The search for the Phrygian cap

We looked up the Finborough on the internet to try to trace Daria, and found it was a theatre near Earls court in London. We took the underground and found the theatre was showing a rubbish looking performance and was just closing. Some questioning of the person on the concessions stand about Darius did not provide any leads but there was a pub above the theatre so we went up to see what we could learn there. The barmaid had not heard of Daria either but Henry spoke to someone who had attended the play and claimed the place was haunted. She claimed to have had a feeling of being watched when in the toilets. Someone else Henry talked to said there were rumours of voices being heard from the walls in the theatre.

When the pub closed, we went to the back of the theatre to see what we could find. The rear entrance was not well secured, especially after I ripped the padlock off the door. As we looked round, Henry said he could sense someone watching us and asked aloud who they were. Suddenly a voice came from my mouth asking who we were and what did we want. The voice then said it would answer our questions if we brought Sheena McDaren here and persuaded her to stay. The google app on the sell phone said Sheena McDaren was the lead actress for the London double theatre company which was situated near the west end.

I noticed a rat with red eyes sitting on a seat watching us. It then scurried off so I chased and caught it, but its eyes turned back to black and it stopped struggling. Assuming it had been controlled by someone who had now released the control, I let it go again. We continued to look round and found an office with paperwork saying the owner was a Holly Furchester. On a cork board behind the desk were photos of 2 girls, one with dark and one with red hair. They looked to be their 20s. Dark haired girl had a bruised eye. There was also a book labelled important contacts. It contained:
Emily (with contact details)
Alan (with contact details)
The limelight collective theatre company who was supplying them with costumes.
Najia (with contact details)
Regina Blake (a name we recognised Lady Scarlett's rival)
Prince (which was double underlined)

Henry started another conversation with the disembodied voice which admitted it was Darius. The voice said the Prince had given Darius the theatre, and she could not/would not leave here. That was clarified as being scared of going outside. I deduced she was of the Nosferatu and likely was conscious of her appearance. Darius said Sheena would be her new project. We were to bring her and leave her unconscious. Darius also admitted Holly was her ghoul.

As we left the theatre, Henry's sell phone rang. It was Caleb. He said he was in trouble and needed our help. He said he and Natasha had been found and were trapped by Operation Antigen who were outside his haven. His coitre had been barricaded in and he thought they would wait until daybreak before attacking. They were in St Johns Wood in north west London in a disused underground station which was now a national grid substation. It was about half an hour away so we went over to investigate, as having other kindred in our debt could be advantageous. Outside the station was a white van with national grid on the side. The driver was sitting inside on his phone.

Henry used his heightened senses to overhear a conversation in the back of the van saying they were continuing to keep watch and everything was nominal. As we watched, a black clothed individual came out of the building and spoke to the van driver who then drove off. I crept up to the black clad individual and attacked him. He was quickly killed and dragged into the shadows. I stripped him and put the clothes on as a disguise, then we crept inside and down some stairs to a room. There were two mortals inside who I attacked. They were both killed but I took damage in the fight and there was a lot of gunfire.

I reported on the mortals radio that 'they' had tried to break through the barricade but had been driven back, in an attempt to explain the noise, then I broke down the barricade to let Caleb's coterie out. We quickly left the building and split up before heading to a bolt hole Caleb gave us an address to. We found some tramps and fed on the way.

In the safe house there was a conversation about why we had not left London and Henry said we were on a job for his sire. Natasha asked who was Henry's sire and he remembered the name Lord Winter. The following evening we went hunting then rested to recover the wounds I suffered in the fight.

Henry received a text message from Lady Scarlett which said the Prince had decreed that Elisium was banned, as were all large gatherings due to the danger from Operation Antigen. He also said he suddenly recalled the name Calico as an enemy from the past but could not remember more. Natasha said Sheena would be on social media and suggested if she was discredited and sacked she could be persuaded to join the Finborough. We headed over to the west end to find the London double theatre company.

