What the future holds

It has been 30 years since our last mission. I am now in charge of the research station on Pluto. Harkin is now Director of Neptune, Rodregiz is Director of Triton and John is Colonel in charge of the UN Military Academy on Luna. We all received invitations from ex director Gregorious to attend a party. He announced he has dying of a rare degenerative disease and wanted have one last celebration.

We all travelled back to Trinity HQ to attend the party. Gregorious was in a wheel chair, he looked very frail.

As we were sitting down to eat, I started getting some strange readings. I tried to send what I was detecting to my lab on Pluto, but found communication was almost completely blocked by static. My sensors were detecting some form of sub quantum energy flux and tachion particles. Tachion particles were theoretical, and to my knowledge, never actually detected before.

We evacuated the room and observed from the doorway. Suddenly a strange portal opened and a human came through. Behind him we could see 6 coalition aliens pursuing. When they came through the portal we killed them and the portal closed.

The individual who had come through the portal was an 82 year old version of Rodregiz. As if one of him was not enough. He said he had come from 30 years into the future. Aberrants had taken over the Earth lead by Devus Mann, the most powerful aberrant. The aberrants had attacked with a coalition Arc ship and destroyed everything using half aberrant / coalition hybrid troops. Devus had betrayed the coalition and taken over their breeding program to make the hybrids.

The older Rodregiz said that it had occurred 30 years in his past, only a few days away from the present time.

The older Rodregiz had formulated a plan to save Earth. He thought it was a good idea to take us into the future and use some coalition technology to merge us into a single entity which would then return to the present time to fight and defeat Devus. He also said there would be no way to unmerge afterwards.

Myself and Haken thought his plan was crazy. Jumping back and forth in time and relying on alien technology to turn us into a super entity, not least that we would be forced to spend the rest of our lives merged with Rodregiz.

The Rodregiz'es and John went to try to implement his plan. Haken and myself commandeered the leviathon jump ships currently in Earth orbit, and arranged for as many psions as possible to leave before the aberrants arrived, so we could regroup and continue the fight while the aberrnats were busy with the 'normals'. We jumped to the Orion Nebula and planned to contact the Qin before making our next move.