Opposing Operation Antigen

We moved into our new haven and the following evening we went to the shard. We took the lift up to floor 39 where the prince had her suite. Alice sensed two supernatural presences inside, and did some play acting before throwing an orange from the fruit bowl at a corner where she sensed one of the presences was. A kindred appeared and charged. I had moved to where she thought the other presence was, so was not surprised when a second kindred appeared , dropping from the ceiling.

I quickly delt with them both, though the second was thrown through the window in the fight, resulting in a very long fall. I am surprised they make the windows so flimsy on such a tall building. We recovered the papers from the safe as well as some cash, and Alice identified tattoos of clan Ventrue on the body. As we left I recognised lady Scarlett in the lobby, though she did not see us.

We then returned to the princes's home and gave her the papers. We told her about the Ventrue and Lady Scarlett, and she was suspicious about why Scarlett was there. Justiciar Parr offered us positions in the Camarilla as her agents to which we agreed.

We then went on the underground and took the route given by Zed to contact the Nosferatu. We were met by a Nosferatu called Warlock. He took us to several other kindred. After a lot of discussions and negotiations they agreed they would be willing to be lead by me if I did not impose the strict laws of De Worde and I could help their position with other kindred. We were taken to De Wordes bunker where Alice was given a silver bowl and book written in Latin. She was told it contained a blood ritual called Web of hunger, which would cause kindred in the underground to become affected by the hunger. She was also given De Worde's journals in which she found instructions on creating rings to protect against the Web of hunger. De Worde had used the rituals to enforce his rule.

Alice spent the rest of the evening studying the books. Chun Hei met us the following evening and the other Nosferatu told us what they knew about Operation Antigen's movements. The laboratory underground train had five carriages and was expected to be running on the Piccadilly line after 2am. We decided to wait at South Kensington to ambush them there. I obfuscated and waited for when the door opened, and Chun Hei clung to the ceiling ready to drop down onto the train. Alice waited in a maintenance alcove further down the tunnel ready to attack the driver.

When the train stopped, I entered the rear carriage while Chun Hei dropped down at the centre. Alice used her blood sorcery to eliminate the driver as the train left the station. She then climbed aboard and took his position, starting the train moving again. There were two guards in the rear carriage sat down and smoking cigarettes. I quickly dispatched them, then moved into the next carriage which was a dormitory and canteen, where I dispatched a soldier who was eating. I then attacked the chef who proved a better fighter than the soldiers, though I did dispatch him after a brief fight. I then went through the dormitory quickly to dispatch the soldiers asleep there. Luckily they seemed used to sleeping on the moving train and had not awoken while I fought the chef.

There was sounds of gunfire from further down the train then the brakes were slammed on. I obfuscated and moved down the train to meet with Chun Hei as a man and woman in full body armour burst through the door from the front of the train.

I charged Sergeant Gabriella and sank my fanks into her. She fought back until I ripped her throat out. Chum Hei inflicted serious wounds on the other soldier but when the sergeant died, he panicked and ran, straight towards Alice who took the opportunity to feed. Francis Ward and the surviving scientists surrendered. He clearly believed we were not vampires, simply infected by a virus. He used the term ICO (Identity code zero's or blanks as we did not show up on scans). He said we appeared dead to their sensors.

He had been tasked to research us by ECTU (extraordinary counter terrorist unit). He seemed scared but said he wanted to help us. He showed us his files, and I got the password for his computer. He had been reporting his findings to something called the Joint threat research intelligence group, GCHQ, the ECTU steering committee and had copied in the Arcanum and FIRST LIGHT.

We found some other emails of interest.

Blood Guardian Email

Metropolitan Cattle Market Islington Map

Project Reaper Conerns Email

The Den Update Email

The Den Map

He explained Project reaper was a virus strain which turned ICOs into offshoots which would hunt ICOs down. They were in a secure facility outside London called The Den. He said the Reapers were going to be released into the underground. IC1s were what they called werewolves. Some had been caught in Kelder forest in Northumberland.

