Engineers log Stardate 48803

It took three days to repair the Luna. We were then given a mission to travel further into the expanse and map a new sector for about a month, and Stellar cartography would require much time on the sensors and deflector dish.

It took a week to arrive at our assigned sector, and we had been mapping for about a week when suddenly I heard a high pitched sound and a glass of Slug o Cola appeared next to my pad. I scanned it with my tricorder and it appeared normal. Others on board also received drinks. The Captain then received a message from Mercury saying urgent, we need to immediately set a reciprocal course. An energy field was detected on long range sensors, on a direct course to us at high warp, and would intercept in 52 seconds. The Captain ordered red alert and for the Luna to reverse course, and the energy field accelerated towards us. It had no form or substance and appeared as a large swirling ball of coloured energy.

The energy field caught up, and we dropped out of warp as it surrounded us. There was another high pitched noise and flash of light then an Aldebron serpent appeared on the bridge. Another flash of light and it turned into a humanoid figure. The figure introduced himself as Q2 and stated our new mission was to cure Q. He explained Q had lost his mind and we were to help recover it, and to do so we would be going on a short trip into his mind. Q2 then clicked his fingers, and the Luna hurtled through space into an area of the expanse which was uncharted.

The stars nearby appeared dimmer than they should be, and formed the shape of a Q. Sensors showed them to be quantum locked. Qs madness was infecting reality and had caused the drinks to appear.

Q2 said let's get on with it and clicked his fingers. We appeared in a room. The room had a crowd of rag tag humans, and soldiers with machine guns. We were seated in a central area with Q on a throne.

The human crew recognised the setting as a c2079 post WW3 war crimes trial. We were accused of not being civilised creatures, but won by arguing we did not kill the entity on Argilius II. Suddenly we appeared back on the Luna, and one of the stars burst into life. Q2 clicked fingers again and we were on the surface of a rocky planet with a large pavilion about 100 metres away. Q was in the pavilion dressed as a union general from the humans 'American civil war'. The captain asked how we could help Q. and Q replied we were about to play a game to win our wildest desires.

Figures were detected moving towards our position, and a bugle sounded. The figures were decomposing humans in 19th century 'American civil war' confederate uniforms. They carried what looked like primitive projectile weapons called muskets but they registered on sensors as phasor weapons. They attacked and were defeated. Q then said time for level 2 and more figures appeared and advanced. Q tryrd to talk K'Tiri into taking his powers. When K'Tiri refused we returned to Luna in a flash of light and a second star ignited.

The Luna's computer finally calculated we were in system J25 which was 7000 light years away. It had 6 planets, the 5th being industrialised, with roads but just rifts in the ground where cities should have been. There were no lifeform readings and Q2 said it was another of Qs psychoses. The captain ordered an away team, consisting of myself, K'Tiri, Vokaya and Therok.

Marks in the crater showed it to have been caused by a high energy beam, consisting of ionised particles from a tractor beam. It was probable the buildings were cut away and taken by tractor beam. It is known the Borg had such technology. The Luna reported to us that a Borg cube was approaching but that it was not a threat. Vokaya beamed aboard the cube as Therok determined we had gone back in time to when the Borg first encountered the Federation. Vokaya set about interfering with the Borg systems, powering down the cube and locking them out of their systems. Everyone was then beamed back to the Luna.

The final two stars ignited, and in a flash of light the Luna was returned to our original position in space. Q and Q2 both appeared on the bridge and Q said he had much to do, then snapped his fingers and they disappeared. Stelar cartography reported the while sector was suddenly mapped in the ships database.

Engineers log Stardate 48804

Having had the sector we were in mapped for us by Q, we headed towards the nearest unmapped system to continue our mission. On the way we received a distress signal from a Neutronic fuel carrier, the Kobiashi Maru III. Sensors detected the Maru was under attack by two Nausicaan raiders, and also detected a third craft on sensors with a federation power signature but Borg technology. The raiders did not back down when challenged so the Luna opened fire, targeting the raiders engines. One raider fled, but the other suffered a hull breach and surrendered. The third ship was called Crimson 1 and requested permission to dock for repairs. Captain Wilson gave permission even though the sensors showed the lifeform on board was borg/human.

