Reconciliation with Frankenstein

Maxfield was keen to rescue Aga but when the army went to ensure the threat from the factory was neutralised they found it deserted and the Sweetvillians had vanished. I expect they will show up again like a bad penny in the future though. A telegram arrived addressed to us from Baron Frankenstein saying he wanted to reconcile with us and offering to replace Tarquin's lost hand. It seemed unlikely he had really wanted to reconcile or cared about Tarquin but there were tickets enclosed and we thought we deserved a holiday in Germany so decided to go and find out what he was up to. Maxfield was still recovering and so chose to follow us later.

We took a German ether flyer to Berlin where Tarquin visited his friend Alois Hitler. From there we took a train to Bavaria where we were met at the station by a hunchback called Igor who took us to Baron Frankenstein's house. Frankenstein was somewhat condescending and acted superior but did promise to attach an arm he had grown to Tarquin in the morning. After he went to bed we learned from Igor that Adam and Eve were in the dungeon.

We waited for everyone to go to bed then crept outside to find the tunnel we had previously used to rescue Jean-Luc from the dungeon. It had not been blocked off and we were able to find Adam and Eve manacled to the wall in the dungeon. I found some keys and let them out of their cells, but while we were doing so we heard footsteps and Frankenstein appeared wielding a pistol before we could escape. He said he had intended to exact his revenge tomorrow but would have to do so now instead and boasted that Tarquin's servant was already dead. Jean-Luc shot the pistol from his grip as I shot him. Tarquin then slashed his leg with his sword as he turned to run allowing us to subdue him and lock him in a cell.

We found a letter in his pocket from ‘M’ offering to help him get revenge on us. I went with Jean-Luc to Frankenstein's laboratory while Tarquin kept watch over him. In the laboratory we found the body of Tarquin's servant stuffed into a trunk. There was also an arm in a class case. Igor arrived and we sent him to take the body to the carriage outside. When he returned he said another carriage had arrived with men.

Jean-Luc went to see and saw men with weapons leaving the carriage. He challenged them and found they had been sent by 'the professor'. They gave us 5 minutes to surrender. We opened fire and they threw dynamite at the house. We retreated quickly to the dungeon where Jean-Luc grabbed Frankenstein. Adam and Eve stayed behind as we fled through the sewer tunnel as we could to persuade then that it would be in their best interests to flee with us.

There were three men waiting outside but they were killed quickly. We opened fire on the driver of their carriage and took it but were pursued by the rest of the men in Frankenstein's carriage. Jean-Luc shot and killed the co-driver as two others lent out of the carriage and opened fire at us. After several rounds of fire their driver was finally killed and we were able to escape as their carriage went out of control.

Frankenstein promised not to flee if he was untied. Tarquin took him at his word and untied him. Not having to hide a tied up Frankenstein we stopped for the night at an inn. We were having breakfast in the morning when two road wardens entered. Tarquin went outside to see what a third which had gone into the stables was up to. In the stables Tarquin discovered the warden was one of Moriarty’s henchmen when he ended up at the wrong end of his pistol. The henchman made Tarquin call out for Frankenstein.

Inside we heard this. Frankenstein insisted on going outside where we found Tarquin being held at gunpoint. I saw another figure in the cover of the stables with a rifle and when I saw the figure with Tarquin aim at Frankenstein I fired. Frankenstein was shot before Tarquin killed his attacker and jumped through the window of the inn to take cover as I followed him. Meanwhile Jean Luc had killed the two wardens who were inside.

Tarquin ran outside and dragged Frankenstein back inside before performing first aid on him. I finally got a good shot on the last henchman in the stables, killing him. We took their uniforms and their carriage. Inside we found a letter giving orders that Frankenstein was to be killed. Jean Luc also took one of their arms for Tarquin.

We travelled south towards the coast for two days before meeting a carriage with more road wardens. Frankenstein spoke to them and they rode off but shortly after I saw they were following. We turned a corner at a crossroads then Tarquin and Jean Luc hid into the woods while I drove the carriage further down the road. The wardens stopped at the crossroads and looked round with binoculars. When they aimed rifles we opened fire on them. We killed them all though Tarquin was shot and wounded in the fight.

We abandoned the carriage and chose to turn and ride north to Berlin off the main roads. The tactic worked as we had no further encounters with Moriarty’s men. We went to Alois Hitler who had just received a telegram asking for us to travel to London as Moriarty had escaped jail. Alois organised an airship to take us to London.

We met Chief inspector Lestrade in London who took us to Pentonville prison from where Moriarty had escaped. Moriarty was being held in cell 6 of the solitary wing. He was seen in his cell at lockup at 6pm but the cell was empty at 5am the following morning. Jean Luc found the table in the cell moved slightly. I found a mechanism which freed the table to rotate. When rotated the wall moved to reveal a tunnel beyond. We found similar mechanisms in all the cells of the wing.

We followed the tunnel to a workroom which was full of tools. Our pictures were stuck to the wall and a letter was lying on the table saying he had organised our demise. The tunnel continued to a door.