On the way we looked at this social media thing and learned Sheena had a girlfriend Mary Lou Eton, a brother, 2 cats and a new born niece. Tommy found a copy of something called a tweet that had been deleted which someone had copied in some chat room in which she had made slurs about another member of the cast of the show she was in. Henry republished it on her twitter feed in an attempt to discredit her.

We found the London double theatre company and Sheena's picture was prominently displayed on the outside. We hung about outside to watch for her to come out when the show finished. As we watched, people came out early complaining about the play being stopped. We then saw a bouncer escort someone out who was covering their face with a coat. They got into a car so Henry hailed a cab and told it to follow. The car travelled about 15 minutes and stopped in a residential area where the car went through a gate into a car park. Three people, Sheena, the driver and another man got put. They went into an apartment block and took a lift. Shortly afterwards, lights lit up on the 9th floor.

While we were watching, Henry received a message saying meet me to discuss the items you are looking for and containing a map to a meat processing plant. It did not say when to meet.

I climbed up to the 9th floor, obfuscated and watched outside the window. Sheena was crying and drinking. An older man who I recognised as her manager was sitting on sofa comforting her, and the driver who appeared to be a close friend sat nearby. I watched for a while waiting for an opportunity. Eventually another small car pulled up and Sheena's girlfriend got out. Henry intercepted her and after a struggle he bit her and her and put her in a state of euphoria. He then helped her into the apartment block as though he was helping a drunk. She had a card that gave access to the lift and he came up with her.

He claimed to be a friend of Mary and was helping her get home as she was not fit to drive. Everyone there assumed she had taken something called coke and Henry was invited in. Henry socialised with them for a while then entered the bathroom where he opened the window so I could get in. I then obfuscated and waited. Eventually Sheena came into the bathroom giving me the opportunity to jump her and bite her. Having hot her in a state of euphoria I then took her out through the window and climbed down to the car park with her. I sent Henry a text and he eventually joined me. He had the keys to Mary's car so we took it and drove to the Finborough.

The rear entrance was not locked and nearby was a rat with red eyes. I waved to it and it scurried off. When we got inside, a voice said she looked lovely and to put her down. I asked about Gwellian Ferch Arwyn and was told it would be hard to meet her. She was holed up in the British museum. Operation Antigen suspected kindred activity at the museum and were watching. She said we would need help of Regina Blake to get in. Regina was the former head of Elysium before the Prince appointed Lady Scarlett. She was Toreador and knew people. Darius said Regina could be found at The Trunk in Soho. Darius had not heard of the Phrygian Cap.

Henry then replied to the earlier text saying we were on our way, and we drove to the meat processing plant. He received a reply saying "end of the alley". As we entered the alley, three mortals suddenly appeared from nowhere and attacked with their bare fists. I killed two of them quickly but saw a figure with red eyes and clawed hands clinging to the wall. She jumped down and crouched so I turned to face her. She then stood and said her name was Chun Hei.

Henry finished the 3rd attacker and joined me. She asked why we were looking for Gwellian and whether we were Alastor's. (I remembered Alastor's were bounty hunters of the Camarilla). We said no and after a discussion she said she was willing to help us to help free Gwellian from the museum. She refused to take orders from Henry which caused more arguments. Eventually she agreed to help but would take 'no crap' and wanted an opportunity to kill Antigen. She offered to let us stay in her haven, a steel reinforced basement of a laundrette.

We rested there until the following evening then headed to Soho to find Regina. The Trunk was a nightclub in a basement. Everyone there were dressed strangely. There were some men dressed as women and other people in even stranger clothing. It was obvious that some there were kindred as they were feeding as they danced. Regina was sitting on a throne. She recognised us and beckoned us over. Apparently she was there when we were put into torpor.

