concealed weapon at an intersection of 2 streets nearby. Vokaya spoke to her, asking for directions, but she brushed him off saying she was busy then pulled out a data pad. He challenged her about having a concealed weapon and she pulled a disruptor. Mihaly quickly used an energy pulse from one of his implants to temporarily prevent it from firing. Vokaya then charged the female Vulcan and sent her flying across the street. The pad held the layout of Vorel's house, and pictures of him and his daughter. There were instructions from a Silac to kill Vorel, and other data encrypted with Star Fleet encryption, which when decrypted proved to be the location of Silac's base and how to access and bypass the security.

Meanwhile Captain Wilson had approached the house and heard a disrupter being discharged inside, so he disintegrated the door with his phaser to gain quick access. There were two vulcans standing behind the disintegrated door and he stunned them both. We entered the house and found three Vulcans in the garden, one of which was cmdr Toran. They were wearing backpacks and had disruptor rifles.

There was a firefight during which Mihaly stunned Toran. Finally all the Vulcans were stunned and we found Virel barricaded in his library. He recognised the Captains voice. It turned out they knew each other from the science academy. Silac was identified as the head of the Vulcan isolation movement and had a meeting planned at his desert villa with the AHA leader in the evening.

Toran also had a data pad and the others had backpacks. The backpacks contained three attack drones each. The top casing slid off the drones revealing a display which Mihaly identified as Borg. They were capable of cloaking, and were armed with phasor and disruptor weapons. They were controllable with his cortical implant. Toran's pad had a list of targets, the Earth embassy in the city, The Vulcan temple and the main Administration building.

We hired bikes to travel to the villa. As we approached we were hailed, and allowed to proceed when AHA was mentioned. We were allowed into the villa after being questioned about our motives. We were presented to a Silac who was Vulcan and a Horta called Morgath. Vokaya recognised him as wanting an isolationist policy and had left when the mother Horta refused.

We were told the aim was the dissolution of the federation and for humanity to retreat back to Sol. We were shown a recording of Voyager emerging from a space dock, then firing a torpedo and obliterating it. Silac said the star ship was theirs and would be used in the cause. We were given a special assignment to kidnap captain Catherine Janeway. An operative had reported she was vacationing on Risa. We were to go there and contact an individual called Paka.

Stardate 48899

It took three days to travel to Risa.

Jaro said he had a vision of a horgahn (a Risa fertility symbol) and a crystal. He also insisted on Ivu coming on our ship. Captain Wilson refused but let Jaro travel on their freighter. That probably explains his dreams of a fertility symbol. Kar'Tak then relieved Jaro of duty as Jaro said he was following the prophets more than star fleet.

Phazenna had researched the Bajoran wormhole. She said the prophets appeared as blue entities, and par wraiths as fire entities. She also thought the wormhole could be affected by chronoton radiation.

We headed to Grashas resort on Risa where most of the hotels were. There we met a Ferengi called Sovak who was accompanied by a pair of Norsicans. The captain insulted him by saying all Ferengi look the same. To be honest it can be difficult telling humans apart sometimes with their stupid little ears.

Another Ferengi who identified himself as Paka then approached Phazeena and said Wilson should not draw attention. We were told to check into our suites then meet with him. We had a suite for myself, Kar'Tak and Phazenna. Captain 'too dumb to recognise Ferengi' Wilson, Vokaya and Mihaly shared a second, with Jaro and Ivu alone in a third.

Kar'Tak picked up an unusual reading on his tricorder as we approached the Captains suite indicating a Chronoton particle build up. There were two humanoids in the room scanning. Wilson and Mihaly entered and they claimed to be Vorgons from the 27th century, here to secure something called a Tox Utat, which they claimed to be a quantum phase inhibitor, capable of halting all nuclear reactions in a star. They said their records showed we had found it and given it to them for safe keeping by taking it to the 27th century. Kar'Tak did not pick up their life signs on a scan, just chronoton particles, and they vanished when Wilson questioned their motives.

