120 years and into Miami

It is hard to describe what followed mine and Blimps return to London. During the night I dreamt that the lady Helen came to me while I slept and dragged me from my bed. But it cannot be a dream, unless I am dreaming still. I remember little that followed, but it feels like an eternity has passed. The place I was in could not be real, or at least not in the real world. It was called Arcadia, the land of the Fay. The people there were not human, though many had once been. This place changed everyone who stayed. For some, the changes were extreme and deliberate. The lady Helen had many servants, and she changed them to suit the tasks she wished them to perform. I was luckier than many, my medical skills and experiences with the brothers of the skin meant I had the job of changing others. Although this place has twisted my body, I have not been subjected to the more extreme changes the lady Helen ordered on others.

Although Blimp, Julian and Fred were also brought to this place, we were separated and it was not until chance brought us back together again that we formed a plan to escape this place. Blimp now called himself Colonel Blizzard, and appeared to be made more of ice than flesh and blood. Fred was now calling himself Kyte, and seemed part bird. Julian had took the name scarecrow, and seemed less changed than the others though he seemed to have gained a liking for shadows.

Finally the opportunity had arrived. Our mistress had left on business and we had an opportunity to flee. We fled from her domain into the hedge, a strange wilderness that lay between Arcadia and the real world. As we fled we were pursued by four briar wolves. I killed one before Blimp screamed at the others, freezing them in fear. Julian was badly wounded in the fight however. We fled down a path and found a hollow in which we barricaded ourselves.

As we waited the owner returned, a large ogre. He did not seem bothered about our presence or the warning of the following briar wolves. His name was Gristlegrinder. As we talked a briar wolf leapt into the hollow but I killed it with a swift blow. We dined with him then he lead us to a gateway. The other two briar wolves were waiting but backed away from the ogre. We stepped through the gateway into a dark land.

There was a deep rumbling noise in the distance and lights moving backwards and forwards. Other lights on poles, much like gaslights were nearby. More lights approached so excepting Blimp we hid in an area containing some swings and a slide. The lights resolved into some form of metal horseless carriage from which a voice came telling Blizzard to show his hands and identification. The voices identified themselves as police officers. We stood up when they started looking around. They were asking questions like where we were from and where we lived. They got more angry as we were unable to answer them. Blizzard then twisted their anger onto each other and they started to fight each other.

One of the policemen shot the other then started threatening us. I had crept behind the horseless carriage and then climbed inside where I found a shotgun. It was secured but I summoned great strength and tore it free. I then crept behind the police officer and forced him to drop his pistol. We then handcuffed them and ran. Blizzard and Kyte took their pistols. As we fled Julian asked them what the year was. The answer was 4th January 2010, which if true would mean we had been in Arcadia for 120 years.

We followed the line of lights which turned out to be a large number of the horseless carriages on a road until we found ourselves in a residential area. Kyte knocked on a door but the owner called us wierdos and slammed the door in his face. He then accosted a scantily dressed young lady walking down the road. She seemed to think we were going to rob and attack her. I don't think kyte waving a pistol at her helped. Julian 'borrowed' a dollar off her. She seemed very rich as she had many dollars. She also confirmed the date as being 4th January 2010 and that the horseless carriages were called cars. She started talking into some small device she held when she left us.

We met and questioned another gentleman walking a dog. He seemed to think we must have come on something called a jet to something called an airport. He also had a small device he called a telephone, but I have no idea how it could have worked as it did not have a wire going to it. Blizzard gave him the impression we had been robbed and he invited us into his house. His name was Stan and his wife was Molly. He had many wonders in his house. He had some form of window on his wall which he called a television. It appeared to let him see other places. He showed Blizzard that he could watch cricket games through it.

Stan used his window to look at something called the internet which was a vast collection of information. Blizzard asked him to look up hedges. While they were looking through the information I spotted some information on a night club called Kims. It said "If the fae have shattered your life come to Kims to see a friendly face". Stan offered to let us have some old clothes to wear. While getting changed, Kyte discovered a trick whereby if we concentrated we could make ourselves look human. Strangely Stan did not seem to notice we were anything but human.