We got bored when he was unable to tell us any more, so I let Chun kill him and the remaining scientists. We then took the train into a deserted siding and I told the Nosferatu to strip it of anything useful. I took the laptop and passed it on to the prince. She was holding a party which we were invited to. We were lead upstairs to a bedroom where Lady Scarlett was tied up. She was gagged and had been beaten. The prince asked me to consume her and take her power, which I happily did.

She agreed with our plan to rescue Zawadi and offered us the help of a Brujah called Rook Stormcrow and a Gangrel called Bal Acosta. They were recently embraced and the prince told us they were expendable. The following evening we went to the cattle market in Islington. Alice sensed three supernatural auras, two weak and one very strong but distorted. Not a kindred, possibly the blood guardian. The fence surrounding the market was electrified. I jumped over with Chin then went to the nearby transformer to cut the power.

I ripped off the plate on the transformer and held down a lever until it overloaded and exploded, shutting off the power. The others then came through the gate and we found a set of stairs which descended into a passage on the lower level of the market. We stepped over something called a laser beam which Chun pointed out but then came to what Chun thought were motion sensors. Chun blinked past then pulled out the wires from behind. We then walked past and nothing happened.

The corridor ended at a metal door with a dirty glass window. The door was unlocked, and when opened, revealed a large room beyond. The room wis illuminated by strip lighting and there were glass viewing panels above. Two chairs were in the centre of the room with a woman and man chained up, and blood was dripping from an overhead pipe. Grinding metallic sound came from within three large metal vats at one side of the room. Chun rushed over and started to free the woman, who was her sire Zawadi.

A voice sounded from above saying 'welcome to my parlour, you will make good subjects of my next experiment'. The tops of the vats burst open and fountains of blood erupted. I freed the male kindred, then started climbing to the glass panel where I could see a shadowy figure behind while Alice tried using her blood magic on the figure, though he seemed protected. Alice commanded Rook and Bal to remove some symbols which had been drawn on the walls in blood as she realised it was providing the shadowy figure some protection from her powers.

I smashed the window then moved to the side as a huge bout of flame came through. The figure had a flamethrower! I obfuscated and jumped through the window, but was caught by an edge of the flame which was agony. I took out my anger on him, then when sated I returned to the others with a book he had been carrying. The fountains of blood had formed into a figure which Alice addressed. Alice said she was its master and it replied, saying to show it her power. They had a struggle of wills which Alice finally won and it said it would serve her. She had to give it blood, but then we quickly left as the fire spread, causing the flame thrower to explode behind us, destroying the facility.

We were driving back to our haven when we experienced another flashback. We were in a mountain range in ancient Persia, dressed in ancient armour, and somehow knew the date to be 1258BCE We were part of the Persian army in a squad whose commander was Mithras and our mission was to crush rebels holed up in a temple. We charged in and slaughtered everyone. Mithras then commanded that we would stay overnight and myself and Alice were put on watch. I should mention that in the flashback, Alice was in a male body. Alice spotted a figure creeping through the shadows so I charged the figure which lifted a soldier with one hand and bit his neck. I struck the figure which simply ripped the sword from my hand and tossed it away. The rest of the unit were roused by our shouts and attacked, but our foe seemed invulnerable. We were knocked to the ground and others were killed. The attacker was a woman with blood red eyes. She embraced Mithras and the flashback faded. We found ourselves back in the car which was out of control, though I succeeded in regaining control before we crashed. We had a feeling of being drawn to the docks at the port of London.

Alice thought it was not Mithras, but thought it was connected somehow. We continued to our haven where Alice fed from her cult, and I spoke to Sarah about what she knew of The Den, which was not much. We then drove over to the port of London to find out what was causing the summoning. At the docks there were four black vans parked near a pier and we heard gunfire from onboard the ship 'Groland Tropish' which was docked at the pier. As we watched I saw a figure dive into the water from the bow of the boat and swim away.

The vans looked like those used by Operation Antigen, so I disabled them by ripping off the steering wheels, then obfuscated as we climbed the gangplank onto the ship. The gunfire continued and I crept forward to investigate while Alice headed to the bow. I found two Antigen agents shooting at what appeared to be zombies so I crept behind them and attacked. Alice saw the swimmer leaving and another zombie climbing towards her. As I killed the Antigen agents, Alice used her powers to deal with the zombies.