Meanwhile Jaro was attacked in his suite by two humanoids in dark red robes with knives but he quickly stunned them. The knives had a red jewel in their pommel which Ivu identified as a symbol of the par wraiths.

We met Paka in the hotels dining area. He was using a jammer and had been keeping watch on Janeway. She was booked to participate in orbital skydiving in the afternoon and he suggested we kidnap her mid dive. Wilson contacted Janeway on a secure channel and told her Voyager had been stolen. She agreed to be 'kidnapped'.

We returned to our rooms. As Vokaya entered he saw an unknown species wearing an unusual star fleet uniform which seemed to be fluctuating and out of phase. They said their name was Commander Saru and they must secure the Tox Utat They then appeared to be dragged back and disappeared.

In the afternoon we made the attempt to kidnap Janeway. Mihaly jumped to intercept her from a shuttle we hired and was attacked by another three skydivers. He was shot and critically injured. Before his attackers were stunned. I took the marquee ship closer to try to get a transporter lock on Janeway, and the ship was also shot. The shuttle we had hired was also hit and Wilson was blown out. At thew same time, Kar'Tak who was waiting on the ground was attacked by two Bajorans with red gem daggers and no earrings.

I succeeded in transporting Jarro, Tom, Mihaly, Janeway on board the marquee ship but the transporter then overloaded and went offline. We finally located the Bajoran runabout which was was firing on us. Phazenna fired on them and damaged their engines then the self destruct system which they attempted to activate. Phazenna asked to beam them aboard so I quickly repaired the transporter so we could do so. They had taken poison and Jaro refused to assist them so I then beamed Kar'Tak on board to save them.

We landed then Ivu came on board and had an argument with Jaro. She kept talking about getting married and having a child. Jaro said he did not love her and she snapped, forcing Kar'Tak to tranquilise her as she became hysterical. He should have stopped her wearing clothes and put her in her place long ago. Her assistant Dagan Lon said the Vedik assembly knew of her vision to find the orb of the Exile. He said we should continue to find the Tox Utat, but referred to the captain as Tom then corrected to Tar. He seemed to know more than he should and Tom knocked him unconscious. A small round clear plastic capsule fell from his clothes which on analysys proved to be the same Neuro toxin the par wraith cultists had taken.

Wilson mind melded with him. His real name was Loren and he was a par wraith cultist. There was a flaming figure in his mind controlling him which was likely a par wraith. Vokaya joined the meld and the flaming figure turned on the Captain, engulfing him in flames mentally. Loren started convulsing and struck Kar'Tak in the head as Kar'Tak tried to sedate him while Vokaya glowed red hot for a few moments and started quivering. Then the mind mend was broken. Vokaya had residual energy from the mind meld but was otherwise ok though a bit disorientated.

We then returned to the hotel. Sovak and his Nausicaans were in the hotel lobby. They looked at us and left. The Vorgons were in Wilsons suite again. They were holding a crystal device and scanning the room. They turned it off when we entered and asked if we had recovered the Tox Utat but disappeared when we said we had not.

Wilson contacted Silac and reported our success. Silac then gave us coordinates to the Jral supernova remnant and told us to rendezvous there.

Stardate 48900

It took a day to reach the remnant. We dropped to impulse before entering the surrounding nebula. There were gravametric eddies high radiation and EM fields inside. I raised and modulated the shields then scanned the area. There were two objects at the centre with warp signatures.

We approached and the warp signatures resolved to being the USS Voyager and the USS Cessna. Silac hailed us from Voyager and told us to beam aboard with Janeway. Scans showed the Voyager had a skeleton crew of about 50 non humans. The Cessna had a full crew. Many were humans, but all were to the rear of the ship, probably the original crew held captive as in all other areas the life signs were entirely non human. There was an unknown energy signature on board Voyager which Janeway identified as a trans phasic signature. She said Voyager had armour and upgraded trans phasic torpedoes provided by a Janeway from the future. The torpedoes existed in several different quantum states allowing them to go straight through shields. Wilson used his codes to access the Cessna's systems. They were trying to install the trans phasic systems but had problems with power flow.

