Jack the Ripper

Maxwell had a visitor who introduced himself as Inspector George Lestrade. He believed Jack the Ripper may have moved to Mars and started committing murders as three prostitutes, one of whom was a canal Martian, had been killed in Syrtis Mayor in the last month. He wished to enlist us to track him down. He was offering £12 each so we all agreed. The first victim was Miss Laura Vismount, found in an alley off Union st in the Old harbour district. Milicent marsh was the second victim and also found in the old harbour district, The third victim was a canal Martian called Haltia Nunrombo in Govamar district. A letter written in blood was found with Haltia.

We went to the govamar district to examine the murder scene. Maxfield determined the Martian had died instantly with its neck cut. The body had been eviscerated and the organs laid out. Some drops of wax showed where the murderer had placed a candle. We followed a trail of the wax spots to a steel grate in the ground.

After purchasing a couple of lanterns from a nearby shop we descended through the grate into the sewer system. The trail of wax spots continued along the sewer. Maxfield saw a figure in the shadows and shouted for them to stop. The figure ran and Tarquin gave chase. The rest of us thought it was a bit foolish running down a dark sewer with unknown dangers and the possibility of ambush. Our concerns were well founded as Tarquin was ambushed by a male and female Martian. He ran the male through with his sword and had just knocked the female out as we arrived.

Tarquin tied her up and told us he had seen a strange red glint in her eyes. When she came round she claimed to have no memory of why she was in the sewers. The dead male Martian was her mate Matra and she was called Luna. I spotted the glimmer of a candle further down the tunnel prompting Tarquin into another chase through the sewers.

Tarquin caught up when he turned a corner and was attacked by a human. This individual was rather more proficient than the Martians and Tarquin found himself fighting for his life. After a short vicious fight during which his adversary shouted Rejac, Tarquin was victorious. His opponent was dressed as a priest with rosary beads and had a bible from Syrtis cathedral.

Tarquin took the body to Lestrade and told him he thought he was the ripper. Lestrade was happy with this and announced to the press that the ripper had been caught.