Stan drove us to Kims night club. He dropped us off outside. I saw one of the bouncers was like us. He let us in and told us to see Rollo. Inside was very noisy with strange music. We found him in a corner. He had grey skin and a strange circular mouth. He said the fae had changed him so he could burrow and eat rotting vegitation. He offered to introduce is to someone called Blue Jenny. He lead us down into the basement, then into the hedge. He explained the hedge looked like a swamp due to the presence of the everglades in the real world. He lead us to an English manor house in a clearing where Jenny lived. She looked somewhat similar to Blizzard.

Jenny told us of the four courts. She belonged to the winter court. The most powerful court was the summer court ruled by grandfather thunder. He killed the ruler of the spring court and banished the ruler of the autumn court, making Miami eternal summer. She then offered us a meal.

As we ate another changeling arrived. He had a shimmer of heat coming from his body. His name was John StElmo and came from the summer court. He said his court were fighters. Jenny seemed to think that was bad and we would be better hiding from the fae. We waited outside while he talked business with Jenny. John had two ogre guards outside which we talked to. As we talked three alligator creatures attacked from the swamp. They attacked Blizzard and the ogres, though why they thought Blizzards frozen body would be appetizing I can't imagine. I drew my knife and attacked the alligator which was after Blizzard. We killed it as Scarecrow ran back to the manor house to get John. I then jumped on a second alligator and killed it. Blizzard shot the 3rd. Both ogres were severely injured but I stabilized their wounds.

As the ogres were too wounded to work, Blizzard and myself offered to be Johns bodyguards until they recovered. He invited us to join the Summer court and offered us somewhere to stay. Scarecrow and Kyte were offered membership of the winter court by Jenny, but they declined, and were directed to a shelter for the homeless where they could spend the night.

John took us to a tall building he called a freedom tower. Apparently it was disused and had been taken over by the summer court. We were allocated a room where we could sleep. During the night I had a dream that I was operating on someone while being urged on by a figure standing behind me. It felt like it was more a memory than a dream. In the morning one of the ogres we had saved came and said they owed us a debt of gratitude for saving their lives. They were called Matthew and Mark. It felt like they were not just thanking us, but really putting themselves in our debt.

We were then lead up some stairs to where we could have breakfast. During breakfast John invited us to join his motley, which he explained was a group of changelings which worked together. We declined for now as we wanted to meet back with the other two. John then took us to see grandfather thunder.

He told us the top of the building was a hollow and we must follow him carefully as it was warded. The route involved taking 3 right turns at specific points. The inside of the hollow looked like a courtroom. Grandfather thunder sat in the centre on a burning throne. He invited us to join the court and said we should return at midday to swear allegiance. He also told us we could harvest glamour at night from the lights in downtown Miami.

John took us back to Kims to meet with the others. They were not there, so we went on to the homeless shelter where we found them. There was also another changeling inside who called himself charming. He was going to take Kyte and Scarecrow to see Sister Abigail. We offered to give them a lift in Johns car. The driver gave Scarecrow a pair of glasses. He called them sunglasses, but they did not emit any light. In fact the lenses were very dark. I do not see how he was even able to see through them.

At Abigails house the door was answered by a mortal. We were lead inside where there was about 50 middle aged women, five of whom were changelings. Hey were very annoying and kept clapping at everything Abigail said. We were introduced to Abigail. She belonged to the spring court. She ran the safe harbour society who helped homeless mortals and newly arrived changelings. She told us a story. A long time ago there were three rulers, grandfather thunder, Tom Hood and Rose Thorn. Rose ruled the spring court and Tom the autumn. They questioned thunders right to rule and paid the price. Tom was killed and replaced by Queen Nama, and Rose was banished into the everglades and replaced by her daughter Maria. The winter court never held power and was ruled by Jeremiah Sleet.

She offered Kyte and Scarecrow the chance to pledge allegiance to her. Scarecrow did not seem to interested. Kyte wanted to speak to Maria before making a decision. When we left John was waiting. He had got us all watches and small devices he called cellfons. The watches were strange as they were designed to be worn on the wrist rather than in a gentlemans pocket. The cellfons were even stranger. If you typed a long number into one, another would make a strange noise, and if you pressed a button it would let you talk between them. Much like a telephone but without wires. John said it could work anywhere in the world but ours would only work in America.

