Space 1889 - The Journal of Boris Brassey

I have modified the space 1889 character sheet to make it an editable PDF form. Copyright remains with Clockwork publishing.

The characters

Maxfield Colewell, Consulting Detective (Paul)

Maxfield ColewellDamn that Mr. Holmes! I was making a comfortable living in a small but select band of Consulting Detectives in London, when he arrived at Baker Street and, almost overnight, put all of us out of business. How were we supposed to compete with the genius of Sherlock Holmes? I very soon found myself having to consort with the dregs of London, chasing philandering wives and drunken sailors who jumped their ships.

Perhaps even worse is that his presence left the rest of us competing for these remaining scraps like mangy dogs - scraps that weren’t even worth squabbling over. Of course, there was the one big case that Mr. Holmes was too busy to take, offered by Lord Thornton to discover who murdered his wife. Lord Thornton knew my name and was going to hire me, when that cad Evans went so low as to manufacture some preposterous claim against me in order to get me locked up for a few days. Up until that point Evans and I had been on friendly terms: we might have been professional rivals but we’d both behaved like proper Englishmen; I’d even helped him out with one of his cases a few years earlier. Evans got me locked up, took Lord Thornton's money, and then fled to Mars without even bothering to try and solve the case. Sherlock Holmes may have got the rest of us fighting over scraps, but it was Evans who destroyed the last vestiges of our reputation, and our situation impossible. If I ever meet up with Evans again, I will not be held accountable for my actions....

Enough is enough! I'm packing my bags and heading for Mars. From what I've read in "The Times" there will be plenty of work for a good Consulting Detective. I've had the foresight to save up some money from happier times before Mr. Holmes arrived in London. It is to the adventure and opportunities of the Red Planet that I shall now look to further my career.

Boris Brassey (Derek)

Boris BrasseySteam Powered LawnmowerBoris is an engineer and inventor. It has always been his dream to make his fortune from his inventions. He invented the steam powered lawnmower. A wonderful labour saving device. Unfortunately people did not sit on it properly and stories of mowers receiving 3rd degree burns somewhat dented sales. Another wonderful idea was the talking doll. Pitting a Edison Phonograph inside a doll allowed the doll to talk. Unfortunately little girls proved far too clumsy to handle the delicate equipment and the dolls rarely lasted more than a few days.

PyrophoneThe Pyrophone was an improvement on organs played in many churches. It used a variety of different gasses, such as hydrogen and methane to produce a wider range of sounds. It had a tendency of blowing jets of flame out of the pipes and there were reports of a number of fires, obviously caused by incorrect operation of the pyrophone.

While waiting for his breakthrough, when he is not working on his latest invention, Boris takes contracts as an Engineer on an Ether Flyer That also has the advantage of being a long way from those who have used his inventions. He is a middle aged gentleman with few friends He has been married three times, but the marriages never lasted long. He enjoys reading, especially about the great Sherlock Holmes who has done so much to fight crime in England.

Rev. Edgar Jones (Stuart)

Rev. Edgar JonesRev Jones has been a man of the cloth for a long time, ever since he was old enough. It was always meant to be, his father had told him, on many occasions! His father had also told him a lot of things about God and how he had a plan for everything and everyone and how that demon Lucifer had his own minions of darkness that had to be fought when ever possible. So when his church burnt to the ground after a terrible accident involving the new church pyrophone, Edgar saw a sign from god that he should go out with the good lords words wherever it may take him.

So Rev Jones is now on a mission from god.....’hallelujah’

Sergeant Jean-Luc Pepper (Warren)

Sergeant Jean-Luc PepperA former employee of her Majesty Queen Victoria's British Army who served with honours under both Sir Garnet Wolseley and Lieutenant-General Sir Gerald Graham during the latter part of the Mahdist War which is still ongoing. But his time is done and he is now looking for other adventures. Well spoken in a loud commanding voice but can't fully get rid of his common accent from his upbringing in the streets of London. Always smartly dressed and doesn't travel anywhere with out his travel iron and a tin of Wren's Super Wax Shoe Polish. Other prised possessions include his army uniform that he keeps ready in case he will ever use it again and his newspaper cuttings of the heroic exploits of Sherlock Homes who he admires greatly.

Tarquin Boufounder (Dave)

Tarquin BoufounderA cavalry officer, now retired.