Engineers log Stardate 48674

The Borg implants were removed from Captain Decker, but the experience affected him badly and he was put on long term sick leave. Commander Los was promoted to the position of Captain of the Cessna, and Commander Tom Wilson who had served as chief of staff under Admiral Hanson on Narinda station for the last two years was given the position of 1st Officer of the Cessna. Mala left the Cessna to be married and a farewell party was held in 10 forward.

We received instructions to rendezvous with an unregistered federation craft round the Klingon colony world B'el'th PaH in the Shackleton expanse (Population about 1 billion, approx 50% Klingon). We were told to expect Klingon battle cruisers at the colony manned by QuvHa (dishonored Klingon warriors striving to regain their honor).

Engineers log Stardate 48676

We reached B'el'th PaH and found there were 4 ancient battle cruisers in orbit which must be over 100 years old. They were the Amar, T'Ong, B'Moth and T'Agog. A runabout, the USS Cass requested permission to dock. There was a single occupant, a Commander in a starfleet medical gown. There was a 'situation' on the colony, and something thought long dead had re-emerged. That something was the Augment virus. In 2154 the Klingon empire acquired embryos of augmented humans. They were unstable, but Klingon scientists tried to use a retro virus to try to use their DNA to augment Klingons. The process went wrong. The treated Klingons lost their cranium ridges, then their neural pathways degraded causing their deaths. The virus was eventually cured with help from humans but those who had lost their cranial ridges before being cured never regained them.

This mysterious commander said the colony was infected with this virus, and not only Klingons were affected. She wanted to know about the effectiveness of the bio filters in the Cessna's transporters. She had an old human recording device from the original Enterprise which had been borrowed from the orbital Smithsonian annex at Earth. She wanted me to retrieve medical information about the virus and the original cure from the device.

I had to familiarise myself with human 22nd century engineering and make it operational, then develop a translation algorithm to extract the data. The device was made of a mixture of Denobulan and human technology. The device was very slow and the download took several hours after I got everything working.

While I was busy, Tom examined the runabout. He found a sealed compartment with an internal dampening field. Tricorder readings showed a Klingon lifeform inside and energy signatures, probably from weapons. The life signs were undergoing genetic rearrangement.

When the data download completed the computer reported an error. Simulations said the 'cure' had 100% chance of killing a patient within 5 minutes due to the current virus strain having mutated from the original. The Cessna scanned the surface and the Klingon ships. Millions of people on surface were infected but the crew on the Klingon ships were not.

Hur'Krel recommended we get a new sample of the virus for study which would require us to go to the planet's surface. I suited up with Hur'Krel, Commander Wilson and Lt. Commander Zhang. Lt. Commander Repeat did not as it was unlikely an artificial being would be susceptible to the virus. We found there was chaos on the surface where Klingons in EV suits were shooting indiscriminately into a crowd of hundreds of infected individuals. I went with Hur'Krel to the medical facility while the others helped the Klingons defend the centre from the crowds. The guards outside the medical block were uncooperative and wasted our time before finally letting us inside.

Inside we were attacked by an infected Klingon which I quickly stunned, giving Hur'Krel the opportunity to get the sample he needed. We then beamed back up to the Cessna. The extra bio-security procedures during the re-materialisation left us feeling sick and Hur'Krel had to make up a quick cure. It actually tasted pretty good, I must remember to get the recipe from him. He then set about analysing the sample to try to determine a cure. Meanwhile the Klingon battle cruisers moved into a position to start firing on the surface and the Cessna's bridge crew entered a stand-off with them, shooting down a torpedo they fired.

Hur'Krel discovered the virus had been modified deliberately. He originally thought it contained Vulcan RNA, but further study proved it to actually be Romulan. After he created a cure I started helping him mass produce it, which required me to take thrusters and the main deflector offline to reroute the power. While I was doing so Commander Sigmund came in to main engineering and ordered me to stop. I surreptitiously opened comms with Hur'Krel who informed the bridge. Shortly afterwards Commander Wilson appeared and also told me to stand down. When they left I beamed the samples of the cure I had already produced to the surface and advised the captain that the deflector dish and thrusters would be back online as I had been ordered to stop making the cure. I later found out Hur'Krel had also sent down to the planet the details of how to manufacture the cure themselves.