The pilot was starfleet and called Mihaly. He was a liberated Borg drone with exo plates, ocular implants and a cortical array. The Nausicaan captain beamed on board and offered 50 litres of Deuterium as compensation then demanded to be allowed on his way. Captain Wilson detained him pending star fleet orders but eventually Star fleet agreed to let them go.

I assessed the Maru and estimated it would take 18 hours to affect the repairs by a full team. The Maru had passengers and Vokaya obtained the passenger list. He found one unusual entry. Gul Codel was listed as a passenger and he had unusual environmental parameters in his quarters and a recharge point. His destination was Deneb IV.

Codel was beamed on board the Luna when the away teams returned. He appeared unwell and was sweating. He said the Obsidian order had used the Nausicaans to track him down as they wanted to study him. His neural net was now breaking down and was heading to Deneb IV to get help.

Engineers log Stardate 48818

The Captain chose to take him to Deneb IV on the Luna. It took two weeks at warp 9 and when we arrived we detected chronotron particles in the system, concentrated round Deneb IV. A ship, similar in size to Luna with 500 humanoid life forms on board and an artificial singularity power supply similar to Romulan technology was in orbit of Deneb IV. The ship was emitting chronotron particles, including from its torpedo warheads.

The ship was hailed. It was the Krenim warship Duktar. We were told we were violating Krenem space and to leave immediately. They powered their weapons so the Luna opened fire, doing some damage. They returned fire, but missed. Further exchanges of fire depleted their shields before the Luna disabled their weapons array. They transmitted a message but the Luna was unable to decrypt it. they then powered their engines to go to warp, but the Luna used a tractor beam to prevent them. The Luna was finally hailed by a Commandant Andar who said they had called for reinforcements and we should leave immediately. He was ignored and the planet scanned. There was no sign of the android colony, and the planet readings showed the planet was from 1 million years in the past.

The commandant admitted they had performed a temporal incursion to help restore the Krenem empire. He was beamed into the Luna's brig for interrogation along with their bridge crew. I was ordered to beam onto the Krenem ship with an engineering team and a security team. The ship was being controlled remotely and was receiving signals. There was an unusual power build up in engineering. The warship was on autodestruct, so I headed to their main engineering to try to stop it.

The Luna picked up a signal from the planet. It originated from 1 million years in the past and was from Rock. "This is Rock, temporal incursion, assistance required" it also gave coordinates. Vokaya was beamed down to investigate but the Luna lost contact with him. Readings suggested he had beamed into the past onto the temporally displaced Deneb IV.

K'Tiri interrogated the commandant. He said his Commander was a general on a time ship which could cause temporal incursions. They sent planets back in time so timelines would converge to restore the Krenem empire. The general was Fixated on restoring Keana prime. The time ship could also undo temporal incursions.

I jury rigged the bulkhead to the engineering section to open and we came under fire. I rushed in and deactivated the autodestruct while the security team delt with the Krenem. I then triangulated the source of the control signal to a location about 50 light years away.

The Luna re-established contact with Vokaya through Rock's signal. Vokaya had found Rock then found Repeat who had been damaged and thought he was a god, with the local primitives worshiping him. Vokaya used his tricorder to emit a pulse which overloaded Repeats positronic brain, shutting it down and causing it to reset.

Mihaly detected 2 Krenem warships on intercept, so the Luna performed a slingshot maneuver round the Deneb sun to try to get back in time to rescue Vokaya, using calculations sent forward in time by Vokaya and Repeat. During the transition I had visions of defending Ferenginar against the Borg. Finally the Luna was in orbit around a primeval planet. We detected positronic signatures and a Horta on the surface. The time warp had overloaded some EPS conduits which would need repair.