She invited us to her office and we told her we needed help to get Gwellian from the museum. She said if we helped her she would help us. She needed us to break out someone from Bishops Gate police station. That person would be able to help us get into the museum. His name was Trenton, and she gave us a locket to prove to him that she had sent us. She also said I would need to change as there was a black tie event at the museum, and gave us a card which she said was worth £500 if we used it with a special number she also gave us. The shop had a little machine with a keypad. The shopkeeper put the card in the machine and I entered the magic number, then the shopkeeper just let us leave with all the clothes. Amazing.

We walked to Bishopsgate and found the police station. Henry used his powers to get a vision of a police officer with keys at the custody desk and Trenton's arrest record on a computer in the computer room. We went down a dark side alley where I climbed up to the 1st floor where the computer room was, carrying Henry. We could see through a window a single police man in front of a computer. Henry created silence and I then opened the window and obfuscated. When the policeman came to the window I bit him and put him in a euphoric state. We then climbed through the window and dragged him under a desk.

There was lots of paperwork which had blown around the room. I tried looking through but found nothing interesting, but pocketed a load in case it was useful later. Henry played with the computer and found the arrest record for Trenton. He was arrested for being drunk and disorderly, drugs offences and resisting arrest. There was a note to ensure the bail paperwork was 'lost'. Henry changed the records to a simple drunk charge with a note for him to be released at 10pm when he had sobered up.

We then climbed back out of the window and walked round to the main entrance where we told the receptionist we had come to pick Trenton up. We were told to wait and after a while a policeman brought out Trenton, at which point we were able to leave. I left the pile of paperwork I took from the computer room to blow round near the police station as a distraction to cause more confusion and chaos, and distract from the altered records.

We told Trenton of our need to get into the British Museum and he took us into the underground and explained he was going to take a series of trains across London which would inform the local Nosferatu of his presence. I am not sure why he felt he needed to do that. Eventually we arrived at where Trenton wanted us to be and said we could get into the museum from the abandoned Aldwych station which we would get to through some tunnels from where we currently were. On the way we heard a voice asking if we had the good stuff. He was another kindred and offered information about dangers in the tunnels so I let him drink to find what he knew. He said Operation Antigen had set up a blockade in the tunnel and he would draw a map showing how to avoid them. He also said the underground was controlled by the Nosferatu and there was a group who would be likely to try to mug us.

We continued, following the map, and saw three figures with torches ahead of us. They were teenagers and we had a quick snack. Chun Hei then killed two of them saying it was best as they could not then talk. Henry convinced her not to kill the 3rd with the argument that bodies would draw more attention. We dragged the two bodies away and hid them so they would not be found quickly. We finally arrived at Aldwych tube station and were lead through a concealed roughly dug tunnel to a dead end with a number pad. Trenton entered a number (1839144) which caused a panel to slide back revealing a boiler room beyond, which Trenton said was the basement of the museum. He then wished us well and left.

We looked round the museum under cover of the party in progress. Henry sensed a supernatural presence in the western wing and there was also something pulling him to Wolfson gallery. In the west wing we found a woman with two kids asleep on a bench, and a short stocky woman. As our eyes met our surroundings faded away. I found myself dressed in very old clothes and I somehow knew we were in the year 240AD in the roman town of Londinium.

A roman soldier stood before us. We knew his name was Arcadius Augustus and he was the grandchild of Mithras. Our vision cleared and we found ourselves in a stone temple to Mithras. Arcadius was overseeing builders of the temple and we realised we were also builders. Marcus Verus, the child of Arcadius approached. He spoke Latin and suddenly we understood that he was asking how work was progressing. I told him that progress was good but more shoring was needed due to the ground conditions. We were then invited to join him in the worship of the sun (another name for Mithras) and followed him into the lower level of the temple. As we did so the flashback jumped forward and we were in the Mithrarium, and Mithras sat there on a throne.

Mithras was radiating power and we fell to our knees. Verus was called forward and took most of the credit for my work but did give us some credit. Then Mithras beckoned us forwards. He held out his hand which bore a striking ring which we kissed. He then drew forth the Phrygian cap and told Verus to guard it with his life as he casually dismissed us. At that point we were propelled forward in time again, and we found ourselves on the bank of the Warbrook river with the sun overhead.