John told me 'my number', but when I typed it in it did not work. Then he explained other people had to type the number into their cellfon to talk to me. I tried typing in Blizzards number and could then hear his voice from my cellfon. Scarecrow read the instructions that came with the cellfons and found how to make them remember numbers so we did not have to.

We got back to the freedom tower just in time for the Summer court convening at midday. Blizzard and myself were sworn to allegiance with the summer court. Then an ogre who was a courtier of the red badge society spoke. He was looking for recruits in his cause against the fae. The red badge society was another summer court based outside Miami. The Autumn queen was also present, and Scarecrow arranged to meet her the following day. John asked us to look into the disappearance of some changelings and mortals from outside town. John then took us to the armoury where he gave us guns. I got one called a desert eagle which seemed big and powerful.

During the night I had more strange dreams about an operating theatre. In the morning John told us he had a mission for us to do before investigating the disappearances outside town. He gave us a newspaper that had colour pictures in it. It had a story about a disease which was infecting children. John said the police would stop us if they saw us carrying guns, so I went back to the armoury and swapped the desert eagle for a smaller pistol that I could conceal. John then drove us back to the homeless shelter to pick up Kyte and Scarecrow. Scarecrow wanted to go to the university to meet the autumn queen. John took the rest of us on a flying train called a metro to something called a mall where he said we would be able to buy things.

A mall turned out to be a building containing many shops. There was music playing but I could not see the band. Blizzard found a shop where he could buy a holster for his pistol, and Kyte bought some clothes. I bought some French art magazines from a shop that had a great selection, though they only on the highest shelves in the shop. We then met back up with Scarecrow, who had pledged allegiance with the autumn court.

John dropped us off outside the mercy hospital. A Dr Guevara had been mentioned in the paper so we arranged an appointment with him for 3:30pm. He would charge $100 for the consultation. Kyte started talking to kids in the reception while the rest of us went to a cafe for coffee. Kyte found a kid who had flu symptoms. The kid said he had bad dreams about a monster. He also said he had a new puppy but their old dog had disappeared. Blizzard then went to examine the child and sensed some supernatural corruption surrounding the child. We cancelled the appointment with Dr Guevara, then we started walking to the address the childs parent had given Kyte. When they had finished at the hospital we met them at their house.

We went to examine the puppy. Something in the garden rushed into the bushes, but it did not look like a dog. We followed it and found a gateway into the hedge.

We jumped through the gate after it. The gate closed behind us. Kyte ran off after it. We finally caught up with him when he stopped to talk to a tree. As we approached we saw that there was actually a hole in the tree with a small figure inside. The inside of the tree was laid out as a shop. The figure said the creature we were following was called a Bunyip and they did not like horseshoes. Not surprisingly he had one for sale, but Kyte had nothing to swap for it. We then continued chasing the Bunyip. The trail finally stopped at a pond. Scarecrow said he thought a Bunyip was an Australian water spirit.

Kyte did not want to follow it into the pond so we returned to the shop. It was called the niche. Scarecrow agreed with the shopkeeper to look after his shop for 10 minutes in exchange for a fishing rod and horseshoe. When they shook on it they transformed places, and the shopkeeper ran off. Kyte and Blizzard started chasing him. I negotiated the purchase of a cold forged iron dagger for a dollar from Scarecrow, but then found myself in the shop and unable to leave.

Blizzard and Kyte came back with the shopkeeper. They had shot him in the leg. He said Bunyips have a poisonous bite, can swim underwater and can steal life force from young children. Blimp threatened the shopkeeper until he agreed to shake my hand and reappeared in the tree. We then returned to the pond where Scarecrow started fishing, using the horseshoe for bait.