We descended into the ship which we found to be refrigerated. We found three dead Antigen agents and several crewmembers who had been peppered with bullets near the bottom of the stairs. We descended to the lower hold where we found more dead Antigen agents and crewmembers. Alice sensed something very powerful in the hold we were being drawn to, more powerful than Mithras she thought.

I turned on the lights and saw in the centre of the hold a solid stone sarcophagus chained to the floor. Inscribed on the side in Persian was Roxanna (star of magnificence). I can't speak ancient Persian of course, that was more Alice's area of expertise. Alice recognised the name as being the antediluvian if the Tremere. I broke the chains but could not open the lid. Alice said it was sealed with blood sorcery and could only be opened using the correct key. I used a crane to lift the sarcophagus onto the deck and dragged it to a van which Alice had jury rigged. While doing this one of the Antigen radios came to life with someone asking for a report. I told them there had been resistance and there had been several casualties. I was told there would be two birds arriving in eight minutes. We drove the van several hundred metres and dumped the sarcophagus into the water away from the ship, then quickly left the area.

The following evening we fed, then visited the prince at her insistence. Justicar Parr and six other kindred we did not recognise were also there. They were dressed in leather with spiky hair and had skulls on the back of their jackets. They seemed to be regarding Parr with distain though they were trying to hide it. The prince introduced them as the harbinger of skulls, gatekeepers of the Sabbatt. Alice discreetly showed Parr pictures of the sarcophagus and asked her to investigate further.

Parr told me I had been acknowledged the Primogen of the Nosferatu. We were shown to the princes private chambers for some discussion. The leader of the gatekeepers was called Alcone. They had been brought in by the prince to help deal with Antigen. They would provide the help if we gave them the true body of Mithras. There was some discussion and agreement. Unsurprisingly the task of getting the body back from the lupines was given to Alice and Myself.

Alice spoke to Lice to find out more about what happened to Mithras's true body. He said they were in Kielder forest where Montecoven had sensed the presence of Mithras. They had dug him up when the lupines appeared at which point Lice ran. There was no explanation how Mithras went from being blown up in London to a forest on the Scottish border. The prince provided me with gloves laced with silver in case I had to fight a lupine.

The following evening we drove to Headley in a transit van the prince provided. Alcone came with us though she left the rest of the gatekeepers behind as it was felt the mission required stealth more than numbers. We got near the Den on back roads then walked through the woods. The trees had been cleared for 50 metres around the perimeter of The Den, and we saw two Antigen agents patrolling with a dog. I obfuscated and eliminated one while Alcone dominated the other and Alice used her abilities to neutralise the dog in a cloud of blood. I then tore through the fence and we gained access to the facility.

We crept round the edge of the containment facility, keeping low and against the wall to avoid the cameras. We saw someone arrive and gain access to a building by swiping a card, so I went back to the guard I had killed and retrieved a card. It was blue but the reader on the door to the containment facility was violet. As I scouted about, there was a guard change between the residential area and containment facility. We took the opportunity to neutralise the two new guards outside then use their access card to get inside the containment facility and eliminate the third guard inside. Six of the cells had naked figures inside, three female and three male.

Alice's senses showed them to be of a supernatural nature but not kindred. They smelt bad and we assumed they were lupine. I threw something at one of the females and woke her up. Her name was Moragans daughter, and she said she was the brood mate to Deathson, the pack leader. She seemed angry and did not like kindred, but was willing to provide the body of Mithras if we let her pack free. We freed her and gave her the access card then returned to the van while she let her pack free as she said some of them would be less tolerant to kindred than she would be. As we left, the blood guardian was let free to try to eliminate 'project Reaper' which Alice's senses suggested was probably in the science block.

Moragans daughter joined us and we drove North through the night and booked into a hotel near the forest, which was a relief after spending hours in the transit van with that wet dog smell. Moragans daughter said she would retrieve Mithras's body and return it to us the following evening at the edge of Kielder forest. She brought the body and the moment we saw it we experienced a flashback. It was a few days before we were put into torpor and we were in the Mithrarium. Edward Banbridge was standing next to Mithras. Mithras approached us with a small metal casket. It was sealed with lead and he handed it to Alice. He told her to hide it and open it only when commanded. Alice sensed that she had hid the casket somewhere as the flashback faded and we were back at the edge of the forest.