Myself, Wilson and Kar'Tak transported to the Cessna's bridge, while Phazenna, Vokaya, Mihaly and Janeway transported to the Voyager's bridge in an attempt to surprise and capture both.

Morgath was at the Conn of the Cessna, while Silac was commanding Voyager. Both had armed guards which we surprised. I stunned three on the Cessna's bridge with my phaser set on a wide angle stun but Kar'Tak's disruptor overloaded and jammed. Wilson stunned another two. I then stunned another five and the remaining two on the Cessna's bridge surrendered.

On board the Voyager Phazenna and Vokaya missed, but Mihaly stunned four and Janeway hit another two. Phazenna then hit another two and Vokaya stunned four, leaving four who surrendered. Silac was one of those stunned, but Morgath was not and said he wanted to speak to 'the other Horta'. What he got was a trip to the brig.

We released Anesthizine gas on both ships which allowed us to subdue the rest of the crews throughout the ships. I did some emergency repairs to the Cessna then we took both ships back to the Federation. On the way I took the opportunity to study the Borg weaponry the Voyager had been fitted with. The trans phasic torpedo's and ablative armour were fascinating and I hope to have the opportunity to work with the technology more in the future.

Stardate 48902

It took two days to make repairs and return to Earth. When we arrived we transferred back to the Luna and Vice admiral James Layton told us to Report to admiral Hanson on Starbase 364.

Stardate 48904

Shortly before arriving at Starbase 364 I received a message from the office of the grand exchequer on Ferengenar. My cousin Galen had asked them to send a message. His mother had died and left him a Dilithium mine. The mine was in Rhombar Drongoid sector 7. He proposed a contract. He needed assistance in getting the mine running and was offering half of the first years mining yield in exchange for the assistance. I passed on the offer to Starfleet.

When we arrived we found the Mp'Wii was also docked at the station. All those who went on the mission to return Voyager were awarded the Star cross except Jaro, and Phazenna was promoted to Lt Jr grade. We were also given 24 hours leave. A'Kul had a new commander called Prez. I had a drinking contest with Marka and her friends, and took her and her friends back to my quarters afterwards.

A board of Enquiry was opened to consider Jaro's actions and the crew were called to give witness. Commadore Wilson decided he would be demoted to lieutenant. The Luna was assigned a ships counsellor, Cmdr Reman Stadi who was a Betazoid and Vokaya requested reassignment back to this original role of science officer as he did not feel he was suited to the position of first officer. We therefore also were assigned a new 1st officer, Commander Zevin Deuvont. We also received a couple of new Conn officers, Ensign Nellal and Ensign Laudra Grirrehl, both Trill. Finally Mihaly was given a temporary assignment to train Klingons serving with Hur'Krel.

In the promanide I saw Lenaris Los and Cuellas Zharath in civilian clothes. I checked with the computer and discovered they were no longer in Star Fleet having resigned 5 months ago. I approached them and chatted. Lenaris was now the captain of his own ship, an independent merchant called the 'Good and tidy'. They had a shipment of Bajoran statues resembling fire and said the local traditions were that Par Wraiths Inhabited the vessels before possessing people. Jaro thought the statues were dangerous, went to investigate their ship then came back to confront them though they were doing nothing illegal. Afterwards he said he thought they were ignorant. I think Jaro is taking all this religious stuff too seriously. Anyway, everyone knows it is Profits and not Prophets that will get you to the divine exchequer when you die.

Stardate 48908

We were assigned a mission to catalogue the Bogar system. Probably it is not a coincidence that it is the system that Ivu was heading towards. It took us four days at warp 8 to get there. Bogar was a trinary system. When we arrived we scanned the system which we found to be surrounded by intense gravametric eddies. Long range sensors also detected a Ferengi Dkora Class marauder in orbit round Bogar 1 and an artificial satellite in orbit on the far side of Bogar 1.