I summoned sunlight to reveal anything that might be hiding in the area. The pool glowed and an oval shape appeared in the centre through which we could see the mortal realm. I also heard someone approaching down the path. The figure looked like a hobgoblin and claimed to be a tinker. He was selling stuff but we declined. We then swam into the pond and through the gate. We found ourselves inside a large wet stinking tunnel. There were tracks in the slime which we followed. We then heard voices and hid. At least Scarecrow and myself did. The two people saw Blizzard and Kyte. They men asked what they were dewing in the sewers. Blizzard asked if they had seen his dog. They said they had and pointed him in the direction.

When the two men left we all followed their directions. We came to the end of the tunnel and found a manhole cover which was ajar. We were able to follow its footprints. It lead into a garden. When we went looking one of the neighbours started shouting about trespassing and calling the cops. Blizzard redirected his anger onto another neighbour. Kyte and myself knocked at the back door. A little old lady answered and let us in. She was deaf and did not know about a puppy. She only had cats. She went to make tea. I let Blizzard and Scarecrow in the front door. The cats were not normal and were clearly creatures of fay. The Bunyip tracks lead upstairs. We found it in the bath. I drew my dagger and killed it. I then wrapped it in a towel and passed it out he front door to Blizzard before going back into the front room. Scarecrow thought the cats were similar to Bakeneko, which were Japanese spirits which could communicate with each other using telepathy. Bakeneko also preyed on kids. Blizzard made some cellfon calls to John, and he said to check the womans shadow. It looked odd, and apparently that meant she could be a hag. When confronted she admitted knowing we were changelings. She had been harvesting glamour from children using her cats. She had found the Bunyip in the hedge and had befriended it.

She agreed to leave, but then said she was lying and called us cowards. We all drew weapons and a fight ensued. She transformed into a hideous old woman. We kept hurting her but she was able to heal herself. Kyte threw meths around and then set fire to her house. Blizzard drained her anger then made a pledge with her that she would leave Miami and we would not pursue her. We then left into the hedge to avoid the police who had probably been summoned due to the gunfire.

Blizzards Journal

ENTRY ONE: January 4th, 2010

I can scarce believe the date I have written above. It is the 21st Century. The 21st Century! But then the frantic assault of memories is overwhelming. It is like finding oneself in a blizzard, but instead of each snowflake offering the wonder of uniqueness to my icy heart, each snowflake is a separate memory. Were I able to view each snowflake individually I could make sense of it, but assailed in a blizzard I am overwhelmed. Who is Augustus Blimp? Is that really me; indeed was that really me? How can I be anything other than who I am: Colonel Blizzard? I have vivid memories of places called England and London but have I really been to these places? Why I am so sure that carriages should be driven by horses that these gas powered automobiles should be so strange to me? How is it I can be absolutely certain that I am speaking English yet I can barely comprehend a sentence spoken by the people we have encountered? I do not even understand why I am so shocked that it is the 21st Century. Why should I be shocked?

And what are we fleeing? I have flickered recollections of terrible things. These are snowflakes in this blizzard of memory that I feel I do not want to encounter, but how am I to avoid them? I am sure I am not mortal and that the policeman and others we encountered are mortal. This seems to offer me some kind of power over them. But why are they not perturbed by my icy visage? We are clearly different to them yet they treat us as equals, until with our words we fail to grasp their reality. I wonder if their reality is something I would ever truly want to grasp.

I feel a desperate urge to flee. We have escaped through The Hedge but we are not sure what we have escaped from. Knowing nothing of one's pursuer is a terrible curse: how driven are they to follow us and what powers to they have to do so? We know none of these things. I have this urge to flee but I have no knowledge of when it will be safe to stop fleeing. I'm sure this would drive many to the pits of despair. We need to find help, but where can we find it? Our inability to grasp the world in which we have found ourselves has alienated those we have encountered. There has to be some way to find help, but I fear that until we can fully understand this place we will not have the means to do so. Without knowing why I am certain that I do not want to go back, even though I cannot recall what I would be returning to. I also feel as if I want to fight but I do not know what to fight. Fighting this world in which we have found ourselves seems to be a poor choice, at least while we do not understand it. What then do I wish to make a stand against?