Alcone picked up the body and we left. On the drive back she told us more about the Sabbatt. They had rituals that would allow them to gain power by consuming the flesh of other kindred and suggested we could join the Sabbatt. When we were nearing London Alice received a call from the Prince. She said she had received an emergency ping from Justicar Parrs phone. Parr had been heading East across London but had now turned West. The Prince sent something to Alice's phone which showed up on the map as Parrs location, and asked us to investigate.

We followed the signal and found three black Chevrolet SUVs speeding along. The signal came from the 1st SUV. They had American ambassadorial flags flying from the vehicles which was odd. Alice sent a text message to Parr and they had a brief conversation which seemed benign though Alice did not feel it was actually her sending the replies. Alice threw her phone out the window when something started installing itself.

We followed the SUVs to 33 Nine Elms lane, which was the US consulate. We pulled up nearby and saw Parr, Rook and Bal dragged out of the car and into the consulate by marines. A man in a turban and suit also got out and was giving orders. Something about the size of the sarcophagus was also unloaded. Alice sensed the powerful supernatural presence and four other kindred, strongly suggesting it was the sarcophagus of Roxanna that had been unloaded, and that it was another kindred who had abducted Parr. We saw the US ambassador (Robert Wood Johnson) speak to the Asian man in the foyer. The ambassador seemed to say 'yes master' to him. The foyer had marble decoration of Bulls, bull dancers, wreathes of laurel and ivy, similar to the decoration in the Mithrarium. We saw the Asian man hand the ambassador Parrs phone.

British Museum Reading Room TicketWe then returned to the Prince. Edward Bainbridge was also there. We told the Prince we had seen Parr being dragged into the embassy. The prince seemed annoyed and said she had tracked Parr's car to the docks then tracked her phone coming back across London. She asked us to go to the docks and find out what was happening there. A pointless task in my opinion as the sarcophagus was now in the US embassy, though I suppose the prince knows nothing of it. Alice spoke to Edward and asked him for something she had given to him for safe keeping. He produced a ticket and gave it to her. She explained afterwards that she had had a flashback about giving him something for safekeeping before being put into torpor.

Alice then performed a memory ritual and recalled the Asian with the turban was called Arjun Shahn and headed the Mithrarium in Milwaukee.

Communist Manifesto With Secret WritingWe went to the docks to collect the car that Parr had borrowed from the prince. There was signs of an altercation by the car, likely when Parr was captured. We took the car back to the prince then returned to our haven for the day. The following evening we went to the British museum reading room after registering online as members. The reference Alice had on the card was to a 1st edition copy of the Communist manifesto by Karl Marx. It had an occult aura on it which Alice recognised as something she had done. As the studied the book she saw the words "Tomb, push in the stone" written on the cover.

Karl Marx was buried in Highgate cemetery so we went there. It was closed for the night but I took hold of Alice and jumped over the fence. Alice detected eight supernatural presences in the cemetery which she thought were ghosts so we ignored them. The tomb of Marx was easy to find and there was an obvious stone sticking out of the front which Alice pushed. It went in then popped out revealing a rolled piece of parchment behind.

Written on the parchment was "X club marks the spot". Alice remembered there was a free thinking scientific society in Victorian England who met in "The X club", which was a mansion in North London. Google told us the mansion had been bought by a Russian businessman but had fallen into disrepair after he disappeared along with his family. We drove to the mansion to investigate further.

Abandoned MansionThere were two rusty cars parked outside. I saw a partly obscured symbol painted on the side of the house which Alice recognised as the clan symbol of the Tzimisci. The clan believed possession was all and jealously guarded their possessions as would a dragon, hence the choice of symbol. Alice sensed something supernatural inside the mansion but thought it was being masked. One of the cars had the driver's window smashed and there was long dried blood on the seat, though the grass round the cars appeared to have been trodden down recently.

