Into the Everglades

Blizzard and myself were given an apartment. The summer court gave me an identity of Sean Murphy and arranged for work as a cage fighter. Blizzard was given work at the museum. Scarecrow got a dormitory at the university where the Autumn court got him work. Kyte remained in the homeless shelter. We settled into our new lives for a few days before receiving a sellfon call from Kyte who wanted us to meet him. He wanted to go to a nightclub called Jupiter Joes. There was a changeling on the door who let us in.

Kyte met with Maria, Queen of the winter court. She seemed more interested in dancing than anything else. After half an hour Blizzard got bored and went home. The rest of us went to a private room with Maria and several girls where we had a good time. Kyte got sworn in as a member of the spring court.

The following afternoon John called us to arrange a meeting with him in the evening. We all met at Freedom tower. Scarecrow was late. He seemed to think we were going to pick him up. I am not sure how as none of us have one of those car carriages. John wanted us to go to the Everglades to investigate reports of missing people. He thought the spring court might be involved.

John told us that we should by 'walkie talkies' as our sellfons might not work in the Everglades. Apparently even though Blizzard is standing next to me, his sellfon talks to something in outer space which then talks to my sellfon, rather than just talking directly to my sellfon, and this thing in outer space cannot see in the Everglades. Ember would drive us there.

We went to the mall to buy camping equipment and walkie talkies. While we were walking round I noticed Scarecrow and Kyte had the letter T bruised into their foreheads. Scarecrow and Kyte claimed someone with a red umbrella was watching them, but there was no one there. They went walking off towards this imaginary person. Scarecrow claimed he spoke to this person and they were a fay, but he did not speak to anyone, and I was watching him the whole time. Ember thought they had been daydreaming and might have been caused by them taking psychedelic drugs.

We drove to a motel in the Everglades where we stayed the night. Scarecrow and Kyte went hunting for goblin fruits in the hedge.

In the morning we went to the nearby diner for breakfast. There were several men with rifles having breakfast. They were going to hunt giant snakes. They said their heads were worth 100 dollars each. As the disappearances were somewhere called West Boward County, and there were rumours of a head being found there, we headed West towards where we were told it was. Scarecrow and Kyte claimed to have had a strange dream during the night where they had the letter T stamped on their foreheads.

On the way Kyte suddenly grabbed the steering wheel and screamed watch out. He was claiming there was someone in the road, but no one else saw anyone. When we got to West Boward County Kyte went to the pub with Ember and the rest of us went to find the sheriff. The sheriff knew about the disappearances and marked on our map where we should avoid. We then found Kyte and Ember in the pub. We got Ember to drive us to one of the areas marked on our map.

I saw a snake and shot it. Blizzard detected some supernatural occurrence had occurred near the bank of a river. Kyte and myself found footprints and deer tracks. It looked like the deer tracks had turned into the footprints. We followed the tracks across a ford and down a dirt track to a rundown farmhouse. I went to the front door with Kyte, the others went round the back. As Kyte opened the door he was hit by a shotgun blast. We also heard a second blast coming from the rear of the house. I looked round the door and saw Kyte had tripped a trap and there was no one in the room.

One room turned out to be an entrance to the hedge. Another had the remains of human bodies hanging from hooks. There was also a shrine with images drawn in crayon deifying the true Fay. There was some noise from upstairs then Blizzard got shot by some changeling coming down the stairs. After some exchanges of gunfire we killed them all.

Upstairs we found another gateway into the hedge. Scarecrow continued searching the house while the rest of us went through to investigate a hut we could see. When Scarecrow finished his search he followed us.

Sounds from the hut suggested people were inside. We also heard the sound of a horse approaching but it still sounded a few minutes away. I smashed down the door. Inside was some bound figures huddled in a corner, and a changeling. The changeling fired a shotgun at Scarecrow, seriously wounding him. I charged and stabbed him with my knife. Blizzard then hit him with a burst from his M16, killing him.

Scarecrow was unconscious. I patched his wounds before carrying him back to the gateway out of the hedge. Blizzard freed the captives and took them back. Behind us was a fay on horseback with three hounds. We fled back to the mortal realm. The horseman did not follow. We got back to the car and Ember drove us back to the freedom tower where I tended every ones wounds for the next two days until they were fully healed.