I started modifying the Luna's shields to cope with the environment. A probe was sent to further survey the system but the Ferengi ship shot it down, so I worked on modifying the Luna's weapons to work in the environment withing the Bogar system next. The Luna was hailed by the Ferengi ship. It turned out to be commanded by Sovak, who we previously met on Risa. He told us to go away.

Jaro had a vision 'To find the orb and free the prophets from the bloom'. The councillor was monitoring Jaro and determined the satellite was communicating with Jaro telepathically.

Sensors picked up another ship emerging from behind Bogar 1 which we later found to be Ctenophoran. It was using some sort of stealth technology to reflect scans but Phazenna managed to penetrate and determined the ship to be made of techno organic technology and was semi sentient.

Ctenophoran ship.jpg

CtenophoranThe ship had weapons powered and the captain ordered red alert. It fired a thin green beam of Polaron energy which swept across the bridge performing some form of scan. The Luna then received a hail from the Ctenophoran which looked like a jellyfish. It drew a circular geometric shape with a tendril then a triangle before the ship fired a warning shot.

Councillor Stadi made telepathic contact with them. They wanted to know our intentions and wanted the Luna to power down weapons and lower shields. The satellite was called the bloom. Wilson complied and the Ctenophoran introduced itself as the Valiard. It said prepare for transport then the Captain and councillor were beamed away. Jaro was also beamed out of sick bay.

Barium radiation was rising towards a dangerous level on the Luna. I theorised that modifying the non-linear nucleonic feed chamber to generate a pulse might counter it so I made the modifications. It worked but blew several EPS conduits.

Jaro reappeared in sick bay surrounded by a flame and asked for a neural suppressant. He recounted that he had appeared in front of an orb of the prophets. He touched it and found himself on the bridge of Luna with myself. Apparently I told him to kneel and said he was penitent then asked what he desired. He then found himself on Cardassia prime surrounded by dead Cardassians and was asked "Is this what you seek?" He was then told that they had need of his vessel, and was told to take command and bring it to the moon. He was also told to 'tell Ferengi to bring Tox utat'.

Jaro said he thought the entity was actually a Par Wraith. Sovak then beamed the Tox Utat to a cargo bay saying Vokaya would need it at a future point in time to avert a disaster which would affect the entire federationan. Jaro erected a class 10 forcefield round it. The Ferengi marauder then started having warp core problems and I was ordered to beam over to prevent a breach. When I beamed over I found three of the Ferengi engineers in cover shooting at security guards and the warp core problems caused by a jammed ejector.

I quickly stunned the engineers then performed emergency repairs and shutdown the core to avert the breach. The Ctenophoran ship hailed the Luna and asked if we had received the Tox Utat, then transmitted information on how to use it. The information was that the Tox Utat was a quantum phase inhibitor. When connected to warp core for power it would create a cronotron beam towards the nearby white dwarf star which would theoretically generate a red wormhole which would collapse the star then expand to engulf the whole system which a chance of causing a level 12 shockwave.

The Luna tractor beamed the Ferengi Marauder to tow it from the area. The Ctenophoran ship then started scanning the area with a Polaron beam. The Ctenophoran ship then fired a beam of polaron energy at the Luna. Shields were quickly raised and the Luna returned fire, shearing off their communications array. The Luna then fired again, cutting the vessel in half.

The Luna was then subjected to a telepathic assault from the satellite which the councillor shielded the crew from. A second Ctenophoran ship was detected on sensors. I got the marauder's warp core online. Slovak offered to pay 25 bars of latinum if I did it quickly which was a nice bonus. The second ship fired, hitting the Luna, cutting through the shields, breaching the hull and damaging the sensors. I persuaded Sovak to join the fight rather than fleeing as a third Ctenophoran ship appeared on sensors. The Luna fired on the Bloom which exploded in a huge fireball. An Orb of the prophets was left unharmed in the debris. Fire was seen escaping from it and heading into space then dissipating. The orb then changed to a white colour and the Ctenophoran ships surrendered. They had no recollection of their recent actions and were willing to engage in first contact negotiations with the federation.