The search for Mithras's ring and dagger

We contacted Lady Scarlett asking for a contact in the Malkavian clan. She told us their Primogen in London was a Madam Rosna and the Malkavian hideout was a derelict asylum next to Ealing hospital in Southall. While we were considering our next move, Henry received a text message saying "REVENGE!". then another saying "If you care about Torondo, come back to your flat". We decided that whoever it was, we needed to deal with them in case they became a distraction at a more critical time, so we returned to the flat where Henry's ghoul lived to find out what was going on. Henry sensed petrol fumes in the area so I approached the flat while obfuscated and looked in through the window. Someone looking like Torondo was sitting with his back to the window, tied to a chair.

I searched the area carefully and noticed a tree in the courtyard which appeared to have someone hiding in its branches by the rustle of branches. I quietly climbed the tree to where I thought the individual was. When I felt something trying to scry me I attacked. A male dressed in jeans, with black skin and glowing red eyes appeared under my onslaught. I continued my assault as Alice started using her blood magic on my adversary. Henry created an area of silence round himself then started shooting, causing him to fall from the tree. I followed, dropping on him and knocking him unconscious.

I then staked him with a branch before hunting a mortal who I saw walking his dog nearby to sake my hunger. The vampire was a Gangrel. Henry dragged him into his ghouls flat, and Alice dragged the mortal in as well as she had also fed and drained him. Henry then pressed a button on a device he found in the Gangrel's pocket. There was an explosion and the flat burst into fire. We left the area immediately. Henry did not seem that bothered he had just let his ghoul burn alive.

We then returned to Southall to meet with the Malkavians. On the wall outside the asylum was graffiti with the sigil of the Malkavian clan. As we looked round a young woman appeared. She seemed a bit odd but took us to Rosna. Rosna was of Asian descent and recognised Alice, saying it was an honour to meet her again. She said the Malkavians were not a strong clan but she could spare four clan members if we tried an attack on Gwenllian.

We then returned to Kaleb's lair for the day. Kaleb had heard more rumours about operation Antigen activity and they were thinking of leaving within the next few days. The following evening we returned to Southall to meet Sri at the library. There was a gathering of mostly well to do Asian mortals in the library and addressing the gathering was a man in a turban talking about karma, presumably Sri. One of the crowd asked to be able to speak with her dead son, then the voice of a child could be heard from the back of the room. Henry suspected the voice just came from a hidden mobile phone. After a while Sri spotted us then made an excuse about having a headache and left the library.

We followed, and when he turned to stare at us we felt ourselves fading out of reality.

We were on a gas lit cobbled street and it was night time. Across the street was someone dressed in the Punjab style and wearing a turban. We found we were wearing 19th century clothes. We felt compelled to follow the figure in the turban. As he walked, the local delinquent children were mocking him and throwing things at him but he ignored them. Briefly we found ourselves looking through his eyes.

After a short while a young girl with a dirty dress bumped into me then ran off. She had stolen something from me so I gave chase and caught her. I took the watch which she had stolen, threw her to the ground then returned to Alice. The man in the turban paused briefly to observe a woman being accosted in an alley before shrugging and walking off. We continued to follow him.

We then reached a thoroughfare and we realised he was Sri Sansi. Suddenly we were only a few paces behind him and nearby horses pulling a carriage started screaming as the carriage overturned and three passengers were lying injured in the street. Alice got Sri's attention by swooning in front of him then engaging him in conversation. Alice was then invited to a social gathering he was attending, hosted by the Marchioness Franella Fraseworthy.

When we arrived at the house we were admitted and announced to the crowd by our real names, though we had not given them. We recognised several of the other guests as madame Rosna and Richard de Worde, and as there were some mortals. Alice recognised Franella as someone involved in the occult. She was with an Arthur Conan Doyle and Dr John Dee, who Alice recognised as an alchemist who died in 1609, before realising whoever it was had an aura surrounding themselves, indicating he was using some ability to change his appearance to look like John Dee.

I noticed a woman sitting on a divan who looked like Regina Blake, though she was a mortal and sitting next to her was Victoria Ash, who would become Regnia's sire in time. We learned there was to be a séance and a lecture by Sri Sansi. Sri gave his lecture then a Celia Wentworth started the séance. There were a lot of strange noises, obviously being caused by someone in the attic. Someone was passing round glasses of blood which Alice warned was some sort of blood sorcery which would bond the drinker to Sri for the rest of the night.

Dr John Dee walked up to Alice and started talking to her. He recognised Alice as a high priestess of Mithras and he wanted to know why she was here and said he had seen her at the blood ceremony at the Mitharium with Mithras. He was there to persuade Sri to join the cult of Mithras as Mithras believed Sri could help him keep the beast at bay. Dee wanted us to help recruit Sri into the cult so I cleared away the mortals clustered round Sri and took the opportunity to introduce myself and advise him to remember me in 2012.