The Luna established contact with Vokaya and a shuttle was sent to collect him and the androids. The captain decided to make contact with Rocks creators, 'The Old Ones', who still existed in the time we found ourselves, before we returned to our normal time.

It took us three weeks to reach the Exo system, the home of the Exo. I beamed down to the surface with K'Tiri, Vokaya, Grey, Armstrong and Captain Wilson. There were large greenish tapering structures with statues of strange winged creatures on most of them. We were met by a group of humanoids who were in charge of the settlement. They said the Old Ones were their gods and indicated the statues were of Old Ones. They asked how we arrived and when we said we had travelled by star ship, they said they used space folding to travel.

After some discussion about technology we were told we were inferior and would be sacrificed to the Old Ones. We were lead to some devices which contained antimatter particles, and a struggle ensued when they tried to throw us into the devices. They finally surrendered when K'Tiri threatened their administrator with her claws. We were given access to their computers and discovered the old ones came from another universe and now existed in the core of the planet.

Vokaya and Repeat beamed down to a ship in the core of the planet where they found androgenous, bald humanoids. They said that was their natural form but they portrayed a different image to the Exoan's and considered themselves their caretakers. They offered information about artificial lifeforms in exchange for the Luna seeding some primeval oceans with their genetic material. The worlds being Earth, Romulus and Qo'noS. Mercury warned against changing the timeline so the Captain decided to consult the guardian of forever, the location of which was restricted to Captain rank and above.

It took a week to arrive at an M class planet with ruins but no signs of a current civilisation. There were unusual energy readings from the planet. Captain Tom and K'Tiri beamed down. They did not discuss what passed there, but afterwards the Captain decided to seed the oceans as requested. At that point Mercury took control of the ship to prevent us doing so, and started making calculations to take us back to the future. When the Luna started to accelerate towards the nearby star I went to put the Luna's engines into diagnostics mode and Mercury started pleading, saying this was an opportunity to correct a mistake.

When Mercury locked out the command staff from the computer K'Tiri transported herself to a shuttle with the genetic samples. I headed to the computer core where I removed the bioneural gel packs, disconnecting Mercury from the ships systems. There were some negotiations and the Captain offered to give Mercury a position in the crew if it took the artificial body previously offered and stopped trying to prevent the mission from being completed. Mercury became resigned to its fate and agreed. After K'Tiri had seeded the planets we performed a time warp back to our future, arriving in Earths orbit on the same day we had travelled to the past.

The captain received orders to travel to coordinates 784 mark 056 and also to beam down to Starfleet command to explain the Lunas sudden appearance. He ordered K'Tiri and Ruby to beam down and explain our time travels then put the Luna on course to the coordinates given. It seemed a bit odd that the Captain would receive contradictory orders and that he would treat the orders to report to Starfleet command as lower priority. We later learned that K'Tiri was offered a position of Captain of the Cessna and Ruby joined her as her security officer.

It took half a day to reach the coordinates which were in deep space. We detected elevated neutrinos 500km away which proved to be a runabout with a cloaking device called the USS Cass. The occupant asked to be tractor beamed into shuttle bay 2. The occupant proved to be Commander Maddox, Admiral Hanson's aide, who presented the Captain with more orders from Star Fleet intelligence.

Section 31 ControlWe then set course for new coordinates to what we were told was Starfleet intelligence HQ. It was surrounded by mines and drones. The Captain kept calling Maddox 'Deputy Director Slone'. He said he had the code to deactivate the defences but the codes did not work. We used a Tchyon beam to expose the location of the mines. Several moved towards the Luna as we approached. We shot several but one hit our shields and another started a power build up as a prelude to emitting an EMP pulse.

I configured the main deflector to send a Nadium pulse to disable the attacking drones which was successful. Captain Wilson ordered a shuttle to be rigged for remote control and sent it ahead of the Luna but the shuttle was quickly destroyed by a mine. Vokaya scanned the station and detected a waveform similar to one generated by the Echo Papa 607 weapon system previously encountered by Captain Picard.

