Campaign Background

The characters wake, confused and without memories. This is all they know.

Tommy Smith (Derek)

Tommy SmithYour name is Tommy. You appear to be a young black man in his early 20s. Much of your body, especially your right side, is covered in deep burns and scars. You know you were a soldier, and you are sure you saw active service. The burns and scars make that obvious. The horrors of war sit whispering on the fringe of your memory.

Dr Henry Banerjee (Warren)

Dr Henry BanerjeeYour name is Henry and you appear to be a neatly groomed Bangladeshi man in his late 30s. Some might say you are a little too neat, but you don’t think one can ever have too much order. You were a medical man, maybe a doctor or research scientist. When you see a living creature it looks like clockwork to you, and – though you learned to suppress and manage this impulse – a part of you longs to take it apart like a watchmaker.

Alice Mockingale (Steve)

Alice MockingaleYour name is Alice, and you appear to be a young woman in her early 20s, with dark hair and features.Your skin is weathered from a life outside, with a dusky cast that reveals a mixed heritage somewhere in your ancestors.Your hands, calloused and leathery, shows you are no stranger to hard work. But you know you studied magic, and you have inherited a legacy from the ancient ways.You remember that you have had to do dark things to gain this power, and you would do them again in a heartbeat if you had to.