Iga's Blog - Earth

We were called in to Prof Mings office. He had a holographic display of a blue / green planet on his desk which we recognised as the planet Earth pre fall. He pressed a button and it changed to how the planet is today, desolate and surrounded by debris. Ming said unusual transmissions had been picked up from earth and he believed it originated from some transhuman survivors. There had also been chatter from Titan servitors nearby. The transmissions were from what used to be Ho Chi Minh city in Vietnam in the area of the only serviceable space elevator.

Our mission was to locate any survivors and find out what the servitors were up to. A new operative called Bob was assigned to the team as Ketrah had been assigned to work in the TAU canteen. We were assigned a spaceship to get to the top of the elevator. As we approached Earth, Bob fired the ships lasers to vaporise some debris that Nova was about to crash into. That drew the attention of some killer satellites as we detected two contacts approaching fast. Nova manoeuvred inside a derelict habitat as the killer satellites started homing in. The ship was shut down and I Went offline for a while to eliminate our energy signatures.

ElevatorWhen the satellites moved away we headed towards the elevator. Bob grabbed controls as Nova was about to hit more debris and steered us clear. After avoiding the debris, Bob handed back the controls to Nova who promptly crashed into the elevator. She finally docked but the airlock had taken damage in the impact and had to be cut open. There was a body floating in the elevator terminal. Their stack had already been removed. There were other bodies in the same condition.

The elevator was unpowered so I cut open the door to the generator room. Inside was a servitor that attacked as the door opened. It fired and we fired back, destroying it. I repaired the reactor after having to deal with a power surge. As it came online the gravity and other systems started working. While I was repairing the generator the others serched the elevtor terminal and the prof found a cortical sack. Bob plugged it in to the equipment in the medbay and created an infomorph. The stack belonged to Francis Jay. She initially spoke in Vietnamese but switched to English. The last she remembered was being under attack by Titan Malek when the servitors went crazy and the power was cut. She wanted to help so was resleeved into a morph found in storage in the medbay.

The lift was empty when it arrived. It took two hours to descend to the ground. Around the base of the elevator the floor was covered in skeletons, all headless. 12 dragonfly like servitors with rotating saws flew down from above and attacked. I also detected a nano swarm approaching. The dragonfly servitors were killed after a brief fight. The prof dropped an overload grenade on the nanoswarm, disrupting it. I fired at the disabled nano swarm with my plasma rifle then ran to door. The door was locked so I used the plasma rifle to open it, then fired several more shots to ensure the nano swarm was destroyed.

Ho Chi MinhWe went outside and got a fix on the transmission. We had to take cover on the way there when we encountered a large flying vehicle. It flew off after a few minutes. The transmission came from a device attached to a wall on the inside of a ruined tower block. It appeared to be an old transhuman transmitter. It sent me a small packet of data. It was encrypted but I decrypted it and found it to be coordinates in the jungle about 15km North West.

As we headed out of the city we picked up ten airborne contacts heading towards us. I ran to the cover of the jungle and the prof flew there, but Nova and Bob were slower and did not make the cover before we were attacked. They were destroyed after a protracted fight but Bob was badly wounded and died while Nova was trying to save him. His stack was popped and put into Novas ghostrider module.

We continued into the jungle towards the coordinates. After a short while we saw some green flashes then saw three humanoid figures in the jungle. They approached with their hands raised. They said they were survivors of the fall and had been hiding out in the city. They were acting slightly strangely and when I examined them closely I saw they had no pores. They asked for food but would not eat anything they were given, saying they were not hungry.

The prof shot one with his particle bolter. He appeared to ripple like water where the shot hit and the shot just passed through him. Nova opened fire as well with minor effect. In a flash of light the three figures turned into what looked like massive snot bubbles. One engulfed Francis. I hit one with my plasma rifle. The shot did affect it but not by much so we fled. They did not follow.

When we got to the coordinates we heard a voice telling us to stop. It demanded the data I got from the transmitter and became more friendly when I transmitted it. We were given coordinates to the hidden entrance of their base. They were organising a resistance to the remaining Titan servitors on earth. Their leader was called Dao Gia Canh and they provided Bob with a replacement morph. Dao said there had been increased servitor activity recently near the Haut Dong Nai volcanic fields.

We stayed with them for six days while Nova recovered from her wounds and Bob recovered from the stress he had suffered from his death and resleeving. Dao, his son Uk and his wife Hoang volunteered to travel with us to investigate the volcanic fields. There were about sixty of them in total. We certainly could not fit them all in our small ship when we left, but I suggested we could take them all as stacks, an idea they would consider.

Haut Dong NaiThey had an old ground vehicle which Nova drove to the volcanic fields without hitting anything. The servitor transmissions originated from Kalis, the largest volcano in the area. There was a recently constructed entrance into the volcano. There was several servitors to be seen, though they had blue lights, the servitors in the city had red lights.

We watched for about an hour when two humanoid figures in Fury and Olympian morphs emerged from the entrance. They had a brief conversation then the Olympian went back inside leaving the Fury guarding the entrance with several servitors. The prof went flying to scout round the area. He saw the Fury had a large metallic green/blue R on shoulder pad. Socio political movement called the reclaimers. Their aim was the reclamation of Earth as humanities primary habitat.

Near the peek the prof saw what looked like a shaft that had been excavated into the volcano before returning. Nova and the prof volunteered to go and talk to the Fury while Bob and myself provided cover.

The conversation was short. The reclaimers did not trust us and told us to go away. Nova was able to steal a quantum computer they had left lying about. I hacked into it. It was owned by Thang Tong, a reclaimer lieutenant assigned to Earth. Tan Hu Chen was the leader of their expedition. Their assignment was to reactivate a Titan called Malac. They had acquired pre fall security codes they believed would control the titan. The computer also had schematics of their base and showed Malac was buried deep in the volcano. There were 12 people in total and they had six servitors under their control.

We decided to leave them to it and returned to the resistance base. About half the resistance had decided to return with us, including Dao's wife and child. The stacks were removed of the people that would return with us. As we reached the edge of the city we were spotted by a hunter-killer servitor. It fired at the two scouts the resistance had sent with us, badly injuring them both before Bob and Nova shot it down with their sniper rifles.

We continued into the city but were spotted by another hunter-killer and two headhunter servitors. Bob stopped to shoot at the headhunter as the rest of us fled, drawing the headhunters away. The hunter-killer fired several shots at Bob but missed him. He was far more accurate and shot it down, followed by the two headhunters.

We made it back to the elevator and returned to our ship. After Nova managedto not hit any debris we left Earths orbit and returned to Titan.