
It was getting very late so we waited outside the bunker until the following evening and Alice used her blood sorcery to reduce my growing hunger slightly. We made our way back up to the underground tracks where we saw the light of flashlights coming towards us. I obfuscated and waited until two Antigen operatives passed, then attacked one, ripping into him and feeding, draining him of blood. The other one turned and opened fire before Alice used her blood magic to drain him. I took some minor wounds but the body I was holding absorbed most of the burst. One of their radios beeped and I answered, hopefully convincing whoever was on the end that they were talking to the antigen operatives. Alice recovered detailed maps of the underground from the bodies.

We returned to the surface eventually, and found a couple who were clearly drunk. I took a quick slurp from the man while Alice distracted the woman. Shortly afterwards we received a text message from Lady Scarlett asking us to meet the prince at 12 Claremont square, Islington. We called an uber taxi to take us there. The house as a town house, the same house as the vision we had when meeting Sri, and I spotted a secret symbol of clan Tremere on the wall nearby. We knocked on the door and the person who answered asked who we were.

Alice was a bit short with him and pushed past. Inside was well decorated and a hive of activity. The prince and Edward Bambridge, the Tremere antigen were there. Another kindred we did not recognise seemed to be berating the prince. The prince introduced us to the woman, who was Justiciar Parr. Parr asked if we thought Queen Anne was worthy of remaining the prince in light of the actions of project Antigen and Alice said we thought so. Parr was concerned about Mithras returning and said Mithras might still be alive. It was thought he had been lured into a trap by Valarius and an unknown another. The Camarilla would prefer Queen Anne who they knew would uphold the masquerade, rather than Mithras, who the Camarilla could not control. Introduced to We were introduced to Edward Bambridge, and Reginald Moore, antigen of clan Brujah who had formed an alliance to deal with project Antigen. They wanted our help and would be in touch. Parr also wanted to know if we were contacted by Mithras.

We returned to our haven and found a note. Kaleb and his coitre had left London. The note said we could contact an Oscar Asanov who could help us leave London. Shortly after we returned, there was a knock on the door. Outside was an Asian woman in a neat suit who introduced herself as Sarah Chi. She said she wanted to talk, but appeared terrified. She said she was an agent for project antigen and had come to deliver a message. She said they had been successful in their fight against ICOs and were willing to offer amnesty to any ICO prepared to be tagged and monitored. We would have to agree to a transponder implanted next to our hearts, a medical test and an assessment of our abilities. We could not leave London but could feed as long as we did not kill anyone.

I decided it would be best to make her my ghoul so she was overpowered and I fed her my vitae, causing her to fall into a trance. Shortly afterwards we felt a summoning to the centre of the city which we somehow knew to be from Mithras. It was very weak however. Mithras may be alive, but clearly he was just a shadow of his former power. It is one thing to worship a god, but entirely something else to prop up someone who has become weak, as Valarius found out to his cost. Alice called Justicar Parr to tell her Mithras had made contact and she asked us to follow the lead. She asked about our loyalty again and suggested that the artefacts we had collected could be used to return him to full power, but using a fake artefact in the ritual could diminish his power further. She said the prince had a copy of the seal.

We agreed to the plan and returned to Islington to collect the fake seal. Chun Hei was there and would join us. She said Gwellian had already left London. We would have to go in alone to meet Mithras and perform the ritual, then signal when the ritual weakened him. We were given a car and told our backup would follow.

We drove to the city centre and found we were being pulled to somewhere underneath Bucklersbury house which we realised was the site of the Mithrarium. Bucklersbury house looked derelict but there were two figures standing at the door, an androgenous man and a fat man wearing goggles. The man with the goggles stepped forward and said his name was Lice. His companion was Calliper and they said they would take us to the Sun.

We were lead through a thick metal door and down stairs into darkness. We descended four flights of stairs to the Mithrarium where a figure was seated on the throne. Sunlight appeared to radiate from him through the figure appeared tired. He looked different to how we remembered Mithras, more like someone from the Caribbean. Roger was standing to the side with another three kindred. Alice thought someone had tried to diabolise Mithras and had been taken over their body.