With nothing else to do we left orbit and headed further into the Shackleton expanse towards the Arachnid nebula. The nebula consisted of mostly di-sodium and ethyl chlorate which glowed brightly. We launched a class 1 probe into the nebula and after a while it started relaying a distress call from the USS Sirius, a Rubin class laboratory ship. Their plasma intakes were clogged and had ignited, causing crippling damage. The Cessna headed to their coordinates at high warp.

Scans of the asteroids in the nebula showed them to contain Kelbonite ore which would affect the transporters and sensors. When we reached the Sirius we found it adrift. The life signs on board had many injuries so we prepared to send shuttles over with medical teams.

When the shuttles docked Hur'krel took charge of the injured while I took my engineering crew to assess the damage to the ship. Life support was dangerously low and the warp core was damaged so we set about making repairs. The damage had occurred when the impulse engine plasma intakes ignited. The Sirrius had entered the nebula to study a gravametric anomaly which was moving through the nebula at the request of four researchers. Dr Vemya, (a Vulcan female specialising gravitic emissions) was the senior researcher, along with Dr Schultz (a human male specialising in stelar phenomenon), Dr Karas (an Andorran female specialising in radiation wavelengths) and Dr Shen (a Tellarite male specialising in ancient galactic history). They had taken a risk in entering the nebula to study the anomaly. I repaired the Sirius enough to be able to achieve 1/4 impulse then the Cessna engaged a tractor beam to tow the Sirius out of the Nebula.

Back on the Cessna we were called into the captains ready room. She had received a request from Dr Vemya to continue help them continue their research into the nebula and tracking the anomaly as the Sirrius was unable to continue. Hur'krel examined Dr Karas who was reporting headaches. He detected neurogenic energy in her brain but did not think it serious. The Cessna returned to the nebula and launched probes to locate the anomaly. They found a huge rogue planetoid cloaked in an ion storm which was leaving a trail like a comet. Scans showed there was evidence of construction on the surface.

Readings indicated the planetoid would break up in a few hours so we beamed down to the surface to investigate while we were still able to do so. The ion storm raged above us and our tricorders detected a chasm containing structures several hundred metres away. We beamed to the chasm where we found large cyclopean structures made of orange rocks with hyroglyphs etched into the surface. The ruins were nearly 5000 years old and came from an advanced civilisation. While we were examining the ruins, Dr Karas let out a shriek of pain and collapsed. She was quickly beamed up to sick bay, but the other three scientists seemed to not care and just carried on their investigations. I reprogrammed the universal translator in my tricorder and determined there was a 76% chance one of the hieroglyphs said 'Eidolon' and a 63% chance an adjacent hyroglyph was the noun 'God'. I later learned that when Hur'krel resuscitated Dr Karas she woke screaming 'Eidolon'.

The Ion storm worsened overhead and the geological instability increased. I was injured when the ground shook violently and called for an emergency beam out back to the Cessna. The others beamed up just before the planetoid exploded, causing a huge wave of energy to hit the Cessna, passing straight through the shields. Main power was overloaded and shorted out, the warp core dropped offline and there were several explosions. Most systems including life support were knocked offline and the captain was injured, leaving Commander Wilson in command.

While commencing repairs I found the body of Ensign Holcomb in a Jeffries tube, his throat had been slit. I quickly advised captain Los and Hur'krel who advised the other senior officers, before continuing trying to repair the ship. Repeat encountered Ensign Douglas carrying a jagged pipe which was covered in blood. He called for assistance and as I was close I ran to his aid. When I arrived I found them struggling so I hit Douglas with a sustained phaser burst. He went down but it took far more to stun him than a human should be able to take. I checked but he was not infected with a neural parasite.