Dee spoke with Sri who said he was ready to join. Dee said we would leave in an hour, and as he spoke the words we found ourselves outside as Sri drove off with Dee. Reality faded again and we found ourselves underground in a stone structure. Alice said it was the ritual of blooding where we were being put into torpor. We were standing in a pit. Mithras entered the room and started to chant. The pit started to fill with blood. Mithras slit his wrists and mingled his blood with that in the pit. We drank and lost conscious with the feeling that this had happened every day for a month, and the ritual had blood bonded us with Mithras.

We returned to reality to find Sri driving off in a taxi. We quickly hailed another taxi and told the driver to follow. The driver seemed suspicious but I told him it was a game for a stag party. We followed Sri to Osterly and to a town house with removal vans parked outside. A man was trying to organise the removal men and the whole business seemed chaotic. Sri spoke to him.

We waited until the mortals went inside then approached Sri. I asked Sri if he remembered me telling him to remember me in 2012, and he showed signs of recognition, proving the flashbacks were more than memory echos. He asked what we wanted and I told him we needed something he had. He said we should speak privately and invited us to a private room in the Subtle Spice where we told Sri we needed Mithras's ring. He asked why we believed he had the ring and we told him we were on a task from Pater Thomas. We told Sri that we would not stop pestering him until he gave us the ring.

Sri told us he was tasked to save the last vestiges of Mithras's humanity but he had failed and Mithras had succumbed to the beast. Sri said the ring was back at the house and agreed to give it to us if we left him alone. We agreed and returned to the house with him. Sri sent his ghoul to find the ring and the ghoul returned after a short while with a cardboard box. The box contained a chest which contained jewellery. He rummaged through the chest but could not find the ring. Sri looked concerned and near frenzy, then rushed off to interrogate whether any of his family had taken the ring.

Alice calmed him down a little but when the family appeared and Sri spotted the ring on the finger of an 8 year old girl he frenzied. I quickly grappled Sri before he could hurt the child and Alice quickly took the ring from her while telling Sri's ghoul to get the family away. When Sri calmed down, he told us to take the ring and leave them alone. We asked about Pater Thomas, and was told his real name was Roger de Camden, Mithras's lover. We then left Sri to finish packing and leave London.

Alice put the ring on and found it granted her more powers of blood sorcery then created some blood stones. We then went to Chancery lane underground station to scout the area. We found the station was open but that one of the entrances was closed and clearly disused. Alice spotted some cameras overlooking the grate covering the entrance to the disused section. The grate was locked and there was some evidence it had been used recently.

We decided to return the following evening so we would have all night to investigate. Alice took the opportunity to made a ghoul called Diane Kim. The following evening I went hunting and was followed by a woman. She appeared to be an unwashed tramp so I grabbed her to find out what her intensions were. Her name was huntress and she admitted she was sent to keep an eye on us by her master, De Worde. She claimed she did not know where he was and said De Worde looked after the outcasts in return for them helping him. She dropped a brass key with 'mind the gap' written on it as I held her, which I took. I then fed and left her in an alleyway so I could go and met with Alice near Chancery lane underground station.

Nosferatu symbolI pulled the power lead from the camera control box on the wall. The key I took from the tramp opened the grate and we entered the disused part of the station. Inside were boarded up shops, though crumpled chocolate wrappers indicated some activity, probably the tramps. There were stairs leading down towards the platforms so we descended. As we entered the platform I briefly saw a shadowy form clinging to a wall, but the lights flickered and it disappeared. There were symbols drawn in red chalk on the wall including the Nosferatu clan symbol for feeding ground. Alice sensed a supernatural presence nearby.

Flyer found by VictorWe heard a voice say hello, then a young man came from down another tunnel. I quickly obfuscated and he approached Alice saying 'Thank god I found someone'. He said his name was Victor and asked what she was doing down here. He said he was looking for the underground outcast club. He had a flyer he had found on a rubbish bin in Trafalgar square and had been down in the underground for two days having become trapped when the police were posted at every exit to counter the 'terrorism threat'. He was hungry and asked if he could feed from Alice. Alice refused of course, why waste vitae on such a usless being. The lights suddenly went out and I something crawling on ceiling about to pounce on Alice. I attacked it. It was a vampire which had gone feral, driven by hunger. Alice used her blood magic on it, draining the last of the blood from it and driving it into torpor. We found sheets of paper in its pouch on which was written some rambling passages.

Papers found on a feral vampireVictor's master was called Ritus, but he had been thrown out of his coitere as he was useless. When Victor was distracted we left down one of the tunnels, following the railway tracks. Suddenly we started feeling hungry and Alice thought it was a form of blood sorcery at work. Eventually we came to an abandoned tube train. The windows were broken in the rear carriage and the doors to the front carriage had been forced open. The seats inside had been ripped out and made into a nest in the centre of a carriage, probably created by the creature we put into torpor. As I approached I heard sounds from inside. When I looked in there was another of the feral vampires. It moved towards Alice so I ambushed and held it while Alice used her blood sorcery on it to put into torpor.

