Iga's Blog - Eris

Lady Exobyte reported that the Argonauts had requested help. The survey ship Palomeno was on way to Eris, a planetoid on outer rim on project Edgar, which was attempting to create an Exoplanet directory and Gate address register. Contact with the Palomero was lost when it reached Eris. Eris was littered with the remains of several major battles and was controlled by a Japanese hyper corp called Go-nin. A Pandora gate discovered on Eris recently which is what the Palomero was going to investigate. Kowashina Sanetomo was the commander of Eris. There was a single base there called Torol, and no other settlements were allowed. Therew was also a Space station and an uninhabited moon called Disnomia. Go-nin employ soldiers called ultimate mercenaries. Arangements were made to travel to Eris from Mars by antimatter courier.

When we arrived at Eris we were given permission to land at Torol base, on platform 3. We were scanned for weapons on arrival then taken to Commander Sanetomo. He had heard of the Palomeno incident and asked for our help in return for information. The Palomeno landed and sent a team to examine the gate. Contact with the team was lost, then an automated distress signal was received from The Palomeno. There had been no contact since. A squad was sent to investigate but contact was lost with them. Contact was then lost with a Go-nin destroyer Numokasi which started jamming and left orbit. The Palomeno distress signal then stopped.

Three Go-nin ultimate mercs were assigned to help us. We took a shuttle to where the Palomeno had landed. Nova insisted as piloting it manually as usual and managed to crash it as she landed. I picked up the Palomeno about 100 metres away using lidar. We found a dog tag from the squad that had been sent to investigate outside the Palomeno. I hacked into the door to unlock it and two of the mercs went inside to secure the area. I made contact with the ships AI. It was called Bernie and said the crew had left to investigate a gap in the nearby ice cliff about 112 hours ago. It knew nothing about the mercs that had been sent and was not monitoring outside the ship.


We found a crate near the ship labelled X23 smart mines. One of the mercs opened it, and found it to be empty. We scanned the area and found them deployed in front of three entrances into the cliff. I hacked and disarmed them. There was some crates scattered around outside the entrances. They appeared to have held scientific equipment, one was possibly a quantum computer, and were marked as belonging to the Argonauts.

We made our way to the centre entrance. There was a door with the words Cognite corporation written on the outside. The Cognite corporation were involved in research in biogenics and involved in the creation of the lost generation. I unlocked the door and we entered. The room we found ourselves in looked like a brokerage for morphs. Two morphs were in storage. Beyond was another room with a healing vat. Movement was heard in another room to our left. The Professor knocked and the door opened. Beyond were three mercs with milky white eyes. They Raised their weapons as Nova opened fire at them.

They were killed after a brief exchange of fire though Nova was hit as well. The Professor examined the bodies and found the white eyes had been caused by an increased level of serotonin. As Nova was badly wounded I extracted her stack and popped her into one of the morphs we had found. Nova found the morph had extensive implants. She activated them against the Professors warning causing her muse to be overloaded and reboot. After her Muse recovered it reported she had been infected with the Wattsmcloud virus which was considered benign and used to activate psionic abilities in morphs.

Lucas hacked into the computer in the med bay and retrieved a recording of recent activities. 21 people left the base and took off in a shuttle about the time the destroyer went missing. they were designated test subjects for the Futura project. Prior to that 7 non authorised personnel were taken to the habitat area. The other three mercs were seen on security cameras in the command centre and also had white eyes, as did the Argonauts who are the ones locked in the habitat area. The base was run by the Cognite corporation and had been shut down on the orders of a Dr Amelia Shepherd before the fall. It seems likely the Argonauts woke the test subjects who then overpowered them, and based on the implants Nova found in her new morph they probably have psychic abilities.

Grenades were thrown into the command centre, killing the occupants. We took the Argonaut crew who were unresponsive, and returned to Torol where we made some investigations. The only habitat in the direction the destroyer took was Cold station 12, run by the Argonauts. Amelia Shepherd was reassigned to a middle management position in Cognite after returning, suggesting she had fallen out of favour.

The Professor found Cold station 12 is a medical research station in the field of Titan nano viruses and there were several stored at the facility. It had 3 administrators, 16 researchers and 8 support staff stationed there. Recordings we took from the Cognite corporation base told us it had been there for several years before being closed down. trying to dramatically accelerate growth process to make morphs. conducting experiments in psi including mind control. The Futura morphs we found there were designed to enhance psi abilities. The facility was shut down on the orders of the CEO. Amelia Shepherd was ordered to terminate the test subjects but chose to put them in cold storage instead.

We were given use of a Vanguard class assault ship by Sanetomo to pursue the destroyer. It took about 12 hours to get to the vicinity of Cold station 12 where we picked up an automated distress signal. It came from someone called Sophie Robinson in a vac suit adrift in space. She was one of the crew from Cold station 12. After some difficulties she was recovered but she was in a coma so she was put into quarantine where Ketrah treated her until she regained consciousness. Ketrah identified some foreign bodies in her blood stream.

We arrived at the station and docked. The station was unpowered. The reactor was damaged and I started repairing it as the others explored. While exploring they detected an increasing concentration of nano bots in the air. As they investigated they were attacked by a large group of people. They were the stations inhabitants who were armed with a variety of improvised weapons and were dispatched fairly quickly.

After an hour I got the reactor online and power returned to the station. I met the others in the ops centre. I reconnected the AI who turned out to be an infomorph called Dr Jeremy Lucas. He said the station was taken over by a group lead by someone called Malek, and the group called themselves the lost. They controlled the crew without touching them. They released several nano viruses on the crew after taking samples. He overheard Malek talking to another of the group called Peres. He had a grudge against all trans humanity and intended to wipe everyone out. He intended to go to closest habitat, the Aurora star station, and infect them with the Titan viruses. Cold station 12 was contaminated with the viruses released and Jeremy said he intended to self destruct the station. Ketrah admitted she was suffering some symptoms of a nuropath nanovirus.

When we returned to the ship the woman in quarantine was clearly affected by one of the viruses so she was killed and left on the station. We headed towards Aurora leaving Jeremy to destroy the station.

All of this was from a message I transmitted back to Firewall to report our progress as we left the station. No further contact was received from the ship and another mission Firewall sent to determine our fate found the debris from two spaceships between the Aurora star station and where Cold station 12 should have been, the wreckage was from a Go-nin destroyer and assault ship. There was even less of Cold station 12 left than of the spaceships, just a rapidly expanding cloud of gas and small fragments. The teams egos were restored from backups.