Blizzards Journal

ENTRY SIX: January 10th, 2010

Having now met or received information about the other Courts in Miami, I can say with absolutely confidence that I have joined the right Court. Kyte's vacuous debaucheries with Maria Root, leader of the Spring Court, clearly demonstrate the vapid nature of that Court. They seek nothing but empty pleasures, and do nothing for the betterment of the Lost. Indeed, as we discovered afterwards, Maria's actions in administering drugs to the rest of my motley was actually detrimental to our kind as drugs make us more visible to the Gentry. Quite way any Lost would willingly allow another Lost to take such drugs is beyond my understanding. Grandfather Thunder is right to keep a firm grip on the Spring Court. It still staggers me to think that Kyte has willingly joined this Court, and has accepted the criminal work that Maria offered. I'm glad I don't know the details of this work, and I hope to never find out.

The Autumn Court seems to be happy to wallow in self-pity, to the point that it is paralysed by inactivity. They are delusional if they believe that the threat posed to us and Mortals by the Gentry is going to go away just because they try to ignore it. Unfortunately such weak-willed individuals are drawn together, and Scarecrow is as weak-willed as they come. Having heard him recount the story of our run in with the shopkeeper in the Hedge he makes no mention of himself being the first to succumb to the shopkeeper's obvious trap, and instead tells the story as if Tweeny was the only one tricked. The gall! And I have found myself in conversation with other members of the Autumn Court who believe we are Scarecrow's bodyguards, as this is what he has informed them, and not equal members of a motley. The barefaced cheek! Where the Summer Court would have been able to shake him from his delusions I suspect the Autumn Court will merely reinforce them. I am now regretting my decision not to join John St.Elmo's motley, and I am hoping that he will reconsider and allow me to join. If this were to happen I would try to persuade him to take Tweeny as well. As far as I can tell Kyte and Scarecrow are already doomed. I suppose I should just be glad that neither of them joined the Winter Court. From comments made by Maria and John St.Elmo it seems clear that the Winter Court are little more than drug runners, using their power as Lost to prey on Mortals. They are no better than the Gentry in my opinion.

ENTRY SEVEN: January 11th, 2010

Just when I think I am starting to get to grips with this strange world of the 21st century I seem to uncover some new technological marvel that leaves me reeling. I was proud of my interaction with Jed and his fellow hunters at the cafe; I was able to understand most of what they said and to participate in their conversation without appearing too alien. Or at least these were my impressions, and they seemed to react favourably towards us. But just as that happens we meet the Sheriff who, with nonchalant ease, demonstrates that our telephonic devices are not only capable of capturing photographs in actual colour without the assistance of any magnesium flash, but that they are able to capture and display moving images. A permanent record of the world as it occurs is available on our telephonic devices - this is absolutely outstanding! And this technology is available to every single Mortal! It is staggering to comprehend that such marvels are readily available. The applications of this technology for our investigations are legion. But as much as this revelation left me reeling, again I find comfort in the fact that the technological marvels of this world must be mastered in order to be fully deployed in our fight against the Gentry. And again, I find myself hoping that I am up to the task of mastering such technology.

The ongoing antics of my motley only further my desire to join the motely of John St. Elmo, or any other motely for that matter. In just one day I had to endure Kyte grabbing the steering device of Flickering Ember's horseless carriage because of a hallucination, no doubt induced by the drugs provided to him by his foolish Court, and risking all of our lives as the carriages in this world travel at incredible speeds; Tweeny alerting all and sundry to our presence with his avarice driven instance on blasting snakes with his hand cannon, an act I attribute as being directly responsible for the shotgun traps Kyte and I endured at the deserted farmhouse; Scarecrow living up to his name and reputation during our tussle with the rogue Changelings. I am finding it hard enough to adapt to this world without the added hindrance of the ineptitude and various (and varied) character defects on my colleagues. After Tweeny's tomfoolery I am even abandoning my plans to try and get him accepted in John St.Elmo's motley. For my own safety I need to surround myself with Lost better suited to help me in this new world.