Back from the future

We were visited by H G Wells, a journalist and author of fictional stories. He was concerned about a friend called Averell Merrett. Merrett was a young scientist and a very private person. He came to Mars to work on his latest project, a 4th dimensional Velocapede. He had been about to embark on a field test a week ago but had not been seen since. Mr Wells wanted us to find him. Mr Well had Merretts journal, which discussed 4th dimension space-time. The Velocapede required a Faraday cage as well as a high capacity capacitor battery invented by a Russian called Nikoli Tesla.

We went to look at Merretts apartment. We spoke to a neighbour who had lost her poodle. She had not seen him for a week and was upset about a bad smell from the house. Maxfield picked the lock. Inside was an unpleasant smell of animal musk and we found Martian footprints on the floor. The smell was stronger in the basement where we found a large blackboard covered in chalk writing and symbols, A large tool cabinet which had been opened and was empty. There were scorch marks on a wall and the ceiling with small pools of a silvery substance fused to the floor under the scorch marks which was possibly mercury. A trapdoor was in the basement floor.

The chalkboard held temporal calculations, and calculations for the energy required for batteries and units of speed to transverse space time in years/second. Below the trapdoor were narrow stairs leading downwards. Jean-Luc went down followed by Tarquin. A feeling of a brewing storm mounted in the basement and the rest of us waited to find out what was happening. With a flurry of static discharges, a large silvery ball of mercury appeared in mid air spinning rapidly.

As they explored, Jean-Luc and Tarquin saw something further down the tunnel and ran to investigate. They found three figures waiting in tunnel ahead of him, then two more emerged from a side tunnel behind, trapping them. Their torches went out as the creatures attacked.

The silver bubble slowed down then stopped spinning and melted away, replaced by a strange machine we took to be the Velocopede. Four creatures were riding on it, human sized with grey white hair and large pale eyes. The creatures attacked. Maxfield was in the cellar and fled upwards. One of the creatures stunned me, and the Rev. pulled me down the stairs, slamming the trapdoor shut and bolting it closed.

Hearing shots, I descended with the Rev. and encountered two of the creatures heading towards us. I shot one which retreated down a side tunnel. Tarquin came up behind them and attacked the other which then also retreated. As they retreated one was killed by Jean-Luc.

We then went back to the trapdoor which Tarquin opened. The four creatures were still in the basement and attacked. After a brief fight they were all killed. Shortly after Maxfield returned with some policemen.

The Velocipede had switches to control power from the batteries, two leavers to move forward and backward in time, and a button to return to the time of origin. There were several dials, including one reading a date of 802889, one showing remaining power and a third to indicate speed in years/second. Power was at 50% so I plugged it into a generator to charge. The controls were jammed so it could only travel between the year 802889 and the present.

The police went into the tunnels, killing all but one of the creatures which managed to escape them. After the police left, and the Velocipede was fully charged we took a ride on it to try to find Averell. When I set it to return to 802889 a silver bubble formed round us and when it dissipated after some minutes we found ourselves on a grassy plain. An immense pyramid over 2 miles high could be seen in the distance. I disabled the recall button then we followed tracks we could see where the Velocipede had been previously dragged.

We heard laughter and saw some people in the distance. We approached and spoke with one. He seemed rather lazy and was only concerned with laying in the sun. He said the silvery things do everything for them. We saw a woman fall into the river and Tarquin rushed to help. He dove in and struggled back to the bank with her. None of her companions made any move to help her.

She remembered seeing a stranger and said the masters had taken him. There was a ruined building on the bank full of books. A man was lying on top of one of the piles of books. They were in a terrible state and fell apart if we tried opening them. As we watched, a metal column came from the ground, pushing him aside. It started making a sound and everyone just got up and started walking towards a nearby waterfall in a trance. We could see other columns of people heading in the same direction. The sound did not seem to affect us.

They formed into an orderly queue and walked into the waterfall. Beyond the waterfall was a tunnel leading down. In the tunnel was the same smell as in Averells house. The tunnel lead to a vast chasm in which we saw several dozen of the silver creatures.

As we entered the chasm we heard a voice in our minds in English. It said 'Do not be afraid, follow one of my Morlocks, I wish to speak to you'. A silver creature approached and lead us to a smaller cavern in which we found a man in a cage. There were also several more of the silver creatures and what looked like a cross between a Canal Martian and a human looking into a pool of water. It said it was the Uber Morlok. It had a huge brain hanging out of the back of his head.

Uber demonstrated telepathic and telekinetic abilities. The man in the cage was Averell. Uber wanted us to help to repair the Velocipede. It had been making another but did not know how to fix the jammed controls. If we did not help it would let the Morloks eat us and the other humans we had seen were also considered food. Realising that providing any help to the creature would be a very bad idea, we opened fire and wounded it, then Tarquin ran him through and killed it. The Morloks became confused so we quickly released Averell, destroyed the velocipede copy then fled.

Our Velocipede was still where we left it and we quickly returned back to the present. Averell had enough of time travel and destroyed his machine and notes, which saved us the bother of doing it for him.