Dr. Jekyll

Col Randolf Stingin-Smythe contacted us as he had need of our services. There had been an attack on government storage facility in the British quarters of Syrtis Major the previous evening. There had been an explosion and a naked body was found when fire was put out. We were asked to find out why the warehouse was attacked and who the body was. The warehouse was used to store chemicals and tinctures from Venus, some of which had been destroyed by the explosion.

We went to look at the warehouse. The body was of a male human with red hair in his late 20s. There was no sign of the body having been wearing clothes. Its face was frozen in a rictus of pain and looked to have died before the explosion in extreme pain. We found fragments of a bomb that had been made of dynamite and burnt skin near the entrance of the warehouse as well as a severed finger with gold signet ring and onyx stone. The finger had come from the body but it looked like the skin was from a different individual. The ring had a 4 leaf clover design and the inscription ‘the invincibles’ inside. Maxfield remembered them as a Political movement also known as the Fenians or the Irish Republican army. We deduced items had been taken and the explosion used to cover tracks.

We got a list of the warehouse inventory. The chemicals came mostly from Venus, though some were from Mars, and there was also some apparatus. Some rare chemicals were missing. The missing chemicals were mostly used for medical purposes. An autopsy was performed on the body by Rev. Jones. Cause of death was a heart attack induced by chemical poisoning. Maxfield asked around and learned the Green field inn on Imperial way a hangout for the local Irish population.

Went to Col Smythes club for dinner. I saw someone watching us from a street corner as we boarded an omnibus and then saw someone else looking through the window at us as we ate at the club. He was short and was wearing a trench coat and floppy hat. Tarquin and Jean-Luc went to find him and were able to apprehend him. They found on him a business card in the name of Dr. Henry Jekyll. He admitted to have been watching Maxfield. He said he needed medicine but did not have it on him. Tarquin arranged to bring him into the back of the club to interrogate him.

Tarquin went to find his medicine while the rest of us interrogated him. He said the Fenians were trying to get hold of his formula and that they needed two formulas, his and one belonging to a man called Griffin, who was already working for them. Griffins formula was supposed to cause invisibility. Jekyll's would help overcome an individual's demons. Jekyll kept asking for his medicine and while we were waiting for Tarquin to return, Jekyll started writhing and started transforming before our eyes into a monster. Jean-Luc stabbed him with his sword and Maxfield shot him in the head, killing him.

We took the body for an autopsy. As he prepared to perform the autopsy, Rev. Jones saw the monsters wounds slowly knitting together before his eyes and the bullet pushing out of its skull. He strapped it down and injected it with tranquillisers. The monster appeared to return to life but remained unconscious. Tarquin, Jean-Luc and Maxwell went to Jekyll's hideout in the slums and found his journal and a tin box containing a vial of liquid. I analysed the tablets which were Jekyll's medicine. They were ground crystals which would dissolve in water.

Maxfield and Jean-Luc then went to Jekyll's house while Tarquin returned and gave me the journal before going to assist Rev. Jones. He administered one of the tablets to the monster but it had little effect and the monster woke. It effortlessly broke loose and attacked Tarquin and Rev. Jones. After a struggle, more tranquillisers were administered and the monster returned to unconsciousness.

I found in the journal two formulas, one to 'remove inner demons', but with a warning that it had side effects as it caused transformations into something the journal referred to as 'Mr Hyde'. The other formula was to counter the side effects with 2 to be taken with water every 12 hours. I noted some of the stolen chemicals were used in the formulae. Tarquin administered more of the antidote formula and the monster slowly transformed back to Jekyll.

Maxfield and Jean-Luc found Jekyll's house had been ransacked. They found talc had been spilled in the bathroom with bare footprints in the powder. It seemed odd that someone would be ransacking the douse bare footed, but knowing the Fenians probably had access to an invisibility formula we deduced it likely that someone turning themselves invisible would also need to go naked to be truly invisible.

Jekyll was locked in a cell at government house to sleep off the tranquilliser with Rev. Jones, and Jean-Luc watched from outside with two guards. At about 1am there was a series of explosions and the door to the prison block was blown from its hinges. Jean-Luc saw a lit stick of dynamite hovering in the air in the doorway before it flew into the room and exploded, killing one of the guards and seriously injuring the other. Jean-Luc heard some movement and opened fire at an invisible target.

There were actually two invisible attackers. One grappled with Jean-Luc, and after a struggle was shot and killed. On his death the figure became visible. The other retrieved keys from one of the guards and entered the cell with Rev. Jones and Jekyll. On entering the cell the keys were dropped, and on hearing the invisible person move across the room, Rev. Jones picked the keys up and slipped out of the cell, locking the door behind him. Jean-Luc threw talc through the bars to reveal the other invisible figure then shot and killed him.

The following evening we went to the Green Field Inn. Tarquin and Rev. Jones went in first, following some Germans. They sat in a corner with a man who was completely bandaged and started a whispered conversation. I was thrown out because of my accent but the others were able to hear a conversation with the Germans saying the delays getting the formula were intolerable before they went upstairs. Outside I saw on the east side I saw uneven ground where it looked like the ground had been disturbed. The others followed the Germans upstairs and saw them enter a room.

Jean-Luc listened from an adjoining cupboard and heard more arguments about delays then heard someone say they would show them progress in the cellar. The Germans, Liam O’Conner and Griffin then seen to leave the room. They had not locked the door so Rev. Jones and Jean-Luc entered their room and quickly searched it. They found a journal and other items of interest including a fake wig and a pocket watch inscribed JM, which they took. They then made it look like the room was ransacked before leaving.

As we returned to the club we were attacked by a group of invisible people. We succeeded in killing two but another two fled. After getting a couple of police constables to arrange to raid the Green Field Inn, we returned to the inn ourselves just in time to see The Germans, Liam and Griffin leaving on a coach. Tarquin tried to jump on the coach while the rest of us commandeered another coach to give chase. Tarquin failed in his attempts to climb in the coach an so returned to the inn to take a horse from the carriage house and pursued us.

We saw Liam lean out the carriage. He was no longer wearing a disguise and we recognised him as Moriarty. He fired, killing our driver, but I fired back, hitting and stunning him. Rev. Jones climbed out and took the rains. Moriarty remained hidden in their carriage but the Germans and Griffin started firing at us, and we exchanged some fire, mostly to little effect due to the distances, speed and movement of the carriages. Griffin had removed his bandages and all we could see of him was a pistol hovering in the air. Tarquin was able to ride faster on a horse, overtaking us and catching up with Moriarty's carriage. He jumped up and pulled the driver from the carriage, and saw he had been forced at gunpoint to drive. He then killed one of the Germans who climbed out to take over.

Tarquin then pulled the reins, forcing the horses on their carriage to swerve to the side violently, making the carriage topple over. Jean-Luc pulled our carriage up alongside. They would not leave the carriage and surrender so Jean-Luc threw a lantern on their carriage, setting it on fire. Tarquin went to help Moriarty when he said he would surrender, but Moriarty grabbed him and put a gun to his head. Jean-Luc immediately shot Moriarty and he surrendered. Tarquin then punched him unconscious. He and the Germans were handed over to the British authorities, but Griffin being invisible, escaped.