K'Tiri used a class 9 probe to emit an EMP pulse which overloaded the transport inhibitor on the station. Vokaya and Repeat then beamed to the command centre of the station. They disabled the defence systems allowing the Luna to approach and dock.

I was sent on board with an engineering team. We found 12 bodies which had been trapped and had suffocated. I was asked to dismantle Echo Papa system by Captain Wilson which would take 6 hours, and also to reactivate the station computer system then activate the 'Alpha protocol Beta 3 protocol', which would cause the stations AI to take over and reactivate the mine field. I installed a back door kill switch into the Echo Papa system with Vokayas help as we were suspicious that it might be used in the future and end up out of control.

Maddox/Slone then ordered us to go to the planet Minos to find some missing operatives. The Captain started wearing a Commadore's badge. Apparently he got promoted.

Engineers log Stardate 48807

It took three days at warp 8 to reach the Lorens cluster. Minos, the 4th planet in the system, was the only inhabitable planet. We detected residual tri-quantum waves in the system which was indicative of a trans warp conduit nearby. We detected occasional low energy readings from the planet, and sensors picked up 12 life forms from a structure below the surface. The life form readings showed as being about 95% human. There was a localised EM field in the vicinity which would block transportation beams. We also received a transmission of sales pitch for the Minos weapons system.

Vokaya configured the deflector dish to emit a burst of Tachyon particles in an attempt to detect any cloaked ships. It worked as a small fighter was revealed. It started to move towards the Luna and Mihaly launched his own ship to intercept. When the Luna fired on the ship it reflected some signal back along the phasor beam which started infecting the ship. When I went to investigate I was hit by an energy discharge from an EPS conduit. I regained consciousness as I was being taken to sickbay.

Mihaly succeeded in hitting the fighter with his ships disrupters, overloading its shields and vaporising it. However another cloaked vessel fired on the Luna which was defenceless as Vokaya had shut down all the systems to try to eradicate whatever was affecting the ships systems, and the Luna was hit in the engineering section causing a great deal of damage. Several of the engineering team were killed.

Vokaya finally got the Luna's systems purged and back online. At his suggestion the Captain replicated Captain Pickard's solution and contacted Minos, offering to buy the weapon system and asking them to stop the demonstration. The Captain then ordered an away team to beam down to the underground structure.

Myself, Vokaya, Therok, Maddox/Sloane and Armstrong beamed down into a partly flooded tunnel. Our tricorders detected the 12 humanoid lifeforms about 500 metres below us. They were 96% human and 4% something else, and the low level EM fields were near them. As we could not transport closer, Vokaya burrowed down to them.

DroneWe found what appeared to be three of the 12 missing operatives, who started asking about our defences. My tricorder detected no lifeforms from them. As I moved towards one to determine if it was a hologram there was a flash of green light and it turned into a drone and fired at me. Vokaya charged at one but it dodged. I shot one which exploded as did Therok and Maddox/Slone, destroying the other two.

We started searching the structure, finding a barracks, medical centre and living quarters which had 4 humans dressed in black. Tricorder readings confirmed they were human but with implants similar to Borg. They appeared to be newly assimilated Borg as they did not have a full set of Borg implants. Maddox/Slone said they were section 31 operatives and knew the risks, and that they should be killed now they were Borg. The other missing operatives were also found nearby.

We heard beeping from a chamber to the South. More of the drones appeared which were stronger and shielded, but we succeeded in destroying them. There appeared to be about 12 minutes between the drone attacks.

I traced the plasma conduits under the floor of the structure and directed Vokaya to the control system controlling the drones. He burrowed down and destroyed it. In another room we found a hologram of the 'planet killer', originally named by the famous Spock, it was a vessel 10000 meters long and made of solid Neutronium. The hologram included coordinates on far side of the Shackleton expanse in a phenomenon called the Shackleton Pin Wheel.