Tzimisce SymbolThe front door of the mansion was ajar and it seemed deathly quiet. Inside was a mess with rotten furniture, peeling wallpaper and mildew. Having entered, Alice sensed multiple supernatural presences beneath us. She thought they were corrupted kindred and some sort of ghoul. I heard something moving slowly up the stairs so I obfuscated and waited. Coming up the stairs I saw three malformed creatures.


Alice recognised them as Szlachta, minions of Tzimisci kindred that had been flesh sculpted and appeared to resemble the missing Russian owners. When Alice spoke they spun round and advanced on her in a threatening manner so I attacked. Alice used blood magic on the creature she called the blood butler, draining it, as I ripped one of the arms off the creature with weapons on its arms, but it was exceptionally strong and fought back, seriously wounding me before Alice stunned it with her magic, allowing me to rip it to pieces. I then killed the last of the creatures which had been frantically writing in a book in Russian. Alice thought it was a diary. The diary mentioned a Vozhd in the basement which Alice thought was a behemoth created by flesh sculpture and was very dangerous.

I heard breathing on the ceiling above me and pointed it out to Alice who sensed a supernatural presence next to us. A female voice spoke and told us to leave and that it was our only warning, before scuttling off down the stairs. We took the diary and left, before calling Chin Hei to get her assistance. While we waited for her to arrive we studied the diary with the aid of google translate. It described how the Russian family had been moulded, and talked about the ancestral lands of the old clan, possibly in Russia, and how they avoided the Camarilla by using flesh sculpture to change their appearance. A metal casket that they could not open was mentioned and that the Vozhd was guarding it.

VozhdWhen Chun arrived, we returned to the mansion where she heard talking from the basement. I crept down and saw a male and a female kindred, very pale with white hair, two more Szlachta and the Vozhd. In the far corner of the room I saw the casket on a shelf, and the basement had a skylight. While obfuscated, I crept to the casket and the others waited in case I needed a distraction. I was able to get the casket then leapt through the skylight with it.

One of the Szlachta followed me as Alice and Chun quickly rushed outside. Chun blinked and attacked the creature and I turned to fight it as well. It was as dangerous as the first I had fought and seriously wounded Chun before myself and Alice were able to kill it. As Alice got the car we were attacked by the two Tzimisci who used blood sorcery on us. They were powerful sorcerers but we defeated and decapitated them before leaving with the cask.

We took Chun back to her haven where Zawadi took over her care. We then returned to our haven where Alice opened the casket. Inside was an envelope, yellowed with age and sealed by Mithras, and two objects covered in hessian cloth. Inside the envelope was a short note from Mithras saying he be-quested Alice these two items of power and to use them wisely. Underneath the hessian was a wooden box and a brass urn of Persian ancestry, an ancestor urn which could be intrusted to a ghoul who could then rouse Alice from Torpor without lengthy rituals should that be needed. Inside the box was dirt which Alice identified as grave dirt, which when slept with would stave off hunger.

Alice then called Arjun Shahn. He recognised her and they talked. He said he had come as soon as he received an email from Mithras but had heard Mithras had since been killed. Mithras had asked for Roxannes sarcophagus to be brought to him but Arjun was now planning to open it and perform diablery. They arranged to meet at a club to talk.

Alice did some research and discovered Arjun was a British born Indian as well as belonging to the Mithraic mysteries, had ties to Rodger de Camden and was pater of his own cell. He was the owner of Syndexioi, a cyber security company in Wisconsin. The Camarilla had rumours that he was a powerful blood sorcerer and had been gifted a ring by Rodger de Camden.

The following evening Alice received a phone call from Arjun. He said he would meet us in an hour at a kindred club called The Outcast Sector which was in the basement of The Albany pub in Camden, so we drove there. Arjun was sitting at a table talking with another person. When we sat down we found he was talking to Henry. Alice thought Henry might have been dominated.

Arjun said he was on a mission for Roger de Camden and was making a contingency plan due to the death of Mithras. He was going to offer the body of Roxanne to Mithras to diabolise but now wanted to use it for another purpose. He said Mithras could be brought back using a ritual Henry knew but it required his true body as well as that of his sire. He planned on assaulting the haven of the gatekeepers under the Tower of London the following evening and wanted our help. He said the gatekeepers were descendants of the Cappadocians, an ancient clan who were masters of necromancy.