Douglas had weird spider like patterns in his eyes. Commander Wilson dook him to med bay where he was scanned by Hur'krel. He found strong neurogenic and aionic energy and concluded there was another mind in his head. Wilson did a mind meld and confirmed there was a second powerful mind controlling Ensign Douglas. He spoke with it and was told "The task must be completed, and it must find a new home". Douglas died when the mind meld was broken. Meanwhile I restored power then returned to main engineering to restart the warp reactor.

Commander Wilson sent Repeat to cargo bay 3 to secure the scientists where he found they had locked the door. He overrode the lock and found a strange machine in the centre of the cargo bay (later they described it as a Jacobs ladder). The scientists and two dozen crewmen were in the cargo bay working on the device. I found the warp core had been connected to cargo bay 3 somehow. Hur'Krel released Anesthizine gas into the cargo bay while I turned off the power to the cargo bay. The gas rendered everyone in the cargo bay unconscious.

I went to the cargo bay to examine the device. As I did so it released a burst of energy at me. The scientists were taken to the brig, and the other crew members to sick bay. Shortly afterwards Hur'Krel called me to sick bay. He said the energy was still in their bodies and they were still under the control of the entity. He asked me to construct a device to shock them to release the energy then contain it. I used a portable magnetic flux field generator and a generator from some transport enhancers to make a shock probe and containment device. Yellowish energy shot out of a crewman I tried it on and was sucked into the containment field. The 6th patient woke up as I performed the procedure and lunged at me but a security detail grappled him to the floor and he was sedated.

Repeat looked up Eidolon in the ships computer. He found references dating back 10000 years from a small planet in the Exo system. The inhabitants had been experts in matter energy conversion. Their Sun died and the planet was expelled from the system. They had a god/leader called Eidolon. I went to engineering to repair the prod which had been broken in the scuffle. While there I got readings of Aeonic energy build up in the bio neural gel packs of the ship so I took the systems offline and switched to the iso linear backups. I then made more prods and finally all the crew were restored and the bio neural gel packs purged. Commander Wilson ordered the generator taken to a shuttle where Dr Shen took the controls and left the Cessna. Commander Wilson had let him out of the brig to do so, though the other scientists remained there. Repeat tracked the shuttle and saw it on an intercept course with another ship which had no identifier.

Engineers log Stardate 48677

We were given orders to investigate Gaseous anomalies in sector 14 of the expanse and had spent several days on the task when long range sensors detected a positronic signature. The captain ordered us to set a course towards it and when we neared we determined it was a poly alloy structure containing a positronic device. It was transported aboard where we found it to be the head of a female model android. It was deactivated and about 10 years old. Repeat reactivated it. Its name was Corelate and its core memory had been wiped. Repeat connected it to the ships computer to allow it to restore the core memories. It remembered a ship called the USS Soong. Shortly afterwards an Intrepid class starship dropped out of warp. It was the USS Soong, registration 0101011. There were no life forms aboard but there were 12 poly ally constructions with positronic signatures.

We received a communication claiming their Chambers coil had overloaded their comms system though a scan suggested otherwise. The Cessna received a signal from the ship with an overload code and our shields dropped. The USS Soong then fired, damaging our engines. We fired back and succeeded in damaging their engines in return. The head was quickly disconnected from our systems and the shields restored while I supervised emergency repairs to the engines. The USS Soong fired torpedoes. Repeat jammed some but the others hit our shields. We returned fire again and damaged their phasors. They went to warp and we set out in pursuit, overtaking them, firing again and hitting and disabling their engines.

Repeat took a security team and beamed to their bridge. They found some deactivated androids and the computer was running a self destruct count down. The android in the captains seat (who we later found was called Cal) was quickly reactivated and he gave the codes to deactivate the countdown. He said they had been reprogrammed by Law then deactivated. Suddenly a Cardassian battle cruiser, the Craxen decloaked off our port bow and fired. It appeared to have been modified and fired a bolt of blue energy which drained the Cessna's shields.

