Engineers log Stardate 48715

We returned to Narenda station where Admiral Hanson advised an inquest on Captain Wilsons actions would be held. I had breakfast on the promenade with Captain Wilson. There we were approached by K'Tiri, an officer on the station who wanted to know more about the 'famous Captain Wilson'. There was a new Ferengi stall on the promenade. As I went to investigate, a ragged looking Ferengi threw something at my feet then ran off. It was a small wooden box which looked to have been from Ferenganar. The stall was run by Packa. I bought some proper Ferengi food as the replicators on the Cessna never really get it right. I got a big discount as his 1000th customer and headed back to the Cessna to examine the box.

On the was I came across a green skinned alien on floor shouting 'I've been robbed'. A Bajoran was running away so I stunned him. The green alien's name was Adara. She wanted to reward me. She was very wealthy and wanted to give me a Ferengi shuttle called the 'heart of gold' in reward as her handbag had a priceless necklace inside. She then invited me to play Darbo at Rourkes bar. As I sat down there were bells and lights. I was Rourkes millionth customer and got 10 strips of Latinum which I put it on the Darbo table and won 200 strips of Latinum. I then spent some pleasant time with Adara and a couple of the Darbo girls in the royal suite.

When I returned to the Cessna I found Remic had disappeared and K'Tiri had been appointed 1st officer and a problem with a Deuterium manifold had cleared itself. Captain Wilson got a reprimand for his actions at the inquest but was otherwise not censured. He was then asked by the Klingon Captain Akul to act as his Chajesh and fight on his behalf to defend his honour in his trial. I was called to watch Captain Wilson fight Commander Kartag, the Klingon station adjutant to general Kargan. The fight took a while but Captain Wilson won.

Engineers log Stardate 48717

We were given orders to search for a missing planetary probe. At star system 66-3-R-M2 near to the Foggy Peak system which was 3 days out from Narenda station and had 75000 colonists], a newly established colony. We had been travelling for a day when the Cessna started experiencing system problems then dropped out of warp into a vast subspace bubble. Sensors showed the course of the ship was being distorted, and the star trails contracted and turned red. Only the brightest stars were visible as dull red specks. Nearly in front of ship was a defuse red glow, and the ships momentum was taking us towards the glow at 1/4 impulse. At that speed we would reach the glow in 11 hours.

Sensors showed the glowing area had a distributed mass of about half a solar mass and was composed of trillions of small objects, about 30x30x30cm, with a tiny M class star at the centre of the objects. The stars neutrino output was being absorbed and reemitted as heat by the objects. The subspace field was turbulent, disturbing and preventing a warp field being created. It was also warping space/time and causing a temporal acceleration with the affect being stronger towards the centre. The interference was not directed at the ship directly and had a pattern indicating vast amounts of information was being sent through subspace.

An asymmetrical warp field cannot form inside a symmetrical subspace field, which was what we appeared to be inside, and explained why we dropped from warp. We were unable to break out of the bubble on full impulse, a force pulled us back when we tried. I dumped plasma to the impulse engines to boost power to 150% but it did not help.

K'Tiri recalled an instructor discuss a Matro Sharka brain, a complex structure capable of transmitting data faster than light speed which sounded similar to this phenomena. A class 1 probe was launched. It experienced lots of distortion but detected a small knot of the 30x30x30cm objects combining into a duplicate of the Cessna with a class M atmosphere forming inside. The probe then ceased transmissions.

The duplicate ships navigation lights started flashing in the fibernachi sequence. When the Cessna followed the sequence, another set of lights tarted flashing a sequence of prime numbers. The Cessna continued that sequence as well and the lights stopped flashing them the subspace interference started fading. I went to the duplicate Cessna as part of an away team. When I touched a console I was suddenly surrounded by an amber bubble. When the others answered a complex logic problem the bubble faded, then a light formed and coalesced into a humanoid form. It said it's name was Mercury. His race came from a world of their own making and his people became intellectually stagnant over millions of years then chose to re-engineer stars to house the minds of their people before setting out to explore the galaxies. He wished to take part in a cultural exchange with the Federation but would not provide technology beyond our current understanding. It also seemed fascinated with food.