Planet Killer Hologram

We then found an advanced manufacturing and maintenance area and a medical centre with data on bio enhancement systems. The data was recently accessed by '6 of 9 tertiary adjunct 2'.

The Luna detected a build up of tri-quantum waves and prepared for a trans warp conduit to open. A scout class ship emerged with a federation power supply which the Captain identified as a Section 31 scout class vessel. It emitted Nadion particles at the Luna, trying to send commands through our rear sensors, but the signal was jammed by Mihaly.

The Luna detected no life forms on board the scout. It had Federation technology but there was other unknown, possibly Borg technology. Mihaly attacked it. Mihaly fired torpedoes at the scout but its shields held. It tried to tractor beam the Crimson 1 but Mihaly avoided the beam. A phasor attack by Mihaly then penetrated the scouts shields, breaching its hull. The Luna then fired on the scout and succeeded in destroying it. An odd reading was picked up from the debris which came from something encased in a multi phasic shield. Mihaly identified it as a Borg auto regeneration device.

The computer systems were protected by security systems so the missing operatives were beamed up to the Luna along with everyone but myself and Vokaya . We tried to access the medical data but the security systems triggered the self destruct. I was unable to stop it and we beamed out just before a huge explosion destroyed the complex.

Engineers log Stardate 48809

The Luna received a transmission from Captain Akul on the Mp'Wii. He had two new crew members on board for the Luna and arranged for us to rendezvous. He also warned us that Chancellor Garon had left the Kittimar accord, and that soon the Klingon empire and Federation would be enemies. He had been sent to bring our new crew and to escort us back to Starbase 364 as other Klingons may already see the Luna as a prize.

The new crew were Lt Cmdr Kar'tak, a Klingon medical officer who had been sent to replace Therok who had been recalled to serve in Starfleet medical on Earth, and Ensign Phazenna, a Denoblan Ops officer. The captain ordered Simulated combat drills which went well.

After the drill we set course for Starbase 364 and jumped to warp. On route an unusual asteroid with active volcanic activity was detected on sensors. The crew seemed unusually keen to view it with a number of my engineering staff asking to be allowed to go to 10 forward while on duty. Obviously I refused their requests. Vokaya detected an ultraviolet light being emitted by the asteroid which had a psychotropic effect on humans, increasing their dopamine levels, and mesmerising them. A large number of the crew had gathered in 10 forward to view the asteroid, and the captain had to release Anesthizine gas when they became completely unresponsive to orders. The Mp'Wii did not respond to hails and we detected unusual readings from their warp core. There was a problem with their baffle plates and their engines were on their way to going critical in about 5 minutes.

Mihaly, Phazenna and Kar'tak were sent in a shuttle to examine the asteroid. They found it was releasing cryogenic particles. And beamed a sample into a containment field. It was the particles which were emitting ultraviolet radiation.

I beamed over to the Mp'Wii to try to stabilise her engines. They had been badly maintained, but I succeeded in shutting down a cascade reaction and the quickly fixed the baffle plates. The Luna took a sample of the asteroid then used tractor beams to put it onto a collision course with the systems sun to destroy it.

Engineers log Stardate 48816

On the way to Starbase 364 I helped Mihaly fit the Borg auto regeneration device to Crimson 1. Hopefully it will reduce the need for me to fix his ship whenever he gets it shot up. When we arrived at Starbase 364 the captain was hailed by Admiral Hanson who wanted all of the Luna's senior staff in his office.

Starfleet fighter command badgeK'Tiri had been given command of the Cessna and Ruby had accepted a position serving with her. Mihaly was assigned to head a new branch of Starfleet called starfighter command. Vokaya was promoted to Commander and the post of 1st officer of the Luna. Repeat was appointed to the post of Admiral Hanson's adjutant. I was awarded the Cochrene medal of excellence for outstanding performance in engineering. It was not even made of solid gold pressed latinum. Captain Wilson's promotion to Commodore was confirmed and he was given command of a small fleet of vessels - the USS Bellerophon (Intrepid class, registration NCC-74705), the USS Thunderchild (Akira class, registration NCC-63549), and the USS Venture (Galaxy class, NCC-71854)

We were also advised that the Klingons were to leave starbase 364. We were invited to a ritual on board the Mp'Wii before we become the Klingon empires enemies. I decided to go along to get acquainted with Marka and her friends again.