While we were there I saw a small drone briefly hover outside the door. Suspecting an imminent Antigen raid I moved towards the rear exit then ripped the rear door off as we left to get clear quickly when I also heard sirens approaching. I then obfuscated and went to get our car. Alice made her way to a nearby pub with Arjun and Henry. The Antigen agents approaching the Albany club failed to see them. Perhaps we have killed their better agents and they have been left with only those less competent. I had to avoid a policeman with a dog on the way to the car which took a little time.

We took Arjun back to the embassy where we saw a green light from the ground floor. Arjun had no idea what it was so we approached cautiously. I obfuscated and went to look more closely. I saw a glowing figure walk past a window with some sort of tether of light attached. When I got to the foyer I saw three marines in the foyer bathed in the light and the tethers seemed to go to the basement. They seemed to be walking mindlessly and there were two bodies behind the reception.

Arjun confirmed the sarcophagus of Roxanne was in the basement, so I crept in. I think I made some noise as the marines fired in my direction, though I easily avoided their fire. Alice entered the embassy through the kitchen, and neutralised one of the glowing figures she found there by interrupting the tether with a shiny pan. She then came into the foyer and did the same on one of the marines there before another of them spotted her. I attacked him and inflicted a vicious wound which would have killed a mortal, but he remained upright. The other marine shot me before I ripped the head off the one I was fighting. Even then the head continued to blink.

I attacked and struggled with the last marine as Alice joined in the fight with the pan. Finally I was able to rip the head from the last marine, Allowing Alice to sever the tethers. Arjun said the tethers were corruption escaping from the sarcophagus and we should avoid being touched by them. I took a mirror from the wall before obfuscating and descending to the basement. Two tethers came up the stairs but I reflected them back with the mirror.

In the basement were two marines and the ambassador, all tethered to the sarcophagus. I crept past them, then used the mirror to interrupt the tethers to all three of them. Arjun then produced a key and relocked the sarcophagus. He wanted us to take the sarcophagus to our haven and store it there. When we were reluctant I felt him try to dominate me. I shrugged him off and then when he tried to dominate Alice I ripped his head off.

I took the key from his body and a ring from his finger. I then dragged the sarcophagus out of the basement while Alice went to the upper floors of the embassy to find Parr and the other two. I could hear sirens in the distance while dragging the sarcophagus to our car. I drove to the back of the embassy to collect Alice as the police arrived at the front of the building. She had found Parr and the others and they took another of the embassy vehicles. We decided the Prince had too much taste for power to be trusted with Roxanne so reluctantly we took the sarcophagus back to our haven and left it in the garden.

We thought about getting one of our ghouls to open the sarcophagus in daylight, but Alice was concerned some antediluvian kindred could walk in daylight. She said the book of Nod would hold the information as to whether Roxanne was one of them and that the Sabbatt might have a copy. We contacted Alcone and arranged to meet her. We discussed the Antigen activity and she said she suspected the prince might be tipping them off. She was willing to let us read the book of Nod though we would have to do so at their haven. It was written in several languages so I left it to Alice to study it. She learned a path to enlightenment called Golconda was believed to exist and those to achieved it could walk in the daylight. It did not mention names however so we still did not know whether Roxanne could do so.

We woke the following evening feeling very refreshed and not at all hungry. There was breaking news that Khane and other members of the ECTU had been arrested for acts of terrorism. Alice received a call from Parr who wanted us to go to the prince's haven immediately saying there was a crisis. Alice tried to send Parr a text message but it was unable to send. I could not send one to Alice either, but Alices's ghoul was able to send it using Alice's phone. These modern devices do seem temperamental.

We checked in the garden and found the sarcophagus had gone. There was a Persian black cat in the garden which I could sense nothing from. Alice could sense nothing either, not even our own auras. The cat suddenly jumped over the fence. I followed but could not see the cat anywhere. There was a new urn by the neighbours porch which Alice thought was Persian. She broke it and found it was full of sand. The sand smelled of spices, and when Alice tasted it she said it tasted of saffron which was peculiar.