We found the sun did not burn and we realised we were Britons. The temple was behind us and appeared further on in construction. Standing there I felt the light of Mithras was a pale imitation of the real thing though he is still my god. A overseer called Julius ordered us back to work. We could see the above ground section was complete and we descended to the lower area which was still only half completed. We were told to continue work on a passage behind Mithras's throne where there was a sarcophagus under construction. We started work on the sarcophagus and as we did so there was occasional creaking from the wooden supports holding up the unfinished ceiling. Suddenly there was a crash and part of the ceiling collapsed. A large slab fell and pinned us to the ground. The rock was suddenly lifted by Mithras who then lifted us from the rubble. We were surrounded by a small group of kindred consisting of Arwyn, Marcus Verus, Arcadius and Valerius. Mithras fed from us and we died.

We moved forward in time again an somehow knew we were in 1196. We were outside the Mithraruim, in the bodies of Persians, 5th of the 7 ranks of the light, and priests who tended the gardens. I knew to open a secret latch to gain access to the lower level where we saw Mithras seated with Veras kneeling in front. We also knelt. Mithras looked at us and addressed us as 'my daughter', and we momentarily seemed to merge into a woman before separating again. We were in the bodies of Gwenllian and Arwyn. Mithras said he required Veras to be elsewhere and we had been chosen to take the holy charge from him, though we had the feeling that Verus wanted Arcadius to take charge. We reached for the cap and the flashback ended.

We were back in the museum and the short stocky woman stood before us. She was Gwenllian. We explained we had come to help her escape and for the cap. She said she would be willing to give us the cap if we interceded with the prince to get her off the red list. She also warned Mithras was a generous god but capable of monstrous acts and asked if we felt he should be returned to power. She said she did not approve of things he had done but still felt his compulsion and she did not feel he was dead. She said he was not a god, just a very powerful kindred. She talked about taking over as prince and confronting Operation Antigen head on. When asked she said she did not know why she could not leave the museum but felt a need to stay.

Chun Hei looked worried and spoke to us in private. She thought Gwenllian had gone insane and suggested we find the cap and leave. She thought it was strange she could not leave on her own. We told Gwenllian we needed to scout the museum before leaving and went to the Wolfson gallery where we found the Phrygian cap in a cabinet.

The cabinet was made of security glass and was covered in sensors. There was also a hidden panel in the pedestal. Behind the panel was an iris scanner. Assuming the scanner would be keyed to Gwenllian we returned to her and told her we needed to take the cap with us for her to be able to escape and it was likely Mithras had put some sort of enchantment on it to reinforce her charge to protect it. She agreed to release it from the cabinet if we arranged for her to meet with the prince.

We returned through the boiler room to the tunnels and the underground, then made our escape. We asked Natasha who said she would try to contact Lady Scarlett to arrange an appointment with the prince. Gwenllian had a haven at the Western end of Westminster bridge where she would stay until the appointment with the prince had been arranged.

While we waited for Natasha we decided to visit the Subtle spice in Southall and try to find Sri Sansa. Henry went into the restaurant which seemed very posh. He was told Sri was not there but left details for Sri to contact him when he returned. While in the restaurant he noticed a sigil of the Tremere in a painting on the wall. Outside I noticed a group of mortals watching a video on their Sell Phones. The video was of a fight on a three tiered bridge (road, canal and railway), and I saw one of the teenagers fighting get cut with a knife, then another start licking at the wounds.

The bridge was distinctive and nearby so we went to investigate. We found a figure on the side of the canal at the middle tier of the bridge. It was the one I had seen drinking the blood so we spoke to him and were told something had bit him in the ankle earlier and he had passed out, then woke later with an overwhelming craving for blood. Henry sensed he was some form of kindred but not a type we had ever met before.

