Engineers log Stardate 48748
Utopia Planitia Shipyard

USS LunaAdmiral Hanson made contact and advised us that the Cessna was due a Barium sweep, ordering us to the Utopia Planisha shipyards at Mars to report to Commander Maddox who runs the dry docks there. It took 3 days after our arrival to fix the damage to the Cessna and for the sweep to be completed. During this time the Captain asked me to turn an old shuttlecraft we had been issued into a 'hotrod', Which is some sort of human slang for a vehicle which has been modified to vastly increase its speed. We were also given a tour of the brand new Luna class ship, the USS Luna.

When the sweep had been completed we were Invited to a meal with Maddox in the evening. He was nervous round Lt. Commander Ruby to the point of rudeness. When challenged he claimed to suffer from arachnophobia. Half way through, his second in command, Lt. Commander Foreman interrupted dinner, proclaiming the Luna and the drydock where it had been had disappeared. A green energy had washed over the structures and they had simply vanished. We quickly returned to the Cessna where Vice admiral McKenzie spoke to the Captain on a on priority 1 channel. We were ordered to investigate, locate and recover the Luna.

A resonance was detected from where the Luna disappeared. Ruby recognised it as Tholian in origin, and rapidly decaying tri-cobalt particles were also detected. Ruby analysed the resonance and discovered it was a countdown to an interphasic rift. He asked the captain to mind meld with him to learn more, and they went to the Sickbay, leaving Maddox left in charge.

Suddenly we had a cascade failure of the warp core. I found superfluous code in the warp core control code, some sort of remote to deactivate safety features, so I quickly shut down the computer to try to purge the rogue code. On the bridge, Maddox was seen fiddling with a reddish orange crystal at the moment the cascade failure in the warp core started. K'Tiri managed to surreptitiously take device from him. There was then a scuffle on the bridge when Maddox tried to beam out, and Ruby, who had just returned the Sickbay, stunned him. The crystal was Tholian in origin, and Ruby resonated with it, sending a signal which somehow wrote new code which stabilised the warp core. I am going to have to find out how the device was able to write code remotely and block it in the future.

K'tiri, Grey, and Armstrong then beamed to Maddox's runabout, which was where he was trying to beam to. They found a cargo container made of a crystal metallic composite in the cargo area which resisted scans. I was ordered to take a team to the runabout to investigate the crate as K'tiri could not open it.

K'Tiri interrogated Maddox who confessed to being approached by the Tholian ambassador on DS6 some time ago. He was offered 200 bars of gold pressed latinum for information on the Luna class and provided the exact coordinates of the Luna to allow them to create a trans phasic rift and take the ship. The Tholians were taking the ship deep within the Tholian empire and the only way to follow was to detonate another Tricobalt device and create another rift.

We were ordered to prevent the technology on the Luna falling into enemy hands at any cost. If we could not recover the Luna we were to destroy her, and were provided with two Tricobalt devices. We were assigned two new senior crewmembers, Vokaya, a Hora, to the position of chief science officer, and Therok Reezid, a Human, to the position of chief medical officer.

The crate on the runabout was found to contain the latinum Maddox had been paid. I installed one of the tricobalt devices onto a type 6 shuttle, and Ruby piloted it to the precise coordinates where we needed to open the rift. The tricobalt device started leaking while he was manoeuvring into position, so Ruby depressurised the shuttle and leapt out allowing a transport lock to be gained and for him to be beamed back to the Cessna just before the tricobalt device detonated. A power surge damaged the transporters in the process and so the list of things Quig needed to repair started growing again.

The explosion created a rift which the Cessna navigated into. Inside the rift the Cessna's sensors reported nothing and our position could not be determined. Suddenly Natala lost control and started ranting about having to go back. K'tiri intervened and she was taken to sickbay where a Neurological imbalance was detected. It proved to be contagious and spread by sweat. As K'Tiri could have been contaminated she was retained in sickbay for examination. Engineer Adon Nesa reported sighting a Telarian hook spider in the conduits and was sweating. He then became irrational so I had to stun him and transport him to sickbay. Armstrong went crazy in the corridor outside sickbay, shooting randomly at 'Romulan spies'. He hit an ODN conduit causing power outages and a fire on deck 5, and an energy build up in the astrometrics lab.

There were more reports of people going crazy all over the ship so Ruby released anesatine gas throughout the ship to render the crew unconscious. The fire was put out by my engineering team just before they were knocked unconscious. I was able to put on an environmental suit just in time. The EMH detected a pathogen to which K'Tiri was immune and producing antibodies, from which it created a cure.

Finally stars re-emerged as the Cessna left the trans phasic rift and sensors detected a Tholian ship and an Orion raider nearby. The Orion raider was firing on the Tholian ship and we succeeded in beaming the Tholian from its ship just before it exploded. The Tholians name was Ioun. It thanked us for the assistance but said it required a shuttlecraft to continue its business. It created silk and had business with Damon Bok. It said it was from the merchant class and not the warrior class. It provided information in exchange for a shuttlecraft. It had heard Tholians were considering invading our quadrant and had been in contact with the Dominion. It thought the Luna may be in an asteroid in the Vintak system and warned the system was heavily defended.

Tholian Asteroid BaseCaptain Wilson promoted Grey and Armstrong to Lt. Junior class and we proceeded to the Vintak system where we detected a hollowed out asteroid with a Star fleet vessel inside. Everything on the vessel was offline. The Cessna hid in the asteroid field and we observed three patrol vessels protecting the asteroid. An away team was sent on two shuttles to the Luna, and Vokaya was fired in a probe to get there in advance of the rest of us. Tricorder readings showed a Gorn and approximately 100 individuals of an unknown species on board the Luna, most in the hangers and cargo bays. There were also 55 federation races in the lower decks unconscious, likely the original engineers. We got on board and triggered Anesthizine gas from auxiliary control to render the occupiers unconsious.

Therok lead a medical team to revive the starfleet personnel. I got a visual of engineering and saw five there were unaffected by the gas. One was speaking into a communicator and Tholians started beaming on board. Theroks team recovered the starfleet engineers but encountered two Tholians, triggering a firefight. One was stunned but the other scuttled onto the ceiling when charged by Vokaya. The last Tholian was finally stunned by concentrated fire. I jury rigged the consoles on the bridge and transferred all control functions to the bridge.

Tractor beams and docking clamps activated to hold the Luna down. We activated the view screen and saw energy beams being formed by Tholian ships to form a cage. Six more ships were heading towards asteroid.

Vokaya modulated the Luna's shields to break free of the tractor beams and K'tiri fired on the clamps as the Cessna started firing on the Tholian ships, crippling one. I then took the conn and maneuvered the Luna out of the asteroid. The Luna was fired upon before the Cessna engaged a tractor beam then took us to warp, with the Tholian ships in pursuit. I got the Luna's warp engines online, and Therok fired a high frequency pulse from the deflector dish designed to affect the Tholian crystalline structures disabling four of the pursuing ships. The others gave up their pursuit and turned back.

We finally returned to the correct location and detonated the second tri cobalt device to open another rift. We then returned to the Utopia Planisha shipyards at Mars and I returned to the Cessna to start work repairing all the damage she had suffered. I was called to a meeting with Admiral Hanson and a Commadore Remek, the admirals new chief of staff from starfleet intelligence. Captain Wilson had been given command of the Luna and all the Cessna's crew were given the opportunity to transfer to the Luna.