The cat returned so I asked it was going on, suspecting it was not a normal cat, and it transformed into a woman with dark skin, dark hair, a tattooed face and red eyes. I addressed her as Roxanne and she said I caught on quickly. She said the only way she could communicate was through our dreams. She had a problem called corruption, which we had witnessed in the embassy. She did not wish to wake from torpor as she was happy to dream, but the corruption would corrupt the kindred around her if left unattended. She had chosen torpor as she thought the antediluvians were too powerful.

She said she required vitae from another antediluvian which she could use to stop the corruption. We should watch out for someone called Anton who carried the sword of Null. The sword would help us though he may not. She said she could sometimes see the future. To pursue Golconda , Alice should see the Three Eyed Witch in Tower Hamlets and I should beware of Zilla and her healing gift. We suddenly woke and found our hunger had returned. There was no mention of Khane on the news.

Alice remembered reading about Zilla in the book of Nod. She said Caine's third wife was called Zilla. After hunting we went to Tower Hamlets to try to find the Three Eyed Witch. We went by tube and saw on the platform several police. I obfuscated and Alice tried to look inconspicuous but they approached her. There was something not quite right about them. Out of the corner of my eye they did not appear to be quite in focus. Alice said later she thought the policemen's uniforms were some form of illusion over their actual clothes.

When Alice could not produce any ID they lead her to a door which said 'authorised personnel'. She told me afterwards there was something preventing her from sensing what was beyond. She made an excuse about needing the lavatory and they let her go but waited outside. Alice then persuaded a group of girls there to go out and cause a distraction allowing Alice to climb out through a window. I then quickly followed her out and we ordered an uber taxi.

Salubri symbolWe walked round Tower hamlets until Alice sensed a supernatural presence at the top of one of the tower blocks. A gang of youths tried to block me but they ran when I knocked their leader out cold. We took the lift to the top floor to the tower block where Alice sensed the supernatural presence from flat 303. Alice also sensed something hidden and when she concentrated, a glowing symbol of three eyes appeared which she recognised as the clan symbol of the Salubri. It was rumoured only seven ever existed at one time and they had been hunted to extinction by the Camarilla because of the crimes of Saulot, the clans progenitor.

The door opened and a voice said 'Please come in'. An oriental woman was standing inside and an oriental man was sitting in a chair reading a book. The woman was wearing a headscarf. Her name was Astra and she said she would not put up a fight if we had come to kill her. When we said we had not she started discussing mystic stuff with Alice. She admitted to having achieved Golconda and she would help us if we helped her in return. Some kindred in the guise of travellers had been demanding her blood and had hurt mortals until she agreed to give it. They were Gangrel's, their leader was called Markus Night and there were five of them in total, and she wanted us to scare them off. They were currently in Weavers fields off Bethnal Green road.

We found their camper van in Weavers fields. There was very loud music coming from the van and we found four badly wounded mortals tied up in their luggage compartment. Alice let them free to deprive the Gangrel of their food. We then opened the door to their van to confront them. They were initially confident but became more concerned as Alice demonstrated her blood magic then mentioned the Prince and Parr were becoming interested in their activity. They finally agreed to leave the following evening. I was glad we could then leave their camper van as it stank worse than the lupines. We returned to tell Astra the news and also told her of the problem with Roxanne and asked if her blood might help. She willingly gave us some to try.

While doing this we received text messages from the Prince. They said "Meet me at the Odel junkyard which is outside Brixton. Urgent". We took an Uber taxi there. When we arived there was a mini parked outside and the padlock on the gate had been cut. Inside we could see three lights moving about. Oddly Alice received a text message from Chun Hei saying "1 min".

We waited and Chun arrived on her bike with Zawadi at the same time Parr arrived in a Mercedes with Bal and Rook. They had also been called to the junkyard by the prince. Chun had been told we were in trouble. Sensing there was something very wrong we started to move away. As we did so, we were opened fire upon by people on top of the junk piles with sniper rifles.