Engineers log Stardate 48818

In the evening we beamed to the Mp'Wii to participate in the ritual before becoming enemies. The ritual was a series of trials. Trial 1 involved pain sticks. The Commodore took one on a high setting and collapsed, but then stood up for a second dose. Vokaya, Myself, Mihaly, and Phazenna also participated in the first trial. Trial 2 was a test of physical sense, with Commodore Wilson, Kar'Tak and Mihaly passing heated stones down the line into a receptacle. They succeeded in passing all 5 stones.

The 3rd trial was one of personal combat. Commodore Wilson fought Captain Akul and won easily. Mihaly was beaten by a female Klingon. Kar'Tak fought the Mp'Wii doctor but were both too drunk and accomplished nothing. Finally Vokaya fought and beat the Mp'Wii 1st officer.

When the trials were over I spent the rest of evening with Marka. Phazenna also hooked up with the Klingon doctor. We learned that Captain Akul was unhappy with what was happening and was going to head up resistance against Councillor Gowron.

Engineers log Stardate 48819

We received a message from Admiral Hanson. The previous day at about 03:00 Lieutenant Janna Frye and Ensign Kamila Chara stole a runabout from Starbase 123 and killed two crew. They were tracked towards the Bacchus system in the Shackleton expanse. Our mission was to capture them and find out why they did it. The Federation had been picking up strange indecipherable signals from Bacchus system over last few weeks, and we were also tasked to determine the source and purpose of the signals.

Engineers log Stardate 48821

It took two days to reach the Bacchus system. The Luna detected an artificial signal from Bacchus IV through the nearby class 2 nebula. The signal was actually a combination of signals which were exceptionally powerful and had been sent for some time. It was also being sent interdimensionally.

Jemhadar BattleshipThe risk of plasma igniting when we passed through the nebula was high so the Luna dropped to impulse to pass through on our way to Bacchus IV. We found a ship in orbit round the planet which launched three fighters when we approached. The fighters had tachyon emitters which were being used as some form of anti cloak device. The Luna was hailed by an individual called Taris from 'The Dominion' who kept asking questions about the Luna's specs. She said they were on a rescue operation to Bacchus IV and asked to beam over to discuss the situation.

Taris beamed over with three others who were armed. She was a Vorta, and her three companions were Jem'Hadar. Taris said they were suffering from a disease called the phage, and a white liquid administered through a tube in their neck was a treatment. She also said their ships were armed to defend against pirates.

Suddenly a bright orange beam shot up from the planets surface and enveloped the Luna. Main power went offline and the inertial dampers failed. Taris could not contact her ship, and the Jem'Hadar 1st could not transport back either when ordered to. The Dominion ship was also enveloped by an orange beam and adrift.

I made my way to engineering. The matter/antimatter reaction in the warp core had stopped at a quantum level which should not have been possible. I restarted the engines and restored power to the warp drive, then directed power to the thrusters to move the Luna into a stable orbit.

I felt funny, then everything went translucent and I appeared on the planets surface. Captain Wilson, Vokaya, Grey, Kar'Tak, Phazenna and Mihay were also there. We were in grasslands near a structure made of a single piece of stone. It was a pentagonal monolith 2km tall. Two orange beams were emerging from the monolith and shooting into space. Tricorder scan showed the beams to be interdimensional in nature and to the 10th power.

