Iga's Blog - Sanetomos token and Oberon

We received an invite to an invite to a simulspace meeting with Commander Sanetomo of the Go-nin. It was created in the style of the interior of an oriental house. A lady in a komono was performing a tea ceremony. After a short while the professor complained things were taking too long. Commander Sanetomo changed the simulspace into his office. He told us he was being nominated for a company totem. He could invite guests and wanted us to attend. It would take place on Tsukomo which is in lunar orbit.

We took a shuttle to Tsukomo. It was run by the lunar Lagrange alliance. The ceremony took place in the conference room that afternoon. Most of the guests were dressed in feudal Japanese costumes. The ceremony was in Japanese and dragged on for a long time. When asked if anyone knew why he should not become totem, a woman stood up and said she had proof he was unsuitable due to a grave dishonour perpetrated by his father. She had a video taken in a place called Tokyo on pre fall Earth. It showed Sanetomos father transmitting codes to the Titan Kuiju in orbit, who went on to destroy much of Japan by subverting the defence grid. The ceremony was suspended while further investigation took place. The accuser was commander Kuno Kitt. She was a young, up and coming, ruthless, and in charge of the gate crashing expeditions on Eris.

I got her background from the mesh. She rose quickly to the rank of commander and there was little about being involved in any social activities. She was looking into setting up colonies on exoplanets. Sanetomo invited us to a simulspace meeting where he told us he had remembered his father had a housemaid Akagi Hako and believed she lives aboard a habitat in the vulcanoids which are between mercury and the sun. We also received a message from Kuno Kitt asking to meet her in her residence.

We went to meet her. She lived in a replica of a feudal Japanese palace. She said she would be the frontrunner for the position of totem if Sanetomo did not get the job and would reward is if we stood aside. The prof and Nova were keen to stand aside. Nova was upset for getting a grilling over destroying the Go-nin Assault ship and seemed to be looking for an excuse to get back at Sanetomo and Lucas thought doing nothing for reward was better than making an effort so I took the blueprints, warned Sanetomo we would not help and then we returned to Titan.

Ming reported to us that a probe around Uranus had picked up automated distress beacon from mining station P06 on the moon Oberon. No voice or visual communication with the station could be established. The station had 12 miners and the local administrator was Charl Oeus, an independent miner. They were mining heavy elements, mostly platinum. There were 5 other mining stations on Oberon. Ming said there was Titan activity in the vicinity pre fall and we were asked to investigate.

It took 5 days to fly to Oberon. I spent the time analysing Kuno Kitts video but found nothing suspicious about it. There was only static when Nova tried to contact the station, but I detected an underlying signal which sounded like some form of jamming. I analysed it and determined it was coming from under the surface at station P06.

We headed to the station. There were several vehicles moving outside and Nova almost hit one as she landed. She did not land close to the entrance and it was a struggle to cross to the airlock. Inside was a large number of servitor and repair bots. They appeared to be destroying everything and using the remains to make other objects. Nova was convinced they were making weapons and shot one of the servitor robots. The others immediately stopped then started advancing on us.

Ketrah stood her ground as the rest of us backed into the airlock. She destroyed the first after it fired a tiny projectile at her. The others then stopped advancing and returned to their previous activities. She found the projectile which appeared to be a hybrid of bio and nano technology and was either Titan or exo tech.

As the servitors now seemed to be ignoring us we searched the offices then took the industrial lift down to the mining levels. At the bottom I heard footsteps in the distance. Nova ran off towards the sounds and shouted at 12 individuals who were carrying materials further into the mine. One turned and started talking, saying the servitors had gone crazy and started attacking everyone. She gave a story about making a reverse polarity generator to cut through the static. We then spoke to Charl who said they were making an anti neutrino transmitter.

They kept asking us to leave, claiming the area was unsafe. Charl eventually pulled a pistol and threatened to kill Nova if we did not leave. Ketrah stabbed him. He took a gaping wound but seemed otherwise unaffected and there was no blood. The wound healed immediately the blade was pulled clear. Nova opened fire on full auto with her shard pistol with little affect. Ketrah then decapitated him. His head stared upwards but continued blinking.

PylonI fired my plasma rifle, hitting two and setting them on fire. We then ran past them and down a corridor into a large cavern. In the middle was a black and silver pylon with a vaguely humanoid head and writhing tendrils. There were two mining vehicles and it looked like the thing was constructing another vehicle out of parts. The vehicles accelerated towards us. Nova tried to jump on one of the vehicles but failed though we avoided being hit by them. I fired the plasma rifle at the pylon which lashed out at us with the tendrils. Nova jumped on one of the vehicles on the second try and I followed her. The other vehicle tried ramming us as Nova tried to take control of it. The vehicles collided and I was thrown clear. A tendril lashed out at me but struck one of the miners. I fired at the pylon again, the plasma turning it white hot while Nova sprayed ineffectively at the miners.

The miners attacked and I covered the pylon with plasma again. We retreated to the lift and the miners followed. Nova pressed the up button but three of the miners got inside. She grappled with one and half pushed it out of the lift and it was cut in half as the lift ascended. As the lift reached the floor above, Nova shot one in the head and it collapsed to the ground but it continued to move. I drilled the other between the eyes, but also hit Nova who started complaining about being hurt. Like her record of not hitting the rest of us is so good....

Something called the lift up. We looked over the edge and one of the miners below shot and disabled me. Nova dragged me back. Ketrah picked up the plasma rifle and shot the miner with the pistol. Ketrah then shot the last miner in the head as the lift started descending again. Inside were four servitors. They were destroyed after some fighting, but the lift ascended again. Nova and Ketrah jumped down. Ketrah fired the plasma rifle at the pylon again, and it started to melt, causing the head to fall off. She then fired the last plasma round into the head, destroying it. We then reported back to Ming and headed back towards Titan.