I am overwhelmed by questions in a strange land. But one thing is absolutely certain to me: I shall not lose hope. Like the chill ravages of the North Wind, Colonel Blizzard is relentless!

ENTRY TWO: January 5th, 2010

So now I at least understand some of my confusion. We really have been gone 120 years. In some ways it is good that I have so little recollection of the world I used to inhabit that the contrast is perhaps less shocking. Nevertheless, either as a result of my 120 year old memories or my lack of recollection, I cannot understand this world and I cannot understand what people are saying to me. Perhaps, as Blue Jenny suggested, it will be easy to adapt and to learn. In my cold heart I do not think so, and I think that I may not want to learn. But it would appear as if I have no choice. There is no way to reclaim my missing 120 years, and I have an overwhelming impression of not wanting to return to the Fae, although I'm not sure why this is such a strong impression. The Hedge is too dangerous to call home: we have been attacked on both our encounters with it, and it appears mercurial. If we cannot adapt to this world then little incidences as we had the police will become more frequent and more serious. One thing is certain: I will not adapt to this world through a life of menial servitude as Blue Jenny advocated. Someone, or something, stole my life, and while I may not want this life back I want someone to pay. And I want it to stop. I am frightened and lost, and I want to do everything in my power to stop this happening to others.

So this is why the Summer Court and John St Elmo appeal to me. It seems that this Blimp character who I once was recognised the importance of discipline, of a chain of command, and of strong leadership. These values appeal to me. Where Blue Jenny sees tyranny in Grandfather Thunder I hope for strong leadership. Clearly the extraordinary world and our extraordinary circumstances call for a strong leader. Blue Jenny seems only to want to hide and to blindly hope that everything will go away. I think part of me can understand that, but a greater part of me finds this abhorrent. A stand has to be made. Let us see how this Grandfather Thunder measures up. If he is truly making a stand for the betterment of our kind then he is a leader I can follow.

And now I know for sure that something - some Fae - has changed me from being a human and mortal into the frosty shape I now bear. Of all the shocks I have received this is the easiest to bear. In some ways this aspect of the tragedy that seems to befallen us seems to be the one blessing. Having now seen what the mortal world has become in our absence I find myself glad that I am not part of it; glad that my heart is made of ice and that my body is crystalline. I like that feeling. It is not one of superiority, but rather of a comforting otherness. I do not want to become a part of this world, yet I have no choice. My chill form, while not discernable by mortals, is a constant reminder to me of my uniqueness from these mortals. If I have to call this world of the 21st century my home I find it comforting to have to do so from this position of being outside of it, and never truly able to become integrated. I think there is strength to had from this.

ENTRY THREE: January 6th, 2010

I am now a member of the Summer Court. I have many hopes and now feel some sense of grounding in this strange and unfamiliar place. It is clear that the other Courts see Grandfather Thunder as little more as tyrant and are only playing lip service to him while he has the power. I suspect at this first sign of weakness they will pounce. However, my concerns are less political and more material. The Summer Court may more accurately reflect the anger I can feel like so many vicious icicles slashing at my insides, but my main motivation for joining them is because they can help me find my way in this very odd reality of the 21st Century. They have offered me a new identity, found me a job which will provide money, and can train me how to navigate through the staggering technological wonders that are familiar and comfortable to others. For that alone they have my thanks and loyalty. Without such assistance I know my time here would have been short and painful. The politics, at least at this early stage of my introduction to the Summer Court, is largely immaterial to me. Perhaps that may change as I become more comfortable with my fate; only time will tell.

And what marvellous weapons they have! The sense of awe and sheer power when I emptied the entire clip of this M16 rifle was almost palpable. With such technology fighting anything seems possible; and there is an immense feeling of safety to be had in this. And armour that can literally stop bullets! I cannot wait to see this velcro invention that Scarecrow talks of that can actually make a man invisible! The possibilities are staggering! I can perhaps understand why the Red Badge faction of the Northern Summer Court seem filled with an almost suicidal enthusiasm to fight. The sense of power this technology offers is astonishing. But I shall try to resist any such reckless urges. It would appear as if this Blimp character was a military man, and it is probably this that leaves me with an adversity to directionless action. The most successful victories are those that are planned. A good general knows that when not to fight is as important as when it is to fight. I shall try to proceed with caution.