The away party returned to the Cessna with Mercury. The captain granted Mercury access to the holodeck and cultural records in the Cessnas data banks. The Cessna had started suffering strange malfunctions in our absence. After a while things outside returned to normal and the Cessna was able go to warp though warp core efficiency was only at 73%.

I did some investigations on the strange sequences of good and bad luck that had occurred recently and read about a Ferengi, Oppen, who believed luck was a quantum force symposium and theoretical Optron particles could affect luck. There was a culture called the Zel who worshiped a god who could affect luck. Oppen had visited their home world and brought an icon back and left it in a box on Ferengenar. I immediately went to examine the box I received on Narenda station.

I scanned the box. There was an object made of an unknown alloy inside. As I ran the scans my tricorder lost power. I continued the scans with another tricorder. Inside the box was a statue with 4 arms. The scan showed the statue was solid gold but weighed 5% more than it should and there was circuitry built into the gold. The base had a locking mechanism as though was intended to lock into something larger. The scans also showed the statue was generating Optrons.

The Cessna was ordered to go to Tolan 4 in the Romulan neutral zone to mediate disagreements that could end up as a civil war on the planet. As we set course, the Cessna developed a problem with the matter/antimatter ratio in the core and dropped to warp 2. I advised the captain that the Cessna had been contaminated with Optron particles which was causing the malfunctions, but was not believed and was relieved of duty for a while. The EMH has unhelpful and suggested I was suffering from stress. The Cessna diverted to Starbase 123 to replace the antimatter. I managed to remove the base of the statue to reveal the circuitry. It included ancient pictograms, which were associated with a deity called Colar Zel from the planet Purdra which was through a wormhole in the Delta quadrant which had a pre warp civilization.

K'Tiri offered to use the Android replicator device to give Mercury a body in exchange for his help in turning the statue off. Mercury got upset that K'Tiri claimed the technology was federation and Captain Wilson had to placate it. Mercury finally agreed to help disable the statue if we took it to get an android body. Its advise was that we would have to return the device to Purdra in the Delta quadrant.

Engineers log Stardate 48720

The journey to Tolan 4 took three days at maximum warp. The first day of the conference was spent socializing and getting to know the delegation. Everything was very tedious. The separatists were in opposition to the federation, and thought their resources would be stolen. They were lead by Senator Phregs of the stolen Military Advisory Council. The head of government was Joffies Veren, and his ade, Avard Chevys, was looking out the window and fidgeting much of the time. There was also a Ferengi, Pala Teik, who was the merchant in charge of economic dealings, heavy industry and mining for the planet. There was clearly an atmosphere between the separatists and government. The Cessnas crew had to organize security for the conference, which included organizing transport inhibitors, providing security personnel to patrol, setting up sensor pods to scan for explosives and weapons, and setting up portable shield generators.

Engineers log Stardate 48721

At the conference, K'Tiri vanished, and was later found stunned. The transport inhibitors were overloaded by a signal, and one was damaged. An explosive device was beamed in under the conference table. It was quickly beamed back out and a Force field erected round the device as it exploded. A crowd started chanting 'federation out', outside the conference building. It was quickly determined that Chevys had placed the bomb and stunned K'Tiri and he was apprehended. He had an unfamiliar communicator so I went back up to the Cessna to study it.

The device had been made on Tolan 4, but the power source was Ferengi. It was short range (planet/orbit), and a trigger to transmit the signal which disabled the transport inhibitors and the design would not have been picked up by normal sensor scans.

The transport log showed Chevys was suffering from cancer. Chevys said he had to plant the bomb. Someone had paid him and said they would look after his family. Captain Wilson mind melded with Chevys. He had bade a deal with Pala Teik to assassinate the delegates in return for a cure for his cancer.