It was holding a whistle and there was paperwork scattered around as well as a small notebook]. 'Antigen' and 'He returns' were written on the back of the paperwork. We carried on down the tunnel, eventually reaching another platform where we found a young woman sitting on the edge of the platform. She put her hands up and said 'Please do not hurt me'. I noticed she had a discoloured band of flesh round one index finger like she had taken a ring off. Her name was Ria. She had been waiting for us and would take us to De Worde.

We followed her down the tracks into the tunnel and continued to follow her for two hours. Alice was starting to get suspicious she was leading us in circles and marked a poster we passed. Then we felt the hunger again. We followed Ria further and passed the poster Alice had marked, proving Ria was simply delaying us. The hunger came again so I pounced on Ria to feed as Alice used her blood sorcery on her. We put her into torpor in the feeding, then searched her, taking a small brass ring and a gold key. Alice sensed blood sorcery on the ring so she put it on and found it was protecting against the blood sorcery effect that had been making us hungry.

We started down another tunnel and heard the sound of something squeaking, then a figure pushing a shopping trolly appeared. We hid and as he passed I noticed a machine gun hidden in his trolly. I was a bit hungry again so I pounced and found him stronger than I expected, but eventually subdued him. He said he was not our enemy and we had the same objective. His name was Devin, and was looking for ICOs. He worked for project Antigen who were lead by DI Khane. He believed that kindred were actually mortals who were infected with a virus, and De Worde was believed to be the cause. He believed they could make a vaccine from De Worde's blood and said the virologist, Francis Ward, had been working on it.

We decided to go along with him to see what would happen. He had a number of weapons in the trolly and gave us one each. He also had stakes though he said he did not believe in vampires. I convinced him to leave the trolly behind though he took a lot of weapons and a few of the stakes from it.

We let him take point and continued down the passage. Alice spotted something concealed in the wall and asked for the gold key. I passed it to her and she seemed to put her hand into the wall, then there was a click. She then stepped through the wall. I quickly glanced towards Devin who had continued down the passage, then followed her. We had stepped through a door and in front of us was a short tunnel leading to a huge vault door with bunker 788 written on it.

Laws of MithrasI opened the vault door and beyond was a room which appeared to be decades out of time. It stank of mildew and rat faeces, and the walls, floor and ceiling were covered in writing written with read chalk, listing laws of Mithras. We noticed a hatch behind a news rack which was slightly ajar. The room beyond was like an auditorium with three levels. There were desks, old phones and paperwork scattered about. In the centre of the room was a deep pit. There were maps of the underground which I took in case they helped us get back out. We noticed the lights, unlike the rest of the décor, looked new.

Alice noticed a safe and I noticed a group of rats running across the floor to attack another rat. It looked like something had been feeding the rats, probably with the aim of then feeding from them. I strained then ripped the door from the safe. Inside were brown paper folders labelled the heralds. We looked through and found they gave background details of myself, Alice and Henry, as well as clear evidence we had been spied on, with details about what we had been doing including our meetings with the prince, Sri and pretty much everything else we had done. On top was a sheet saying 'Lair is unprotected, they are week but not broken.' A voice spoke 'A see you found my home, you will have to excuse the mess, it is not often I get guest's round here.'

A man appeared out of nowhere in the centre of the room As we looked at him we were suddenly in 1145 though I do not know how I knew that fact. We were in a round room, probably a stone tower and heard a muffled scream from outside. A young serving girl we had not previously noticed reached up and closed window shutters then left the room. We were dressed in brown woollen cowls, and standing in a circle drawn in roosters blood. There were other kindred with us. The door opened and Mithras entered. One of the other kindred looked up and we recognised him as Pater Thomas. Mithras was holding the goblet which had been used to recover us from torpor, and a young blond boy. Mithras pushed the boy into the circle then followed, telling us to step back. He said the boy was worthy of the blooding.

I was asked to step forward and Mithras grabbed my wrist, pulling out the bronze dagger we were hoping to get from De Worde. I pulled away not wanting to waste my vitae, and was roughly pushed back, then Alice was called forward. Mithras cut Alice's wrist and sprayed blood on the boys face, then appeared to lose his temper and crushed his throat. The boy gasped then died. Mithras kicked over the bucket of rooster blood and stormed out the room.

We returned to reality to find De Worde with a feral vampire on a leash was standing before us. He said he did not want Mithras to return then pulled out the dagger and asked if we wanted this. He said he was too old and tired to fight but was willing to make a compromise. He wanted a contract in blood to protect him from us and Mithras. He said he had dealings with Mithras in the past and thought Mithras would not be happy with him should he return.

I asked him about Pater Thomas and was told what we already knew, that his real name was Roger de Camden and that he was Mithras' lover. De Worde also believed he was clan Hecata and would be willing to give his life to Mithras as they shared true love. Alice said she would not be blood bonded and that in any case Mithras would be unlikely to listen to her if she tried to intervene on behalf of De Worde. De Word accepted that fact and hesitantly handed the dagger over then begged us not to bring Mithras back. De Worde then turned his back and vanished.