ENTRY FOUR: January 7th, 2010

To be on our first mission for the Summer Court is both exhilarating and frightening. I am honoured by the trust placed in us by John St.Elmo, and the generous assistance provided to us by the Summer Court, but I am also frightened of having to make our way alone through the world of the 21st Century so soon after arriving, and while it is so unfamiliar to us. My attempts to become slightly more familiar with it under the tutelage of Flickering Ember were singularly unsuccessful and demonstrate how far I have to go if I am to ever begin to understand this reality. But regardless of this fear I shall do the best job that I can on this mission, both to try and impress my new friends, and to try to repay the debt I owe the Court for the help it provided us. It shames me to think of how ungrateful Kyte, and to a lesser extent Scarecrow, are to the Court. They seem to take the massive assistance the Court has offered to them for granted. I hope that I won't regret the decision not to join John St.Elmo's motley. I find Kyte's reluctance to join any of the Courts very strange. I believe we need all the help we can get in this strange place. I am starting to suspect that Kyte might be content to try and exploit the position the rest of the motley hold within the Courts in order to survive this world. I shall be doing my utmost to deter that. Kyte is my friend and part of my motley but he cannot expect the Summer or Autumn Courts to keep providing for him. He also needs to be made to understand that his lack of identity puts the entire motley at risk.

Our first tentative steps into official Changeling business and operations has illustrated just how blind the mortals can be. They seem to have an incredible capacity to ignore the obvious in order to maintain the illusion of their reality. Mrs. Johnstone somehow overlooking that her dog doesn't leave any mess anywhere (with the exception of one instance that probably bears closer examination) in order to convince herself that the creature they have allowed into their home is normal puppy is a fine example. Nevertheless, regardless of their willful ignorance they are defenseless against the machinations of the Gentry, even though their ignorance makes it easier for the Gentry to hatch the mischievous schemes, and I feel that we must do all we can to help them avoid our fate. It comes as little surprise to me that Kyte, whatever his failings, would be the member of our mostly most likely to adapt easily to this world. His ingratiation of the sick boy and his father was an excellent piece of work where the rest of us are still too uncomfortable with this world to risk exposure by such interaction. I shall seek to emulate some of his confidence.

ENTRY FIVE: January 7th, 2010 (con't)

It feels very good to be doing something with purpose at long last. In this unfamiliar place working towards a specific goal helps the unfamiliarity fade somewhat. I know it is still there, and there are many issues I have with this world that will need resolving, but trying to do something to prevent the Fae creatures drain the Mortal children shifts my focus. For the time being I can justify ignoring my problems with coping with the 21st century. I find it strange that helping the Mortals could be so comforting. I am under no illusions that this is altruism. My reasons are selfish: I relish the mission for the comfort it offers me, not because I am helping others. And I have noticed that my chill heart is conceptualising my fight against the Fae. I care nothing for the fate of the individual Mortal children we are helping. It is becoming clear that the concept of wanting to stop the Fae repeating what they did to me stems not through any sense of moral outrage at the fate of innocent Mortals, but rather from wanting to strike back at the Fae by stopping them. Thus it is the concept of what the Fae do that I rail against and not the affect it has an individual Mortal; nor any individual Lost for that matter. My frosty inner being appears to care nothing for individuals but only for larger concepts. And if it takes the suffering of Mortal children to draw out the Fae creatures so that we can fight them, then so be it.

My telephonic communication with John St. Elmo outside the house of the Hag has made me appreciate that we can use the technology of this 21st century to fight the Fae. The Fae are ancient creatures who seem to want to blend into the world only in order to achieve their nefarious goals. My experience, which is admittedly extremely limited, suggests that the Fae creatures are less likely to use the technology, possibly for fear of exposure with their unfamiliarity, after all this world is not their home. But it is now our home, for better of worse, and I think that we must understand and utilise the technology in our fight. If only it wasn't so alien to me. I can only hope that with time it will become easier for me to understand this world.

