Moriarty and Holmes

Prof. James Moriarty appeared in Maxfields office saying he had need of his services to rescue Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. Moriarty had moved to Mars due to Mr Holmes’s interference in his affairs on Earth. Things come to a head with his second Col. Sebastian Moran. Moriarty had arranged for Sherlock Holmes, Dr Watson and Cyrus Grant, resident of Arizona and inventor, to be kidnapped by Moran. Moran had then staged a coup to take control of Moriarty's empire. All the captives were taken to Venuisstadt on Venus. Moriarty believed Moran would sell Grants plans to the German Kaiser and give him Holmes and Watson as they had recently thwarted some German plans. Maxfield was not keen on working with him but was willing to help Holmes. The rest of us felt the same.

Moriarty had hired an ether flyer to get to Mars. The trip to Venus took about a month. We landed at Count Zeppelin ether port outside Venusstadt. Venus is a very hot and humid planet and we immediately found the climate to be unpleasant. We checked into the Pension Venus hotel where Tarquin spoke to the bellboy and found Moran had been in the hotel but left a few days ago. The bellboy had overheard he had a meeting with commissar Gerhardt.

We had lunch then went for a look round, leaving Moriarty in the hotel. We found the local prison, and outside Tarquin started whistling ‘Land of hope and glory’. From inside someone started whistling back. Jean-Luc then whistled some Morse code and had a reply saying it was Holmes and Watson imprisoned. I saw someone watching us from the shadows so we moved off and when we went round a corner Tarquin and Jean-Luc waited in ambush. The figure turned out to be Moriarty and had seen through their ambush. He wanted to know what we were planning.

We found an area of the fence round the prison that was in shadow. I cut through the fence then Jean-Luc fired his Martian rifle at the wall to try to make a hole. It was very slow cutting through and a guard came round the corner. Tarquin was waiting at the corner and hit the guard with his sword then punched him unconscious. After a long time, Jean-Luc finished cutting through the wall. Beyond was a storeroom.

We opened the storeroom door to find a corridor beyond. There were two guards between us and the cells. Tarquin crept up on them and put his sword to one of their throats. The other guard got excited and started shouting in German. Rev. Jones eventually persuaded him to drop the rifle. They were tied up and the keys found. Holmes and Watson had been badly beaten but we freed them from their cell with a key we found on one of the guards.

Away from the prison Rev. Jones looked them over. They had been beaten badly but would recover with rest. Holmes said Grants Invention allowed commands to be sent between devices without using wires and Moran had gone to a secret German facility 60 miles north of the city with Grant, Carl Siemens and the commissar. Their intention was to manufacture the device for the Kaiser. Holmes and Watson donned disguises and hid in the slum while we went to rescue Grant and recover the plans.

Moriarty was waiting for us when we returned to the hotel and also wanted to recover the device and get revenge on Moran. We landed the airship in the Kaiser Wilhelm mountains and set out on foot. There was thick fog and we could barely see 10ft in front of us. After we had been walking for a while we were suddenly attacked by a pack of velociraptors. They were killed, mostly by Moriarty , though myself, Maxfield, Jean-Luc and Tarquin were badly mauled.

After Rev. Jones had treated everyone Moriarty called on the help of some natives to guide us to the facility as it had become clear we were lost in the fog. The facility was surrounded by a wall which had artificial fog generators built into it. This was adding to the already bad fog and masking its location from anyone that did not know the area. Jean-Luc cut a hole in the wall with his Martian weapon and beyond the wall was a rectangular building.

We could see a guard by the building entrance through the fog. Tarquin tried to creep up on the guard but was spotted. Moriarty started shouting at the guard in German, distracting him and giving Tarquin a chance to close and strike him. The guard was not stunned by the blow and a second guard appeared from the mist. Moriarty shot them both, killing one, and wounding the other. As the second guard raised his rifle I shot and finished him.

One of the guards had some keys which unlocked the door to a loading bay. Tarquin opened the door. In the loading bay were two guards with rifles. Moriarty shot and killed them both before they could fire on us. Tarquin jumped onto a moving conveyer belt and disappeared into the warehouse beyond. The rest of us were more cautious and took a peek into the warehouse through the door. In the warehouse we could see another eight German guards as well as Moran. Moriarty said we had to leave Moran to him and started firing. We were badly outgunned and after myself and Maxfield were shot the others were forced to surrender.

I was asked to assemble Grants device while the others were held captive. Grant was also being held captive and I was able to learn a little from him allowing me to make some adjustments to ensure it would break down after some use. Siemens was clearly not as good as he made out as he did not notice what I had done. Once the Germans thought they had a fully functioning device they let us leave with Grant though they did not release Moriarty. As Moriarty had been adamant we were to leave Moran to him, we left him to it. We found our way back to the Venusians who lead us to the ether flyer in exchange for some weapons.

We collected Holmes and Watson from Venusstadt then returned to Mars where we departed company with them and Grant.