Kar'Tak scanned the area with his medical tricorder and detected two humanoid bio readings which had been dead for less than 24 hours. Vokaya went ahead to the monolith and I picked up something metallic on my tricorder about 100m away and lifeform readings at the base of monolith, two Human, one unknown humanoid, a Vulcan, a Romulan, and two Trill. The metallic object was a Tritanium Durillium case with a panel on top with symbols which lit up when touched. Phazenna identified the language as Iconian. It opened when 'password' was entered on the panel. Inside was a Jem'Hadar weapon, water, rations, thermal blankets and an emergency medical kit. The two bodies near the case were Jem'Hadar. Their tubes had become detached and they appeared to have died due to lack of the white substance. Kar'Tak took a sample.

When we reached the monolith we found the humanoids were looking up at the monolith, and not responding to speech or touch. The unknown humanoid was another Vorta, and the humans were the missing runabout thieves. The Vulcan recognised by Vokaya as a scientist called Bareen.

The monolith was covered in runes and other etchings which Phazenna identified as a mix of advanced scientific and cultural symbols from different races, and figures from myth and legend. One section was about opening of the way to those worthy of the power. Phazenna touched some runes and a blue light shot out, illuminating a point on the ground large enough for someone to stand in.

Phazenna stepped into the light and part of the monolith disappeared, revealing a passage inside. She then strode into the monolith, with all the other humanoids jostling to get inside as well. I scanned the inside of the monolith and picked up an unknown energy source inside. Captain Wilson then ran inside following the others. Kar'Tak scanned those running into the monolith and found they had two separate EEG readings.

Taris suddenly appeared with her 3 Jem'Hadar without even the normal visible transporter signatures. She wanted to take command but Vokaya refused her request. We then heard cries of pain from inside the monolith. Kar'Tak determined I was at the least risk of being affected by whatever was affecting those who went into the monolith due to the structure of Ferengi brains. Vokaya gave me his phasor and I entered the monolith with one of the Jem'hadar they referred to as third.

We found everyone further down the corridor in front of a security field. The Vulcan and Romulan were dead and Phazenna was unconscious on the floor. I started scanning with my tricorder when the Jem'Hadar third suddenly opened fire on the group before Captain Wilson shouted at him to stop. The Jen'Hadar third then started walking down the corridor until the captain warned him there were active defences.

A blue beam had killed the two and the captain thought Phazenna had pushed them into the beam. Phazenna recovered consciousness as Taris and the other 2 Jem'Hadar came running down the corridor. Taris then ordered Third be killed for opening fire when the captain summarised what had happened. Phazenna started shouting about not killing and Kar'Tak, who had been following Taris with Vokaya started treating her for some sort of breakdown.

Vokaya used his tricorder to emit a field to interfere and nullify the security field. Taris injected Phazenna and Tom with something which cured them of their wounds but they then started acting like they were high on drugs. We followed Taris and found them in a control room watching the other humanoids trying to do something with the controls. I helped Phazenna interpret the controls. She activated a display which showed a historical representation. It showed the moon of Bacchus III being pulled to Bacchus 4 and cut into sections which became the monoliths. Another display was live and showed the two beams affecting the Luna and Jem'Hadar ship, and Phazenna was able to turn off both beams using the controls.

As she did so there was an explosion, the room shook then went into darkness. The live display showed multiple beams of energy shouting out of Bacchus IV, destroying the other planets in the system. A voice then said our access of the system was dangerous, that the system would be destroyed and we should leave immediately. A purple beam appeared and the captain immediately jumped in. I pulled Phazenna into the beam after him. Taris also left, leaving her Jem'Hadar behind. Lt Lawrence pushed the two missing starfleet personnel into the beam before the rest of the crew followed.

We appeared on the bridge of the Jem'Hadar warship where there were warnings sounding of imminent warp core failure. Their engineering crew had been killed and the core clamps could not be released as the system had malfunctioned. I went outside with Phazenna and released one of the clamps, while Vokaya and Kar'Tak released the other. I was knocked unconscious in the rush to get back inside before the ship went to full impulse, but the Jem'Hadar ship was able to escape before an immense explosion destroyed Bacchus IV.