Abros scanned the ship and determined the weapon system was Breen. The Cessna was hailed by Gul Codel. He demanded Repeat beam to his ship immediately. Repeat quickly reprogrammed a photon torpedo as an EMP device using Cal's head as the controller, and beamed that over in his place. The blast disabled the Craxen, then the Cessna fired, damaging their warp core, crippling it. Gul Codel immediately surrendered. The 2nd in command of the Soong, Rom, was reactivated by Repeat. I beamed over to the Craxen with Abros to examine their energy drain weapon. It channelled anti protons through the warp core to project them at the enemy, draining their power. While we were doing this there was some altercation in the brig and Repeat disintegrated Codel. Repeat then claimed he had been infected with a virus and he was sent to main engineering for myself, Abros and Hur'krel to perform an examination.

We returned to the Cessna. Repeats Inhibitors had been manually disconnected then reconnected, possibly by himself. I filed my report to commander Wilson. During the examination the Cessna received a distress call from Trax Epsilon.

We require immediate assistance, atmospheric conditions have proven too hazardous to the expedition to continue. One team lost, their coordinates are enclosed. Two members of the expedition remain here at base camp T'Vral. We request the nearest Starfleet vessel make contact and extract us. Message repeats.

The expedition consisted of:
L'Vor, the expedition leader
Salok the geologist
Sutok the scientist
Syvar the doctor
Valeris a technitian
Vanik the quartermaster
Menos the second in command
L'Var the security specialist

Engineers log Stardate 48678

Trax Epsilon was a black planet, absorbing 99.96% of light hitting it. The planets magnetic field was anomalous, its poles were fluctuating. The atmosphere predominately consisted of a silicate molecule. We beamed a sample of the atmosphere aboard. The science team started to analyse the sample but I was sent down in a shuttle as part of an away team to locate the distress beacon which was no longer transmitting. but Lian took the shuttle to the calculated coordinates of the expeditionary force base camp and tricorder scans then detected it about 1Km away. We set out on foot but found nothing at the location. Tricorder scans showed the base camp was actually in the opposite direction from the shuttle than we walked. On the way Abros tripped and broke his tricorder.

Finally we stumbled on the outpost. The outpost was devoid of power and it had been breached in several places. Something the size of a shuttle pod had smashed through the walls. I found shelter in the lab and repaired the damaged tricorder. I then investigated the outposts power issues. The batteries had been completely drained. I went outside to examine the damage to the outpost. The damage was caused by blunt force trauma. I found two Vulkan bodies in EV suits outside the outpost. Hur'krel examined the bodies. They were Menos and L'Var. The bodies were frozen and their EV suits were not functioning. They had asphyxiated and their suits had breaches at key power points. All energy had been drained including their phasors.

Repeat remarked the effects were similar to that caused by a Dichromium creature called a vampire which attacked the famous Captain Kirks crew. That creature had been killed by a cobalt bomb. It had been immune to phasors and torpedoes. I patched a phasor into the system to provide power but Repeat was hit by a discharge during the process, damaging him slightly. I restored the computer systems and retrieved the expedition logs which had been recorded by Menos.

Trax Epsilon Expedition Logs

I re-established like support while Tom scanned the area with his life form and detected traces of alien DNA. We then took the shuttle to the area of the crater to investigate it. Surrounded by a donut shaped object 1km in diameter made of a silicon based alloy. The tricorder showed strange readings and its mass appeared to be decreasing, slowly evaporating into the atmosphere. Its interior appeared biological.

We walked towards the crater and found the object to be a vessel. It was fizzing and evaporating. Was a creature that had died. Repeat went inside and found inside was a chamber with pods which were now empty but contained some sort of embryonic gel which would have sustained a creature. Tom sensed the presence of a huge alien mind everywhere and a brief vision of six Vulcans lying on the ground. He set his tricorder to isolate Vulcan DNA and detected the presence of six lifeless bodies nearby.

