The Meepsoor Meteorite

An American showed up at the office. His name was Percival Lowell and he was a professor of Astronomy. He wanted to hire us to find something and bring it back to him. He believed Mars would shortly travel through an area of the ether that would be dangerous to human life. A meteorite had passed through the area a few weeks back then crashed on Mars near Meepsoor. He wanted us to recover the meteorite and gave us a lead box to place it in as well as protective gear as it might be dangerous to handle. We negotiated £50 each up front and another £50 on completion. As Meepsoor was where Reg had visited before he went strange it would give us the opportunity to investigate that at the same time.

We took a canal barge to Meepsoor which took five days. The crash site was about a mile outside Meepsoor. There was no answer when we called at the manor so we went to the constable station to introduce ourselves. The constable acted strangely as did his wife. Maxfield asked for cough syrup and salt in his tea and they did not seem to think it was a strange request. They also seemed to be fixated on us going to sleep. Jean Luc actually fell asleep while we were there and had to be woken up. They were suggesting we go sleep in the Steepe Tiger inn. We made our excuses and left. Outside in the street there was a woman with a child who we spoke to. She knew of the meteorite and said it was blue.

Sensing there was something very wrong in the town we broke into the manor house which had a strong musky smell. The whole interior was covered in thick vines and vegetation and there was a large hole in the floor. Jean Luc started falling asleep again and we had to take him away from the manor house because every time he laid down the vines started moving towards him.

Once he woke up again we returned to the manor house and descended into the basement. There were ten people in the basement and behind them was growing a large mass of vegetation with large pods inside which were the shadowy forms of people. In the centre of the plant was a blue glowing sphere. The figures moved towards us and when we shot one It collapsed to the floor. There was no blood and the inside of its head looked like plant matter. They moved slowly so we turned our fire on the plant. I hit the blue sphere which caused it to react violently so we then focused on targeting the sphere. We continued firing until the plant collapsed and the blue sphere rolled free.

Tarquin recognised someone in a pod as being from the Diometries club and we also recognised Reg in another pod. There were enough pods to hold everyone from Meepsoor and more. We got Reg out of the pod. He was groggy at first but recovered. His reactions showed him to be the real Reg. We then rescued everyone else from the pods.