Lost biorgs

For our next mission we were tasked to locate and either recover or destroy six biorgs which had been found to be missing when the data recovered from the Wang-Marr project was scrutinised. A cargo transport with biorg tech had failed to arrive at Honduras 6 months ago. There were separate reports of a crash near the shanty town Tupak 50 miles from Honduras. The manifests of the transport listed six MK2 biorg prototypes.

We flew to the crash site and searched the area. Within the wreckage we found a dead biorg and a broken minicomp. While we were searching, 3 trucks containing 12 people approached. We heard them being ordered to kill anyone they found, so we returned the compliment, killing 9 of them and capturing the remaining 3. They were not forthcoming with answers to our questions but we did discover they came from a compound a few miles away.

I was able to repair the minicomp. From it I learned the original mi9ssion was to take the biorgs from Luna to a secure location in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduas.

We went to the compound, attacked and destroyed it from the air. In the basement we found and released a group of local scientists who were being held prisoner. They told us they had been forced to work on the biorgs which had recently been taken to Tegucigalpa. They had fitted the biorgs with remote control devices.

Tegucigalpa has only one airport large enough to handle the military transport they had used, Tonconti international airport. Rodregiz called the head of the airport, Louis Monzo. I am not sure what Rodregiz planned, but what he succeeded in doing was annoying him.

We drove to the city in a couple of jeeps we liberated from the compound, and set up base in the apartment of one of the scientists we had rescued. I did some hacking and found 5 nuclear power supplies had been shipped to hanger 5F in the airport. Such power supplies would be required to charge the biorgs.

5F was a military hanger near the centre of the airport. Using stealth we broke in, killing the guards we found inside. The 5 biorgs were inside the hanger along with 2 fighter craft. We wired 3 of the biorgs with explosives and loaded the remaining two into the fighters. I flew the fighters out with Rodregiz. John waited behind and detonated the explosives when we were clear before making his own escape. We flew back to Chicago to deliver the biorgs to Trinity.