I made enquiries on Ferenganar about whether the cure for the cancer was available there. The cancer was artificial, and administered to the victim. It had been manufactured outside the quadrant. It cost me 100 strips of latinum for the information.

The explosive device had been beamed from orbit, from a shuttle sized cloaked ship. Tachions were detected in orbit indicating a cloaked ship. The Cessna approached the area and found a Ferengi shuttle craft which was tractor beamed. Pala Teik hailed and said he would come aboard and discuss matters if the tractor beam was released. Captain Wilson agreed to his terms, but the shuttle immediately went to warp when released. The Cessna was unable to follow as the warp core froze, and I had to restart the entire system.

The Cessna eventually caught up with the shuttle which was nearing a Ferengi marauder warship However the warship backed down and left when challenged, and Pala was apprehended and delivered to the government of Tolan 4 for trial and sentencing.

Hur'krel did an analysis of the cancer, and deduced a nucleotide called Kalvin was needed from gamma quadrant to generfate a cure. The encryption on Pala's data pad was broken and we learned a Lo Aran in the Gamma quadrant provided the nucleotides that caused cancer the cancer and could be synthesised into a cure.

Engineers log Stardate 48735

It took two weeks to reach DS9 where I met three Ferengi on the promenade. Tol Zedar I knew from when I lived on a freighter. He was now a Damon and was going to Perdra for a business opportunity. He had heard of the idol.

Captain Wilson made a deal with Tol for the location of Perdra, which was three days beyond the wormhole. He also knew of Kalvin. Lo Aran had offered it to him but he had turned her down as he did not trust her. She belonged to the Dominion, and travelled with three ships.

Engineers log Stardate 48738

Perdtra had a Pre warp civilisation and lots of humanoid life readings. Ferengi lifeforms were detected in the largest village. There were two large energy readings with dangerous levels of neutrinos and opterons in the village and 10km away from the village in the remains of a large vessel, at least 1000 years old. The vessel was fluctuating on the quantum level and I postulated that it used Quantum entanglement as its drive system. Hur'Krel advised it would be dangerous to stay near it for long.

I was sent down in an away party with K'tiri, Grey, and Armstrong. The ship was silvery metallic grey, with shifting colours. Its reactor was the source of the nutrinos. A force field sprang up as I reached for the console. Tricorder readings showed a spike in the EM field, and there were electrical discharges from some sort of entity which entered the force field which then dropped. The force field reappeared when I approached the reactor to investigate an area where the idol might fit. K'tiri tried to communicate with the entity when it appeared again.

While we were away the captain made contact with Lo Aran who beamed aboard the Cessna with a canaster of Kalvin. She then returned to her ship as a Breen vessel decloaked next to Aran's Jen'Hadar vessel and powered weapons. Hur'Krel quickly put the container in a containment field just before it emitted an anesthetic gas.

Our Tricorders picked up three life form readings materialize nearby. K'Tiri succeeded in getting the entity to drop the force field and I put the icon in its place quickly. From outside we heard a voice saying they were Lo Aran and we were to drop our weapons and leave the vessel. K'Tiri communicated to the entity that the Jen'Hadar were bad, and it did something to them while we beamed back to the shuttle craft and headed back up to the Cessna.

The Jen'Hadar vessel was badly damaged, but the Breen vessel was still attacking. I performed an emergency approach to dock while the Cessna dropped shields briefly. I succeeded in entering the docking bay but the shuttlecraft was damaged. When we were aboard the Cessna went to warp. One of the Cessna's engines was damaged and needed fixing, but we were not pursued.

On the way back to the wormhole, Captain Wilson hailed a trading vessel and asked about Kalvin. It was captained by a Takaran called J'tl who was able to provide some in exchange for 150l of warp plasma.

Engineers log Stardate 48724

We returned to DS9 for repairs. While there we received orders to go to the assistance of Captain Akul. Contact with the I.K.S Mumwl' had been lost while instigating an alien signal in the Shacklton expanse. The signal was deep within the Carina nebula from the Seku system.

