Eclipse Phase - Iga's Blog
The Players

Iga Inapoi (Derek)

Iga InapoiIga was created as part of an Argonaut project which was researching ways to crew remote facilities with reduced resources. A an AGI in a synthmorph, Iga has no need for sleep, food or oxygen. Iga's existence has been spent as an infomorph or a synthmorph, mostly an arachnoid. Iga has never experienced being sleeved in a biomorph. Since Iga completed early life training, Iga has been working on small research stations and has little experience with crowds. Iga is currently working on the Keplar station as security officer and data analyst.

Iga's muse is called Muse. Muse would appear cold to anyone not used to Muse. Muse does not get emotional. Muse is logical. Everything will be expressed as statements of fact, percentages or degrees of probability. Muse has some understanding of social interactions and the erratic behaviour of wetware and Iga often uses Muse to advise on the behaviour of others.

Professor Cornelius Aronnax (Paul)

Professor Cornelius AronnaxProfessor Cornelius Aronnax is an Uplifted Owl. From an early age he experienced stigma and discrimination that humans continue to show to their Uplifted creations. He clearly possessed a ferocious intelligence, and he began to come to the conclusion that the human genetic modification of animal DNA to “uplift” them to sentience, and supposedly equal human status, was both arrogant and patronising. The answer to overcoming millennia of humans considering themselves above animals was to find ways to mix DNA from humans and animals. Rather than humans condescendingly deciding which species should be Uplifted or not, the evolution of all species - including humans - requires mixing DNA to create something new and better. His views are controversial and he has had the sense to be careful, and as a result has crafted a very successfully career as a well-regarded Geneticist. This has opened many doors for him which in turn has allowed him to pursue his goals. Recently he was offered a substantial amount of money by a shady criminal organisation to supply them with information about the company he was working for at the time. Professor Aronnax refused to compromise his principals and as a result seems to have earned the enmity of c-Rep. Partly as a result of this, and partly as a result of the research opportunities offered, he joined the crew of the Kelper.

Nova Epsilon Scorpii (Dave)

Nova Epsilon ScorpiiNova Epsilon Scorpii (we are named after the closest star at birth) has been round the outer rim and back. Born into a group of free traders, plying their skills where they are needed. Mining valuable asteroids, transporting cargo, exploring the outer reaches of the galaxy for scientist. Sometimes its not what the local government think is “legal” … but what is legal anyway. Whatever lets them live just outside the rule of some self elected government and their petty restricted rules. Traid is king … long live the KING! LOL

It’s not a quiet life and who would want that. She has taken over the lion's share of the trading. People instantly like her and she fits in well with everybody.. Unless they try to cheat her out of a “fair deal”. She seeks adventure and fame. Reputation is everything. But Nova has been doing this long enough for others … she wants her own crew… to forge her own path in the galaxy. Her own ship!

We have just finished mining an asteroid of its metals and other precious materials and have come to Kelper to trade in this and other goods that we have on board.

Ketrah (Stuart)

KetrahKetrah is an ex-Hypercorp Merc and a cook/Medic aboard the Kelper research station

Lukas Von Skywalker (Warren)

Lukas Von SkywalkerThe inner system is a nice place to live, but it has its share of inequalities. Someone has to provide the goods and services that the poor and clanking masses need, and Luke is more than willing to meet their needs, and make some profit while he is at it. Luke works as an exchange point between the hackers, smugglers, and criminal cartels on one side and everyone who needs or craves the restricted and illegal on the other. Luke aims to keep a step ahead of the law, providing what he sees as an essential role in society despite the official rules and restrictions that enhances profit margins.

Other resources

I created an editable pdf character sheet for muses. Playing each others muses can be fun and takes some workload off the GM. This sheet is intended to put all the information about a muse in one place.