I have to admit that I despair at some my colleagues. All the warnings we have received about the Hedge made it clear that it is a dangerous place. It seemed perfectly obvious that the shopkeeper Hobb was up to something as his shop stocked the most outrageous objects that we could ask for. This, coupled with the dire warnings we had received, should have alerted Scarecrow and Tweeny, yet they both fell prey to the strange magics of the shop. What with their tomfoolery and Kyte's reluctance to join a Court and get a new identity, I fear my time in the 21st century could end being brief and unpleasant! I suppose I should count my blessings that none of them stumbled off the path to look at the strange item we encountered. The fact that it appeared differently to all us suggested it was another trick by the Hedge, fortunately one they were able to resist. Hopefully their foolishness with the shop has furnished them with a valuable lesson.

Scarecrows journal

These are just the mutterings inside the mind of a complete Madling.

My 1st Journal

Myself and my bodyguards escaped the land of Fae and that is a good thing. Only problem with escaping is we got out way later than I intended. A hundred plus years have passed and things have changed, well, at least in North America they have. It’s really quite fascinating and much like I had predicted in old notes of mine.

They have fast moving carriages that they have abbreviated to call cars. These move at incredible speeds in close order along rail less tracks. The carriages can separate at points along the track under their own steam.

I have also witnessed lower class citizens of North America at home watching fast moving colour photos, with sound, that provide their evening’s entertainment. It’s like their own mini theatre in their own home.

There is a chance that I my wealth might not get me much in these times, I may in fact be considered poor. this may not matter as the lower class appear to live in the style befitting the higher class of my times where they have full running hot and cold water for bathing and the removal of bodily wastes. And each room with these facilities has its own soap and clean towels.

An amazing place, but at a price, the police of this time appear to be quite corrupt and ruthless.

My 2nd Journal

The first ever real human interaction went well, he was very good to us. He supplied us with access to information to internal netting which allows us to fish for information on where we can find others like ourselves. It’s amazing that each common mortal’s house has an individual library of information available to them. Once information was caught in the net the human took us to the contacts location via a talking horseless carriage and even gave away some of his wealth to us.

We met with a number of our own who helped us understand the best ways to survive in our new home. We meet with 2 of the 4 courts and both where very keen to acquire my services, I suspect that I would prefer the Winter Court over Summer at this time. I have sent 2 of my bodyguards to protect one of the low ranking officers of the Summer Court after his own bodyguards failed to take care of a couple of reptiles that attacked them. My men have been instructed to infiltrate the court of Summer if possible.

Myself and my remaining body guard Kite have decided to reflect on our current situation in a high class hotel called the 'Dade County Homefull Hotel.

My 3rd Journal

During our stay at the hotel myself and my side kick Kite bumped into another like us who offered to introduce us to the 'Spring Court'. That night, I was allowed to use a 21st century marvel called the 'Zipped Up Sleep In Bag', which magically empowers dreams. Basically, two sides of material are wrapped around you and the 'Zip' fastens two rows of teeth together. The must be very sharp as I had been warned to keep my dedicates away. The 'Zipped Up Sleep In Bag' brought on a life like dream where a magnificent book was chained to me for its protection. After many demons failed to remove the book from me, they just couldn't catch up, the book and I sailed into the sunset together. How romantic.

The next day Tween and Blizz had arranged transportation for us all to my meeting with the 'Spring Court'. By far the best court I have visited so far. Sister Abigail, a senior member, had a whole nest of pet humans at her disposal and she begged me to join them. She seemed very impressed with my instant grasp of new languages. She promised to introduce Kite to their party going leader, Maria Thorn. But that's hardly important.

Then it was off to the 'Summer Court' and during the journey I was showered with many gifts in attempt to get me to join them. Myself and kite then had to watch Tween and Blizz sell their souls to the 'Summer Court'. Yawn. Luckily the boredom was broken when I was introduced to the most beautiful dark haired woman I have ever seen, the one and only, 'Queen of The Autumn Court'. A vision or pure perfection, unforgettable. Now what was her name again?

