Chasing aberrants

We were relaxing at Trinity HQ in Chicago when we received a priority 1 alert. Abberants had attacked the Monterey clinic in Switzerland and stolen the promethius chamber. We flew to Switzerland and met with Zeuelder. 7 aberrants came through a warp gate. One was huge and tore the promethius engine free. They killed the black guard assigned to protect it and left.

We were told only 6 people knew the exact location of the promethius chamber. Apart from the proxy Matthew Zeuelder, the head of black company Admiral Gluck and Jacob Nius, the only other three were Dr Roland Stroltfus, August Delamont and Dr Karen Detrik.

While we were in Zeuelders office someone tried to poison us with coffee laced with cyanide. We traced the individual who had delivered the coffee on security recordings. They went to the kitchen, collected the coffee, and then could be seen putting something in it on the way to Zeuelders office. Afterwards they went to the organ bank and did not appear on any security camera again.

We went to the organ bank to investigate. An access pass belonging to someone called 'Rowan' was used fo0r the poisoner to enter the organ bank. Inside we found Rowans unconscious body. He did not look like the poisoner. I found system code running which was deleting double entries in the security logs. It had been written by Admiral Gluck and had been running for a month.

When examined, Rowans medical readings showed some aberrant taint, so we shot and killed it. When we did so the body crumbled to dust. We investigated Rowans background further. He had been demoted for making mistakes and had spent the last 5 years working in the organ bank. He lived in the local town, was not married and had no children.

We confronted Gluck in her office about the compromised security system. She denied any knowledge so we summoned the head of computer security. When he confirmed Gluck had planted the code Gluck drew a gun and we shot her dead. As she died her body also crumbled to dust.

We set up blood testing to try to find other aberrants. We quickly caught one. It boasted about 'new allies', thought humans were inferior and said aberrants intended to return to earth. The promethius chamber had been taken to their home planet Khantze Luge in the Alpha Centurii system. He said he was legion, who owere copies, or facets of an aberrant. The real bodies of people were in the organ bank. We found them there, still alive. Delamont was the only individual who knew the location of the promethius chamber and had not been copied by the aberrant. Knowing everyone who was copied allowed us to hunt and destroy the remaining aberrant facets.

We were given an armed cargo ship for the trip to Alpha Centurii. When we jumped there we were attacked by two small ships which we destroyed. Our sensors picked up two clusters of power sources, and we traced taint to the northern continent so we landed there.

We took our transporter towards the energy source and found the crash site of Endeavour, the first leviathon jump ship which had vanished 50 years ago. We could see figures on the surface guarding the remains of the ship and piles of debris.

We stealthily approached on foot and killed two of the individuals guarding an airlock. Inside we found a computer room. In the computer room was a human called Arkin. He said 'they' let him look after the ancillary computer core.

I hacked in and found information about an alien race called the coalition who were helping aberrants with biotech. They were trying to fix the promethius chamber and human trials would begin soon. The promethius chamber was on the flight deck under heavy guard.

I uploaded a virus to slowly destroy the system, and made it look like it had never been breached. 3 aberrants came from further inside the ship, and 5 humans from outside. After we had eliminated the threat we advanced further into the ship. There was an automated weapons turret guarding the interior. I disabled it then reprogrammed it to defend us.

When we entered the bridge we found 3 aberrants, including a six armed monster called Kali, as well as two aliens. With the help of the turret we eliminated them all, though not without receiving injuries ourselves.

John then melted through the ships bulkhead with his psionic powers so we could escape with the promethius chamber. Outside we found an alien space ship. We killed the guard outside and took it over, intimidating the alien pilot. We took the ship to rendezvous with ours in orbit, and joined them together so we could jump them both back to Earth. We received commendations for not only retrieving the promethius chamber but capturing the alien and its space ship.