
We received a telegram from someone called Adam asking us to meet him at the disused Martian pumping station. We went to the pumping station where we found an 8ft hulking creature crouched in the corner with a hideous demeanour and yellow eyes. It introduced itself as Adam. It told a story saying it was a man-made creature, given life by its creator, a man called Victor Frankenstein. It was now being persecuted and hunted by Victor who had grown to believe Adam was a failure. It wanted us to find its companion, another of Victors creations, and return it to him. Adams companion had been taken when they were hiding at the North pole and Adam had fled to Mars. Adam was created at Victors house in Bavaria. Adam only had £20 in total to offer, a somewhat low amount considering the time we would spend travelling to and from Earth, but offered to get more. After some deliberation we decided to accept the case.

While we were talking I heard noise outside. Tarquin went to investigate and found three people with German accents creeping about. They said they wanted 'the monster'. When Tarquin refused to let them in they attacked. Jean-Luc and Maxfield shot one, killing him, and Tarquin slashed another with his sword which Jean-Luc then shot and killed. The third turned and ran. Tarquin chased and grappled him. He shouted ‘for the cause’ and went to stab himself. Jean-Luc shot him in the hand and he was knocked out.

Illuminati LiteratureAll three of the Germans were wearing identical pins. Some research showed them to belong to the Illuminati as we found a leaflet with the same symbol, and we learned where Frankenstein lived in Ingolstadt, Bavaria. The German did not tell us anything useful and was left with the authorities. We booked passage on an Ether flyer to Berlin on Earth and when we arrived, took a train to Bavaria then a coach to Ingolstadt where we checked into an inn.

The following morning we found the Frankenstein residence. Maxfield opened a window and we climbed into the library. I saw two people heading upstairs, both were wearing the illuminati pins. Tarquin tried creeping up after them and was spotted. As Tarquin was wearing one of the pins we obtained on Mars, he was not shot immediately. We claimed to be from a branch of the order in England. One of the men went to find the cell leader while the other kept his pistol pointed at Tarquin. Knowing their leader would not corroborate our story, Tarquin fumbled with a cigarette and bent to pick it up. As he did so the rest of us shot and killed the German.

We fled up the stairs and met another three Germans. After a short fight they were killed, though we took some wounds as well. We continued up to the tower where we found a tilt-able table and machinery, though no one was present. Tarquin snatched what looked like a journal and we barred the door to the tower room shut. I stripped some cables to make a rope, allowing us to climb down through the window.

We climbed from the tower, except Jean-Luc, who was last to leave and was captured when the Germans broke through the door. He delayed them long enough for the rest of us to escape. We waited until the evening before returning to rescue him. We found a silage pit with a tunnel heading towards the house. It lead to a grate which opened into a storage area. Through the keyhole I saw Jean-Luc in a cell with a guard.

Tarquin tried creeping up on the guard but was heard and as the guard turned we charged him. Tarquin was wounded in the fight but we killed the guard. Jean-Luc was quickly released from the cell and we fled back down the tunnel.

We took a coach to the next town and booked into an inn where we got the journal translated. It was Frankenstein's journal which talked about his work and success in creating life. It discussed resuming his work with a Russian called Fijor Anatov on Mercury where he needed the cold of Mercury's dark side. It also included coordinates to a laboratory on Mercury.

Princess Christiana station was the main base on Mercury. We booked a flight there. The flight was quiet and we eventually found ourselves the only passengers alighting on Mercury. From there we arranged transport on HMS Hrimner, an Ice courier. It was a four day journey to where the laboratory was to be found.

The courier parked behind an ice shelf, and we made the last part of the journey on foot. The coordinates led to another shelf of ice, on which I could see a dull orange glow, likely from some geothermal source. The heat was coming from a metal door. There was a hand shaped panel next to it which glowed red when Maxfield touched it. He then banged on the door which was answered by two Germans.

They were carrying rifles and seemed angry though we were let inside when we said we were lost. We were put in a store room where Tarquin started opening crates. The soldiers came back and caught him opening one of the crates. They called their captain who ordered Tarquin be taken to a holding cell. On the way to the cell, Tarquin surprised the guard escorting him and knocked him out.

He dragged the guard into a room where he found five huge unconscious figures on upright tables who looked a bit like Adam. He unstrapped them, then took a set of keys from the guard and headed back to us, knocking out a second guard on the way when he was spotted. He crept up on a third guard outside the storeroom and we locked him in the storeroom when Tarquin let us out.

We heard screams and sounds of gunfire. The figures he had released had woken and were attacking guards. We crept through the laboratory until we found Eve strapped onto a table in a freezing cold room. A guard was thrown through the doorway by one of the giant creatures, Jean-Luc quickly stabbed the German and said friend. The creature responded by calming down and when we gestured at Eve, it pointed to some controls. I examined where it pointed then used the controls to wake Eve. The creature broke her restraints and freed her.

We got to the exit of the laboratory. The creature with us attacked another at the exit, giving us the opportunity to escape and leave it behind. When we got some distance from the base we fired a flare and summoned the courier to take us back. From the station we booked passage back to Mars where we met with Adam at the pumping station to return Eve to him.