My 4th Journal

Another night in the paradise of the 'Dade County Homefull Hotel'. Nothing less than a new home for me, reminds me of something from my past, some dens I think I frequented. This evening the other guests entrusted me with some of their inner most fears, which was nice of them. If I ever need a little boost I'm sure to remind them of the drug gang 'The Eastsiders'. A strange craving then overwhelms me for something called Opium.

Another life like vision unfolds while at rest in my 'Zipped Up Bag of Dreams'. This time the Antiquarian need help and in steps their hero Scarecrow, ready to assist them to retrieve 'The Book of Names' from a great evil. The plan was simple, work my way to the book through countless demons, out running all that stood in my way. Once I have the book I can release one of its great powers to aid my escape and then.... I woke up.

The next day I learnt two things about my 'Pay as I go Phone'.

1. Hands free. Don't be fooled by the term, I think the person holding the patent on 'Hands Free' has a lot of work to do before the phone meets that expectation.

2. The 'Pay as I go Phone' can very easily be put back together again if it accidentally comes apart during a fall. Well, it must be easy if side kick Kite can do it.

The 'Summer Court' provided my escort and transportation to my meeting with the 'Autumn Court'. I was met immediately at the university campus by Mariat and he took me to my meeting with Narma, 'The Queen of Autumn Court'. Straight away I know this was the court for me and signed my contract with them. After the festivities in my honour, I left the campus to rejoin my gang, Tween, Blizz and side kick Kite. I must think of a name for my gang. Maybe something like 'The League of Expatriate Gentle Folk', that has a ring to it. To celebrate my joining of the court my gang had bought me a 'Hoodie' jacket and a shoulder belt of pistol holding, which was nice of them.

And off we went to investigate some strange reports from a newspaper that involved a hospital that generated a great energy of fear, a Fae possessed kid, the kids missing dog, a newly found puppy that wasn't and a house with a hedge that opened into a dark place. But that's all a bit dull as its not just about me, so who would care?

My 5th Journal

Maybe before I continue I should back track a little.

Last time, at the hospital, I met a Fae possessed kid who told me all about his lost dog and a newly found puppy. I decided that we should investigate the kids puppy further, so I went to his house and found some non puppy tracks in the garden leading to a opening in the hedge and a path in the land of Fae. The others followed.

And now, I tasked side kick Kite to track the kids non puppy and ordered him to take point. My motley crew followed the tracks to a large pond in and open field, passing a friendly shop keeper and a shinny thing on the way.

The shop keeper. Nice chap. He had seen the creature we where tracking in it's non puppy form and confirmed my suspicions that it was a bunuip. A bunuip is a viscous colonial spirit of the water that feeds from the life force of human children. I vowed to slay this creature and the shop keeper gave me a magical fishing rod and a magnet of finding to help track it. At this point Tween decided to get himself stuck in the tree shop, luckily the shop keeper was there to get him out, but not before much time was wasted by him.

The shinny thing. There are things off the paths throughout Fae that show themselves only to lead the unwise into danger. Once dawn off the paths by just a little you will never be seen again. I believe that our darkest imaginations would not come close to describing the fate that befalls these fools that are drawn into these obvious traps. But this was just a book with a beautifully ornate silver binding that someone had carelessly dropped just off the path. If Tween hadn't wasted our time at the tree shop I would have surly collected it, but for now the bunuip puppy beast has to be stopped.

The pool was dark and could easy be a deadly trap if entered without caution. Thankfully, the shop keeper had provided the equipment required and within only 20 minutes the rod and magnet cleared the pool of darkness to show a entrance back to the mortal world. Not long after this the bunuip was cornered in an upstairs bathroom of an old ladies house and myself, Tween and Kite disposed of that vile creature.

To celebrate its passing the old lady brought us all cakes in he front room full of strange looking cats. My suspicion's where roused again which lead to a confrontation in the old ladies kitchen. She admitted to me that she was more than just an old lady who liked cats, she confessed to been an evil old hag as well. We had a bit of a fight where she begged to be spared and offered a contract to leave Miami for good if I didn't send her the way of the bunuip. I agreed as the evil old hag made exceedingly good cakes.