He said he had had the desire to drink blood for a week now and was part of a group calling themselves the dusk born. He was called Furhat and a girl called Namja had been helping him. Henry took him into the trees by the railway and drained him because he had risked exposing the masquerade by being filmed, then took his Sell Phone. As we were walking away we noticed a card in an off licence window for a Guru Sansa. Henry called the number. He was told there no free appointments for the next 6 weeks but there was a public meeting in 2 days time at 8pm in Southall library.

Sri Sansa Business Card

Chun Hei did something with Henry's phone and proclaimed the call had been to the Southall library so we went straight there. It was closed but there was a light on. Henry saw another Tremere sigil amongst the graffiti on the wall. The doors were locked but I opened the rear door with little effort but we found no one inside.

Natasha called and said there was good news and the prince had agreed to meet Gwenllian. Kindred called Emily and Alan would act as intermediaries. They were at the vault which was in the arches under waterloo station. The meeting would be tomorrow night.

Henry messaged Namja using Furhats phone and she suggested meeting at somewhere called the Roti which was a fast food restaurant in Southall. He also found pictures of her on the phone. We went there to find out more about her, and spotted her sitting at a table with other youths. Henry called her and warned her not to be filmed feeding. She asked if he was kindred and then said to meet her out the back in five minutes.

He repeated the warning to her. She did not seem to understand the danger she was in if others learned about them but Henry told her she could contact him using Furhat's phone in the future. We took the underground back to the haven. On the way we had the feeling of being followed and Henry sensed a hidden supernatural being.

I obfuscated and waited by a puddle as Henry and Chun continued. When I saw footprints I ambushed them and found I had caught Namja. After some protests and threats she said it was 'Richard De Worde', and that she had reported back to 'Gabriella' who told her to follow us. We made her call Gabriella who said Richard wanted to meet us. Henry took the phone and spoke to them directly, and the person on the other end seemed to actually be Richard.

Richard said he no longer had the dagger but seemed evasive. Eventually he said he would give us the dagger if we left him alone. We were given instructions to head to Aldgate tube station in 1 hour and the dagger would be left in the 1st fast food dispenser. He warned there might be police which we would need to get past. We went to the station and found four police officers and a dog outside. Two seemed to be carrying strange handheld devices with a screen.

Henry made a connection with one of their minds and learned they were scanning everyone who entered. Francis Ward had given the order and the scan would show people infected with a virus. They were ordered to detain them until the terrorist officers arrived. Henry caused a distraction while myself and Chun got past them. There was a dagger in the vending machine, but it was not genuine. We then crept back out and met up with Henry.

We were called by Darius and told to go to his townhouse in Chigwell as they had recovered another Herald of the Sun, Alice Mockingale, a priestess in the cult of Mithras. Alice was brought out of torpor and we provided her with a meal we had collected on the way. She was very confused, similar to how we were when we first came out of torpor.

I called Caleb and asked him if he could get us into Richard de Worde's domain in the tunnels of the underground. He warned that Richard de Worde was untrustworthy. He called back an hour later to say we should go to Chancery lane undergraund station which was being renovated. If we went down far enough down from there we would enter Richards domain.

We stayed with Darius during the day. The following evening I called Gwenllian and arranged to pick her up and take her to the meeting with the prince. After the call Alice said she thought Gwenllian sounded untrustworthy and was likely to betray us at the first opportunity. We took an Uber cab to collect Gwenllian then went to the Vault which was a nightclub. There was a bouncer on the door with a kindred tattoo, so probably someone's ghoul.

A toothy grin got us inside where we were lead upstairs to a private room. The prince was there with Lady Scarlett and another large kindred. I sensed in Gwenllian a high level of hostility towards the prince. There was a long discussion about the innocence or guilt of Gwenllian who said she had killed Jackdaw, the Malkavian prince of Bath, in self defence. The prince spoke to Alice privately and offered to declare Gwenllian as free from the red list if we then quietly destroyed her. Alice then told Gwenllian the news that she was off the red list before telling myself and Henry in private the rest of the agreement.

We then returned to Gwenllian 's haven at Westminster bridge where she gave us the cap.