I was ordered inside to determine how it worked but as I entered, part of it collapsed around me. I was covered in the boiling material but Repeat quickly cleaned it off. The vessel did not use warp drives, and was in a state of quantum flux. It used quantum mechanics to achieve sub light speeds. The remaining Vulcans were found nearby. They had died the same way as the others. Shortly afterwards, a large creature was detected approaching rapidly. Tom ordered us to retreat back to the shuttlecraft and Repeat offered to lure it away. As he did so, suddenly one of the Vulcans sat up. Tom fired on it to no affect. It pursued Repeat and tried to mind meld with it, then collapsed when the mind meld failed.

I made it back to the shuttlecraft with Tom. Repeat established some form of communication with the tentacled creature and gave it his phasor, which was drained. Repeat tied into the Cessna's main deflector dish and was able to make a more direct contact. He learned the ship was a Krilian pod and the creature was the Krilian mind. It wanted a Vulcan to contact with the Krilian mind. It said "Vulcans sorry".

I took the shuttle craft near the creature and Tom approached it. It wanted him to remove his helmet, but the atmosphere was very hostile so arrangements were made to beam it up to one of the Cessna's cargo bays where Tom could contact it more safely. The whole atmosphere was the Krilian mind and it was terraforming the planet by crashing their ships on the surface. The ships travelled in a form of hibernation for centuries and had travelled through a wormhole from the Gamma quadrant. They did not originally recognise the Vulcans as intelligent beings and were sorry for causing their deaths. They were looking for a new home world as the sun was dying on their own. Concluding the creature was not a threat we made our report back to starfleet and left.

Engineers log Stardate 48683

We returned to Starbase 364 where Repeat was handed over to the custody of Commander Remik for a preliminary hearing in advance of a possible court martial over the killing of Gul Codel. I supervised a refit of the Cessna while the preliminary hearing was held where Repeat pleaded guilty. Hur'Krel left the Cessna on a sabbatical. Tom ordered me to finish the refit early with only 30 minutes notice and the Cessna left Starbase 354. Lenois recovered from his injuries but was then replaced by Tom Wilson who was promoted to the position of Captain of the Cessna with Cmdr Remik as his 1st officer. Captain Wilson then set course for the Exo system and ignored hails from the Starbase and nearby starships.

We were briefed that Star fleet intelligence believed Gul Codel Was not dead, and we were heading to the Exo system to prove it. On route we were hailed by Lt Abros and Hur'Krel from a Klingon bird of prey. They wanted to know what Captain Wilson was doing. It appeared that the Captain had left Starbase 354 against Starfleet orders. The captain appeared to be acting irrationally, but with Remik and Repeat being the only other senior officers aboard it looked unlikely it would be possible to remove him. I was ordered to alter the shield frequencies as Captain Wilson was concerned the pursuers would know the frequency.

Engineers log Stardate 48686

Two Breen ships were detected heading towards us from the Exo system. We were hailed by Thot Gert who said we were entering Breen territory and we should leave immediately. I quickly made some more shield modifications to try to mitigate their energy drain weapons and the bridge initiated a manoeuvre, putting the Cessna between the two Breen ships then performing a micro jump as they fired. The Breen ships hit each other, and a Klingon bird of prey decloaked and fired on one of the Breen ships. The Cessna then turned and also fired, and the ships were damaged. They then turned and fled at high warp back towards the Exo system.