I jumped over the fence and took cover behind the junk before obfuscating. As I moved forward we heard the sounds of motorbikes. Two appeared from behind junk piles though we could hear more. I got to the rearmost sniper, jumping onto the junk pile and tearing him to pieces as Chun and Zawadi attacked the two on bikes. They appeared to be Antigen agents.

We fought and they were all killed, including another two bikers, except for one who surrendered. Parr dominated him and he was interrogated. They had received an anonymous tipoff that high ranking ICOs would be meeting at the scrapyard. His orders had come from somebody called Paul Richards, his strike team leader. He had also been involved in the hit on The Outcast Sector following another tipoff. We got personal details from him including his address and mobile number. Parr then made him believe they had destroyed us and he had been the only survivor. He was instructed to burn the junk yard to destroy evidence after we left.

When we returned to our haven I addressed the sarcophagus and said we needed to talk. I dreamed that night of the great war where we spoke to Roxanne. We told her we had the Salubri blood but she did not know if it would work. She said to try we needed to open the sarcophagus and pour it down her throat. She warned there were always two Salubri, a healer and a hunter. The hunter was apposite to the healer and it is likely they would come after us. The following evening I opened the sarcophagus and poured the blood down her throat. A tendril of corruption snaked out but I avoided it and shut the lid.

We had decided to lay low for a day to see what the prince did. She retired to her haven in Richmond and organised an Elysium which was being held as a masquerade ball. We met with Chun, Parr and the others, and dressed up with masks to attend the prince's party and give her an unpleasant surprise.

Alice made sure I looked respectable so as to not be conspicuous at the party. There were bouncers on the door who appeared to be armed though showing our teeth got us inside. As we entered I saw a couple of flashes on the roof, possibly light reflecting off sniper scopes. Clearly the Prince was expecting trouble. Alice used her abilities to eavesdrop on people, and she heard the Tremere and Malkavian Primogen discussing the fact the Prince had accused us of treachery, though they were doubtful as to whether it was the truth. Other Primogen she eves dropped on thought we might be guilty.

I sensed the nature of some people to gauge their hostility towards us. Rowena, the Sheriff of West London supported the Prince, though Marcus Siley, the Sheriff of south London was more concerned that Gehenna was coming due to the number of thin bloods. Overall it appeared that support was about 50% for the Prince.

Eventually the Prince came out and gave a speech about how we were all traitors and had been conspired with Antigen, and riled up the crowd with her lies. I shouted from the crowd 'how she had killed them'. She did not give a straight answer and eventually invited everyone to the ball. Alice then dominated a ghoul into starting a fire in one of the bedrooms to cause some chaos. Some of the kindred panicked and left when the smoke started spreading but the fire was quickly extinguished.

The Prince invited me into the conservatory to discuss matters. She singled me out as I had challenged her earlier, and had not recognised me in my mask. She offered me the position of Primogen of the Nosferatu and wanted me to eliminate the Tremere Primogen Bainbridge as she said he was no longer useful. I was dismissed and Alice started dominating more mortals to start fires in other parts of the house to ruin the Princes party.

A little while later we heard a loud bang from downstairs. One of the dominated mortals had turned on the gas in the kitchen then started a fire causing an explosion. There was a rush to leave as everyone tried to flee the spreading flames. Alice started spreading rumours that the Prince had betrayed everyone to the kindred near her. When she revealed herself to prove the Prince had lied about killing her, the kindred nearby took up the cry of betrayal. The Prince was put into a silver Mercedes and driven off with two ghouls on motorbikes. The rest of the kindred left were quickly brought to our side when the rest of us revealed ourselves and we then gave chase to the Prince.

As we caught up I opened fire and blew out one of the tyres on the Mercedes. The ghouls on the bikes fired back at us. Zawadi leapt from the back of Chun's bike onto one of the outriders, throwing the ghoul from the bike and taking control of it. I shot the other ghoul in the head, killing him. Alice then killed the driver of the Mercedes with blood magic, causing the car to crash and catch fire. I put several rounds into the fuel tank, causing a blazing inferno which the Prince did not escape from. We quickly vacated the area before the mortals showed up to investigate.