Engineers log Stardate 48738

The Seku system had an F type star, and Seku 6 was the only inhabitable planet. There was strong electromagnetic radiation from the nebula. The Cessna scanned the system and determined a starship passed through the system recently, and possibly landed on the planet. The signal was detected from a mountain range near the equator.

I was assigned to the away team with K'Tiri, Hur'krel, Grey, and Armstrong. The hull of our shuttle was ionized, and we lost comms with the Cessna. Another shuttle sized vessel of Romulan design suddenly appeared on course to intercept us. There were Romulan lifeforms on board, and the vessels weapons were armed and preparing to fire. I initiated evasive maneuvers, then there was a blue flash and the shuttles impulse engines shut down, forcing me to make a controlled crash landing. The Romulan craft was also affected by whatever had damaged our shuttle.

We detected two active Klingon comm badge signals nearby. When we investigated we found the comm badges were on two Klingons who had died after a transporter had materialized them into the planet's surface.

We then approached the crashed Romulan ship and came under disruptor fire. Kk'tiri stood up and shouted 'don't shoot, weed to work together to get off the planet'. He then surrendered his phasor to the Romulans, and after some negotiations, the Romulans agreed to work with us. The Romulans were Ulan Beck and Ulan Stots, and were the only survivors from the crash. The front of the Romulan shuttle was buckled and there were three dead Romulans inside. It had suffered heavy damage and power was offline.

The alien signal was coming from a nearby dwelling with lifeform readings. I stayed with the Romulan shuttle with Stots and Grey to try to recover enough parts to be able to fix our shuttle, while the rest of the away team went to investigate the signal.

They found a settlement with camouflaged dwellings, occupied by Humans, Bajorans, Bolians and Romulans. There were two shuttle sized ships under camouflage netting that reflected sensor scans. The party was challenged by the inhabitants, and ordered to drop weapons. They claimed to have shaken off the shackles of Starfleet and other respective governments, and just want to live there in peace. The alien signal was causing problems with their ships, which could not take off. They would return the party's weapons if they could turn off the signal. A mine shaft had cut into a chamber and an alien device inside activated. The device caused the blue light which caused our shuttle to crash.

The team descended into the mine and found a pentagonal chamber with a floating obelisk carved from stone inside. There were sigils carved on the obelisk and it was slowly spinning round. When they managed to disable it they suddenly heard a Romulan voice giving a countdown. Some frantic verbal commands finally got it to stop.

Meanwhile the Cessna retrieved a distress call from the I.K.S Mumwl' saying their life support was failing. "Romulans they want….". The signal originated from about a light year away from a Class 2 nebula with pockets of Metrionic gas, and the Cessna went to investigate, abandoning the away team on the surface. As the Cessna entered the nebula, suddenly a large metallic object appeared and attached to hull then exploded.

A Romulan warbird then decloaked and made demands. They said the crew of the Bird of Prey were prisoners of war but the Cessna could leave if it did so immediately. Twelve Klingon lifesigns were detected in the rear of the warbird. The Cessna dropped shields at the Romulans request, then beamed the Klingons on board and raced into the nebula when the Romulans also lowered their shields to try to beam aboard the Cessna. The Klingons were then taken back to their Bird of Prey to fix it.

When the Klingons were ready the Cessna and Mumwl' found and engaged the warbird, driving off the Romulans, though getting the Cessna damaged in the process. No doubt they will expect me to fix it as usual. The away team were finally picked up fromSeku 6 after I repaired our shuttle craft using parts from the Romulan shuttlecraft. The Romulans were reluctant to come with us but finally did so after the Captain gave then assurances they were not prisoners of war. They were dropped off at the first opportunity. Hur'krel transferred to the Mumwl' to take a position as their chief surgeon, and were are going to have to make do with the EMH until we get another medical officer assigned. Further study of the Sigils on the obelisk showed them to have been made by the Primarchs.