The captain of the Bird of Prey beamed over with Hur'krel and Abros. He struck Captain Wilson for being dishonourable, which Wilson seemed to accept, then they started discussing the situation. The Klingon was more disposed to believe Wilson due to the presence of the Breen. I was called to the ready room where the Klingon captain stated he did not trust Remik. Remik claimed Gul Codel was in fact an android duplicate and the Cardassians and Breen were trying to gain the technology. Abros said he could not read Remik and Remik responded that it was because he had suffered a brain injury. There was an extended discussion which did not really resolve much. The ships then continued towards the Exo system. Repeat later scanned Remik discreetly and discovered he was a Vulcan who had been surgically altered and had an implant in his brain. I was asked to analyse the scans. The implant was a micro molecular transceiver array designed to send energy into the hosts synaptic relays which would kill them instantly, so I made a start on a device to disable the implant.

Engineers log Stardate 48687

The Exo system is technically inside Federation space though it has never been colonised. The EXO system's star has been dimming inexorably for over half a million years and the system is comprised of eleven planets: EXO I, IV-XI are class D, devoid of life and essentially large balls of rock equivalent to Earth’s moon Luna. EXO II is class J, a gas giant with a diameter of 13 Earth’s and a super dense atmosphere comprised primarily of Hydrogen. EXO III is class K, it has a diameter of 18,000km and a gravity of 1.1G. The surface is cold and harsh with temperatures dropping to -100c. There is no surface water though there are underground ice deposits. Scans of Exo III showed it to haves an extensive network of underground caverns linking to a central chamber from which an unknown energy source was emanating. The planet contained Tritantium, a mineral deposit far denser than diamond which was affecting the sensors, though we finally mananged to compensate enough to detect both Cardassian and Breen life forms on the surface and in the caverns, and two positronic signatures, one on the surface and one in the middle cavern.

There were also two Cardassian ships in orbit. I beamed the positronic device up from the surface. It was a badly damaged android which had been shot by an energy weapon. Hur'Krel and Repeat repaired its brain and reactivated it. The androids name was Ram. It was aboard a ship which was attacked. A weapon drained all their energy. It thought it was a passenger on board a civilian ship but the brain had suffered damage which was affecting memory recall. I repaired the positronic brain and restored its memory. It was travelling to Deneb IV "to express free will and live away from humanoids".

The captain ordered an away team to be formed to go to the planet and I was to take a shuttle craft with Abros to the planet and act as a transport booster to get the rest of the away team to the surface. Repeat and Armstrong were beamed down first into one of the tunnels. Some of the crew from the Bird of Prey beamed down to a different tunnel to start a fight as a diversion.

As well as the positronic signature and humanoid lifeforms in the caverns, the tricorders also recorded an unusual energy reading. There were three structures in the cavern, a power generator, a laboratory and a computer centre. Remic said there was an ancient android duplicator which was to be retrieved at all costs. He ordered phasors to be set to kill.

We crept to the central laboratory. Inside was a reddish blue mass being scanned at the molecular level by some equipment. A huge android was operating the equipment and tricorder readings showed him to be 10,000 years old. It said its name was Rock, and it was programmed by Codel. It served the old ones and now served Codel. The mass was slowly changing shape into a humanoid with Cardassian features. Remik ordered Repeat to destroy the android. Repeat hesitated then fired on Remik, stunning him, but not before Remik fired back, damaging some of the equipment. Repeat then used the device I created to disable the device in Remik's head.

The device finished the process and the mass had formed the shape of Codel, who animated and called for security before Repeat fired at him. The phasor had no effect and Codel called his ship to beam him up but Abros quickly struck his com badge from his hand and it was the only thing to be beamed up. Repeat and Codel struggled before the Klingons were beamed to the lab to apprehend Codel. Repeat asked Rock to dismantle the device so it could be transported to the android colony on Deneb IV. A procedure was performed on Remik to erase the memories of being stunned.

Engineers log Stardate 48701

The androids were dropped at Deneb IV. Repeat then requested a leave of absence so he could also stay on Deneb IV. The androids there wanted to be isolated from any humanoids but asked for a lot of help including weapons, a replicator, a shuttle craft and repair of their ship amongst other things. Repeat gave me a lot of details about androids including how to turn them off. Their ship was a 23rd century transport vessel and in a poor state of repair.