As Mithras stepped forward and addressed us his eyes turned gold. He said we would rebuild London together. I asked what they had done to him and Mithras said Valarius and De Worde used Pater Tomas as bait and lured him to a wharf used to store gunpowder then set it off. I handed the artefacts to Roger. I then took some photos of Mithras and took the opportunity to check the phone still had a signal.

Mithras adorned all the artefacts and said 'let the ceremony begin'. He did not seem to notice the seal was fake. Roger opened a wrist and bled onto the bowl before using it to anoint the artefacts. Mithras started to glow brighter before suddenly clenching his fists and dropping the seal. I triggered the phone as Mithras grew mad and started accusing us of betraying him. He had realised the seal was a fake. He forced his will on Alice, trying to dominate her but she resisted and he released her. Clearly our belief that Mithras had grown weak was correct.

I had managed to convince him the prince had given us the fake seal when Chun Hei and six other kindred burst into the chamber. I immediately charged Mithras who moved with incredible speed. Roger and the other kindred seemed to hold back. Alice started using her blood magic on Roger which distracted Mithras allowing myself and Chun Hei to land some good blows. Clearly the rumours of love between them was true, another reason not to restore him. Mithras got another blow on Chun Hei, knocking her to the floor and Roger showed himself as a coward by fleeing up the stairs but Alice gave chase, using her blood magic on him and causing him to fall back down the stairs at Alice's feet. She then bent down and tore his head off. This gave me the opening to land a mortal blow on Mithras before also tearing his head from his body. Only Chun Hei and one of the kindred who came with her had survived the fight.

The other kindred were Honey, Manticore and Feral. They were Sabbatt and were with Monticoven, the kindred who had tried to diabolise Mithras. They said they would serve those who had destroyed Mithras. They said the Lupin had taken Mitras's original body, so it is unlikely that still survives. We heard two helicopters start circling above, but Alice found a secret exit through which we left after quickly gathering the artefacts. The Sabbatt kindred asked to be able to stay behind and hold off the Antigen agents. Alice asked Lice to come with us but the others stayed. There were sounds of a lot of automatic gunfire behind us.

The passage lead to the bank of the Thames. I saw three armed figures on a dingy in the river so I obfuscated and slipped into the water then overturned the dingy. They opened fire, hitting me a few times before they drifted away. We returned to our haven to pick up my new ghoul Sarah and some changes of clothes. Sarah was feverish from drinking my blood. We called lady Scarlett and were given a new address in St Johns wood where we were to go so we called for an uber taxi to take us there.

There was a Ventrue symbol outside the house so we went inside. They were pleased with the result and I was told the Nosferatu Zed was trying to get in touch with me. I called him. He wanted to give me information about De Worde and operation Antigen, and wanted to meet at Moorgate underground station in a hour. The prince and Parr had a plan to deal with operation Antigen. They had learned that DI Khane had children called Javaria and Lashkar and their mother took them to a mosque at night. They thought we might ambush and turn them to kindred as leverage.

The prince gave us another car to go to Moorgate. Zed told us De Worde had fled London, leaving his realm in chaos and he thought I might be able to take over. He had heard from De Worde's spies that a tube train had been converted into a mobile lab by project Antogen where the virologist Francis Ward was conducting his experiments. Their Commander was Valorie Deers and they were feeding information to 1st light, the US equivalent of operation Antigen. He had also heard rumours about the Arcanum who were an ancient occult organisation created by mortals who had learned magic to counter supernatural threats such as kindred. His proposition was that he would help out if I took over and give me a series of tube trains to catch in order to announce my presence to other Nosferatu. Marcus Kialy was a high ranking Nosferatu who I should contact.

We then returned to St Johns wood. The prince granted us a new haven in the city but asked us to obtain some documents she had left in a safe in the Shangri-La hotel at the shard.